Thursday, November 17, 2005

bogd wrote to mention a CNN article wherein Indian President Abdul Kalam stated his concerns that Google Maps could be used to aid terrorists. From the article: "The Google site contains clear aerial photos of India's parliament building, the president's house and surrounding government offices in New Delhi. There are also some clear shots of Indian defense establishments. Debbie Frost, spokewoman for Mountain View, California-based Google, noted that the software uses information already available from public sources and the images displayed are about one to two years old, not shown in real time."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='google,politics';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Google Terror Threat Log in/Create an Account | Top | 330 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 330 comments 0: 324 comments 1: 243 comments 2: 157 comments 3: 48 comments 4: 27 comments 5: 20 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 First postage!!!! by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:10AM outsourcing (Score:4, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 16, @09:11AM (#13802777) looks like india has outsourced their equivalent dhs and military intelligence to USA [ Reply to ThisActually, he has a point ... by Glonoinha (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @11:52AMRe:Actually, he has a point ... by wealthychef (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:21PMRe:Actually, he has a point ... by geminidomino (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @06:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Actually, he has a point ... by belmolis (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:27PMRe:Actually, he has a point ... by billcopc (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:36PMOfftopic fo' yo' gran-momma... by starakurva (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:27PMRe:Offtopic fo' yo' gran-momma... by thesnarky1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:39PMRe:Offtopic fo' yo' gran-momma... by antirename (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @04:07PMYou have no grasp on reality by FatSean (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:46PMRe:Actually, he has a point ... by notatall (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:03PMRe:Actually, he has a point ... by dubl-u (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:32PM You know, I have news for you (Score:4, Insightful) by Sycraft-fu (314770) on Sunday October 16, @05:10PM (#13805395) 1) The US has not outsourced all, or even most important functions. Banks keep financial records in the US. Really, I've seen the computers on which they do it. No point in sending them over to India, legal problems aside, you aren't going to save any money. Most outsourcing is lower-level stuff, call centres and the like. R&D is still largely US based.2) India is a real, no shit, well-armed nation. If Al-Queda started trying to pull off attacks in India, they'd work to stop them, and by and large succede. Also note that India doesn't have a bill of rights, the authorities get more latitude when dealing with criminals over there, and many things considered cruel and unusual in the US are normal there. What's more, in a matter that was national security related, they'd have even less restrictions.3) Al Queda NEVER had the resources to pull of an attack like that.So please, let's cut the mad-tinfoil-hattery here. India has better security than to allow every US intrest in India to be destoryed and if you blew up all the call centres, the world would not stop turning. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:You know, I have news for you by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:06PMRe:You know, I have news for you by CSHARP123 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:44PM Re:Actually, he has a point ... (Score:4, Insightful) by Xyrus (755017) on Sunday October 16, @07:11PM (#13805921) (Last Journal: Sunday June 26, @10:32AM) Oh in the name of all that's stupid.....When the hell are people going to get OVER the TERRORISTS? If someone is intent on doing you harm, they will find a way. Period. End of freakin' story. It doesn't matter how many draconian laws you pass, or how much information you hide.Seems like the enitre world has reached new heights in unsubstantited paranoia. Yes terrorist attacks happen. Yes they suck. But you have more of a chance of being struck by lightening than you do being struck down by terrorists.Live in fear, and you have built your own cage. And the terrorists win.And no, thanks to GWB, we have more to worry about from terrorists because now they attack people who are less able to prevent/defend against them and are less educated and are more religious (always a very dangerous combination). People are more willing to join them because they don't like the US and would rather be the "Devil's" right hand than in his path. Fear works.AH! Don't put that on the web! It can be used by terrorist! AH! Don't do that! The terrorist will get ideas! AH! Don't say that! The terrorists might hear you!It's repulsive. It's stupid.Backpack nukes? Sheesh. Study the mechanics of a real nuke and see just how infeasible a backpack nuke is.Fearmongering at its best. I thought we left this sh*t back in the 50's and 60's. Only then it was communism.But on the bright side, we should be able to feed the starving with all this red herring.~X~ [ Reply to This | Parent2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:outsourcing by mhearne (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:56PMWhere will they stop ?... by Thomas Miconi (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @03:45PMRe:outsourcing by Deekin_Scalesinger (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:35AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. See also (Score:5, Informative) by Spad (470073) <ginger_spad&yahoo,co,uk> on Sunday October 16, @09:13AM (#13802789) ( The Register's [] competition based on this fact, spawned by the Australian government's worry over the security of their nuclear facility. [ Reply to ThisGarden Island Naval Base shows up quite clearly... by leonbrooks (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:24PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Access Control (Score:4, Funny) by Jack Earl (913275) on Sunday October 16, @09:14AM (#13802795) ( So all they should do is put up one of those "Are you crazy?" tests before getting into Google Maps, but they can change the words around to say things like, "Do you enjoy looking at outdated pictures of geography for the places you want to destroy?"[ ] Strongly Agree[ ] Agree[ ] Disagree[ ] Strongly Disagree [ Reply to This No, no, a question. (Score:5, Funny) by Karma_fucker_sucker (898393) on Sunday October 16, @09:23AM (#13802841) What they should do is ask "Are you a terrorist?"If they answer yes, then redirect them to Otherwise, allow them access. It's works great for the pr0n industry. You know,the question they like to ask "Are you 18 years of age or older?" This is fine for the politicians regarding pr0n access, why not for Google maps?Politicians, they are sooo paranoid, except when it comes for fiscal reponsibility. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:No, no, a question. by ceejayoz (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @11:00AMRe:No, no, a question. by IO ERROR (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:05AMRe:No, no, a question. by jellomizer (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:15AMRe:No, no, a question. by flosofl (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:47PMRe:No, no, a question. by Taladar (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:21PMRe:No, no, a question. by Mutatis Mutandis (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:59PMRe:No, no, a question. by Xamataca (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:37PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Access Control by AndroidCat (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:34AMRe:Access Control by SupaKoopa (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:32AMRe:Access Control by Robocoastie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:40AMRe:Access Control by mysidia (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:12PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Deny The Enemy by N8F8 (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @09:14AMRe:Deny The Enemy by diersing (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:16AMRe:Deny The Enemy by purfledspruce (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:21AMRe:Deny The Enemy by SerpentMage (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:55AMRe:Deny The Enemy by mhearne (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:56PM less work (Score:5, Funny) by icepick72 (834363) on Sunday October 16, @09:14AM (#13802802) the software uses information already available from public sources and the images displayed are about one to two years old,Ok then, more easily-accessible terrorist information. I mean, Google could blur out all security-sensitive buildings like the White House but then the terrorists know to bomb the blurry spots, or to go to the local tour agency in D.C and pick up a map of the city. Or buy Microsoft flight simulator and practice crashing planes into buildings (ya, they blurred out stuff too), etc etc. The list goes on. I agree that the information is already available like the Google spokespersons says. Google just makes it more convenient to access, that's all. Everybody has to go to less work for good and bad purposes. [ Reply to ThisRe:less work by Bagels (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:51AMRe:less work by Disposable Rob (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:32AM Government ideas to counter terror (Score:5, Funny) by saskboy (600063) on Sunday October 16, @10:27AM (#13803099) ( | Last Journal: Sunday October 16, @11:05AM) Obviously MS should bug their Flight simulator to contact the government by the Internet if anyone crashes a plane into a building.And anyone caught looking up popular destinations only in Google Maps, is headed to Guantanamo. Don't bother packing, they'll provide a toothbrush for you. /sarcasm. [ Reply to This | Parent... headed to Guantanamo ... by Tim Ward (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:10PMRe:Government ideas to counter terror by dubl-u (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:58PMRe:Government ideas to counter terror by Schnapple (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:less work by jdunlevy (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:46PMRe:less work by Thing 1 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:53PMRe:less work by D3m3rz3l (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:01PMRe:less work by ScrewMaster (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:05PMRe:less work by MadSweeper (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:52PMRe:less work by MMHere (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:47PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. So, does this mean.. (Score:4, Funny) by aurb (674003) <> on Sunday October 16, @09:16AM (#13802809) ( that Google Maps is as evil as Linux, because terrorists might use it? [ Reply to ThisRe:So, does this mean.. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:19AMRe:So, does this mean.. by PunkOfLinux (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:48PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:So, does this mean.. by mwaggs_jd (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:42AMTerrorists are stupid by turgid (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:21AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Presidents that work for terrorists (Score:4, Insightful) by pe1chl (90186) on Sunday October 16, @09:16AM (#13802810) The worst presidents (and other heads of governments) are those that continuously state that terrorists are a threat, and that everything that could possibly help a terrorist has to be taken down.Terrorism is about threat, and continously emphasising that threat is only helping the terrorists. [ Reply to ThisRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by PyroX_Pro (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:20AMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by Gulthek (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:40AMgovernment ignoring by zogger (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:46PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Presidents that work for terrorists (Score:5, Insightful) by dattaway (3088) on Sunday October 16, @09:21AM (#13802829) ( Terrorism is good for business. The military has always been the largest government payroll and contracting business. If the fundraising activities for my party wasn't making my promised quota, I'd be saying everyone was a terrorist too. If things aren't working, start blaming people. This is a formula that has always worked for any leader. [ Reply to This | Parent2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Presidents that work for terrorists by txviking (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:32AMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by shanen (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:42PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Presidents that work for terrorists by flydeep (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:43AMAs brilliant as he may be... by hummassa (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @10:21AMRe:As brilliant as he may be... by The Cydonian (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:29AMRe:As brilliant as he may be... by AB3A (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:48AMRe:As brilliant as he may be... by The Cydonian (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:50PMRe:As brilliant as he may be... by max born (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:52PMRe:As brilliant as he may be... by notatall (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:32PMRe:As brilliant as he may be... by russotto (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:24PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:As brilliant as he may be... by An Onerous Coward (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:40PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by Wieland (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:46AMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by A_Nath3 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:13PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by Wieland (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:30PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by A_Nath3 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:51PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by Wieland (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:05PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by Holi (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:40PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Ironically, it was Hermann Göring that said.. by Lead Butthead (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @10:04AMRe:MOD PARENT UP!! by Colonel Cholling (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:10PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Presidents that work for terrorists by hackstraw (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @11:39AMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by RajivSLK (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:47PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by deblau (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:04PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Presidents that work for terrorists by pe1chl (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:20PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by MikeURL (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:34PMRe:Presidents that work for terrorists by amias (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:34PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Outdated? by milohanrahan (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:19AMRe:Outdated? by Jussi K. Kojootti (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:49AMRe:Outdated? by cowscows (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:56AMRe:Outdated? by surprise_audit (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:39AMRe:Outdated? by purfledspruce (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:34AMRe:Outdated? by cloudmaster (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:06PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. In other news... (Score:5, Insightful) by Vicsun (812730) on Sunday October 16, @09:19AM (#13802821) ( Paper maps proclaimed to be a threat to national security as they can be used to guide terrorists to important government buildings. [ Reply to ThisRe:In other news... by AndroidCat (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:42AMRe:In other news... by ravind (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:57AMRe:In other news... by Douglas Simmons (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:09AMRe:In other news... by The Cydonian (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:17AMRe:In other news... by schmu_20mol (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:19AM Re:In other news... (Score:5, Interesting) by 1u3hr (530656) on Sunday October 16, @10:40AM (#13803174) Paper maps proclaimed to be a threat to national security as they can be used to guide terrorists to important government buildings. You were joking, but in many countries this is true. On a cycling holiday in Malaysia and Thailand I naturally wanted topographic maps to know where the hills were. I saw tour guides had such maps but they're not offically for sale. At a library in Penang I was treated with suspicion when I asked to see their non-existent map collection. Of course it's quite stupid to pretend that terrorists (of which there were and are active groups in these countries) would be fazed by such restrictions. You can source excellent topographic maps of just about anywhere overseas, and of course the local military maps are available for the right price. The only people inconvenienced are legitimate travellers. Simialrly in more paranoid places tourists who take snaps of bridges or just about any public building can lose their cameras and get in trouble. Again quite a futile exercise of power, any "spy" can easily take pictures undetected. In Bruce Schneier's phrase, "security theatre" and scapegoating. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:In other news... by Alain Williams (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:27PMRe:In other news... by Randseed (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:56PMSimilar thing happened to my mom in China by Sycraft-fu (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:15PMPaper maps are not accurate by sita (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:43AMMaps of NYC and Washington, DC by Infonaut (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:51AMRe:Paper maps are not accurate by theCoder (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:46PMRe:Paper maps are not accurate by Smask (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:19PMRe:In other news... by Think Loudly (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:28AMRe:In other news... by sl70 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:57AMRe:In other news... by teslatug (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:02PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Famous terror attacks (Score:5, Insightful) by 91degrees (207121) on Sunday October 16, @09:20AM (#13802822) (Last Journal: Friday June 11, @12:15PM) Okay - The most recent terror attack I recall was on the Lonodn Underground. This used suicide bombers. We also saw a large attack on trains in Spain, involving planted bombs and another suicide attack involving hijacked planes. There seems to be no evidence that terrorists have any substantial technological capabilities.All of these were possible without maps. The locations of most public buildings is already very well known. Government tends not to keep its existence a secret. I just don't quite see how the information gleaned from google maps is really going to help a terrorist organisation any more than, say, mobile telephones and large bags. [ Reply to ThisRe:Famous terror attacks by tgv (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:25AMRe:Famous terror attacks by gronofer (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:32PMRe:Famous terror attacks by maird (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:44AMRe:Famous terror attacks by escay (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:58AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Famous terror attacks by CombatEngineer (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:09PMRe:Famous terror attacks by Jesus_666 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:25PMRe:Famous terror attacks by mike.newton (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:58PMRe:Famous terror attacks by jimicus (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:18AMRe:Famous terror attacks by gronofer (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:37PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Nothing new.. (Score:5, Informative) by riflemann (190895) <riflemann AT sp DOT cactii DOT net> on Sunday October 16, @09:20AM (#13802823) ( Many organisations and governments around the world have expressed these sorts of fears about GE.Not long ago, the operators of Australia's only nuclear reactor expressed concern [] about GE.Korea (both north and south) have expressed their concerns about it.The Dutch have expressed concern [].Even in Russia they are nervous. []So far google has resisted censoring imagery, but how much longer can they hold out?The /. crowd is one that's all for open-ness (and the public availability of imagery tends to favour this), but politics is not known for making logical decisions. It will probably take one major criminal incident (aka terrorist attack) to occur where there's proof of GE being used, at that point perhaps google will cave.Personally I hope this never happens, but you can never tell what will happen... [ Reply to ThisWould censorship even help? by embrown (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:42AMNot blacked out! by Kaihaku (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:50AMRe:Nothing new.. by RealityMogul (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:47AMRe:Nothing new.. by slashflood (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:51AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Nothing new.. by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @10:16AMRe:Nothing new.. by kjfitz (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:41PMGoogle DOES censor imagery... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:50AMRe:Nothing new.. by bobbyshade (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:37PMRe:Nothing new.. by D3m3rz3l (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:08PMRe:Nothing new.. by ClearlyPennsylvania (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:38PM4 replies beneath your current threshold. Can't blame technology for Terrorism. (Score:5, Insightful) by jellomizer (103300) * on Sunday October 16, @09:20AM (#13802825) (http://localhost:8080/) You can't blame technology for terrorism. Terrorist will use whatever tools are at their disposal. People don't seem to remember that 9/11 occurred with terrorists using low technology methods take over a plain with Box Cutters (BTW it is tough to actually kill a person with a Box Cutter, But they could get a nasty cut) And they did it without google maps they did it with finding flaws in the Beurorocracy[sp?] of our government. Technology has little to do with terrorism the only major technological advancement that aided Terrorism is the airplane because it removed the water borders between countries that makes it easy for people mad at us half way around the world to come here. [ Reply to ThisIt's not the Technology, it's Budget & Safegua by NetSettler (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:25AM Re:Can't blame technology for Terrorism. (Score:5, Insightful) by cowscows (103644) on Sunday October 16, @10:45AM (#13803208) ( | Last Journal: Thursday May 26, @10:04AM) Yeah, but could you seriously expect to take over a plane with them? If you took someone by surprise, you could probably get their throat pretty easily, but not if they're aware and defending themselves. Then take into account that there were just a few hijackers per plane, compared to a hundred+ passengers/crew. If the crew/passengers had resisted from the very beginning, the chances of any of those hijackings succeeding would have been slim/none. A box cutter will do you very little good against a gangrush of a dozen guys. Even if you get lucky and take out one or two, you'd end up tackled in the isle pretty quickly.The box cutters only worked on 9/11 because the "scripted" response to a hijacking was to be quiet and cooperative while the terrorists make their demands, and then they'll let you go when they've gotten what they want. Sadly, that tactic isn't very promising when the terrorists' goal is the fly the plane into a building, but I doubt they made their hostages aware of that fact.I don't think we'll see anyone hijacking a plane with box cutters again, no matter how many they manage to sneak aboard. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Can't blame technology for Terrorism. by Profane Motherfucker (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:04AMRe:Can't blame technology for Terrorism. by jellomizer (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:08AMRe:Can't blame technology for Terrorism. by cowscows (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:29PMRe:Can't blame technology for Terrorism. by blaghness (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:16PMRe:Can't blame technology for Terrorism. by Xyrus (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.So google map is a threat... by WindBourne (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @09:21AMRe:So google map is a threat... by hopethisnickisnottak (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:53PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.This is stupid by Muppski (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:23AM Politicians love to talk ... (Score:5, Insightful) by Daniel Dvorkin (106857) * on Sunday October 16, @09:24AM (#13802843) ( ... about how evil and "cowardly" terrorists are, how we have to stand firm against them, never negotiate, never give into their demands, etc. And then they want us to limit our lives in assorted stupid ways because if we don't, "Oh no! The terrorists will get us!" Anyone see the contradiction here? [ Reply to ThisRe:Politicians love to talk ... by CDPatten (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:29AMRe:Politicians love to talk ... by hackstraw (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:46AMRe:Politicians love to talk ... by hackstraw (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:48PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Make way, Orwellian reference coming through by Vicsun (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold.crazy paranoia by srblackbird (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @09:25AMsurprisingly ignorant. by CDPatten (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:25AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Canberra's parliament house by sp3298622 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:26AMRe:Canberra's parliament house by surprise_audit (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:13PM Pbulicly available? Where? (Score:5, Insightful) by bogaboga (793279) on Sunday October 16, @09:27AM (#13802856) >"...noted that the software uses information already available from public sources and the images displayed are about one to two years old, not shown in real time." Guys, emphasis is mine, but where else can I get this already available information to the public apart from a service similar to what Google offers? I do not know of any! [ Reply to ThisRe:Pbulicly available? Where? by david614 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:53AMPublic Library by turgid (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:39AMRe:Pbulicly available? Where? by purfledspruce (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:43AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Pbulicly available? Where? by ClearlyPennsylvania (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:44PMRe:Pbulicly available? Where? by mike.newton (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:02PMSPOT by Sycraft-fu (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:20PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.As an American... by MightyYar (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @09:29AMRe:As an American... by lotus_out_law (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:39AM Re:As an American... (Score:4, Interesting) by MightyYar (622222) on Sunday October 16, @09:50AM (#13802953) I know about his education - it was a cheap joke on my part. My point was mostly to show how smart people can say dumb things. However, the sign of a truly smart person is when that person knows how to keep his trap shut when he doesn't know anything about the topic at hand. A person can be very book smart, yet be an unabashed failure socially, or in situations where most folks would just consider a decision "common sense". We have a tech at work who believes that the more education an engineer has, the further away from common sense and pragmatism they will fall. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:As an American... (Score:5, Informative) by The Cydonian (603441) on Sunday October 16, @10:22AM (#13803070) ( | Last Journal: Thursday June 02, @01:22AM) Dr Kalam is a respected satellite/missile scientist who's worked with the Indian Space Research Organisation for most of his life. Rather sure he made this statement because of his defence research experience and interest in technology, and not necessarily because he has been elected to the highest office in the country.In India, our presidents are rarely career-politicians, mostly because they have very little oversight on policy matters; they are usually eminent statesmen who "guide" the Prime Minister and his cabinet in formulating policy. The PM can, naturally, disregard the President's advice. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:As an American... by thefirelane (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:09AMRe:As an American... by MightyYar (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:34PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply


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