Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Liam30 writes "Newsforge (ed: part of the OSTG family) is running a story that gives a first look at the next version of GIMP." From the article: " A major update to the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), widely regarded as the leading free software raster image editing program, is scheduled for this month. The 2.4 release is expected to include a number of new features and enhancements to existing features ... The first thing most users will notice about 2.4 is the addition of three new tools to the palette: the Align tool, the Foreground Extraction tool, and a new 'Simple' Rectangle Selector. The Align tool lets you vertically and horizontally align image layers -- a task you had to perform manually before. You can align an image to any edge or the center, specify an offset in any direction, and adjust vertical and horizontal alignment separately."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='software,gimp,linux';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; First Look at GIMP 2.4 Log in/Create an Account | Top | 222 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 222 comments 0: 216 comments 1: 173 comments 2: 124 comments 3: 23 comments 4: 8 comments 5: 5 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. SIOX (Score:3, Interesting) by prestwich (123353) on Sunday October 09, @07:27AM (#13749938) ( That 'SIOX' object selection stuff looks really really cute; you have to wonder if it would come in useful for machine vision/AI as well.Anyway - good luck to the GIMP guys - a nice tool! [ Reply to This Re:SIOX (Score:5, Informative) by idlake (850372) on Sunday October 09, @07:34AM (#13749954) SIOX is machine vision; this kind of algorithm has been developed before, but I don't know about the relationship between SIOX and previous methods--maybe the Berlin guys improved on prior work, or maybe they just didn't know about it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:SIOX by henni16 (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:01AMRe:SIOX by (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:01AMRe:SIOX by big.ears (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @08:48AMSIOX and Photoshop Contests by totallygeek (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @09:26AMRe:SIOX by catwh0re (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:26AM Re:SIOX (Score:5, Informative) by henni16 (586412) on Sunday October 09, @09:26AM (#13750199) That 'SIOX' object selection stuff looks really really cute; you have to wonder if it would come in useful for machine vision/AI as well. SIOX was developed for echalk [].And echalk is developed by people of the AI-working group at the CS department of the FU Berlin.And that working group is also behind the successful robot soccer team FU Fighters [] who are currently World Champion in the small-size league of Robocup [] and vice-champion in the middle-size league.So it wouldn't surprise me if parts of it are already in use for "machine vision/AI".. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:SIOX by loucura! (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:20AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. SOIX! (Score:5, Informative) by Kawahee (901497) on Sunday October 09, @07:30AM (#13749946) ( For a while, I've had fairly negative views on GIMP. Sure, it's powerful, but it still lacks what Photoshop has out of the box, and it's got some fairly abstract configurations. But taking a look at SOIX and all, it's really going to push up against Photoshop. But now GIMP has to stop adding little features like simple rectangle select, and start adding more features like SOIX and superseeding PS to get it out there onto the commercial market. [ Reply to Thisprofessional tools by idlake (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @07:45AMRe:professional tools by nrgy (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @07:50AMRe:professional tools by Anonymous Writer (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:26AM Re:professional tools (Score:4, Informative) by idlake (850372) on Sunday October 09, @08:40AM (#13750086) SVG is primarily a vector graphics format--kind of like a PNG or JPEG, only that you can scale it up without seeing pixels. Another way of looking at it is that it is roughly equivalent to Adobe Illustrator files. SVG can also be used for animation, like Flash, but that's not its main purpose in life, at least not in the short term. Right now, SVG is being used more and more for icons, user interface elements, diagrams, figures, and other static images. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:professional tools by Directrix1 (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:54AMRe:professional tools by mrchaotica (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @12:44PMRe:professional tools by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:50AMRe:professional tools by idlake (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:36AMRe:professional tools by nrgy (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @09:07AMRe:professional tools by idlake (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @02:04PMRe:professional tools by ozmanjusri (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:22AMRe:professional tools by idlake (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @02:08PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:professional tools by afd8856 (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @08:36AMRe:professional tools by spectre_240sx (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:57AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:professional tools (Score:4, Interesting) by nidarus (240160) on Sunday October 09, @08:47AM (#13750098) As a Photoshop (and, occasionally, GIMP) user, I would be glad to know of what, in your opinion, is a good photo editing application for professionals? Am I missing out on something? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:professional tools by Transmogrify_UK (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:55AMRe:professional tools by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:49AMRe:professional tools by dr.badass (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:05AMRe:professional tools by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:21AMRe:professional tools by Transmogrify_UK (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:29AMRe:professional tools by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:30AMRe:professional tools by Transmogrify_UK (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @11:37AMRe:professional tools by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:53AMRe:professional tools by Transmogrify_UK (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @12:04PMRe:professional tools by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @12:42PMRe:professional tools by fyngyrz (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @02:13PMRe:professional tools by clbell (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @12:53PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:SOIX! by Otter (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @09:14AMRe:SOIX! by nateziarek (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:21AMRe:SOIX! by eno2001 (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:24AMRe:SOIX! by sp0rk173 (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:28PMRe:SOIX! by FunkyChild (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @02:25PMRe:SOIX! by EntropyEngine (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @03:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Still no CMYK huh? (Score:2, Funny) by No Salvation (914727) on Sunday October 09, @07:35AM (#13749955) (about:mozilla | Last Journal: Saturday September 17, @03:19AM) So when can I edit CMYK screenshots of Duke Nukem Forever in GIMP? [ Reply to ThisRe:Still no CMYK huh? by Anonymous Coward (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:27AMRe:Still no CMYK huh? by Kjella (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:00AMRe:Still no CMYK huh? by tepples (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @01:51PMRe:Still no CMYK huh? by zurab (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @02:11PMRe:Still no CMYK huh? by justsomebody (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @12:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. 32bit? (Score:1, Informative) by nrgy (835451) on Sunday October 09, @07:42AM (#13749968) ( Still lacking in anything over 8bit *sigh*. Granted you have Cinepaint and PS "which is still gaysauced in 32bit imo" geting better but their still isn't that many paint or image editing applications out their. You have IFX's Amazon Paint along with a few others but not a wide selection. Only reason I seem to complain is I've latched onto ILM's OpenEXR. I've coded quite a few tools for working with OpenEXR. The whole working in a channelless enviroment is a godsend in the film compositing world I live in. Still nice to see another open source app maturing and growing. Some nice new features I'm sure users will like. [ Reply to ThisRe:32bit? by sadtrev (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:46AMRe:32bit? by nrgy (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:28AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold. What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? (Score:3, Insightful) by Misagon (1135) on Sunday October 09, @07:44AM (#13749972) ( In older version of The Gimp it was very difficult to draw perfect concentric circles in it. I had to manually measure and mark the corners of the bounding box around the circle, and then I had to adjust for the "Stroke" feature drawing one pixel down and to the left instead of inside ... and so on.It's the little things that separate the good programs from the bad. Not the amount of features. [ Reply to ThisRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by EssenceLumin (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:04AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by Anonymous Writer (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:15AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by eggz128 (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:22AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by Anonymous Writer (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:31AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:22AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by ajs (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @12:30PMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by Mr Z (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @12:45PMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:32AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:38AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:00AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by whovian (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @11:09AMHow to make a circle by springbox (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:07AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by ateijelo (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @09:38AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by morgajel (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:47AMRe:What I want to know: Can I paint circles in it? by Mr Z (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @12:48PM 8-bit graphic ? (Score:2, Redundant) by Taco Cowboy (5327) on Sunday October 09, @07:54AM (#13749991) Please don't flame me if I am talking nonsense, but I've been told that GIMP is still based on the old 8-bit technology.If I am right, may I know if the new 2.4 version has any improvement on this front ?Thanks !! [ Reply to ThisRe:8-bit graphic ? by onion2k (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:07AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by Haeleth (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @08:16AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by Kjella (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:03AMtrue color and your display by twitter (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:53AMRe:true color and your display by Kjella (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:15AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:8-bit graphic ? by arjennienhuis (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:16AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by idlake (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:49AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by yfkar (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:57AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by strider44 (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:06AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by RalphBNumbers (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:58AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by yfkar (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:10AMthat's not a holdback by idlake (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:54PMRe:8-bit graphic ? by Explo (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:39AMRe:8-bit graphic ? by Mr Z (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @12:55PMRe:8-bit graphic ? by WWWWolf (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @08:42AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop (Score:5, Insightful) by ravee (201020) on Sunday October 09, @07:55AM (#13749992) ( | Last Journal: Saturday October 01, @03:28AM) I have been a GIMP user for the past few years. I started using GIMP first on windows and then when I switched over to linux, it became my graphics package of choice. I think GIMP will become a real threat to Photoshop in the near future. The only thing stopping it is CMYK support which (most probably) will be added in the next version.I think it pays to use open source or GPLed software. [ Reply to ThisRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by IamTheRealMike (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @08:27AMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by cortana (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @08:58AMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by IamTheRealMike (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:19AMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by cortana (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:24AMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:07AMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by mrchaotica (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @12:40PMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by Miffe (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @08:59AMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by $rtbl_this (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @09:06AM Re:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop (Score:5, Funny) by StandardsSchmandards (828326) on Sunday October 09, @08:30AM (#13750068) ( I think GIMP will become a real threat to Photoshop in the near future.I think GIMP will become a threat to Photoshop when the following has happened:...Adobe fire the all usability and QA people working with PS....Adobe outsource a complete rewrite of the PS UI to a bunch of crack-smoking monkeys who decide that "every UI component should just float"....Adobe spam internet designer communities with false "switcher" posts who describe how they after 10 minutes managed to move to Product B for all of their "graphics needs". [ Reply to This | ParentRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by 64nDh1 (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:09AMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by cortana (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:20PMRe:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by eraserewind (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:22AMYeah, the next version. by Some Random Username (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:39AMRe:Yeah, the next version. by Some Random Username (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:18AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:GIMP is becoming a real threat for Photoshop by Kjella (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:09AM5 replies beneath your current threshold. Text Editing (Score:2, Interesting) by n0dalus (807994) on Sunday October 09, @08:33AM (#13750075) (Last Journal: Wednesday January 19, @09:07PM) The one feature I miss the most in The GIMP is better text handling, like being able to have more than one font/bold/italic/sized text in each text area. It should also have text boundaries which can be properly enforced to do word-wrapping and stuff. It's also nice to be able to have text follow a path, or be stretched into certain shapes.I also really like Photoshop's 'Save for Web' dialogue, and would like to see something like that in The GIMP.These are the only things I use photoshop for, everything else is really nice.One of the things I prefer about The GIMP is being able to have layer sizes different to the image size.A feature I have yet to see in either Photoshop or The GIMP is being able to use the stamp tool to rotate the source image based on a path before applying it, this would allow you for example to correct problems around the edge of a circle without a whole lot of mess. [ Reply to ThisRe:Text Editing by tooth (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @09:16AMRe:Text Editing by n6kuy (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @12:36PMRe:Text Editing by mrchaotica (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @12:37PM Devel version for Windows? (Score:1) by temcat (873475) on Sunday October 09, @08:50AM (#13750106) Can anybody point me to the Windows binaries of the development version (2.3.4)? I can't find them on Thanks in advance! [ Reply to ThisRe:Devel version for Windows? by Ragesoss (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:14AMRe:Devel version for Windows? by yfkar (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:14AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. I hope they add "tabs" (Score:2) by Snaller (147050) on Sunday October 09, @08:55AM (#13750116) (Last Journal: Tuesday December 28, @12:04AM) Or something along those lines - I try the PC port from time to time, and it always turns me straight off that it opens all its windows straight on the desktop (as opposed to one window with all the others in it) [ Reply to ThisRe:I hope they add "tabs" by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @11:22AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I hope they add "tabs" by mrchaotica (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:00PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. The only thing keeping me... (Score:1) by agraupe (769778) on Sunday October 09, @08:57AM (#13750121) (Last Journal: Sunday August 01, @08:25PM) The only thing keeping me from using GIMP with no concern for PS whatsoever is the lack of support for 32-bit BMP files (BMP with Alpha). Even if it were implemented in a seperate (linux) program, that could a) convert a PNG with alpha or b) combine two BMP files, one grayscale. Until that point, I still have to use PS or some other tool to do the final edits for textures on MS Flightsim. [ Reply to ThisRe:The only thing keeping me... by springbox (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:11AMRe:The only thing keeping me... by Fred_A (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:29AMRe:The only thing keeping me... by agraupe (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:59AMRe:The only thing keeping me... by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:37PMRe:The only thing keeping me... by agraupe (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @02:45PM GIMPing into the Future (Score:3, Insightful) by Doc Ruby (173196) on Sunday October 09, @08:57AM (#13750125) ( | Last Journal: Thursday March 31, @02:48PM) I'd like to see the GIMP libraries include window position/shape memory, intersession persistence. Groups of associated windows with their x, y, w, h params stored on disk. So I can open a workspace of multiple windows with a click, watch them spring back to their positions and sizes on the screen. Not just for the GIMP - maybe that feature will find its way to the general GNOME libraries, so all apps can do it. Then I might finally get multiapp window configs stored in a single config, opening multiple apps into useable multiwindow layouts by launching a single icon. This business of manually opening/dragging many windows on my desktop got old around 1985. [ Reply to ThisRe:GIMPing into the Future by grumbel (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:15AMRe:GIMPing into the Future by Doc Ruby (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:25AMRe:GIMPing into the Future by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:18AMRe:GIMPing into the Future by Doc Ruby (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:25AM Better support for OSX (Score:2) by nanoakron (234907) on Sunday October 09, @08:58AM (#13750126) Can they PLEASE try to make sure it supports the Wacom graphics tablet series out of the box on mac osx. I've got an Intuos3 only to find that osx gimp doesn't respond to the tip pressure of my pen. I've read all the forums and the problem lies somewhere in the software.So far, I'm considering getting a cracked version of photoshop instead. Come on gimp! [ Reply to ThisRe:Better support for OSX by ip_vjl (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:20PM Holes and what to use to get around them now. (Score:3, Interesting) by jscotta44 (881299) on Sunday October 09, @09:07AM (#13750148) I would love to see a comprehensive listing of what can't be done with GIMP 2.4 that you can do with Photoshop. Then, tack on a list of what features can be covered by other applications (open source or commercial) from the list of missing features in GIMP. That would give me a very nice look at comparing the two and deciding which way to go. Also, it would give me a sense of how much money, if any, I have to spend to acquire the capability of Photoshop or being better. [ Reply to ThisRe:Holes and what to use to get around them now. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @09:55AMRe:Holes and what to use to get around them now. by HeelToe (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @10:16AMRe:Holes and what to use to get around them now. by qbwiz (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:42PMRe:Holes and what to use to get around them now. by HeelToe (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:51PMRe:Holes and what to use to get around them now. by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @12:11PM Somebody (Score:1) by wumpus188 (657540) on Sunday October 09, @09:10AM (#13750160) .. please tell gimp developers to fix Curves dialog and use splines instead of Bezier, just like photoshop does... oh, and while we at it, please, please... PLEASE add duotone/tritone support. As semi-pro photographer, I couldnt care less about "foreground extraction" tools and "simple" rectangular selections.. please add what we need.Meanwhile, I'm staying with PS. [ Reply to ThisRe:Somebody by Explo (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:02AMRe:Somebody by arose (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:18PM Looks good...but still no MDI...sigh... (Score:2) by filesiteguy (695431) on Sunday October 09, @09:30AM (#13750217) ( Though this looks great, and will be soon to be added to my download list (once I get SuSE 10.0 loaded up), I cannot help but wonder when the GIMP team will ever allow for an MDI version. On another note, I am curious to find out if GIMPShop will be updated. I know several people who really like that port of GIMP. [ Reply to This a serious question (Score:1) by hendrix69 (683997) on Sunday October 09, @09:43AM (#13750254) I've used GIMP now for a few days and although it's not as intuitive as Photoshop once you get the hang of it it's not bad at all.But for the life of me I can't figure out how to draw a rectangle or a circle! Probably the most basic features that even paint-brush has, yet I can't find them.I can create a rectangle of circle selection, but not a drawing... [ Reply to ThisRe:a serious question by Bagels (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @10:37AMRe:a serious question by yfkar (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:55AMRe:a serious question by MyDixieWrecked (Score:3)Sunday October 09, @11:06AMRe:a serious question by vidarh (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @11:38AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:a serious question by hendrix69 (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @12:25PMRe:a serious question by mrchaotica (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @01:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:a serious question by nagora (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @03:00PM When will they integrate the GTK? (Score:2, Insightful) by krygny (473134) on Sunday October 09, @09:45AM (#13750261) It doesn't bother me personally, but most traditional Windows users will always be turned off to the separate GTK download. This is a form of "dependecy hell" that Linux users have come to accept and Windows users never will. Even PDF Creator managed to integrate AFPL GhostScript. [ Reply to ThisRe:When will they integrate the GTK? by strider44 (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @09:55AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:When will they integrate the GTK? by schumaml (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @01:36PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. For users that prefer Photoshop... (Score:3, Interesting) by michaelzhao (801080) on Sunday October 09, @10:07AM (#13750336) Many people do not use the GIMP because of the interface issues. It is useless for people to learn another interface. The reason many people do not use GIMP, the reason I do not use GIMP is sheer laziness, I do not feel like learning another interface. So, Scott Moschella made this modification. He isn't a programmer, he just is a GIMP user. It's called GIMPShop. A conversion that just rearranges the menu's to Photoshop style. Linkage for your pleasure... Gimpshop is available for Windows, Solaris/Sparc, Linux (detailed instructions), Debian, and RPM's. GIMPShop runs native under Mac.ahref= tml-5243 []> [ Reply to ThisGimpshop 2.4 by Dimble ThriceFoon (Score:1)Sunday October 09, @10:48AM Wow. Align layers. (Score:1, Flamebait) by mvonballmo (211664)


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