Tuesday, November 22, 2005

daria42 writes "It looks extremely likely that the iTunes music store will launch (finally) in Australia next week. Apple confirmed that its vice president of iTunes Eddie Cue, and vice president of iPod product marketing Greg Joswiak will be flying down under for a press conference on Tuesday morning. Cue has been prominent in a number of launches around the globe of the online music store, which is now available in around 20 countries worldwide. Australians have been waiting for the launch for more than a year now. It is believed Sony's Australian division wanted to block the launch."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='media,mainpage';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; iTunes Australia to Launch Next Week Log in/Create an Account | Top | 11 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 11 comments 0: 11 comments 1: 7 comments 2: 4 comments 3: 0 comments 4: 0 comments 5: 0 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Niice, mate! (Score:1) by jbreidbord (898798) on Saturday October 22, @12:45AM (#13850710) Wooo! [ Reply to This Variable pricing? (Score:2) by The Amazing Fish Boy (863897) on Saturday October 22, @12:47AM (#13850716) (http://games.slashdo...Amazing%20Fish%20Boy | Last Journal: Friday July 01, @05:34PM) From the article:The iTunes Australia store is expected to provide largely the same offerings as its US and European stores, delivering access to almost one million songs at between AU$0.99 and AU$1.69 per song.Crikey! [ Reply to This About time! (Score:1) by ZzzzSleep (606571) on Saturday October 22, @12:50AM (#13850724) Hoo-bloody-ray!ZzzzSleep [ Reply to This I'm not convinced (Score:2) by the_unknown_soldier (675161) on Saturday October 22, @12:51AM (#13850728) For the past year, every single month the iTMS "is going to be released this month!" Sony BMG Are bitching like they did for Japan... There were technical difficulties... And it never happens. When it's up. It's up. Until then it's just like the usual apple rumours - Fake. [ Reply to This Finally... (Score:2) by cerebis (560975) on Saturday October 22, @12:53AM (#13850735) Finally. I would love to hear the whole "behind the scenes" story about why and who made it take so long. It must have been rather frustrating, but professionalism appears to have reigned despite that, I don't recall much gossip leaking out to the public. [ Reply to This and the drummer plays on.... (Score:2) by zappepcs (820751) on Saturday October 22, @12:57AM (#13850751) (http://www.asomaworld.net/zinn | Last Journal: Tuesday October 04, @08:28PM) It is high time that the drum beat of the digital age began conquering the lands it has not yet subjegated. That sounds harsh, but what I mean is that until digital content, and more importantly, digital distribution is ubiquitous (I dislike that word) there will be no revolution in the digital entertainment world. Until the entire world holds the *AA business model up for ridicule there will be no change worth reporting on the common man's news channel.I really don't care who makes digital music available in any country, I just care that it happens. Hoooray for music... horaayyy for music unfettered by malicious middlemen distribution companies. It is aobut time that musicians began getting paid for their music without all the middleman crap. In this case, the digital age moves ahead of current technology to support the small businessman, small business, and the artist.Copyright and patent be damned, this is a *GOOD* thing.Personally, I've not listened to commercial radio for a long time, it SUCKS. I do support Internet radio with my money, its worth it. Its time for all of the old business model to crumble, and crumble fast and hard... fsck the *AA and their Italian sports cars... (okay, that wasn't really PC)I'm just glad to see the old model breaking!!! :-) [ Reply to This Re:A few days ago... (Score:1) by fracex (591622) on Saturday October 22, @12:51AM (#13850731) Do you by any chance live in Australia? Slashdot is an American based website. [ Reply to This | Parent4 replies beneath your current threshold.


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