Sunday, November 20, 2005

Anonymous Coward's Cousin writes "Yahoo news is reporting that Red Hat co-founder Bob Young has resigned from the board. From the article: 'In a funny way, my resignation is perhaps the finest compliment I can pay to everyone associated with Red Hat today, I have complete confidence in the future of the company'"Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='redhat,news';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Red Hat Co-Founder Bob Young Resigns Log in/Create an Account | Top | 139 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 139 comments 0: 127 comments 1: 106 comments 2: 73 comments 3: 22 comments 4: 20 comments 5: 15 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. RedHat == Linux (Score:5, Interesting) by ReformedExCon (897248) <> on Wednesday October 19, @02:38AM (#13824507) I don't think there is another "pure" Linux vendor that has done more for making Linux a household name than RedHat. Their smart partnerships with OEMs and computer manufacturers has been invaluable to the Linux movement. In a very real sense, without RedHat, there wouldn't be a strong Linux movement now.Bob has been behind much of this, though it is hardly something that one man can lay full claim to. Going forward, hopefully RedHat keeps it together and continues to generate Linux buzz. [ Reply to This Re:RedHat == Linux (Score:5, Insightful) by strider44 (650833) on Wednesday October 19, @02:52AM (#13824550) RedHat == Linux as much as Dell == Microsoft. In other words they're totally different even if they share good relations. [ Reply to This | ParentThe scary thing by poofyhairguy82 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @03:50AMRe:RedHat == Linux by Tellalian (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:13AM Re:RedHat == Linux (Score:5, Insightful) by stoborrobots (577882) on Wednesday October 19, @09:02AM (#13825694) ( Does Dell maintain a customized Windows distribution...Isn't that what they ship me on the CD which comes with my shiny new Dell machine?They change the theme, and the screensaver, and the backdrop... and maybe include some custom apps... oh, and they choose some drivers to include. And they package it all with their custom installer... And then they change all the support links to point to instead of Sounds like a custom distro to me... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:RedHat == Linux by Strog (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:33AMRe:RedHat == Linux by Shakes268 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:33AMRe:RedHat == Linux by Tellalian (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:18PMRe:RedHat == Linux by Tellalian (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:39PMRe:RedHat == Linux by Suicyco (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:57PMRe:RedHat == Linux by Suicyco (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:RedHat == Linux (Score:5, Interesting) by Lisandro (799651) on Wednesday October 19, @03:14AM (#13824603) I always had this love/hate relationship with RedHat... on one hand, their Linux distributions (besides tech support, which is excellent) always gave me problems; specially when compared to other more "modern" distros. RPM is a big culprit of this, i might add - you don't fully get how ugly that packaging system is until you try something better, IMHO (apt-get and Portage comes to mind). I haven't tried a RedHat distro since the RedHat/Fedora "split" though, i heard they got a lot better.    But, like you said, Linux wouldn't be what it is today without RedHat. Not only they made Linux a viable alternative for buisnesses (and homes), but they actively contributed to a number of OSS proyects, all the way back to when Linux wasn't the buzzword it is today. We Linux users (and OSS users aswell) owe a lot to RedHat, and yes, Bob Young has been behind much of it. I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours... and hope RedHat does well. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:RedHat == Linux (Score:4, Informative) by BladeMelbourne (518866) on Wednesday October 19, @04:00AM (#13824715) ( RPM is a package format (equivalent to DEB).apt-get is a package download/install tool that resolves dependencies. apt-get is not better than RPM... they can't really be compared because they serve very different purposes.As a Fedora user, I use apt-get, yum, yumex, up2date and synaptic (mainly the last two). I haven't had "RPM hell" since about RedHat 7-8.If you get the opportunity - give a modern RH based distro a go. Good steps have been made. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:RedHat == Linux by Lisandro (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @04:27AMRe:RedHat == Linux by poptix@work (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @04:50AMRe:RedHat == Linux by Lisandro (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @05:10AMRe:RedHat == Linux by Codename_V (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @05:37AMRe:RedHat == Linux by digitect (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:17PMRe:RedHat == Linux by indifferent children (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @07:45AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:RedHat == Linux by sydb (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:11AMRe:RedHat == Linux by gmack (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:01AMRe:RedHat == Linux by KenSeymour (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:29PMRe:RedHat == Linux by sydb (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:31PMRe:RedHat == Linux by gmack (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:56PMRe:RedHat == Linux by sydb (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:03PMRe:RedHat == Linux by sydb (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:05PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:RedHat == Linux NOT FOR THIS GENTOO METOO by znmeb (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:48AMRe:RedHat == Linux by Matt Perry (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:08PMRe:RedHat == Linux by joeslugg (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @01:37PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:RedHat == Linux by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @04:10AMRe:RedHat == Linux by Pecisk (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:33AMRe:RedHat == Linux by leonmergen (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @03:15AMRe:RedHat == Linux by alcmaeon (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:24AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Unpopular department (Score:4, Funny) by Xiroth (917768) on Wednesday October 19, @02:38AM (#13824508) lvl-50-ceo-lfgWho'd want to quest with someone who's going to take all the loot? [ Reply to This Re:Unpopular department (Score:5, Funny) by patio11 (857072) on Wednesday October 19, @02:43AM (#13824523) When you've just aggroed Microsoft, who is level 500 and has an Area of Effect: Death spell that it can cast on an entire industry every couple of seconds, perhaps someone clad in an all-purple Penguin Suit doesn't look so bad.To anyone who says this comment is nerdy: consider where you are. Glass houses, stones, etc. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Unpopular department (Score:5, Funny) by FidelCatsro (861135) <fidelcatsro@[ ] ['gma' in gap]> on Wednesday October 19, @04:31AM (#13824789) (Last Journal: Wednesday October 19, @07:35AM) So does this make Ballmer a lvl 500 ,Chaotic Evil ,Ork ,Barbarian .(I wish there was a Gorilla race) .His feats include1:Barrel throw ,2:Developer dance (Dance around like a prat and call a wave of Developers to stampede the enemy) ,3:War cry '(Intimidate the enemy with a war cry of ""I'm going to f---ing bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do itagain,"")4:Immature Prat (Act like a total tit and say ""I'm going to fucking kill Google."")His armour and weaponryHelmet , MS-helm of +4 DevelopersArmour , +5 plate mail of Anti-trust avoidanceLeft hand weapon , +5 Axe of Google fucking killRight hand Weapon , +8 club of fucking bury [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Unpopular department by TrappedByMyself (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:19AMRe:Unpopular department by FidelCatsro (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:28AMRe:Unpopular department by TrappedByMyself (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:21PMRe:Unpopular department by FidelCatsro (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:44PMRe:Unpopular department by roach2002 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:39AMRe:Unpopular department by Spy der Mann (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:39PMRe:Unpopular department by magpi3 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @04:26PMRe:Unpopular department by ToasterofDOOM (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @08:35PM Saw it coming a mile off. (Score:5, Informative) by stevo3232 (794498) on Wednesday October 19, @02:42AM (#13824518) (Last Journal: Saturday November 20, @10:08PM) One of my local LUGgers works for Bob Young on the side at the football team he owns (he runs the tech stuff like the website and broadcasting), the Hamilton Tiger Cats, and he said he could definitly see Bob resigning. He's been jumbling about too much stuff lately and he really isn't paying attention to redhat or linux at all very much recently. I think possibly running the Tiger Cats and just wanting to relax for a bit are greater reasons for Bob's resignment than going off to work on this other .com thing. He's really been quite busy as of late though and he hasn't made it out to the local linux user's group meeting in over a year now so I'm pretty sure he's done with linux for a while now. Ah well, maybe he can come out to more of my local lug meetings now! :)--stevo32 (Stephen Clement) [ Reply to This Re:Saw it coming a mile off. (Score:4, Funny) by i_should_be_working (720372) on Wednesday October 19, @03:09AM (#13824594) Ah well, maybe he can come out to more of my local lug meetings now! :) Maybe he can do something about those 3-12 Tigercats now! [ Reply to This | ParentWhere are the Tigercats? by olddotter (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:36AMRe:Where are the Tigercats? by mojotunes (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:30PMRe:Saw it coming a mile off. by willisbueller (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:43AMRe:Saw it coming a mile off. by rider_prider (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @04:46PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Saw it coming a mile off. by PMoonlite (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:34AMRe:Saw it coming a mile off. by Ron Harwood (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @03:08PMRe:Saw it coming a mile off. by Ron Harwood (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @03:14PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Show of faith. (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 19, @02:46AM (#13824532) "I have complete confidence in the future of the company'""So when's Ballmer resigning? [ Reply to ThisRe:Show of faith. by Neo-Rio-101 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @03:31AMRe:Show of faith. by dwater (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @04:16AMRe:Show of faith. by Valafar (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:40AMRe:Show of faith. by dave at hostwerks (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:39AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Show of faith. by joshuaobrien (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @01:57PM I have complete confidence in the future of the.. (Score:5, Funny) by zegebbers (751020) on Wednesday October 19, @02:50AM (#13824541) ( company, and the value of my shares. [ Reply to This Translation: (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 19, @03:18AM (#13824611) "Thank you all for everything. Now if you'll excuse me, I have just realized I am now very rich, so I'm going to go drink for 32 years." [ Reply to This no one cracked this joke yet? (Score:5, Funny) by dithi (88241) on Wednesday October 19, @03:27AM (#13824630) rpm -e BobYoung.rpm [ Reply to ThisRe:no one cracked this joke yet? by MoneyMan (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @03:33AM Re:no one cracked this joke yet? (Score:4, Funny) by quadrocerebra (752031) on Wednesday October 19, @03:46AM (#13824676) "rpm -e BobYoung.rpm"cannot remove BobYoung.rpm--BobYoung.rpm is required by redhat.rpm--BobYoung.rpm is required by fedora.rpm [ Reply to This | ParentRe:no one cracked this joke yet? by hdparm (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @03:59AMRe:no one cracked this joke yet? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @04:19AMRe:no one cracked this joke yet? by TheSpoom (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:14AMMOD PARENT UP by Curate (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @03:54PMRe:no one cracked this joke yet? by Neo-Rio-101 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @04:59AMRe:no one cracked this joke yet? by Phoe6 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:45AM Here is the Press Release on RHAT's Website (Score:2, Informative) by linumax (910946) on Wednesday October 19, @03:27AM (#13824631) Bob Young to Resign From Red Hat Board [] [ Reply to ThisRe:Here is the Press Release on RHAT's Website by hdparm (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @04:02AMRe:Here is the Press Release on RHAT's Website by LiquidCoooled (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @05:22AM Game of chicken, anyone? (Score:2) by Rahga (13479) on Wednesday October 19, @03:30AM (#13824639) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 19, @02:26AM) I imagine there's a great big hottub somewhere out there...[sun] Schwartz: Weez be so much betta than youse, man.[rhat] Young: First they mock you, then they tease you, then they flirt with you, then I win. Or something.[msft] Balmer: Dude, has anyone seen my shaving cream?Young: Tell you what... I bet you ain't got the cahones to walk away and let your company do its thing. Sun would fall apart at the seams.Schwartz: Booyshaykaya. Youse first.Young: Okie Dokie.Balmer: Google must die.It all went downhill from there. [ Reply to ThisRe:Game of chicken, anyone? by itchy92 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:55AMCojones. by jotaeleemeese (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @04:43PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. He saw the signs (Score:5, Funny) by pchan- (118053) on Wednesday October 19, @03:32AM (#13824647) (Last Journal: Wednesday March 09, @04:04AM) The math is simple and the handwriting is on the wall. No, Netcraft does not confirm this, but Bob figured out that hard drives double in size about every two years. A base Redhat install doubles in size every 9 months. It will be less than 6 years before a Redhat desktop install requires 512 gigs, and shortly after that, the requirements will surpass the largest drives available on the market. He's escaped, and will slowly sell off his stock, take the money and walk way.Also, I hear he runs Slackware now. [ Reply to This It's ok, It's time or New Blood to Join Management (Score:1) by TarrySingh (916400) on Wednesday October 19, @03:55AM (#13824704) ( I think Bob has done his part. Redhat is a global leader and needs some sharp edges and should consider hiring new fire-breathing sharp-edged staff. How about Terpstra? I'm available as well :-) [ Reply to ThisRe:It's ok, It's time or New Blood to Join Managem by Lumpy (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @04:31AM Translation: (Score:1) by LooseChanj (17865) on Wednesday October 19, @04:13AM (#13824749) ( I could give two squats what happens, as long as my shares don't tank. [ Reply to This Sounds familiar... (Score:5, Funny) by node 3 (115640) on Wednesday October 19, @04:48AM (#13824839) "I have such enthusiasm and confidence in the mission." -Hal 9000 :-) [ Reply to ThisRe:Sounds familiar... by Hosiah (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:34AM Good PR for (Score:2) by ReadParse (38517) <john&funnycow,com> on Wednesday October 19, @05:23AM (#13824930) ( I hadn't even heard of, I'm ashamed to say. This is probably good exposure for that company, citing it as a main reason for his resignation. is cool, by the way.And no, I don't think he did it for PR. I believe that he's genuinely too busy for Red Hat.RP [ Reply to ThisRe:Good PR for by Dolda2000 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:30AM How does this effect their 'defensive' patents? (Score:1, Troll) by Rogerborg (306625) on Wednesday October 19, @06:39AM (#13825127) ( I'll lay money that in two years, we'll look back and with hindsight say this was the point where RedHat started to become another SCO. Young is a man of principle. What do we know about the remaining board? [ Reply to ThisRe:How does this effect their 'defensive' patents? by Wornstrom (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:08AMRe:How does this effect their 'defensive' patents? by LnxAddct (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:46PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Used to Argue with Bob at LUG meetings (Score:1) by olddotter (638430) on Wednesday October 19, @09:48AM (#13826049) ( I still remember arguing with Bob Young at RTP area LUG meetings back in 1995 about why RedHat should release sales numbers. I still think it would have given Linux more credibility to have the numbers out there. But all's well that ends well. [ Reply to This Ruminations... (Score:2) by Hosiah (849792) on Wednesday October 19, @10:23AM (#13826317) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 19, @01:49PM) Now, if he follows in Gentoo's footsteps and runs away to a new job at Redmond, that'll really be weird...My, while we're all making our little speeches about El Sombrero de Rojo, it's occured to me that I've done way lots of harping on my favorite distros, but forgot the background one. Red Hat has been the distro that I leave on the family box. I know, as a Slackware man I'm supposed to look down on Red Hat, but: I see Red Hat as the convenience distro, the generic choice when you can't decide what kind of Linux you need. I know that I can load Red Hat on the machine, configure a few files, RPM a few key programs, and walk away from it knowing it won't trouble mom and the kids too much. It still comes with some programming support - what we used to call "bad", before some other distros became "appalling" at it - and has quite a bit of GNU software (nearly eradicated from half the distros out there). It has had - and will always have - some flaws, but these are the relatively minor kind that can be fixed, as opposed to the big, stupid kind that break the whole distro. Long live Red Hat - because without it, all distros would have to be based on Debian, and we'd never see anything done right again! [ Reply to This This was his plan all along... (Score:2) by OneFix at Work (684397) on Wednesday October 19, @10:39AM (#13826480) When he moved from his position as CEO in 1999 to a member of the board, he had always anticipated this happening...and he has taken a back seat as of late (ever since starting Lulu Tech Circus []).This is the way a good founder/CEO steps down from his's just that lately, we haven't had many good CEOs in the public eye.This is certainly not bad for Red Hat...and I wonder now who will take his place on the board... [ Reply to This Re:Old old old (Score:4, Interesting) by strider44 (650833) on Wednesday October 19, @02:57AM (#13824559) It is interesting though that people are complaining that a web site has news a full day late. Shows the effects that the internet has had on communication (as well as expectations of levels of communication). [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Part of the plan... (Score:5, Interesting) by Bastian (66383) on Wednesday October 19, @02:57AM (#13824560) Red Hat has always charged for the core of their business, which was providing fully-supported Linux systems to business-class customers. I'm not sure dropping the free-as-in-beer version of their OS really counts as the beginning of their charging customers for service. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Part of the plan... by gowen (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @04:11AMRe:Part of the plan... by stor (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @06:24AMRe:Part of the plan... by sydb (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:47AM Re:This thread screams this out to me: (Score:2) by Linker3000 (626634) on Wednesday October 19, @06:45AM (#13825142) Yeah - Slashux (Sux for short): You install it on a single drive and a day later a duplicate drive mysteriously appears and - hey presto - RAID 1. [ Reply to This | Parent Oh god I hate trolls (Score:2, Insightful) by LnxAddct (679316) <> on Wednesday October 19, @07:35AM (#13825257) The subject says it all. To anyone who may thinks the parent is creditable, it is not, its just a troll.Regards,Steve [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Oh god I hate trolls by Hosiah (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:30AM


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