Saturday, November 19, 2005

Dogtanian writes "The BBC has just announced a new 'Doctor Who' spin-off called 'Torchwood'. It is intended to be more adult in tone, and will follow a team investigating alien activities in modern-day Britain. Described as a cross between 'The X-Files' and 'This Life', it will feature Captain Jack, the bisexual time-travelling conman who featured in a number of recent Who episodes. The BBC are likely hoping that this spin-off will be more successful than 'K9 and Company'. The title is an anagram of a popular British sci-fi series, by the way." BBC Announces Adult Doctor Who Spin-Off Log in/Create an Account | Top | 277 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 277 comments 0: 275 comments 1: 234 comments 2: 165 comments 3: 47 comments 4: 19 comments 5: 15 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Informative) by 8127972 (73495) on Tuesday October 18, @03:38PM (#13819881) Doctor Who in case you missed it..... [ Reply to This Re:The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Funny) by eln (21727) on Tuesday October 18, @03:39PM (#13819882) Really? Because I was gonna guess "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Good thing you came along and posted that or I would have been really embarassed. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The Anagram is.... by Dancing Primate (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @03:41PMRe:The Anagram is.... by HTH NE1 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:08PMRe:The Anagram is.... by foniksonik (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:22PMRe:The Anagram is.... by HTH NE1 (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:24PMRe:The Anagram is.... by ninjaadmin (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:34PMRe:The Anagram is.... by th3space (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:53PMRe:The Anagram is.... by foniksonik (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:32PMRe:The Anagram is.... by justin12345 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:00PMRe:The Anagram is.... by ninjaadmin (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:05PMRe:The Anagram is.... by HTH NE1 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:14PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Bloater (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:11PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Dwonis (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:04PMRe:The Anagram is.... by pete23 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @06:23PMRe:The Anagram is.... by HTH NE1 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:01PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The Anagram is.... by djh101010 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @03:41PMRe:The Anagram is.... by wren337 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @03:56PMRe:The Anagram is.... by YU Nicks NE Way (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:03PMRe:The Anagram is.... by rishistar (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:08PMRe:The Anagram is.... by (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:29PM Re:The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Funny) by Darius Jedburgh (920018) on Tuesday October 18, @03:42PM (#13819912) You've obviously missed 'Hotrod Cow' which is the latest greatest thing to come out of the UK. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The Anagram is.... by Surt (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:06PMRe:The Anagram is.... by purple_cobra (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:29PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The Anagram is.... by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @03:43PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Onan (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:08PMRe:The Anagram is.... by NanoGator (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:25PM Re:The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Insightful) by MenTaLguY (5483) on Tuesday October 18, @04:32PM (#13820485) ( Speaking as someone who's seen the series, new and old... we don't even need to bring homosexuality or bisexuality or whatever into this...Tom Baker's characterization didn't totally revolve around the curly hair. Captain Jack, on the other hand, had very, very few scenes that weren't heavily sexualized.You could forget, sometimes, that Tom Baker had curly hair. By contrast, the way Captain Jack was written, it was pretty hard to forget, even for a moment, that he was continuously randy for anything vaguely warm and moving.It's even more glaring given that Doctor Who has historically been a show so foreign to sex that fandom has long speculated that the main character's species reproduces asexually.Now, that was a writing problem too, but I would have preferred something in the middle rather than having a main character almost totally dominated by his sexuality at the expense of other aspects of his development. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The Anagram is.... by Onan (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:40PMRe:The Anagram is.... by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:07PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Nyder (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:04PMRe:The Anagram is.... by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:01PMRe:The Anagram is.... by pm_agapow (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @05:31PMRe:The Anagram is.... by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:38PMRe:The Anagram is.... by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:53PMRe:The Anagram is.... by ianpm (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @06:13PMRe:The Anagram is.... by mcvos (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:56PMRe:The Anagram is.... by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The Anagram is.... by Denyer (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:18PMRe:The Anagram is.... by node 3 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:25PMRe:The Anagram is.... by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:55PMRe:The Anagram is.... by node 3 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:57PMRe:The Anagram is.... by vertinox (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:48PMRe:The Anagram is.... by TheRaven64 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:08PMRe:The Anagram is....(had to say this) by fido_dogstoyevsky (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @07:58PMRe:The Anagram is.... by 1336 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @11:39PMRe:Ummmm, Leela anybody? by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Jelly babies.. by slashmojo (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:33PMRe:The Anagram is.... by jangobongo (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:39PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Isca (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:09PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Dogtanian (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @05:12PMRe:The Anagram is.... by IAmTheDave (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:07PMWhy it's uncomfortable by PapayaSF (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:24PMRe:Why it's uncomfortable by Onan (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:01PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The Anagram is.... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:30PMRe:The Anagram is.... by leoxx (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:16PMRe:The Anagram is.... by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:42PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Frogbert (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:17PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Tim Browse (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @08:49PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The Anagram is.... by Walt Dismal (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @10:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The Anagram is.... by MightyMartian (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:14PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Cerv (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:50PMMultiple companions by tonejava (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @11:33PMRe:The Anagram is.... by cpt kangarooski (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:54PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @08:52PMRe:The Anagram is.... by cpt kangarooski (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @11:19PMRe:The Anagram is.... by glowworm (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @09:37PMRe:The Anagram is.... by darkmayo (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:23PMActually by Snaller (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:40PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Kid Zero (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:53PMRe:The Anagram is.... by drlloyd11 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:03PMRe:The Anagram is.... by dave420 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:32PM Re:The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Funny) by SquadBoy (167263) on Tuesday October 18, @03:56PM (#13820070) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday December 04, @06:55PM) There is no 'h' in "Doctor Who". Try again. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The Anagram is.... by stanmann (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:01PM Re:The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Funny) by just_another_sean (919159) on Tuesday October 18, @04:06PM (#13820161) "There is no 'h' in "Doctor Who". Try again. I don't know how to answer this. I am really struggling here. I sense no /.-esque sarcasm yet, really, can anyone really be serious with that statement. Ah, /. can be so hard on me some days. I need a nap. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The Anagram is.... by mpathetiq (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:20PMRe:The Anagram is.... by VelvetHelmet (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @07:24PMRe:The Anagram is.... by wed128 (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:18PMRe:The Anagram is.... by hostyle (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:33PM Re:The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Funny) by SquadBoy (167263) on Tuesday October 18, @05:35PM (#13821256) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday December 04, @06:55PM) No. I'm just an overtired idiot.Mod it down so that it just goes away, please. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The Anagram is.... by vertinox (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @06:57PM Re:The Anagram is.... (Score:5, Insightful) by SquadBoy (167263) on Tuesday October 18, @07:10PM (#13822246) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday December 04, @06:55PM) And you have no idea how much that cracks me up. But PLEASE mod it down.I should have my browser taken away if I've had less than 2 hours of sleep in the last 36. :) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The Anagram is.... by The OPTiCIAN (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:39PMRe:The Anagram is.... by HunterZ (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:08PMRe:The Anagram is.... by elgatozorbas (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:22PMRe:The Anagram is.... by Basehart (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:02PM Adult? Not really (Score:5, Funny) by Red Flayer (890720) on Tuesday October 18, @03:41PM (#13819903) "BBC Announces Adult Doctor Who Spin-Off" And here I was hoping for some quality sci-fi T&A, a la US Spice Channel. Serves me right for RTFA, back to Seven-of-Nine for my sci-fi kitten-killing adventures. [ Reply to ThisRe:Adult? Not really by Minwee (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:11PMRe:Adult? Not really by Kelson (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:11PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Torchwood? (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 18, @03:41PM (#13819905) "Elisabeth, come in here!""Doctor it's so dark in here, where are you?""Over here in the corner.""I can't see..""I have a torch in my pocket. Come and get it. Yes.. a little to the left.. yes, there it is. That's a good girl."*shriek* "That's your KNOB!!""No baby, that's my TORCHWOOD..heh heh heh." [ Reply to ThisRe:Torchwood? by bpier (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:07PMRe:Torchwood? by ettlz (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:10PMRe:Torchwood? by DasBub (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @10:48PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. First "Bad Wolf" post (Score:5, Interesting) by PCM2 (4486) on Tuesday October 18, @03:42PM (#13819917) ( Am I the only one who isn't totally sold on Russell Davies' ability as a science fiction writer? The interpersonal drama elements of the new Who were well done, but pretty much all the sci-fi was rubbish. At least two episodes ended with some kind of big beam from the sky hitting the Tardis as a way of resolving the plot. One episode had the Doctor developing some kind of force field so the Tardis wouldn't get hit by Dalek missiles (how can you get hit by a missile when your ship dematerializes to travel through both space AND time?). And when it came right down to it, the whole "Bad Wolf" plot thread was a huge letdown at the end and didn't really make any kind of sense at all. I'm hoping the second season is better, but I get the feeling that will depend on its relying more on independent writers rather than Mr. Davies himself. The two-parter with the gas mask zombies was the best one, and the direction I'd like to see them go. Try watching a bunch of Philip Hinchcliffe-era episodes starring Tom Baker and you'll see how the new series really sort of pales in comparison. [ Reply to ThisOr, DNA by Luyseyal (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @03:51PMRe:Or, DNA by PCM2 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:00PMRe:Or, DNA by Luyseyal (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:09PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by Feneric (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @03:54PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by ettlz (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @03:56PMSecretary of State for Consistency by HTH NE1 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:14PMRe:Secretary of State for Consistency by ettlz (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:19PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by amelith (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @03:57PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by Darius Jedburgh (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:01PM Re:First "Bad Wolf" post (Score:4, Interesting) by PCM2 (4486) on Tuesday October 18, @04:46PM (#13820685) ( I just watched "Pyramids on Mars" and "Talons of...". These had a great atmosphere and were fun to watch. But you ain't gonna convince me that these were science fiction. There was very little science fiction content, just a bunch of horror/science fiction cliches thrown together. Ouch. Harsh, but I guess I can't really argue with you there, if your definition of science fiction requires actual "science." (Except for Talons, maybe ... that little homonculous with the brain of pig sounded particularly nasty.)Is Quatermass not sci-fi, then? Because that's what a lot of the Tom Baker and Pertwee era Whos seemed to be modeling themselves after. There were some rockets in the Quatermass stories, granted, and some theorizing, but not a lot of science, really.Anyway, what's interesting is that I seem to remember early interviews in which Davies was quoted as saying he thought Doctor Who worked best as a horror show. Can't find them now, though. On the other hand, the Empty Child/Doctor Dances had great science fiction content. And I thought Long Game and Unquiet Dead also had some good science fiction content. "Empty Child/Doctor Dances" was clearly my favorite. "Long Game" had some good content, but again it was one of two out of a total of just thirteen episodes in which the plot was resolved by yet another cheap sci-fi plot device -- blowing up the big, unintelligible blob-monster at the end. (Historically, the Doctor hasn't really confronted all that many blob-monsters in the past.) "Unquiet Dead," similarly, had a glowing alien energy-being at the end. I mean, come on -- compare that to, say, "Seeds of Doom" or "Robot," where the stakes were raised as the plot progressed. By comparison, a stationary monster in a cellar (or top floor, whatever) just isn't that dramatic.To me, that's one of the natural necessities of action or suspense drama: raising the stakes. But Russell seems so enamored of his characters that he never bothers to do it. There's something wrong at the beginning of the episode but we know that, by the end, the Doctor will figure it out and right it. You seldom get the impression that the Doctor or Rose are in any kind of danger, with the possible exception of the cliffhanger episodes ("Empty Child," again, being the most effective). But the cliffhangers get resolved in the first minute of the next episode in such a lame way that if they keep it up, nobody's going to pay attention to those either. I mean, come on -- "Haha, doesn't work on me after all, I'm an alien"? Fine then, time for me to head to the refrigerator to make a snack... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by Darius Jedburgh (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @06:16PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by Aexia (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:01PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by hal2814 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:08PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by PCM2 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:13PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by Tony Hoyle (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:53PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by aidan skinner (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @06:28PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by TheRaven64 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:27PM"Welsh" by TinheadNed (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:20PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by SeanTobin (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:11PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by TinheadNed (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:15PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by TheRaven64 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:31PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by doublem (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:15PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by MenTaLguY (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:43PMPlot problems. Questionable writing. by emil (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:31PM Re:Plot problems. Questionable writing. (Score:4, Funny) by ettlz (639203) on Tuesday October 18, @04:42PM (#13820631) (Last Journal: Thursday July 28, @09:57AM) Why would the Autons, the Rift, the Slovenes, the gas creatures, and Rose's home all be in Cardiff?That sounds like the start to a bad joke, with the punch-line "because they've just been to Swansea". [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Plot problems. Questionable writing. by SeanTobin (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:46PMRe:Plot problems. Questionable writing. by Bloater (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:01PMRe:Plot problems. Questionable writing. by Richard_at_work (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:17PMRe:Plot problems. Questionable writing. by Zey (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:57PMRe:Plot problems. Questionable writing. by orac2 (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @05:02PMRe:Plot problems. Questionable writing. by drsquare (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:22PMLondon is not Cardiff by Aexia (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:53PMRe:Plot problems. Questionable writing. by Roger W Moore (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @10:56PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by Neop2Lemus (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:15PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:First "Bad Wolf" post by AkaXakA (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:54PMRe:First "Bad Wolf" post by timbo234 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @08:51PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Maybe he's trisexual. (Score:1) by CyricZ (887944) on Tuesday October 18, @03:44PM (#13819944) I think he might be trisexual. Indeed, someday they might run across an alien race where there are three sexes. And this fellow would most likely want to perform some sort of intercourse with each gender. Thus he would become a trisexual.In any case, that is a pretty adult issue to deal with. I mean, society as a whole struggles today with the idea of homosexuality, let alone bisexuality. Toss trisexuality into the mix and we're in a different cricket field. [ Reply to ThisRe:Maybe he's trisexual. by Rude Turnip (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @03:53PMRe:Maybe he's trisexual. by adavies42 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:00PMRe:Maybe he's trisexual. by cyborg_zx (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:01PMRe:Maybe he's trisexual. by BobVila (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:03PMAccording to Cheech and Chong, by Medievalist (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:15PMRe:Maybe he's trisexual. by SteveAyre (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:26PMRe:Maybe he's trisexual. by Midnight Thunder (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:04PMRe:Maybe he's trisexual. by Creepy (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:40PM This Life (Score:2) by nickos (91443) on Tuesday October 18, @03:45PM (#13819952) Strange to hear it compare to This Life. I hope it is though, that series was so cool! [ Reply to This I wish I was present when they pitched this.. (Score:5, Funny) by Elphin (7066) on Tuesday October 18, @03:47PM (#13819967) ( "OK, lay it on us, what's your idea?""well, there's this bisexual time-travelling conman...."(awkward silence)"...and that's it!""Brilliant! Here's a bag of moneys!" [ Reply to ThisAll it is... by jd (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @05:31PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Monkeys by zippthorne (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @11:02PM Ugh... (Score:5, Funny) by MudButt (853616) on Tuesday October 18, @03:47PM (#13819969) will feature Captain Jack, the bisexual time-travelling conman Just when you thought British TV couldn't get any worse... [ Reply to ThisRe:Ugh... by CyricZ (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @03:53PMRe:Ugh... by adavies42 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:02PMRe:Ugh... by Tony Hoyle (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:59PMRe:Ugh... by adavies42 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:18PMRe:Ugh... by MudButt (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:05PM Queer as Folk (Score:5, Informative) by Aexia (517457) on Tuesday October 18, @04:08PM (#13820200) Queer As FolkYou realize that was originally a British series... and as it happens, created by Mr. Davies... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Queer as Folk by MudButt (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:14PMRe:Queer as Folk by Aexia (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:24PMHardly realistic portrayals of homosexuals. by CyricZ (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:18PMRe:Hardly realistic portrayals of homosexuals. by Golias (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:43PMRe:Hardly realistic portrayals of homosexuals. by suitepotato (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:17PMRe:Hardly realistic portrayals of homosexuals. by MudButt (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:18PMRe:Ugh... by Snaller (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:56PMTV by pommiekiwifruit (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:13PMRe:Ugh... by generic-man (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:07PMRe:Ugh... by schon (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:21PMRe:Ugh... by generic-man (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:35PMRe:Ugh... by schon (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @06:03PMRe:Ugh... by generic-man (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @09:01PMRe:Ugh... by Tony Hoyle (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:05PMRe:Ugh... by TheRaven64 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @07:39PMRe:Ugh... by InsaneGeek (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:28PMRe:Ugh... by generic-man (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:44PMRe:Ugh... by Tony Hoyle (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @05:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Ugh... by CyricZ (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:35PMRe:Ugh... by generic-man (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:38PMRe:Ugh... by CyricZ (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:50PMRe:Ugh... by HTH NE1 (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:21PMRe:Ugh... by Golias (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:22PMRe:Ugh... by Dogtanian (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @05:27PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Ugh... by Damek (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @08:46PMRe:Ugh... by stmr (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:06PMRe:Ugh... by sanosuke76 (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:12PMRe:Ugh... by stmr (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. 'Scorchwood' title was deemed inappropriate (Score:2) by digitaldc (879047) on Tuesday October 18, @03:48PM (#13819979) Due to the irritating connotation it invoked, the old title 'Scorchwood' was dumped. Several people were asked about their feelings about the old series and the new spinoff, their responses were typically something like, 'Dr. What?' [ Reply to This Uhhhh yeah... (Score:4, Funny) by l0ungeb0y (442022) on Tuesday October 18, @03:50PM (#13819993) ( | Last Journal: Monday February 09, @07:38PM) So... BBC is going to do an "Adult" show called "Touchwood" with some bi-sexual Captain, his K9 and Company... ....And this is somehow NOT one of the signs of the Apocalypse.Very well then. [ Reply to ThisRe:Uhhhh yeah... by tktk (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @04:43PMRe:Uhhhh yeah... by A_Non_Moose (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @10:34PM Who meets Are You Being Served? (Score:4, Funny) by whovian (107062) on Tuesday October 18, @03:50PM (#13819998) Jack: I'm measuring the Tardis for The Doctor for a block transfer computation. Would you give me a leg up, Mr. Humphries? Mr Humpries: Why, YES, I'd be delighted! [ Reply to ThisRe:Who meets Are You Being Served? by CyricZ (Score:2) Tuesday October 18, @03:57PMRe:Who meets Are You Being Served? by Elphin (Score:3) Tuesday October 18, @04:03PM Captain Jack? (Score:2) by CashCarSTAR (548853) on Tuesday October 18, @03:56PM (#13820065) Am I the only one who thinks DDR? [ Reply to ThisRe:Captain Jack? by WiKKeSH (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @04:15PM End this ambivalence! (Score:3, Funny)


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