Friday, November 11, 2005

flyingember asks: "With ad blocking becoming ever more popular among users, why do you block ads? And with what? Do you view internet ads as different from say, TV ads? What about in a magazine? Do you not buy a magazine because it has too many? I'm specifically talking about the ads in a webpage, but even popup blockers can cause problems with me using a site." Why Do You Block Ads? Log in/Create an Account | Top | 516 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 516 comments 0: 515 comments 1: 422 comments 2: 240 comments 3: 57 comments 4: 25 comments 5: 13 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 | 3 | 4 My reasons (Score:5, Informative) by powerpuffgirls (758362) on Monday October 10, @11:02PM (#13761459) ( 1. Most ads are taking too long to download. Even if I have broadband, I would rather use it on somewhere useful.2. Most ads are too big and intrusive.3. Most ads are irrelevant.See the trend? That explains why Googld Ads is so successful. [ Reply to ThisRe:My reasons by bilbravo (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:04PM Re:My reasons (Score:4, Insightful) by pjkeyzer (645364) on Monday October 10, @11:46PM (#13761877) The flashing ones are the worst, in my opinion. I hate having a big blinking red thing at the top of the page that says "you're a winner, click here to claim your prize" (or whatever it says, i've blocked them long ago). I use a hosts file to block ads, but I would not block Google ads because they are relevant, and are occasionally useful. Google ads stay out of the way, and I only notice them if I try.Pete [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My reasons by Chrispy1000000 the 2 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:25AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:My reasons (Score:5, Insightful) by FxChiP (687923) on Monday October 10, @11:05PM (#13761482) (Last Journal: Friday May 27, @08:46PM) 4. Many ads are made in Macromedia Flash nowadays, which is a bitch to render on old computers.5. Many ads are scripted to invade your privacy without a thank-you note. 6. Most ads are just plain annoying. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My reasons by JesusCigarettes (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:40PMRe:My reasons by AchilleTalon (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:55PM Re:My reasons (Score:4, Interesting) by B747SP (179471) <> on Tuesday October 11, @12:19AM (#13762092) I often e-mailed site owners/maintainers about this problem and was never successful to have them resolved it. This is a little bit off-topic, but relevant insofar as getting site owners to change broken content is concerned.A little while ago, my Mum was having trouble convincing one of our older family members to eat properly. I had recently stumbled across a new type of food in the supermarket that my cats really enjoyed, and so I thought that the old cat might enjoy it too...So in the course of an email exchange with Mum (I'm Australian, that's how we spell 'Mom'), I figured I'd send her a link to the specific type of cat food I was suggesting...Well, I couldn't. As it turned out, the company had a web site that was all Macromedia Flash and bells and whistles and glory, and the only way I could point my Mum at the particular product I was talking about would be to say "go to this site, now click on the 'bleh' link followed by the 'foo' link, then scroll down to 'bar'...."... Or I could just not reccomend the product.As it happened, that was the week I was lecturing my Bachelor of Business students on making sure that money you invest in IT actually benefits the business, don't let the IT department run away with cool toys that don't deliver value to customers, etc, etc (I'm a geek, but somehow I've managed to convince someone to let me lecture business students!!!) and I so I got a bee in my bonnet about it and I emailed the cat food company...Basically I said look, your web design company sold you on flash because it is pretty and bling bling and looks lovely, but here's a concrete example of how going with flash made your web site sufficiently unuseable that it cost you a sale. I couldn't effectively reccomend your product to my quasi-computer-literate Mum 'cos she would have issues navigating the web site, and I couldn't send her a direct link.Lo and behold, a month later, the cat food company [] had a new web site, all standard html with proper workable links that change in the address bar as you work through the site, and now I can send a link to my Mum (and I have).What's more, the web site loads faster as well!!!....(As an interesting aside, slashdot seems to have recently updated it's code. I had to turn off all of my adblocking stuff to make the posting page appear as anything but a black background - it's been like that for about a month now (Firefox, The Proxomitron)) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My reasons by StevenMaurer (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:31AMRe:My reasons by E8086 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:22AMRe:My reasons by adriantam (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:24AMRe:My reasons by FxChiP (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:43AMmost annoying ad of the year goes to... by zephc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:33AMRe:My reasons by Guppy06 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:34AMRe: My Reasons by lordofthechia (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:35AMRe: My Reasons by RockClimbingFool (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:57AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:My reasons by David P (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:06PM Re:My reasons (Score:5, Insightful) by sqlrob (173498) on Monday October 10, @11:09PM (#13761537) Yes. I previously left them unblocked, since they were at least somewhat relevant, and unobtrusive, especially compared to others.Then I started seeing "Free iPod", "Free XBox360" (Huh? It's not out), "Free PS3", "Download Episode III here" ads. If you can't be bothered to have a human at least run a quick check on whether or not it's a fraud, I can't be bothered to even consider your ads. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My reasons by mpn14tech (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:00AMRe:My reasons by freaktheclown (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:27AMworks for women, slaves, and sea otters too by Wabbit Wabbit (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:55AMRe:My reasons by StikyPad (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:53AMRe:My reasons by geeber (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:07AMRe:My reasons by Pizpump (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:06PMwhat goes up, must.... by efuseekay (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:14PMRe:My reasons by KylePflug (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:53PMRe:My reasons by Tatsh (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:10AMRe:My reasons by negative3 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:45AMRe:My reasons by NicKakaWoodstocK (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:30AMRe:My reasons by pcmanjon (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:08PMRe:My reasons by leshert (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:23PMRe:My reasons by jZnat (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:26PMRe:My reasons by AuMatar (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:33PM Re:My reasons (Score:4, Insightful) by Spy der Mann (805235) <spydermann DOT slashdot AT gmail DOT com> on Monday October 10, @11:58PM (#13761964) (Last Journal: Tuesday September 06, @05:16PM) You can always tear up the magazine ads and use them to power up your boiler, or cover some part of the house while you're painting :)Try that with Flash ads. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My reasons by StikyPad (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:56AMRe:My reasons by amliebsch (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:00AMRe:My reasons by NeuroKoan (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:55PMPhotography magazines are the worst. by OS24Ever (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:57PMRe:My reasons by Queer Boy (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:57PMRe:My reasons by number11 (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:My reasons by Jim Starx (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:23PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:My reasons by Gojira Shipi-Taro (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:23PMRe:My reasons by billcopc (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:54PMRe:My reasons by locnar42 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:12AMLoud by phorm (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:28PM Re:My reasons (Score:4, Informative) by MikeFM (12491) on Monday October 10, @11:36PM (#13761803) ( | Last Journal: Friday March 21, @03:10PM) As both a developer that uses ads on many of his websites and a user that blocks ads I guess I feel both sides of the issue.I didn't use ads for years because I felt they were to intrusive. Why did I decide to start using them? Mainly because ad blocking software was finally easily enough available and easy enough to use that I felt that being intrusive and adding download time didn't matter as much because users have the power to turn the ads off. Sometimes I even offer a button on my sites that will disbale ads for the user. The secondary reason is because users have told me time and again that they'd rather see ads than be charged a fee (even less than a dollar). Often I offer both as options. Paying members don't see ads and get more features but the basics are paid for by ads. For a long time I ran my websites completely from donations but in recent years (since about the time of the 911 attack) users have stopped donating. I've not been able to pinpoint the why but it seemed a very strong trend despite my sites continuing to grow. Loss of donations has forced me to use ads and charge for membership as loath as I am to use those methods. Oddly enough I've also noticed the more useful a website the less the ads get clicked. This seems a bad trend to me as it encourages websites of crap instead of making good information easily available. Two of my websites.. one gets about 500 unique visitors a day and contains solid Linux information.. the other gets about 100 visitors a day and is down right now and contains nothing but a notice that it'll be back up after I finish recoding it. The first site usually gets no clicks while the later gets about five per day. The same trend seems to hold among my other sites. Sort of encourages the building of dead-end or confussing websites.I've tried a couple different ad programs. So far I like Yahoo's better than Google's because it doesn't load quite as slow and the ads pay better per click. On the other hand Yahoo does a poor job of rotating ads but I suspect this is due to their beta status.Given that I make a living from ads why do I block them? Because they are freaking annoying. I don't read junk mail, spam email, watch tv, or read magazines that insert ads throughout the content. For myself I'd rather make donations to websites I like than pay for memberships or see ads. I'd be more willing to do memberships if they didn't overprice them. Usually I charge about $5/mo for my sites which is pretty reasonable. A site that charges more than that or that makes signing up painful I just won't use. Ads I'd use more if they weren't so often annoying to look at and inserted in inappropiate spots in the content. My perfered type of ad to see is a small paid sponsorship (~80x30 pixels) at the bottom of the menu or page. If I see such an ad I'll more often click on it especially if it looks well made (flashy but tasteful) and related to the site content. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My reasons by Milkyman (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:36PMRe:My reasons by jim_v2000 (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:44PMRe:My reasons by luna69 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:11AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:My reasons by Kevin108 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:04AMSafety/Spyware Issue by SFalcon (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:07AMSimpler reason: The overcame my inertia. by SmallFurryCreature (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @12:07AMRe:Simpler reason: The overcame my inertia. by Air-conditioned cowh (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:25AMRe:My reasons by CamonZ (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:09AMRe:My reasons by Kevin Mitnick (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:36AMRe:My reasons by Bastian (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:40AMRe:My reasons by Stripe7 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:46AMRe:Google Ads by AuMatar (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.3 replies beneath your current threshold. Ehh (Score:4, Informative) by andreyw (798182) on Monday October 10, @11:03PM (#13761464) Eyesore. Waste of screen real estate. Invasion of privacy. [ Reply to ThisRe:Ehh by andreyw (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:28PMYeah... by Auraiken (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:02AMRe:Ehh by skyshock21 (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:28PMRe:Ehh - Not entirely different from magazines by nyckidd (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:05AM Invasion of privacy issue (Score:5, Interesting) by jd (1658) on Monday October 10, @11:31PM (#13761762) ( | Last Journal: Saturday July 30, @01:33AM) This is often not an obvious one, but it's probably the biggest difference between web adverts and, say, magazine ads. Magazine ads can't identify you when you go to the page they are on. The very act of downloading the image of the advert, however, will log your IP address, the page you came from, the web browser you are using, possibly the Operating system you are using, and maybe even the language setting you have the web browser on.That's a hell of a lot of marketing information that is being trawled for, without permission from anyone.Those who view HTML-based e-mail have similar problems - any spam you open with a blank, embedded image link (provided you view images) will result in the spammer instantly obtaining vast amounts of data about you.To me, that is simply NOT acceptable. If you think that Big Brother is bad (and not just the show), then Big Ad Exec is far, far worse.Besides which, I was born in the UK, grew up on advert-free television, and resent the hell out of having 20-30 minutes of adverts for every hour timeslot on American TV. If I wanted to watch promotional material, with clips of TV show included, I'd go to one of the home shopping channels, thank you very much. I do not choose to go to the lairs of thieves and I never invited those lairs to come to me.As you might have gathered, I don't watch much TV in America. [ Reply to This | Parenttext/html by morcego (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:58PMRe:text/html by ozmanjusri (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:22AMRe:text/html by Mikmorg (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:27AMRe:text/html by morcego (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:41AMRe:Slashdot Logging. by jd (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:35AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Ehh by geeber (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:04AMRe:Ehh by chinakow (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:10AMTo protect privacy by Anonymous Coward (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:03PMRe:To protect privacy by malfunct (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:33AM UI (Score:5, Insightful) by nothings (597917) on Monday October 10, @11:04PM (#13761470) ( I block ads so that when I right click on the page to pick "back" from the context menu I don't accidentally click on an ad and get "open link in new window" or some other random crap in the top of my context menu with no "back" at all.Oh, and maybe to speed up page loading.And to stick it to the man.And to save electrons. [ Reply to ThisRe: UI by Black Parrot (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:26PMRe:UI by mpn14tech (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:04AMWoohoo! by bcjanes (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:04PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. annoying animations (Score:5, Insightful) by danpritts (54685) on Monday October 10, @11:04PM (#13761478) ( static ads don't bother me so much, but blinking, flashing, moving junk drives me nuts.Flashblock for firefox solves 95% of this problem nicely. [ Reply to ThisRe:annoying animations by jacen_sunstrider (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:18PMRe:annoying animations by chameleon3 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:37AMRe:annoying animations by Arandir (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:41PMRe:annoying animations by roach2002 (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:55PMRe:annoying animations by qwp (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:00AMRe:annoying animations by nachoboy (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:53AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Because I can! (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 10, @11:04PM (#13761479) If I could block ads in magazines, or stop them on TV I would. [ Reply to ThisRe:Because I can! by Elgonn (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:12PMRe:Because I can! by Jim Starx (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:17PMRe:Because I can! by Elgonn (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:25PMRe:Because I can! by Cromac (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:43PMRe:Because I can! by 6*7 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:36AMRe:Because I can! by Night Goat (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:19PMRe:Because I can! by sound+vision (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:19PMRe:Because I can! by MadChicken (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:23PMRe:Because I can! by aaarrrgggh (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:53AMYou can stop them on TV... by spagetti_code (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:21PMRe:You can stop them on TV... by cbreaker (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:53PMRe:Because I can! by Viper233 (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:53PMRe:Because I can! by Oracle of Bandwidth (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:59PMKnowing that... by gotr00t (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:22AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. because they are annoying (Score:5, Insightful) by Raleel (30913) on Monday October 10, @11:05PM (#13761480) flash, popup, anything to catch my attention, and I'll for sure try and block you, because I'm not an impulse shopper. I plan my purchases.I hate how some companies feel that making sure you have 10 windows open on your desktop isa good way to do business. Get in the way of what I'm doing on the web, and I'll certainly have a negative image of your company. [ Reply to ThisRe:because they are annoying by Jim Starx (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:20PMRe:because they are annoying by fossa (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:27PMRe:because they are annoying by Jim Starx (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:35PMRe:because they are annoying by FxChiP (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:45PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:because they are annoying by lordofthechia (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:53AMRe:because they are annoying by lukewarmfusion (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:25PMRe:because they are annoying by Jim Starx (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:30PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Sound by EvanED (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:05PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Because I can by dnixon112 (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:05PM56k by PhireN (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:05PMMostly for sport by rebug (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:06PMRe:Mostly for sport by Simon Garlick (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:44PMPaging Dr. Freud by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:28PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.popups suck by shawb (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:06PMAnnoyance factor by SpookyFish (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:06PMRe:Annoyance factor by Ziviyr (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:55PM Computer Shopper (Score:4, Interesting) by Vrallis (33290) on Monday October 10, @11:06PM (#13761499) ( Back when I was first getting into computers, I always used to buy the Computer Shopper magazine. It was huge (250-350) pages, but only about half of it was ads. The rest of it consisted of, mostly, hardware and software reviews. It was also fairly cheap at the time, at around $2.50 an issue.Then it went to $2.95 an issue and consisted of 2/3 ads.Then it went to $3.98 an issue and consisted of 3/4 ads, but dropped down to only about 200 pages.At that point I never bought another copy.(Yes, the numbers aren't exact, but it makes my point.)Right now, I only block popups, though I'm considering blocking far more. I used to block all of doubleclick's stuff, but they aren't as common as they once were. [ Reply to This Re:Computer Shopper (Score:4, Informative) by shawb (16347) on Monday October 10, @11:10PM (#13761545) (Last Journal: Thursday July 28, @06:46PM) If you think that's bad, you should try a fashion magazine sometime. My roomate brought one home once, so I decided to count the pages of ads. Of the first 100 pages, 93 were ads. 4 of the other pages were reviews of insanely expensive products, all glowing. The other two pages? Table of contents. Price? nine bucks. It was there that I realized how horribly idiotic fashionistas are. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Computer Shopper (Score:4, Interesting) by Reziac (43301) * on Monday October 10, @11:25PM (#13761703) ( | Last Journal: Thursday October 31, @01:57PM) This isn't much different from most mainstream magazines. Look at a Good Housekeeping or Women's Day or even TVGuide, and often as not the ads outnumber the content.[picks random edition of eWeek off the stack of unread IT rags] Even in this relatively content-heavy magazine, 26 of 58 pages are ads.Occasionally, ads are a magazine's primary desirable content, such as ComputerUser -- *most* of why I have a subscription is because I need to see local vendors' component prices. I've even been known to complain when there aren't enough ads. :)Almost all dog and horse magazines are essentially ad venues, with only token content. BUT -- there again, the main reason people buy these mags is to see ads relevant to their breed(s) of interest.Here's the Big Point: when the ads are relevant to the audience's needs and interests, then ads are desirable -- and may even be regarded AS the "main content".But on the web, we're typically bombarded with ads we did not choose to see, that are of no interest to us, that waste our time and bandwidth, and that *interfere* with viewing the "main content".Small wonder that just about everyone who groks ad blocking proceeds to do so. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Computer Shopper by Gojira Shipi-Taro (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:26PMRe:Computer Shopper by Lemmy Caution (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:30PMRe:Computer Shopper by luna69 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:20AMRe:Computer Shopper by Louis Guerin (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:46PMRe:Computer Shopper by Pax00 (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:49PMRe:Computer Shopper by Elad Alon (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:49PMRe:Computer Shopper by luna69 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:16AM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Computer Shopper by jpaz (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:21PMRe:Computer Shopper by Octorian (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:23PMDon't forget the BBS lists! by SaDan (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Computer Shopper by bleckywelcky (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:34PMComputer Shopper: I liked the ads by Rob the Bold (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:55PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Magazines (Score:4, Insightful) by superpulpsicle (533373) on Monday October 10, @11:06PM (#13761501) If I bought a magazine and all the articles were blocked by Ads, I'd be pretty pissed.And if I had to pay extra $$$ to read the same magazine with the articles unblocked, I'd be even more pissed. [ Reply to ThisRe:Magazines by Tim Browse (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:14PMRe:Magazines by yagu (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:26AMIn Soviet Russia... by Deathbane27 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:38AMI block flash ads! by befletch (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:07PMRe:I block flash ads! by Trip Ericson (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:12PMExtension for Firefox by icefaerie (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:17PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Do you not buy a magazine because it has too many? (Score:4, Interesting) by RLiegh (247921) * on Monday October 10, @11:07PM (#13761505) ( | Last Journal: Sunday October 09, @09:24PM) Why actually; I don't buy magazines; for pretty much that reason. In 1994 I realised that most magazines on the shelf have very little substance to their articles, are 2/3rds filled with ads and cost (at the time) $3.50 to $5 each. Not to mention the fact that the usual story layouts around that point became really bad (this got worse a few years later when they started making ads which blended in with the story to deliberately cause confusion).I don't mind some advertising, but the amount and intrusiveness of modern advertising is obnoxious enough that I do avoid buying magazines and I have had to take the time to figure out adblock and flashblock. [ Reply to This Magazine Ad Overload (Score:5, Funny) by RaguMS (149511) * on Monday October 10, @11:07PM (#13761506) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday December 14, @01:27PM) Recently in Barnes & Noble, I remarked to my friends, "I won't buy magazines because they're all full of ads. Why can't they make a magazine with no ads?", to which one friend responded, "What you want is a book." [ Reply to ThisRe:Magazine Ad Overload by mph (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:13PMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by Gojira Shipi-Taro (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:30PMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by mph (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:00AMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by FxChiP (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:14PMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by parasonic (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:17PMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by RaguMS (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:20PMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by John Miles (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:28PMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by NeuroKoan (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:59PMBook ad pushback by Tau Zero (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:42AMRe:Book ad pushback by EvilSporkMan (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:47AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Magazine Ad Overload by ChatHuant (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Magazines are in business to sell advertising by winkydink (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:37PMRe:Magazines are in business to sell advertising by pen (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:28AMRe:Magazine Ad Overload by droptone (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:58PMWhy I Block by NETHED (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:07PMRe:Why I Block by FxChiP (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:55AMOnly some by eosp (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:07PM if not ads, who should pay for content? (Score:5, Interesting) by UnderAttack (311872) * on Monday October 10, @11:07PM (#13761511) ( So who should pay for content if ads shouldn't? Would you "subscribe" to a website? [ Reply to ThisRe:if not ads, who should pay for content? by John Hasler (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:if not ads, who should pay for content? by JanneM (Score:3)Monday October 10, @11:25PMRe:if not ads, who should pay for content? by Reziac (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:34PMRe:if not ads, who should pay for content? by rhizome (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:41AMRe:if not ads, who should pay for content? by BigBuckHunter (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @12:45AMRe:if not ads, who should pay for content? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:48AMRe:if not ads, who should pay for content? by IkeTo (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:53AMRe:if not ads, who should pay for content? by antirealist (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @12:56AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.looks like... by vexx0 (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:07PMI don't block most but... by DustyShadow (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:08PMscreen real estate by Silicon Mike (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:08PMRe:screen real estate by FxChiP (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:25PMI block them on TV too... by Jim Starx (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:08PMRe:I block them on TV too... by gnarlin (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:28PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.I think... by (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:08PMJust Because by toleraen (Score:1)Monday October 10, @11:08PMI think the better question is.. by Anonymous Coward (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:09PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Pointless and useless (Score:5, Interesting) by OzJimbob (129746) on Monday October 10, @11:09PM (#13761528) ( I block ads on the internet because they are usually completely useless to me. When I watch TV at least, the ads are for things I might buy at the grocery store, or they advertise a sale on at a local furniture store, or they advertise a car I might one day consider buying.The vast majority of ads on the internet are either completely disinteresting to me - trying to sell me a server appliance, or telephone deals in another country. Or they are advertising online casinos that I would never visit. Or they are scams - you know, the "Your computer is not OPTIMIZED click HERE" crap. If interet advertising was actually relevant to my every day needs, and didn't all come across as a cheap scam, then I might be more tolerant.In fact, I am. I'm quite happy to view the Google ad-words ads, because they have, sometimes, shown me something I might be interested in. [ Reply to ThisRe:Pointless and useless by blincoln (Score:2)Monday October 10, @11:43PM


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