Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Evil W1zard writes "Earlier this week a class action lawsuit against Apple was filed claiming that the iPod Nano has a widespread propensity for scratching easily. The lawsuit alleges that Apple violated state consumer protection statutes, as well as express and implied warranties and charges that Apple knew that there were design problems with the Nano." From the article: "An Apple representative declined to comment on the suit, but Apple has stated that the Nano is made of the same polycarbonate material that's found in previous iPods and maintained that the scratching problem does not appear to be widespread. The lawsuit charges, however, that the Nano contains a thinner coating of resin than on previous iPod models."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='media,doj,apple';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; iPod Nano Scratches Result In Suit Log in/Create an Account | Top | 395 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 395 comments 0: 388 comments 1: 308 comments 2: 210 comments 3: 46 comments 4: 27 comments 5: 21 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Interesting) by geomon (78680) on Friday October 21, @04:11PM (#13847320) (http://www.cato.org/ | Last Journal: Sunday April 17, @02:12AM) "The amount and durability of the resin applied as a protective coating during the Nano manufacturing process is clearly defective in that it is not sufficient to adequately protect the face of the Nano from extreme scratching and ultimately irreparable damage," the lawsuit says.Notice that this statement is meant to sound like Apple just rigged Grandma's respirator to fail due to shoddy workmanship. While there is certainly damage to the Nano, and the coating process is "clearly defective", I don't buy for a minute the last statment that the players are irrparably damaged. There are plenty ways that Apple can make good without paying a fucking nickle to these assholes.Mind you, I am no Apple fanboy and am not against filing law suits when people are being scammed, but this suit is just one more reason to ship lawyers to the Moon to minimize contamination of the rest of the world's population. [ Reply to This Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Insightful) by AviLazar (741826) on Friday October 21, @04:15PM (#13847359) (http://www.avilazar.com/ | Last Journal: Thursday January 20, @05:40PM) Notice that this statement is meant to sound like Apple just rigged Grandma's respirator to fail due to shoddy workmanship. While there is certainly damage to the Nano, and the coating process is "clearly defective", I don't buy for a minute the last statment that the players are irrparably damaged. There are plenty ways that Apple can make good without paying a fucking nickle to these assholes. It doesn't sound like that at all...in fact it just sounds like a lawyer utilizing strong language - which is something you should do if you are making a complaint, or a lawsuit. You are not going to write "we think that it might be possible the nano might scratch, where the other ipods will not". At no point did they claim apple was evil or tried to ripoff people who purchased the nano - so no, relating apple to someone who rigged grandma's respirator is completely false. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Insightful) by kryonD (163018) on Friday October 21, @04:21PM (#13847439) (http://www.cynergysoft.com/ | Last Journal: Friday August 27, @11:18AM) Seriously folks, it's no wonder that the legislature is ramming through laws to protect companies from these lawsuits. I mean really....there are places in this world where people will sell their daughters into the sex slave market so they can afford to get one kid through high school....and here we are whining that our iPod Nanos get scratches on them too easily. Am I the only one who thinks this is totally messed up?!? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by AviLazar (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:33PM Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Insightful) by Monkelectric (546685) <.slashdot. .at. .monkelectric.com.> on Friday October 21, @04:41PM (#13847643) (http://www.monkelectric.com/) Um, strawman argument. What you're saying is, until we are as bad as some other places, we have no right to complain? So I can't complain about high taxes, a government run by and for bafoons, because at least we're not as bad as some other placse?Just because other places are fucked up, doesn't mean apple gets to sell defective stuff (assuming that it is defective). The arguments have nothing to do with eachother... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by hunterx11 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:49PM Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:4, Insightful) by Feanturi (99866) <feanturi AT gmail DOT com> on Friday October 21, @06:08PM (#13848481) Well, if I may throw some straw on the fire.. I think the point is that in the West we're a bunch of spoiled babies who have no concept of what it means to suffer. We complain about taxes (that build roads, fund schools, feed people etc) that we actually can pay, while others starve with nothing and barely even clothes on their backs. The real question is, are you, as a human being, actually *entitled* to bitch about how 'hard' your life is made by superfluous issues, while others barely survive? What did you do to *earn* the civilization that supports you? Maybe you personally have earned it, I don't know you, but I can assure you that most of the crybabies in our culture have not. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by KidHash (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:30PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Fallen_Knight (Score:1) Friday October 21, @07:19PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Monkelectric (Score:3) Friday October 21, @06:35PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Feanturi (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:52PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Monkelectric (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:43PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Pollardito (Score:1) Friday October 21, @07:18PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Bullet-Dodger (Score:2) Friday October 21, @11:54PMmore work by zogger (Score:1) Friday October 21, @11:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by mosb1000 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:48PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by AvantLegion (Score:2) Friday October 21, @08:57PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by yurnotsoeviltwin (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:12PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by doublem (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by topper24hours (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:54PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by mp3phish (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:42PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Kevin108 (Score:1) Friday October 21, @06:01PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by JJman (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:45PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Insightful) by evil agent (918566) on Friday October 21, @04:33PM (#13847564) Sure, they're trying to make a strong case for themselves but "extreme scratching"??? Gimme a break. You could pretty much say that about anything with a screen.If your willing to pay a couple hundred for an iPod, then set aside another 20 dollars and get yourself a case to put it in. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Funny) by MightyMartian (840721) on Friday October 21, @04:41PM (#13847644) Do you have a thin skin? Did Steve Jobs leave you raw after the manufacturing process? Are you pissed off? Good, because it's time to shout "I've got a scratch in my stupid fucking MP3 music player, and I'm not going to take it any more!"Get up off your fat ass or out of your ridiculous-looking jogging outfit (which incidentally looks like Richard Simmons beat you over the head and swapped your wardrobe for his) and get your butt down to the nearest cheap-ass Quinton Q. Slimey Attorney's With The Moral Sense Of Horny Bonobo Chimps On Viagra. We'll make Apple pay for your extreme scratching, for your plastic hemerroids that have so damaged your ability to listen to your stolen MP3 tunes.Look for us in the Yellow Pages, right under Flush Toilets. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by BorgCopyeditor (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:14PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by HTTP Error 403 403.9 (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:30PMd'oh! by BorgCopyeditor (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:42PMBlogging outfit by dangitman (Score:2) Saturday October 22, @12:04AMRedundant Mod by geomon (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:19PMRe:Redundant Mod by Basehart (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:49PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Insightful) by Golias (176380) on Friday October 21, @04:54PM (#13847786) Sure, they're trying to make a strong case for themselves but "extreme scratching"??? Gimme a break. Indeed. "Extreme Scratching" sounds like something you might see on ESPN2.It's a fucking plastic electronics toy. Things can scratch it. Holy fuck, get some perspective, people.Everybody who owns glasses knows that the choice is: "Glare reducing. Scratch Resistant. Inexpensive. Choose two."So, Apple chose not to put a scratch-resistant surface on the screens of their low-budget flash-based iPod. Big fucking surprise. Can the nano still function if it's scratched? Hell yes. Can scratches be avoided if you are careful with it? Hell yes.Buy some brass polish, clean off any scratches you have, and spend six bucks on a slip-case for it. Whatever you do, don't sign on for this class action lawsuit, because the same thing will happen that always happens: Apple will settle out of court, you will get a pittance (like, perhaps a $10 iTunes gift card or maybe a can of scratch-removing polish if you are very lucky), and the scumbag lawyers will make millions and then move on to sue the company that signs YOUR paycheck.Oh yeah, and everybody pays more for fucking everything because paying off asshole law firms like this has become a routine cost of doing business these days, regardless of what you do or how well you do it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by toddestan (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:44PMand what crack are you smoking? by King_TJ (Score:2) Friday October 21, @08:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Scratch-proof glasses by Overly Critical Guy (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:22PMRe:Scratch-proof glasses by NixieBunny (Score:1) Friday October 21, @10:32PMRe:Scratch-proof glasses by jrockway (Score:2) Saturday October 22, @12:20AMPerspective: by BrokenHalo (Score:1) Friday October 21, @10:11PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by krunk4ever (Score:2) Friday October 21, @11:46PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by dangitman (Score:2) Saturday October 22, @12:07AMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by FLEB (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:03PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by geomon (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:34PMNot irreparably damaged by Jtheletter (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:13PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Work Account (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:15PM Re:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES (Score:5, Insightful) by timster (32400) on Friday October 21, @04:25PM (#13847491) Well, I don't know about CHEAP watches. Good watches have sapphire crystals, which aren't very easy to scratch.Fundamentally it's a matter of hardness; anything will scratch if it encounters something harder. Hard materials like diamond and sapphire are pretty much inherently expensive. Thus, any material that would be practical for an iPod will scratch. [ Reply to This | ParentAha! HERE is the answer! by switcha (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:23PMWTF how stupid is the slashdot audience getting? by DECS (Score:1) Friday October 21, @06:18PMstupid is as stupid is stupid by timster (Score:3) Friday October 21, @06:31PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:WTF how stupid is the slashdot audience getting by NF6X (Score:1) Friday October 21, @07:24PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by macshit (Score:2) Friday October 21, @08:34PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by aeoo (Score:2) Friday October 21, @09:05PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Bobartig (Score:2) Saturday October 22, @12:21AMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Grym (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:52PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by KillShill (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:54PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Tyler Eaves (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:25PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by aeoo (Score:2) Friday October 21, @10:48PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by timster (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:02PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Jace of Fuse! (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:00PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Jennifer E. Elaan (Score:3) Friday October 21, @07:15PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by timster (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:07PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by hey! (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:28PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by iamlucky13 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:36PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Lars T. (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:53PMRe:I agree with you, but let's consider WATCHES by Nermal6693 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:22PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Daniel_Staal (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:25PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by hey! (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:34PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by shmlco (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:46PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Tim Browse (Score:2) Friday October 21, @08:03PM Re:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers (Score:5, Funny) by mkoenecke (249261) <mkoenecke@@@alum...haverford...edu> on Friday October 21, @04:50PM (#13847724) (http://koenecke.us/) As we in the profession like to say, it's that 95% of lawyers who are dishonest scumbags who ruin it for the rest of us. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Dipster (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:02PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Breakfast Pants (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:35PMHow About... by abscondment (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:34PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:43PMdamn, I need to sue Swatch by johnny cashed (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:04PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by denverradiosucks (Score:1) Friday October 21, @06:05PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by birge (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:06PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by terrymr (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:40PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by birge (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:59PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by terrymr (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:38PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Ilgaz (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:00PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by tenton (Score:1) Friday October 21, @07:11PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by eonlabs (Score:1) Friday October 21, @07:28PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by fimbulvetr (Score:1) Friday October 21, @09:55PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by fimbulvetr (Score:2) Friday October 21, @09:38PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by TheNetAvenger (Score:2) Saturday October 22, @12:53AMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by geomon (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:43PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by arminw (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:43PMRe:Fscking Scumbag Ambulance Chasers by Sepodati (Score:1) Friday October 21, @06:32PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. I didnt know (Score:5, Interesting) by timothykaine (821252) on Friday October 21, @04:12PM (#13847336) I didnt know you could just sue people for releasing a crappy product. I guess Microsoft and ATI both owe me a few bucks. [ Reply to ThisRe:I didnt know by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:26PM Re:I didnt know (Score:5, Funny) by punxking (721508) on Friday October 21, @04:34PM (#13847572) I didnt know you could just sue people for releasing a crappy product.I guess Microsoft and ATI both owe me a few bucks. That's a good idea, I'm going to do the same! I'll just save this legal letter I've written to my handy Iomega Zip Drive and then I'll [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I didnt know by Enti (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:23PMRe:I didnt know by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:49PMRe:I didnt know by hackstraw (Score:3) Friday October 21, @05:43PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Resin (Score:4, Insightful) by Poromenos1 (830658) on Friday October 21, @04:13PM (#13847341) (http://porocrom.poromenos.org/) the Nano contains a thinner coating of resin than on previous iPod models Yes, well, the nano ITSELF is thinner than previous iPod models... [ Reply to ThisRe:Resin by Stevyn (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:29PMRe:Resin by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:56PMRe:Resin by Stevyn (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:49PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Where we are on the Apple Product Cycle by Overly Critical Guy (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:25PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Why the need for a Lawsuit? by Uruk (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:14PMRe:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by superpulpsicle (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:21PMRe:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by Golias (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:14PMRe:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by poopdeville (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:12PMRe:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by distributed (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:36PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by prockcore (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:46PMRe:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by xWastedMindx (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:48PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by ArbitraryConstant (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:53PMRe:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by Pxtl (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:25PMglass? by circusboy (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:54PMRe:Why the need for a Lawsuit? by makomk (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:54PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.nano scratches... by Slashdiddly (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:14PMRe:nano scratches... by cpotoso (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:09PMRe:nano scratches... by Slashdiddly (Score:1) Friday October 21, @08:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Don't people ... by 10101001011 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:14PMRe:Don't people ... by spuke4000 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:29PMIt's called "multitasking" by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:35PMRe:It's called "multitasking" by 10101001011 (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:53PMRe:Don't people ... by Senzei (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:59PMRe:Don't people ... by AdmiralWeirdbeard (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:04PMRe:Don't people ... by saihung (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:06PMRe:Don't people ... by 10101001011 (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:27PMRe:Don't people ... by birge (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:16PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Dumbass lawyers by GungaDan (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:16PMRe:Dumbass lawyers by Intron (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:25PMDumbass posters by Red Flayer (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:31PMRe:Dumbass posters by qwijibo (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:48PMRe:Dumbass posters by ArbitraryConstant (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:59PMRe:Dumbass posters by ArbitraryConstant (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:52PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Dumbass posters by Reverend528 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:53PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Dumbass posters by 99BottlesOfBeerInMyF (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:57PMRe:Dumbass posters by Golias (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:20PMRe:Dumbass posters by toddestan (Score:2) Friday October 21, @07:00PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.So they DID know... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:16PMNanos Scartch Easily by Daveznet (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:16PMRe:Nanos Scartch Easily by nate nice (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:38PMRe:Nanos Scartch Easily by Daveznet (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:41PMProfit by Frankie70 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:00PMRe:Profit by Breakfast Pants (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:56PMRe:Nanos Scartch Easily by CrackedButter (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:28PMRe:Nanos Scartch Easily by Photon Ghoul (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:28PMRe:Nanos Scartch Easily by i love pineapples (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:55PM Of course the resin layer is thinner (Score:4, Funny) by aztektum (170569) on Friday October 21, @04:17PM (#13847383) They just put a regular iPod in a cloner and reduced the scale. If you put a Nano in your cloner and increase the scale back to normal, the resin layer will compensate. [ Reply to This huh? (Score:5, Funny) by greenguy (162630) <steveh.greens@org> on Friday October 21, @04:17PM (#13847384) Did anyone else have to read this headline four or five times?I finally got it, though. Someone had their iPod in their suit, which managed to scratch their results. [ Reply to ThisRe:huh? by Otter (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:25PMRe:huh? by Tyrdium (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:49PMRe:huh? by Otter (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:53PMRe:huh? by deus_pater (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:12PMRe:huh? by IdahoEv (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:48PMRe:huh? by lommer (Score:1) Friday October 21, @09:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. aluminum was better (Score:4, Insightful) by zumbojo (615389) on Friday October 21, @04:17PM (#13847393) (http://www.zumbojo.com/) Materials aside, these scratching problems seem symptomatic of a big step backwards in design. The iPod mini that the nano replaced was built from tough, brushed aluminum that stayed beautiful even after months in a pocket with change and car keys.(I [heart] my iPod mini.) [ Reply to ThisRe:aluminum was better by shmlco (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:24PMScience has given us SEE-THRU aluminum! by Work Account (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:25PMRe:Science has given us SEE-THRU aluminum! by operagost (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:32PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Science has given us SEE-THRU aluminum! by dangitman (Score:2) Saturday October 22, @12:28AMRe:aluminum was better by eMartin (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:41PMRe:aluminum was better by jigoman (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:59PMRe:aluminum was better by Twanfox (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:37PMRe:aluminum was better by bahwi (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:31PMI have to ask... by Belial6 (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:11PMSerious Doubts by Hrvat (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:17PMRe:Serious Doubts by grumpyman (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:42PMRe:Serious Doubts by Hrvat (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:44PMRe:Serious Doubts by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Serious Doubts by prockcore (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:52PMRe:Serious Doubts by Breakfast Pants (Score:2) Friday October 21, @06:02PMsilliness by lo_fye (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:18PMRe:silliness by DaggertipX (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:35PMRe:silliness by eMartin (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:50PMRe:silliness by bcat24 (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:57PMTypo by bcat24 (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:02PMRe:silliness by styrofoam (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:03PMRe:silliness by CrackedButter (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. He's lost it (Score:5, Interesting) by tktk (540564) on Friday October 21, @04:18PM (#13847407) ...demanding that customers get their money back as well as a share of the company's profits on the music player's sales.The lawsuit seemed somewhat legitimate until I read this little gem at ipodnn.com http://www.ipodnn.com/news/05/10/21/ipod.nano.laws uit/ [ipodnn.com] [ Reply to This OYFG (Score:4, Funny) by hotspotbloc (767418) on Friday October 21, @04:25PM (#13847490) (http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html | Last Journal: Wednesday September 14, @07:29PM) ...demanding that customers get their money back as well as a share of the company's profits on the music player's sales.Clearly being a heavy crack user doesn't stop someone from practicing law. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:OYFG by Humorously_Inept (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:29PMRe:He's lost it by cyberworm (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:55PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Why make lawyers richer? by spagthorpe (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:19PMApple already addressed this by adzoox (Score:3) Friday October 21, @04:19PMRe:Apple already addressed this by Mr. Sketch (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:49PMRe:Apple already addressed this by the_real_bto (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:45PMRe:Apple already addressed this by ArbitraryConstant (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Apple already addressed this by nakly (Score:1) Friday October 21, @07:35PMNot widespread? by futurekill (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:19PMRe:Not widespread? by KylePflug (Score:1) Friday October 21, @05:57PMRe:Not widespread? by JudgeFurious (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:58PMRe:Not widespread? by KillShill (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:58PMRe:Not widespread? by futurekill (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. I removed my scratches w/Brasso (Score:5, Informative) by Twid (67847) on Friday October 21, @04:20PM (#13847428) (http://dailey.info/) I got a ridiculous amount of hits to my blog posting from a couple of weeks ago [dailey.info] where I cleaned the scratches off my nano with Brasso. Actually, I got the idea [slashdot.org] from the original slashdot thread on the nano scratching issues.My take: the nano doesn't scratch more than a normal iPod, but it's so small that you're tempted to pocket it, causing more scratches than you would get in the un-pocketable full-size iPods. I see that with the new iPods w/video Apple is now including a *really* basic (fabric?) case. Maybe that was a response to all the talk about the nano. I do think that the nano needs some sort of screen protector or case in order to stay scratch free. I made mine from some old PDA screen protectors. [ Reply to ThisRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by Red Flayer (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:39PMRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by Twid (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:47PMRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by Red Flayer (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:52PMRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by damiam (Score:1) Friday October 21, @04:50PMRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by Twid (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:57PMRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by idlake (Score:2) Friday October 21, @04:52PMRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by HunterZ (Score:2) Friday October 21, @05:01PMRe:I removed my scratches w/Brasso by modpod (Score:1) Friday October 21, @08:13PM


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