Thursday, November 17, 2005

An anonymous reader writes "Apple has had a lot of success with the iPod brand the past few years. The NYT has an article up wondering if, just maybe, this week's release of the video iPod was too soon." From the article: "Everyone from Microsoft to Comcast - in other words, the usual suspects - is working on or looking at similar pocket-size recorders. At least two companies, Pace Micro Technology of Britain and Samsung of South Korea, have said they plan to introduce models early next year. There is also TivoToGo, a service that can forward recorded shows to various mobile devices, even Sony PSP handheld gaming units ... [anyway,] the video iPod only has it half right: if it took material from the television as readily as it did from the Internet, it could be a blockbuster. But then who would pay $1.99 to download an episode of 'Lost' from iTunes if the iPod could also hook up to your television and record that same episode free? Unlike its musical forebear, the video iPod may not be ready for prime time. " Video iPod Apple's First Bad Move? Log in/Create an Account | Top | 481 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 481 comments 0: 476 comments 1: 397 comments 2: 266 comments 3: 81 comments 4: 42 comments 5: 29 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 Missed the Point (Score:5, Insightful) by Oculus Habent (562837) * <.oculus.habent. .at.> on Sunday October 16, @12:35PM (#13803790) (Last Journal: Saturday October 15, @10:45PM) Mr. Siklos seems to miss the point, and the details. Apple substantially downplayed the video capability of the iPod, and the audience reaction was understandably lukewarm considering the limited selection and quality of available content.As for the details: There already is a "bogeyman" of online video: BitTorrent. Hell, it's the bogeyman of online everything, depending on who you ask. It's no centralized Napster, but that's mostly due to the lessons learned from Napster.There are TV tuners for computers available. How long until it's seamless to drop content from your PVR software into your iTunes Library and onto your iPod? I noticed I can't drag just any video into my iTunes Library, but I haven't played enough to really see about adding my own video.Trying to wedge PVR functionality into the portable device is overkill. It's a player. Let the computer do the work... that's why it's there. [ Reply to ThisRe:Missed the Point by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:40PMExactly... by msauve (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @03:57PM Re:Missed the Point (Score:4, Interesting) by garcia (6573) on Sunday October 16, @12:43PM (#13803862) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday September 27, @04:39PM) Trying to wedge PVR functionality into the portable device is overkill. It's a player. Let the computer do the work... that's why it's there.Sorry but I love the fact that my portable video player also acts as a PVR. I don't have to re-encode video to play on it and look correct, I don't have to have a Tivo and use "Record to VCR" or Tivo2Go if I don't want to, and I don't have to pay an additional $100+ on a decent PVR card to record content that I'm just putting on a portable device.It's apparent to me that plenty of people are speculating on how moving content to portable devices will work and how well it will work. I'm not speculating as I do it every day with my Archos AV400.Having a built in PVR is a GOOD THING. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by MightyYar (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:40PMRe:Missed the Point by garcia (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:34PMRe:Missed the Point by MightyYar (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:45PM Re:Missed the Point (Score:5, Insightful) by SmittyTheBold (14066) <> on Sunday October 16, @04:42PM (#13805247) ( | Last Journal: Monday September 10, @04:50PM) Pardon me if I'm being daft, but how does in-built PVR functionality really benefit you with a portable device? I take my iPod with me everywhere, especially for work. Since I don't exactly take my home antenna (satellite, cable, whatever) with me wherever I go, the PVR wouldn't have a chance to do its job. I need my PVR to get shows I miss when I'm out, for chrissakes. Leave me with a dedicated PVR that can sit at home and worry about catching my shows when I can't do it myself, then let me sync the two devices. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by bill_mcgonigle (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:07PMRe:Missed the Point by SmittyTheBold (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:36PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Did anyone watch the presentation???? (Score:5, Interesting) by John Harrison (223649) <.johnharrison. .at.> on Sunday October 16, @05:15PM (#13805424) (http://www.angelfire...irak/tutorial/day10/ | Last Journal: Sunday February 20, @11:44PM) I think everybody should go watch the Oct 12 video on the Apple website. For one thing, it has the Eminem add that was pulled. But more importantly everyone should sit down and pay close attention to what the iMac does now and how Steve compared the remote that comes with it to the MS Media Center remotes. Now is anybody really going to use a 17 inch iMac as a TV replacement? Probably not. Maybe in the kitchen, but I doubt it.So is Steve just smoking crack here? Of course not. Now consider the Apple 30" cinema display hooked up to that remote. Things become a bit more compelling, don't they? Am I saying that Apple is going to make a Tivo? They might, but I'm guessing they won't. Here's why. The broadcasters hate Tivo. To them, Tivo means they just gave away the show AND the viewer skipped the ads. Same goes for BitTorrent, which has content producers frightened even more. Apple is offering them an alternative. Try to capture some of the Tivo/BT market by selling the show a day later with no ads. That way the broadcaster gets paid, and paid fast. The home viewer can watch the show on their Apple set top box or on the iPod. My guess is that the iTunes video store will start to grow to include older shows and eventually movies.One thing nobody has mentioned is HD. Obviously the current iPods can't do it, but it won't be long. Apple is playing this smart, leveraging the popularity of the iPod and iTunes to establish the relationships with content producers that will get them on board.Finally, another thing that nobody has mentioned is video in the car. If you have kids you know that a DVD player is not the best solution in the world. Not only do you have to mess with disks, but many children's disks are only about 20 minutes long and looping that over and over again on a long drive will make you want to murder Thomas, Percy, Gordan, and even Edward. What if instead you could put all your kids' shows on an iPod and hook that up to the screen in the car instead? Parents across the nation will go nuts for this and will download content just to keep themselves sane by avoiding repetition. I know that if I get one of these I'm going to rip all the Sesame Street and Thomas DVDs we have to it immediately and then park the thing in the car. And yes you can do it, just not with Apple software, for now at least. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by Achromatic1978 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:19PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by John Harrison (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:01PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by Achromatic1978 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:08PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by Moofie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:24PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by Achromatic1978 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:26PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by Moofie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:34PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by cybpunks3 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:20PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by John Harrison (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:05PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by Zhe Mappel (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:12PMRe:Did anyone watch the presentation???? by John Harrison (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:26PMRe:Missed the Point by Greedo (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @05:28PMRe:Missed the Point by Moofie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:26PMRe:Missed the Point by bill_mcgonigle (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:04PMRe:Missed the Point by Moofie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:08PMApple making an end-run around TV by SuperKendall (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:17PMRe:Missed the Point by Swift2001 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:14PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by Bobartig (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:14PMRe:Missed the Point by Bobsledboy (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:00PMRe:Missed the Point by peterjhill2002 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:53PMRe:Missed the Point by Bobartig (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @06:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Missed the Point (Score:5, Funny) by Saven Marek (739395) on Sunday October 16, @01:02PM (#13803988) Here's some iPod history of all the bad moves apple has made with the ipod that clearly show how successful it can't be. except it still is.Original iPod 2001"Too expensive ($400)""Can't use regular batteries""No PC support""No Games""Big flop.. Apple is through"Second generation 10/20 gig iPods 2002 (PC support)"Too expensive""Can't use regular batteries""The 10 gig will cannibalize 20 gig sales""Big flop.. Apple is through"Third generation 10/15/30 gig iPods 2003 w/ITMS and docking"Too expensive""No one wants to buy just one song""Not enough titles in ITMS""10 gig will cannibalize 15 gig sales""Big flop.. Apple is through"iPod mini 4 gig (end of 2003)"Too expensive" ($249)"It's ugly""Will cannibalize iPod sales""Not enough storage""Big flop.. Apple is through"Fourth generation 20/40 gig iPod 2004 (Clickwheel)HP Branded iPodiPod Photo (40/60 gig)U2 black iPod (October)"Too expensive" ($299/$399, $499/$599 for photo)"HP will cannibalize Apple sales""No one wants little photos on an iPod""Black iPod is ugly""Big flop.. Apple is through"iPod Shuffle 2005Second generation iPod mini 4/6 gig"One gig shuffle is too expensive" ($149)"No screen""4 gig mini will cannibalize Shuffle sales""6 gig mini will cannibalize iPod sales""Shuffles will cannibalize mini sales""Big flop.. Apple is through"iPod nano 2005 (September)"Too expensive" ($199/$249)"Should have kept the mini""Will cannibalize iPod sales""No one will buy the Shuffle now""Big flop.. Apple is through"iPod with Video Playback 30/60 gig (October 2005)"Too expensive" ($299/$399)"No one wants little videos""Big flop.. Apple is through" [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Missed the Point (Score:5, Insightful) by moonbender (547943) <moonbender.t-online@de> on Sunday October 16, @01:16PM (#13804075) Hilarious! :) You forgot the obligatory iPod flop prediction though: "No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame." [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by jc42 (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:21PMRe:Missed the Point by User 956 (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:42PM Re:Missed the Point (Score:4, Insightful) by supabeast! (84658) on Sunday October 16, @03:31PM (#13804865) "Funny that you Apple nitwits ignore it, because it does't have a little fruit logo on it."I don't think anyone is ignoring Palm deliberately, I think Palm just has crappy marketing. One of the biggest reasons the iPod succeeded when so many other mp3 players weren't selling worth a damn, and then went into explosive sales growth, is Apple's kick-ass marketing campaigns. Apple made nerdy tech toys something for everyone. Palm's Treo phones, OTOH, are still the realm of workaholic business types and kooky sysadmins. If after years of making great handheld devices Palm is still not getting much consumer recognition, it's time for Palm to wake up and hire a better ad agency. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by daviddennis (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:55PMRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @03:59PMRe:Missed the Point by pintomp3 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:20PM Re:Missed the Point (Score:5, Interesting) by Fear the Clam (230933) on Sunday October 16, @06:56PM (#13805866) It's also time for Palm to stop fucking Apple users. I've had Apple computers since 1985 and Palm devices since 1996, and without fail, as an Apple user, I had to pay extra for docks or connectors, got the short end of the stick on included software, and generally was treated like some sort of ghetto stepchild. Their desktop software for OS X started out lousy and never got better, the syncing is abysmal, and the hardware is overpriced for what you get.Then I got an iPod mini and realized that I really didn't need to input things into a PDA right that second, and that in exchange of the syncing ease of an iPod, I could just wait to type in my little notes once I got home or the office.So no, it's not just that it has a little fruit logo on it, it's because my needs were simple, and after eight years Palm still couldn't get them right, and I bailed. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by thatguywhoiam (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @05:50PMRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:17PMI'm a right this second kind of guy by halr9000 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:45PMRe:Missed the Point by falconbrad (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:22PMRe:Missed the Point by Whumpsnatz (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:40PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by Moofie (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @03:57PMRe:Missed the Point by Moofie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:06PMRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @05:39PMRe:Missed the Point by atrocious cowpat (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:14PMRe:Missed the Point by Jeremi (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:37PMRe:Missed the Point by Moofie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:22PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:Missed the Point (Score:5, Insightful) by Golias (176380) on Sunday October 16, @05:07PM (#13805381) That's already been out for a year and a half. It's called the Treo 650. Plays Music, movies, tv shows, is a palm organizer, has internet access.Funny that you Apple nitwits ignore it, because it does't have a little fruit logo on it.Wow!!!!! Please provide a link to where I can get a Treo 650 with a 60GB hard drive. I thought the Treo was just a PHONE with only 23 MB of available flash memory. Obviously I don't know shit, and need to get this miracle device.Oh, also please, please, please tell me where I can get an unlocked Treo (with all that storage space you seem to think it has) for less that $500, without signing up for a two-year phone service contract along with it. I'll gladly paint my own fruit logo on it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by iluvcapra (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:38PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by mrchaotica (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:47PMWhere is video-on-demand for my phone? by cpeterso (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:13PMRe:Where is video-on-demand for my phone? by mrchaotica (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:30PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by multiplexo (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:58PMRe:Missed the Point by wed128 (Score:2) Monday October 17, @12:33AMRe:Missed the Point by Pecisk (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:19PMRe:Missed the Point by Doctor_Jest (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:40PM Re:Missed the Point (Score:5, Interesting) by NutscrapeSucks (446616) on Sunday October 16, @02:07PM (#13804398) It's very true... people want to pick apart (some people, I mean) the guy/gal/company/team/country on top. It's some sort of mechanism to either defend that they haven't backed the wrong horse or that they somehow identify with the "underdog."A poignant observation in an Apple thread. Especially seeing how the popularity of the iPod seems to function as Ultimate Vindication for those who may have 'backed the wrong horse' in the PC platform wars. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by wattersa (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:58PMRe:Missed the Point by Bogtha (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:25PMRe:Missed the Point by NoStrings (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:09PMRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:32PMRe:Missed the Point by bob122989 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:38PMRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:01PMRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:45PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:26PMRe:Missed the Point by Reaperducer (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:26PMRe:Missed the Point by Achromatic1978 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:25PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:28PMRe:Missed the Point by klang (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:40PMRe:Missed the Point by ernst_mulder (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:00PMThe Apple Demographic by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:11PMRe:The Apple Demographic by porcupine8 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:26PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by iabervon (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:34PMRe:Missed the Point by daviddennis (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:02PMRe:Missed the Point by oscast (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:00PMRe:Missed the Point by deesine (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:05PMRe:Missed the Point by Gogo0 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:41PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by compm375 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:05PMRe:Missed the Point by NutscrapeSucks (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:39PMRe:Missed the Point by Gilmoure (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:28PMRe:Missed the Point by binarytoaster (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:41PM5 replies beneath your current threshold.Quicktime has export to iPod Format by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:11PMRe:Missed the Point by Seumas (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:16PM Re:Missed the Point (Score:5, Insightful) by gellenburg (61212) <> on Sunday October 16, @02:09PM (#13804404) ( | Last Journal: Friday October 14, @10:32AM) But you CAN put your own videos on it.ANY video that is H.264 (or MPEG-4) encoded can be played just fine.I confirmed with Elgato on Friday that their next update to the EyeTV software will have native episode export directly to the iPod, too.So I ask... what's so difficult about that? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Missed the Point by Seumas (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Missed the Point by peterjhill2002 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:31PMRe:Missed the Point by Echnin (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:35PMRe:Missed the Point by Rude Turnip (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:25PMRe:Missed the Point by Decimal Dave (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:12PMRe:Missed the Point by gellenburg (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:53PMRe:Missed the Point by CronoCloud (Score:1) Monday October 17, @12:13AMRe:Missed the Point by AmberBlackCat (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:39PMRe:Missed the Point by tftp (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:30PMRe:Missed the Point by baryon351 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:39PM why not just record off the telly for free? (Score:4, Insightful) by doodlelogic (773522) on Sunday October 16, @02:49PM (#13804641) or as the blurb put it: "who would pay $1.99 to download an episode of 'Lost' from iTunes if the iPod could also hook up to your television and record that same episode free?"          People who missed taping an episode? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:why not just record off the telly for free? by stoborrobots (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:20PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.What? BitTorrent is just as centralised as Napster by Sanity (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:56PMRe:Missed the Point by JulesLt (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:17PMRe:Missed the Point by fedx (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:17PMWork by simpl3x (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:34PMRe:Missed the Point by moonbender (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:13PMRe:Missed the Point by Skybyte (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:44PMRe:Missed the Point by CronoCloud (Score:1) Monday October 17, @12:06AMRe:Missed the Point by CronoCloud (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:44PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. "Video iPod Apple's First Bad Move? (Score:5, Insightful) by jomas1 (696853) on Sunday October 16, @12:36PM (#13803794) "Video iPod Apple's First Bad Move? Unlike its musical forebear, the video iPod may not be ready for prime time. "First, the ipod was not ready for prime time when it first appeared and yet look at what Apple has accomplished. When the 1st ipod came out in 2001 there was no itunes music store, no cottage industry of ipod accessories, no support for PCs and no cult of ipod. The only way to get music on your ipod was to rip cds yourself or download mp3s and get access to a Mac.Now it's 2005 and the ipod is firmly entrenched in the American psyche and it is easy to get audio onto an ipod but difficult to get video on it unless you rip dvds or download optimized movie files yourself. The situation is hardly any different.Second, Apple is not selling a Video-ipod or vpod or anything else that emphasizes video. Apple's selling ipods, some of which have video playback capabilities. These other companies are trying to sell hardware that may have no real market. [ Reply to This Legality of ripping CDs vs. ripping DVDs (Score:5, Informative) by tepples (727027) <> on Sunday October 16, @12:49PM (#13803910) ( | Last Journal: Sunday January 23, @12:49AM) When the 1st ipod came out in 2001 there was no itunes music store, no cottage industry of ipod accessories, no support for PCs and no cult of ipod. The only way to get music on your ipod was to rip cds yourself or download mp3s and get access to a Mac. Now it's 2005 and the ipod is firmly entrenched in the American psyche and it is easy to get audio onto an ipod but difficult to get video on it unless you rip dvds or download optimized movie files yourself. The situation is hardly any different.The difference is that in Apple's home country, ripping CDs is legal (RIAA v. Diamond Multimedia) while ripping DVDs is illegal under the DMCA (MGM v. 321 Studios). [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Legality of ripping CDs vs. ripping DVDs by ericdano (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:21PM The DMCA (Score:5, Informative) by tepples (727027) <> on Sunday October 16, @01:32PM (#13804186) ( | Last Journal: Sunday January 23, @12:49AM) Why can't someone, who owns a DVD of a movie, use Quicktime or something, and rip and encode a version for their iPod? Seems like a FAIR USE to me.It was, until October 1998 when the 105th Congress of the United States enacted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that made it a crime 1. to break the CSS encryption on DVD Video titles except in the way prescribed by the copyright owner, or 2. to sell devices capable of doing so. Don't blame me; it was the world I was born into, and I was too young in November 1996 to have voted for the 105th Congress. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The DMCA by MoonBuggy (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:40PMRe:The DMCA by tepples (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:27PMCopyright is not a partisan issue by tepples (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @09:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Law doesn't have to make sense by Kaseijin (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:38PMRe:Legality of ripping CDs vs. ripping DVDs by G-funk (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:45PMRe:Legality of ripping CDs vs. ripping DVDs by ericdano (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:04PMRe:Legality of ripping CDs vs. ripping DVDs by JohnsonWax (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:34PMRe:Legality of ripping CDs vs. ripping DVDs by jc42 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:32PMRe:Legality of ripping CDs vs. ripping DVDs by drakethegreat (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:28PMripping dvds to ipod is like totally legal dude by iamnotanumber6 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:51PMObtaining DVD ripping software lawfully? by tepples (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:14PM A defense to what? (Score:5, Informative) by tepples (727027) <> on Sunday October 16, @01:55PM (#13804321) ( | Last Journal: Sunday January 23, @12:49AM) The law specifically states that fair use is a defenseto copyright infringement. Fair use as interpreted by federal appeals courts in Universal v. Reimerdes and MGM v. 321 Studios is not a defense to circumvention, which is separate from copyright infringement, nor is it a defense to selling circumvention devices, which is also separate from copyright infringement. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:A defense to what? by tepples (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:20PMRe:A defense to what? by NutscrapeSucks (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:21PMRe:A defense to what? by Kjella (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:01PMRe:A defense to what? by NutscrapeSucks (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:35PMRe:A defense to what? by Tim C (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:20PMCan't bit-copy the CSS keys onto DVD-R by tepples (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:19PMRe:A defense to what? by JoeBorn (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.How-to rip DVDs to iPod here by bach37 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:23PMRe:"Video iPod Apple's First Bad Move? by TCQuad (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:43PM Say what? (Score:5, Funny) by rosewood (99925) <> on Sunday October 16, @12:37PM (#13803800) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 02, @01:59PM) People who spend $400 plus accessories and bitch about spending $2 on a missed episode can shampoo my crotch.$.99 for a song, 4-5 minutes. $1.99 for a TV show for 40 minutes. [ Reply to ThisRe:Say what? by syrinx (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:39PMRe:Say what? by rosewood (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:59PMRe:Say what? by doubledoh (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:30PMRe:Say what? by drsquare (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:56PMRe:Say what? by Midnight Thunder (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @03:10PMRe:Say what? by Echnin (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:42PMRe:Say what? by johansalk (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:49PM Re:Say what? (Score:5, Interesting) by ScottSCY (798415) on Sunday October 16, @01:29PM (#13804163) " People who spend $400 plus accessories and bitch about spending $2 on a missed episode can shampoo my crotch.$.99 for a song, 4-5 minutes. $1.99 for a TV show for 40 minutes."Just shows how overpriced the songs are. [ Reply to This | Parent Troll?! (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 16, @02:00PM (#13804358) Apparently the RIAA has mod points on Slashdot. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Say what? by aristotle-dude (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:52PMRe:Say what? by Patik (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:23PMRe: Too true by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:45PMRe:Say what? by CrazyTalk (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @04:14PMRe:Say what? by rosewood (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:56PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. music is the same (Score:5, Insightful) by sedyn (880034) on Sunday October 16, @12:38PM (#13803808) "But then who would pay $1.99 to download an episode of 'Lost' from iTunes if the iPod could also hook up to your television and record that same episode free?"and why would a person download from iTunes when free P2P networks exist? [ Reply to ThisRe:music is the same by kraiger (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:47PMRe:music is the same by thesandtiger (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:19PMyou're looking at that the wrong way by TheAxeMaster (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:32PMRe:music is the same by -homb- (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:10PM Re:music is the same (Score:4, Insightful) by MightyYar (622222) on Sunday October 16, @02:27PM (#13804510) "and why would a person download from iTunes when free P2P networks exist?"Some of us charge our time by the hour, and thus know exactly what our time is worth. For me, instantly getting a show that fits on the iPod is worth $2, versus downloading the DivX, transcoding the video, and doing whatever else is necessary to get it on the iPod. Contrast this to the P2P music networks, which provide me with ready-to-throw-on-the-iPod mp3s.For many people, it may not be worth $2, but for me it probably is. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:music is the same by MightyYar (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold. and ring tones? (Score:5, Insightful) by Doppler00 (534739) on Sunday October 16, @12:40PM (#13803831) ( | Last Journal: Saturday July 24, @03:08AM) And why do people pay $1.99 for a ring tone that lasts 30 seconds? As expensive as $2 sounds for a TV episode sounds, you can never underestimate the wastefulness of the consumer. I don't think Apple will find any problems making money off of selling videos, as long as they have reasonable co-operation from networks, and provide enough free content themselves, someone out there will spend the money. [ Reply to ThisRingtone surcharges by tepples (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:54PMRe:Ringtone surcharges by Thing 1 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:40PMGet it now? by tepples (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:00PMRe:Ringtone surcharges by tepples (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:15PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:and ring tones? by I_Love_Pocky! (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:05PMMusic Download Prices by Bricklets (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:10PMRe:Music Download Prices by thesandtiger (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:26PMCD $ == DVD $ by Dog135 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:46PMRe:Music Download Prices by nathanh (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:12PMRe:Music Download Prices by fermion (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:28PM$1.99 for tunes? what about this? by p51d007 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:22PMRe:and ring tones? by sedyn (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:25PMRe:and ring tones? by antifoidulus (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:35PMFor those who have already left TV behind by tentimestwenty (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:03PMRe:and ring tones? by FresnonserF (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:09PMRe:and ring tones? by Doppler00 (Score:2) Monday October 17, @12:23AM


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