Sunday, November 20, 2005

shri writes "E Ink has just announced a breakthrough in flexible electronic paper displays. The new display which has a 100DPI resolution and is only 300 microns thick has the potential of truely changing the way we read our information." Flexible Electronic Paper Log in/Create an Account | Top | 236 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 236 comments 0: 233 comments 1: 191 comments 2: 128 comments 3: 39 comments 4: 17 comments 5: 11 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Make mine writable.. (Score:4, Interesting) by bigattichouse (527527) on Wednesday October 19, @10:40AM (#13826492) ( Make it pressure sensitive for interfacing (writing with a stylus and touch screen), and you got a deal mister! [ Reply to This Re:Make mine writable.. (Score:5, Funny) by halivar (535827) <> on Wednesday October 19, @10:46AM (#13826553) ( No, what you've got is a really, really expensive pencil and paper. All you save is eraser rubbings. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Make mine writable.. (Score:5, Insightful) by KillerDeathRobot (818062) on Wednesday October 19, @10:58AM (#13826667) ( All you save is eraser rubbings.Or you save paint, or ink, or writing materials we couldn't dream of in the physical world. Not to mention that digital ink, paint, etc. can all be easily erased or transformed, unlike their real-world counterparts.I think even more important than saving materials is the fact that you could annotate webistes, documents, whatever, making this (what the GP mentioned, not what the article speaks of) much more than really expensive pencil and paper. [ Reply to This | ParentSave Ink, Burn... by TheStonepedo (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:28PMRe:Make mine writable.. by somersault (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:01AMRe:Make mine writable.. by Soul-Burn666 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:38PMRe:Make mine writable.. by zymurgyboy (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:07AMRe:Make mine writable.. by zymurgyboy (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:51AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Make mine writable.. by SilicaiMan (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:14PMRe:Make mine writable.. by SomeoneGotMyNick (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:20PMhandwriting/drawing recognition by mrchaotica (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:08PMRe:Make mine writable.. by UltimaL337Star (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:15PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Make mine writable.. by zymurgyboy (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:47AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.WOW!!! by matr0x_x (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:40AMRe:WOW!!! by Usquebaugh (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:06PMRe:WOW!!! by oc255 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:23PMRe:WOW!!! by Catbeller (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:42PMRe:WOW!!! by modecx (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @02:09PMRe:WOW!!! by modecx (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @05:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.FAX resolution by acariquara (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:40AM Re:FAX resolution (Score:5, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 19, @10:47AM (#13826564) Considering that most of us are staring at a 96 DPI screen at the moment, I'd say that 100 DPI is pretty darn good for a digital screen. It's still behind paper, but not by too much. 150 DPI is excellent quality. Anything over that only increases sharpness and fidelity.144dpi = dot matrixThis is somewhat misleading. Many dot matrix printers weren't able to produce dots without gaps, giving the paper a ridged appearance. As long as the pixels are flush on this display, you shouldn't have any problems. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:FAX resolution by acariquara (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:58AMRe:FAX resolution by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:07AMRe:FAX resolution by sickofthisshit (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:10PMRe:FAX resolution by sickofthisshit (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @03:39PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:FAX resolution by Brazilian Joe (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @12:36PMRe:FAX resolution by Carnildo (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:56PMRe:FAX resolution by WaterBreath (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @04:46PMRe:FAX resolution by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @03:19PMRe:FAX resolution by sickofthisshit (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @03:58PMRe:FAX resolution by MaceyHW (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:47AMRe:FAX resolution by SimilarityEngine (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:52AMRe:FAX resolution by mwvdlee (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:54AMRe:FAX resolution by Red Flayer (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:58AMRe:FAX resolution by acariquara (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:09AMRe:FAX resolution by Red Flayer (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:16AMRe:FAX resolution by Shano (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:16AMRe:FAX resolution by ucblockhead (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:02AM Re:FAX resolution (Score:5, Insightful) by dsginter (104154) on Wednesday October 19, @11:07AM (#13826751) 100dpi = FAX resolution (low-quality)Umm... no... Fax machines have crummy quality scanners and lossy compression techniques so they do not represent 100dpi well. Go scan a quality pic at 100dpi on a good scanner and let me know what you think of the quality.Here's a sample [] at 100dpi. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:FAX resolution by acariquara (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:16AMRe:FAX resolution by dsginter (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:21AMRe:FAX resolution by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:27AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:FAX resolution by trb (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @12:07PMRe:FAX resolution by trb (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @12:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:FAX resolution by Dahan (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:00PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:FAX resolution by hey! (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:29AMRe:FAX resolution by acariquara (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:52AMRe:FAX resolution by KillerDeathRobot (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:12AMRe:FAX resolution by acariquara (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:43AMRe:FAX resolution by intangible (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold.A repeat? by harish (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:40AMRe:A repeat? by strredwolf (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:58AMRe:A repeat? by jzeejunk (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:07AMRe:A repeat? by eln (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:14AMRe:A repeat? by LooseIsNotLose (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:00PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Not a dupe by Ironsides (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:19AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. what's the vapor-equivalent of hardware? (Score:5, Interesting) by The Only Druid (587299) on Wednesday October 19, @10:41AM (#13826501) (Is it still vaporware?)I know this isn't the traditional sense of vaporware - i.e. there are actual hardware prototypes of all these different e-ink/e-paper/e-tc. - but I cant help but wonder when an actual product with these things will break through.I mean, after all, we keep seeing prototypes of Duke Nukem Forever but that doesn't mean there's an actual product coming. Similarly, all these companies are so proud of their prototypes but none (except for Sony's illfated attempt) have actually come out with a real product.I'm just bitter: I want my digital newspaper that I can roll up and shove in my bag. [ Reply to ThisRe:what's the vapor-equivalent of hardware? by shawn(at)fsu (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:44AMRe:your sig by jtroutman (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:38AMRe:what's the vapor-equivalent of hardware? by HEbGb (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:59AMRe:what's the vapor-equivalent of hardware? by gmuslera (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:19AMHero devices by PIPBoy3000 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:22AMRe:what's the vapor-equivalent of hardware? by ded_guy (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:46AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:what's the vapor-equivalent of hardware? by mcaycedo (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:42PMRe:what's the vapor-equivalent of hardware? by shri (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:14PMThey have shipping product by JudasBlue (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:33PMYes it's expensive but... by RoverDaddy (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:30PM4 replies beneath your current another one by drownie (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:41AM So where are they? (Score:4, Interesting) by EraserMouseMan (847479) on Wednesday October 19, @10:41AM (#13826506) Seems like a new company is announcing a new similar technology every month. Why can't I buy one yet?!!Let's start mass-producing these babies! [ Reply to ThisRe:So where are they? by ExistentialEngineer (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:26PMRe:So where are they? by roman_mir (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @01:05PMRe:So where are they? by korgull (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @01:26PMRe:So where are they? by superflippy (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:28PMRe:So where are they? by flonker (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:39PMRe:So where are they? by KillShill (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:04PMRe:So where are they? by corprew (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @03:31PM First graders (Score:4, Funny) by connah0047 (850585) on Wednesday October 19, @10:42AM (#13826508) Now teachers will have a REALLY good reason to tell their first graders, "STOP EATING PAPER JIMMY! Didn't you learn when Ralph burned his tongue off last week?!" [ Reply to ThisRe:First graders by tradjik (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:54AMSounds good.. by GreyWolf3000 (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:42AMRe:Sounds good.. by elgatozorbas (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:49AM Agreed (Score:5, Funny) by Hey Pope Felcher . . (921019) on Wednesday October 19, @10:42AM (#13826513) has the potential of truely changing the way we read our information. Indeed, instead of holding the paper flat, I shall now use the double sided version of electronic paper and construct a moebius strip to read my information. [ Reply to ThisRe:Agreed by TuringTest (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:03AMRe:Agreed by SimilarityEngine (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:11AMRe:Agreed by Shano (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:19AMI want mine by BlueBat (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:42AMOnly 300 microns thick? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:42AMBigger than it sounds by jcorno (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:56AMRe:Bigger than it sounds by jointm1k (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:17AMRe:Bigger than it sounds by dangitman (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:20AMNeeds battery all the time ? by karvind (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:43AM Re:Needs battery all the time ? (Score:5, Informative) by SimilarityEngine (892055) on Wednesday October 19, @10:49AM (#13826592) According to this page [], the paper retains the image when the power is removed. Even more info here [] (PDF). [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Needs battery all the time ? by greywire (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:17AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Needs battery all the time ? by pr0xie (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:55AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.the future of aviation by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:43AMRe:the future of aviation by Gwyn_232 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:03AMRe:the future of aviation by advocate_one (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:19AMRe:the future of aviation by atomic_toaster (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:23AM Not sure how feasible this is (Score:4, Funny) by casualsax3 (875131) on Wednesday October 19, @10:44AM (#13826534) It sounds nice on paper though. [ Reply to ThisSweet! Where's the printer? by GecKo213 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:45AMRe:Sweet! Where's the printer? by mwvdlee (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:57AMRe:Sweet! Where's the printer? by Soul-Burn666 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:51PM04/06? Uses? by dada21 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:46AMRe:04/06? Uses? by BarryNorton (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:01AMRe:04/06? Uses? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:08AMMore information by Jace Harker (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:09PMDot pitch IS important by bgalbrecht (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @02:01PMRe:04/06? Uses? by manno (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:06AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Is it TRUELY? by rock217 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:46AMNo breakthrough by Lord_Dweomer (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:47AMPrice? by Libor Vanek (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:48AM$3000 for 6" dev kit by Maddog Batty (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:55AM FYI (Score:5, Informative) by Gruneun (261463) on Wednesday October 19, @10:49AM (#13826581) You can order a prototype kit, including Linux on a Gumstix, through the E-Ink website []. Provided, you've got a spare $3,000 lying around.If you have a spare $6,000, let me know. I'd love to try it out, too. [ Reply to ThisRe:FYI by JohnFluxx (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:35AMRe:FYI by justins (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:52AMso convenient by tehwebguy (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:50AMRe:so convenient by SimilarityEngine (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:17AMkiller app for this? by jkind (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:50AMRe:killer app for this? by NanoGator (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:36AMRe:killer app for this? by zymurgyboy (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:40AMPreemtive entry by SomeoneGotMyNick (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:50AMI can't wait for the popups by foolish_to_be_here (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:50AMWhy is this taking so long... by mahdi13 (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @10:52AMBig finger twirl here by portwojc (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:54AMPicture Frames by DigitalRaptor (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:56AMWhy go wireless? by brokeninside (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:19AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.eCyclable by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:57AMRe:eCyclable by dknight (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:22AMRe:eCyclable by arkanes (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:38AMRe:eCyclable by Doc Ruby (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @12:05PM Re:eCyclable (Score:5, Interesting) by Irish_Samurai (224931) <hatemail@bin a r y d> on Wednesday October 19, @04:23PM (#13830076) OK, dude, just because you watched some episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit doesn't make you an expert on this stuff. There are people, like me, who have a legitimate problem with recycling SOME materials becuase it's more wasteful to do it. Your little "I want to destroy the world" argument is really childish and just damages the reputation of those trying to make a legitimate point against misinformation.Economically speaking, it is viable to recycle metals and things containing harvestable metal. Aluminum cans, computer equipment, old wiring, and scrap metal can all be resused for products that are equal in quality and at a lower cost. I recycle all my cans and old computer equipment because of this.Paper is a friggin waste to recycle. It's biodegradable for one. The tree's used to make it in America all come from tree farms. These trees are grown specifically for this purpose, so no one is running into virgin forests cutting down all the trees for paper. There does exist opposing research for both sides on the topic of set asides and the increased cost to consumers for packaging. I think the cost difference is negligible and definitely worth the process of forest conservation. On the topic of pollution, no one really talks about it. It's kinda like a dirty secret. To recycle paper you need to put it through basically the same process as making it - which is horrible for the environment. So, instead of making an inferior product that causes the same amount of environmental damage to produce and doesn't save the forests - I have to say no. Tree farms save the US forests in conjunction with set asides.Plastic. This ones a toughie. Not the most biodegradable stuff on the planet and it uses up oil to make it. There is also the issue of what can and cannot be recycled. Number 1 and 2 can. Numbers 3 through 7 cannot because of the PVC content. So what to do? Alot of centers ship it to China. [] That doesn't really sound like recycling, that's more like putting the problem somewhere else. Economically, the cost of recycled plastic is on par with that of plastic made with virgin petroleum, so there is no real incentive to use recycled. Notice on your plastic bottle labels that they say "contains recycled plastic" not made from recycled plastic. If they throw one small batch of recycled plastic into the mix, that statement is true. The corporations ARE NOT recycling shit, thats all marketing baby. And almost everyone buys it. The best thing to do here, don't buy stuff in plastic, or at least cut down on what it is you buy. Look for things contained in glass. Buy your soda in cans. Quit buying water in bottles, which is another scam altogether, and purchase a water purifier. Wash plastic to-go boxes and use them like tupperware.Glass. Not economically the best, but it is easier on the consuption of resources. The process to sort glass into a usable, high quality material is expensive - so it's not necessarily saving anyone any money to do so. The technology used is getting better though, and I firmly believe that it will one day result in a profitable manner in which to make recycled glass the prefered resource. On a consuption of resources perspective, it requires much less energy to process recycled glass than it does to create it from raw materials. I haven't been able to find any numbers that allow me to detirmine if the costs to sort are offset by the costs to reshape, so the jury is still out on that one. On this matter I err on the side of caution. I recycle my glass.SO yeah kid, recycling in all cases may not be the best - but please make up your own mind and do some research, not adopt a stance fed to you by two guys with a good argument that you were too lazy to research and adopted as your own. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Truly by NineNine (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:58AMWrong typo... by Hakubi_Washu (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:02AMHow soft? by brenddie (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:59AMRe:How soft? by NanoGator (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:42AMWould be terrific if... by screwballicus (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @10:59AMRe:Would be terrific if... by Grayputer (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @12:18PMRe:Would be terrific if... by mark-t (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:15PMENOUGH ALREADY!!!! by kevin lyda (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:00AMAnother E-Paper Breakthrough? by amelith (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:04AM Press releases (Score:5, Informative) by Peregr1n (904456) <> on Wednesday October 19, @11:09AM (#13826762) ( The only new thing about today's press release [] is that it's bigger than before and higher resolution. But yesterday they announced a colour version [], which is a bit more newsworthy. [ Reply to This Oooh! 300 MIcrons (Score:4, Insightful) by blair1q (305137) on Wednesday October 19, @11:09AM (#13826764) (Last Journal: Thursday October 17, @11:28AM) 300 microns is 0.3 millimeters.That's not paper, it's card-stock.It's not even that. It's plastic.Um, is there any part of this metaphor that isn't just marketing hype? [ Reply to ThisRe:Oooh! 300 MIcrons by khallow (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:02PMRe:Oooh! 300 MIcrons by khallow (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:08PMCardstock isn't paper? by brokeninside (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:10PMDepends on your paper by jgoemat (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @06:17PMRe:Depends on your paper by RulesLawyer (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @07:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Inaccurate summary by Have Blue (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:11AMHate to be a skeptic, but... by ChrisF79 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:14AMPrivacy by ganache (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:14AM Dose of salt (Score:5, Interesting) by Bozovision (107228) on Wednesday October 19, @11:15AM (#13826819) ( E Ink have been around for a long time - since at least 1998. The underlying technology is older. They've promised this for most of that time. In the last couple of years they've gone from being prototypes to having some real stuff-you-can-touch-and-buy technology built upon their products (which is more than you can say about most of the competition). The Sony E Ink Libre.So take it with a pinch of salt when there's an announcement at a trade show; there have been regular updates from Philips promising great things. I suspect a lot of it is for the benefit of the competition.Just to be clear: I'm not dissing them: The flex display is excellent.But the real story is that they have built a colour display. This is quite hard to do because the technology depends on small electrically charged particles, white and black. To make colours out of this you either need coloured particles and accurate addressing as well as knowing the colours of each capsule which holds the particles. Hard. Or you need multiple layers and coloured filters, and some careful spacing so that the fields from one layer don't interfere with the next. Or a filter with lots of colours and very, very accurate addressing. Or maybe calibratable addressing.I certainly didn't ever think that they'd be able to pull colour out of the system. This is quite an achievement.Eink can be found here []. The press release about the colour display is here [] and the release about the paper, upon which the original post is based is here []. [ Reply to ThisRe:Dose of salt by strider44 (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @08:10PMventure capital? by Jas'Reth (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:16AMMissing Feature by sweetnjguy29 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:23AMThe future of (retro) eBooks by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:23AMRe:The future of (retro) eBooks by argent (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:25PM Truely. (Score:4, Funny) by HunterZ (20035) on Wednesday October 19, @11:26AM (#13826916) ( | Last Journal: Thursday October 13, @02:16AM) "...has the potential of truely changing the way we read our information."I'm going to wait for version 2.0, which will include a spell checker. [ Reply to ThisRe:Truely. by Shishberg (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @06:58PMRe:Truely. by HunterZ (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:28PMAdvertisers will love it by StoatBringer (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @11:37AMHands up anyone who believes them by Andy_R (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:45AMTruely?! by sudog (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:15PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Another annoyance to consider by unicorn (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:16PMThis is not an LCD by eheldreth (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:19PMRe:This is not an LCD by korgull (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @01:37PMRe:This is not an LCD by eheldreth (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @03:42PMGreat News... by krunoce (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:25PMI want my... by tombuon (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @12:26PMAs flexible as construction paper, eh? by Sebastopol (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:28PMMore vaporware from E-Ink by Animats (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:54PMAnd we'll get our first open-source ebook reader.. by Catbeller (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:12PMLaptops by jimic79 (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @01:34PMThey HAVE shipping product in Japan by JudasBlue (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @01:37PMa true conceptual replacement for paper by E2Hawkeye (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @02:11PMFold me up,Scottie! by writerjosh (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @05:33PMRe:Fold me up,Scottie! by narcc (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @07:48PMResolution too low to call it 'paper'... by PlucA (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @06:49PMRe:awesome. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @10:46AMRe:awesome. by thiophene (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:04AMRe:awesome. by MullerMn (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @12:10PMRe:awesome. by thiophene (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:31PMRe:awesome. by Mahou (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:52PMRe:awesome. by RoadDoggFL (Score:1) Wednesday October 19, @09:20PMRe:awesome. by somersault (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:11AMRe:awesome. by Hakubi_Washu (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:19AMRe:awesome. by jacksonj04 (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @12:59PMRe:awesome. by hpavc (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:11AMRe:awesome. by Irish_Samurai (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @02:48PMRe:What about spelling? by Mr. Underbridge (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @11:13AMRe:awesome. by pla (Score:3) Wednesday October 19, @11:37AMRe:awesome. by korgull (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @01:16PMWhen they quit announcing it and start selling it by b00m3rang (Score:2) Wednesday October 19, @12:29PM13 replies beneath your current threshold.


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