Monday, November 21, 2005

Carl Bialik writes "The Wall Street Journal's Walter S. Mossberg has an interesting review of Apple's video iPod. From the article: 'It's a surprisingly decent video player, with crisp, smooth vivid playback of TV shows, music videos, short films, video podcasts and home videos. We wouldn't want to watch a full-length movie on this iPod -- the screen is just too small. But, for short things like music videos, video podcasts or even hourlong TV shows shortened by stripping out the commercials, as Apple is doing, the new iPod provides a pretty good experience.However, there are some significant downsides to the video function on this iPod. Some of them are due to Apple's design decisions, while others are due to restrictions imposed by media companies, or to the simple human factors that go into watching video.'"Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='pilot';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Video iPod Screen Test Log in/Create an Account | Top | 289 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 289 comments 0: 284 comments 1: 240 comments 2: 146 comments 3: 35 comments 4: 20 comments 5: 14 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. (Score:3, Insightful) by LikwidFlux (924068) on Wednesday October 19, @06:55PM (#13831234) We wouldn't want to watch a full-length movie on this iPodHow many years ago was TV created, and how long after that was their Color. People improve ideas, the video ipod doesn't seem to be marketed as a "Buy me and you'll never need a tv again". I really don't think it will become people's primary mode of entertainment.Of course then again.... how big is the PSP screen? I'm sure it's much bigger but by how much? And they are still able to mass sell DVD's made only for the PVP. [ Reply to ThisRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by vicgolgo13 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:12PMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by LikwidFlux (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:15PMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by vicgolgo13 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:59PM Re:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. (Score:4, Interesting) by JazzCrazed (862074) on Wednesday October 19, @08:10PM (#13831716) ( Speaking of, my Dell Axim x50 PocketPC can play all flavors of audio (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Flac, WAV, what-have-you), video (MPEG-2, MPEG-4 in the form of DivX and XviD - and in a bigger screen and 4 times the resolution of the iPod at that), has a built-in calendar, can browse the web, receive e-mails, chat over multiple IM protocols, and can make VOIP calls using Skype's PocketPC client and the built in wifi. It's just missing a camera...although, I could buy this one [].It doesn't have a HDD in the 10s of GB (just a 2.5GB microdrive I bought for it), but that wasn't in your list. It's "all-in-one" enough for me! =D [ Reply to This | ParentPocket PC by klubar (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:35PMRe:Pocket PC by snuf23 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:28PMRe:Pocket PC by JazzCrazed (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @08:33AMOh god, those white iPod earbuds by Phil Urich (Score:3) Thursday October 20, @04:29AMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by CastrTroy (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:04PMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by drac (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:03PMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by utexaspunk (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:51PMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by sh00z (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @09:21AMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by superflippy (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @10:38AMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by JazzCrazed (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @05:55PMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by kraiger (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:43PMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by Tony Hoyle (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @12:39AMRe:Technology Changes, and so do preferences.. by R.D.Olivaw (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @05:10AM cell phone (Score:1, Insightful) by 42Penguins (861511) on Wednesday October 19, @06:55PM (#13831237) To steal a line from cell phone users:"All these iPods with video, picture, portable storage...All I want is an iPod that plays music well!"Which, of course, it already seems to do. [ Reply to ThisRe:cell phone by cryptoz (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:02PMPlays music well? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:11PMRe:Plays music well? by bombadier_beetle (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:25PMRe:Plays music well? by krakelohm (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:04PMRe:Plays music well? by wed128 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:32PMRe:Plays music well? by iainl (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @09:00AMRe:Plays music well? by bombadier_beetle (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:08PMRe:Plays music well? by gray code (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @12:23AMRe:Plays music well? by badasscat (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:16PMRe:Plays music well? by EggyToast (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:07PMRe:Plays music well? by Tony Hoyle (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @12:44AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Plays music well? by KylePflug (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:40PMRe:Plays music well? by aichpvee (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:10PMRe:Plays music well? by Yahweh Doesn't Exist (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @05:16AMRe:Plays music well? by aichpvee (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @10:15AMRe:Plays music well? by ninjakoala (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @07:06AMRe:cell phone by Qwijib0 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:31PMRe:cell phone by ciroknight (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:22PMRe:cell phone by ZorinLynx (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Sweet! (Score:3, Funny) by knightinshiningarmor (653332) on Wednesday October 19, @06:56PM (#13831238) Yes, but does it run LINUX?oh, wait, let's make it harder.. Yes, but does it run KDE? [ Reply to ThisRe:Sweet! by xCepheus (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:06PM Re:Sweet! (Score:4, Informative) by leenoble_uk (698539) on Wednesday October 19, @07:27PM (#13831445) Yes, but how does pr0n look on it? like this [] [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Sweet! by KylePflug (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:43PMRe:Sweet! by athmanb (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @07:53PM Re:Sweet! (Score:5, Funny) by eMartin (210973) on Wednesday October 19, @08:02PM (#13831669) Yes, you have to be 21 to view porn.18 is the age you have to be to star in it. ...jk [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Sweet! by generic-man (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:58PMRe:Sweet! by bloodstains (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:24PMRe:Sweet! by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @09:39PMThat looks pretty good by caveat (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @08:58AMRe:Sweet! by Bobsledboy (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @09:52AMRe:Sweet! by xouumalperxe (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @05:53AMMaybe soon... by szrachen (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:50PMRe:Sweet! by Da Twink Daddy (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:09PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. It's a surprisingly decent video player (Score:5, Interesting) by jellomizer (103300) * on Wednesday October 19, @07:02PM (#13831281) (http://localhost:8080/) I don't know why the guy is that surprised. Apple lately has a reputation of making good products, minus some untested issues with first generation products like scratches on iPod Nano. But apple products for the last 4 years have been releasing good products. I would be more surprised if Apple released a very poor product. I think the guy probably has IBM Good and Apple Bad idea stuck in his head from the 80s [ Reply to ThisRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by Oxen (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:10PMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by Yahweh Doesn't Exist (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @05:21AMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by xouumalperxe (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @05:57AMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by jellomizer (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @07:19AM Re:It's a surprisingly decent video player (Score:4, Insightful) by That's Unpossible! (722232) on Wednesday October 19, @07:25PM (#13831436) ( | Last Journal: Monday September 12, @08:14PM) I don't know why the guy is that surprised.... I think the guy probably has IBM Good and Apple Bad idea stuck in his head from the 80sMossberg generally likes Apple products, read his past reviews of other ipods.No, I think he used "surprisingly" in the context of "here is a small video screen that is surprisingly good quality," not meaning that he was surprised due to it coming from Apple. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by jhoffoss (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:41PMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by iroll (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:11PMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by rdoger6424 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:44PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It's a surprisingly decent video player by That's Unpossible! (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:47PMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by jhoffoss (Score:3) Thursday October 20, @12:08AMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by eclectic4 (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:48PMRe:It's a surprisingly decent video player by nathanh (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @05:47AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.3 replies beneath your current threshold. Admitting to breaking laws? (Score:5, Interesting) by rdwald (831442) on Wednesday October 19, @07:03PM (#13831287) In addition, we obtained from a friend an illegally downloaded episode of the TV show "Battlestar Galactica," which she had converted to one of the video formats the iPod supports. What, Mossberg has no fear of repercussions? Or does he figure that the Sci Fi channel will figure the plug is worth the copyright infringement? [ Reply to This sign of the times (Score:5, Insightful) by rebug (520669) on Wednesday October 19, @07:21PM (#13831403) Even the Wall Street Journal editors think nothing of downloading and sharing TV shows. I think this pretty much reflects the average person's stance: it's just not a big deal.IP owners sure have a tough battle ahead of them. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:sign of the times by Blondie-Wan (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:34PMRe:sign of the times by Dorothy 86 (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:08PMRe:sign of the times by Baricom (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:50PM Other interesting comments (Score:5, Insightful) by mblase (200735) on Wednesday October 19, @07:36PM (#13831506) This video format and conversion problem is a mess that will hold back the video iPod unless Apple fixes it by incorporating free, reliable, and easy video conversion in iTunes. He's got a point. Quicktime Pro is a $30 upgrade no user should have to pay for just to do this job. iTunes can easily convert between MP3, AAC, WAV or AIFF -- it ought to do the same for MPG and MOV videos.Apple should also include a stand with the video iPod, to get around the problem of holding the thing in viewing position for long periods. This comment I don't get. It's supposed to be a portable video viewer, not a comfortable one. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Other interesting comments by brogdon (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:41PMRe:Other interesting comments by SeaFox (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @09:13PMRe:Other interesting comments by westyx (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @05:48PMRe:Other interesting comments by SeaFox (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @06:17PMRe:Other interesting comments by westyx (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @06:48PMRe:Other interesting comments by NanoGator (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:46PM Re:Other interesting comments (Score:5, Insightful) by badasscat (563442) <.moc.oohay. .ta. .57tedacssab.> on Wednesday October 19, @10:31PM (#13832508) ( Pretty simple premise, really. If you're sitting in a plane, having a little wire stand would mean the iPod could sit up on the tray table for you to watch without having to hold it the whole time.It's called a dock, and Apple sells them for $39.If you don't need docking functions, try one of these [], or these [], or these [], or these [].Would it be cheap for Apple to have included one? Sure - that $15 one is just a little piece of plastic, I'm sure it costs about 45 cents to make. But what would Apple gain from it? They're not going to sell any more iPods because it comes with a stand, and they're just going to annoy their accessory makers. One of the things that's kept the iPod so popular is this cottage industry of accessories that's grown up around it - people know they have many options to customize their iPods, so it makes them more likely to buy (vs. another player that may have a smaller selection of cases, stands or other products available).I do personally wish the iPod still came with a dock, but I don't just want a crappy little stand. And I understand why Apple took the dock out of the package - it hasn't hurt sales any and it's let them do these feature and spec upgrades without raising prices at all. I'm not defending their removal of the dock from a consumer's standpoint, but I do understand it from a business standpoint. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Other interesting comments by sh00z (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @09:31AMRe:Brother, can you spare $30 ? by Monkelectric (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:17PMRe:Brother, can you spare $30 ? by toddestan (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:24PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Fair use... by msauve (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:43PMRe:Fair use... by Threni (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:52PMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? NOT! by Ruvim (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:48PMThe friend... by Snaller (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:07PMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? by Saeger (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:43PMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? by rdwald (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @02:36AMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? by Pope (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @11:51AMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? by dancpsu (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:57PMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? by AdmiralWeirdbeard (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @01:46AMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? by ohmypolarbear (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @08:36AMRe:Admitting to breaking laws? by alms (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @09:46AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Watching videos on the computer... (Score:5, Interesting) by WarpedMind (151632) on Wednesday October 19, @07:03PM (#13831289) I agree about watching videos on the computer. I have no intention to my a video iPod, but I'm using iTunes to catch up on episodes of some TV programs. The quality on my computer was great.I'll probably delete the episodes soon to reclaim the space. I'll just write it off as rental price. [ Reply to ThisRe:Watching videos on the computer... by salimma (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @12:04AM What's the big deal? (Score:2, Interesting) by Belseth (835595) on Wednesday October 19, @07:09PM (#13831317) The joke is I can already do this on my palm Zaire only better. If it wasn't for battery life I could hold two movies on a 1 gig memory card. I already have trailers to the movies I shot and my CG reel on it. Not to mention my portfolio and several hundred stills and I haven't begun to fill the one gig memory card. The screen is larger than a video Ipod and has a good quality image. I wish they'd come up with an add on battery pack for them. The sound isn't bad through head phones. I'd love to be able to load a couple of films on a memory card for plane flights. Ipods are convienent but I like Palms for flexsibility. I even find myself using the built in camera quiter often. Handy devices. [ Reply to ThisRe:What's the big deal? by TMacPhail (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:13PMRe:What's the big deal? by plastik55 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:30PMRe:What's the big deal? by computechnica (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:40PMRe:What's the big deal? by SlashdotOgre (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:31PMRe:What's the big deal? by countach (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:12PMRe:What's the big deal? by Babbster (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:28PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:What's the big deal? by Punchcardz (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:57PMRe:What's the big deal? by thuh Freak (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:41PMRe:What's the big deal? by cthellis (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @01:53AMRe:What's the big deal? by Y2 (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @03:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. But... Can I put my divx's etc on it? (Score:1) by dr_skipper (581180) on Wednesday October 19, @07:10PM (#13831322) Anyone have any idea? Can it play divx's/xvid's? I have a large collection I'd want to put on it.. [ Reply to This Re:But... Can I put my divx's etc on it? (Score:5, Informative) by siliconjunkie (413706) on Wednesday October 19, @07:16PM (#13831370) Can it play divx's/xvid's?Nope.From []H.264 video: up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240, 30 frames per sec., Baseline Profile up to Level 1.3 with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats MPEG-4 video: up to 2.5 mbps, 480 x 480, 30 frames per sec., Simple Profile with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats [ Reply to This | ParentDirect stream copy? by tepples (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:51PMRe:Direct stream copy? by siliconjunkie (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @08:11PMRe:Direct stream copy? by Robo210 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:26PMRe:Direct stream copy? by springbox (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:31PMRe:Direct stream copy? by CryoPenguin (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:59PMRe:Direct stream copy? by evilviper (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:44PMRe:Direct stream copy? by Durandal64 (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @01:55AMRe:Direct stream copy? by evilviper (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @02:18AMRe:Direct stream copy? by haruchai (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @04:01PMRe:Direct stream copy? by evilviper (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @11:05PMRe:But... Can I put my divx's etc on it? by nutshell42 (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @09:49AMRe:But... Can I put my divx's etc on it? by generic-man (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:But... Can I put my divx's etc on it? YES by kizzbizz (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:13PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Et tu, video iPod? (Score:4, Interesting) by MightyMait (787428) on Wednesday October 19, @07:10PM (#13831333) (Last Journal: Friday June 11, @02:41PM) I submitted a story yesterday (rejected :( ) about this article [] by Gary Krakow which tempers some of the iPod hysteria. I've met a number of folks (some of whom were musicians) that have bought iPods for their "cool" factor without examining all the features, limitations (no 16-bit 44KHz audio recording unless you install Linux), or the competition's offerings.Archos has had a portable media device that records video/audio from analog inputs for a number of years now. [ Reply to This Re:Et tu, video iPod? (Score:5, Insightful) by mblase (200735) on Wednesday October 19, @07:49PM (#13831584) Archos has had a portable media device that records video/audio from analog inputs for a number of years now.Yep, and it's got a lot of features an iPod will probably never sport. Being able to record video from an analog source is something Apple probably will never do, because they're trying their best to play friendly with the media companies. Plus it's got a smaller screen, a focus on music and not video... but since Archos hasn't been selling their player nearly as well as Apple's been selling iPods, it's reasonable to assume that portable video just isn't there yet.But despite what critics have said about TV on the iTMS, I think it'll be the next big thing. Sure, TV is free -- so is radio. What you get on the iTMS is commercial-free video, on demand, with no commercials. Sure, you can see the new episode of "Lost" on TV this week, but what if you missed last week's and didn't tape it? What if you want to watch a few episodes of season 1 without waiting for a DVD rental to get to your house? It won't replace TV or DVD by any stretch, but it fills in a gap in the viewing experience that's been there for some time. And hey--you don't need a new iPod to watch those episodes. They look pretty good on a 17" monitor, too.I think it's safe to say that the iTMS/iPod combo and the Archos player fill two different niches--one's a system for video-on-demand, the other's basically a portable TiVo. The iPod has never been designed to record radio, and you can only record voice with a plug-in accessory -- it's a player, period. Let each device do its job well and there's room in the market for everyone. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.New Audio Recording - 44.1 KHz, stereo by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:10PMRe:Et tu, video iPod? by Absentminded-Artist (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:20PMRe:Et tu, video iPod? by Absentminded-Artist (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @09:23PMRe:Et tu, video iPod? by mtalbot (Score:1) Thursday October 20, @04:11AMRe:Et tu, video iPod? by MacGod (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @07:36AMRe:uh, not anymore by MightyMait (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:07PMRe:uh, not anymore by MightyMait (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:14PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Missing accessories (Score:5, Insightful) by blackmonday (607916) on Wednesday October 19, @07:10PM (#13831335) ( I can forgive Apple for discontinuing Firewire on the new iPods, but I can't forgive them for not including the charger in the box. I understand that the USB cable doubles as a charger, but I want to charge it in a hotel room, friends's house, etc. How much could that little charger possible cost Apple? 2-3 bucks? I'll stick with my 3rd gen until it dies, then I hope my existing accessories will still work on the newer iPods. [ Reply to ThisRe:Missing accessories by netkid91 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:19PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missing accessories by zigziggityzoo (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @07:47PMRe:Missing accessories by heeeraldo (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:53PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Missing accessories (Score:5, Funny) by Dan East (318230) on Wednesday October 19, @09:43PM (#13832250) ( Apple expects you to do the reasonable thing - buy one of them PowerBook-iPod-charger-thingies. You just plug your iPod into the USB port of the charger (aka PowerBook). Yeah, they're a little on the big side for a power supply, but I've heard they can be used for other things too.Dan East [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Missing accessories (Score:4, Informative) by TCQuad (537187) on Thursday October 20, @12:03AM (#13832978) The power charger connects using the FireWire dock connector, not the USB one. No FireWire dock connector cable means that people who would get this would end up with a power brick they weren't able to use. As for a USB version, any $10 powered USB hub will do the trick, so the expense to Apple (eventually passed onto the consumer) for the brick exceeds its value. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missing accessories by mstra (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @03:00PMRe:Missing accessories by TCQuad (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @03:48PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missing accessories by MacGod (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @07:38AM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Creative Zen Vision (Score:1, Offtopic) by ChaserPnk (183094) on Wednesday October 19, @07:26PM (#13831444) For $399 plays videos such as Xvid, Divx. Can do pictures as well.Official Site []Digital Life TV Review []Might be a worthy rival to the iPod. [ Reply to ThisRe:Creative Zen Vision by heeeraldo (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:03PMRe:Creative Zen Vision by aliens (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:47PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. What next? (Score:1) by InvisibleSoul (882722) on Wednesday October 19, @07:34PM (#13831482) So now that MP3 players can play videos as well, what's next?Maybe they can add support for video games.Wait, they already have those... [ Reply to ThisWe need an open gaming handheld. by tepples (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @12:08AM2 replies beneath your current threshold. But how does it look on a TV? (Score:1) by mrjatsun (543322) on Wednesday October 19, @07:35PM (#13831498) I personally don't care about watching a video on the iPod screen. I have my iPod in a dock hooked up to my stereo. With the new video iPod and new dock/remote, I could watch movies, tv shows, etc on my TV (video supplied by me, not iTunes :-))So who cares how it looks on the iPod screen, how does it look on a non HD TV, how easy is it to navigate through video selections with the remote, etc, etc.IMO, that's what will make or break the video part of the iPod. Of course, you buy an new iPod, you get the video feature for free. So why are folks complaining so much??? [ Reply to ThisRe:But how does it look on a TV? by geekoid (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:40PMRe:But how does it look on a TV? by Jason1729 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:47PMRe:But how does it look on a TV? by loquacious d (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:50PM


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