Friday, November 25, 2005

dpilgrim writes "O'Reilly has just released a successor volume to 1999's "Open Sources", entitled "Open Sources 2.0". The table of contents reveals contributions from a number of open source luminaries, including Mozilla's Mitchell Baker, Samba's Jeremy Allison, and Sleepycat's Michael Olson. There's also an essay co-authored by Slashdot's own Jeff Bates. The sample chapter is the introduction, and includes an entertaining riff on the parallels between the open source community and the Burning Man community. This volume is edited by two of the original three editors, Chris DiBona (former Slashdot editor) and Mark Stone, together with Danese Cooper. You might want to compare this with the original "Open Sources", whose entire text can be found online."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='books,software';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Open Sources 2.0 Log in/Create an Account | Top | 43 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 43 comments 0: 36 comments 1: 29 comments 2: 21 comments 3: 7 comments 4: 4 comments 5: 2 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. It takes a community... (Score:5, Interesting) by fak3r (917687) on Monday October 24, @03:30PM (#13866013) ( This book should be much more relevant now that the 'dot-com' hype has disappated and people can see the fruits of real community supported development. When you see how poorly properitary software companies are run (I'm talking about the ones I('ve) work(ed) for); things like that are not tolerated in OSS. If push comes to shove (I'm looking at you XFree86) a fork may develop giving users a true option that could become superior to it's ancestor. The burning man ref seems a bit off, as that's not people being realy, it's a vacation. OSS is real in that real work gets done by someone everyday (unlike me at my job...) [ Reply to ThisTim O'Reilly has become a hypster himself by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Monday October 24, @04:15PMRe:Tim O'Reilly has become a hypster himself by Khalid (Score:2) Monday October 24, @07:39PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Let it be Known! (Score:2, Interesting) by quadra23 (786171) on Monday October 24, @03:35PM (#13866044) ( The Full Description [] is available. Haha, I really get a kick out of the section titled Read the Source, Luke. Then there's quotes such as, In the web server space, Microsoft's complete denial of the Open Source phenomenon is almost amusing. The Apache web server has, at the time of writing, more than 50% of the web serving market according the Netcraft survey ( []). When you look at advertisements for Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) you see them tout that they own over half the market in web serving--over half the commercial server market, that is. from the Introduction [] of the original. This is something I'll definitely be reading and adding to my Bookmarks Toolbar Folder! [ Reply to This Re:Let it be Known! (Score:4, Informative) by Otter (3800) on Monday October 24, @03:50PM (#13866144) (Last Journal: Monday October 17, @10:42AM) Microsoft's complete denial of the Open Source phenomenon is almost amusing. The Apache web server has, at the time of writing, more than 50% of the web serving market according the Netcraft survey ( []). When you look at advertisements for Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) you see them tout that they own over half the market in web serving--over half the commercial server market, that is. I believe the claim about the "commercial server market" refers to business-operated web servers, not to commercial server software. If I'm correct, "almost amusing" would be the introduction making such a silly error. In fact, reading the introduction -- the whole thing is idiotic. It opens with an anecdote from The Double Helix that not only misspells Max Delbruck's name repeatedly but ascribes a view to Jim Watson that's contradicted by the quote they use. In general, the notion of Watson as a non-competitive sharer is preposterous to anyone who has read the book. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Let it be Known! by Otter (Score:2) Monday October 24, @06:55PMRe:Let it be Known! by krbvroc1 (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:17AM Burning Man? (Score:4, Interesting) by fatboy (6851) on Monday October 24, @03:35PM (#13866045) ( Could they elaborate? I thought "Burning Man" was like the west coast version of Bonnaroo. I don't see how "hippie fests" have anything to do with developing great software. But then again, I don't like hippies. [ Reply to ThisRe:Burning Man? by tnk1 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @03:48PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Burning Man? by Rude Turnip (Score:1) Monday October 24, @04:02PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Burning Man? by bobbyshade (Score:3) Monday October 24, @04:06PMRe:Burning Man? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Monday October 24, @04:21PMRe:Burning Man? by agnosonga (Score:1) Monday October 24, @06:46PMRe:Burning Man? by kevcol (Score:2) Monday October 24, @07:26PMRe:Burning Man? by Tom Christiansen (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:06PMRe:Burning Man? by SuperSanta (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:52PM The book has been slashdotted... (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 24, @03:46PM (#13866115) There's also an essay co-authored by Slashdot's own Jeff Bates. The sample chapter is the introduction, and includes an entertaining riff on the parallels between the open source community and the Burning Man community. This volume is edited by two of the original three editors, Chris DiBona (former Slashdot editor) Does this mean it's full of typoos, dupes, articles with links that don't reference the actual article, and pictures of goatse?And do you have to type the word in the image to read the book?(mind reading capcha="bullocks") [ Reply to This Essay Draws Parallels to Knighthood (Score:3, Insightful) by bokumo (169717) on Monday October 24, @04:09PM (#13866276) ( The essay/introduction does draw parallels between Burning Man and open source software, but large portions of the essay were devoted to descriptions of what happens at Burning Man with only tenuous connections made to open-source software. I thought the parallels drawn between the open source movement and the feudal concept of knighthood were far more insightful and appropriate. [ Reply to ThisRe:Essay Draws Parallels to Knighthood by agnosonga (Score:1) Monday October 24, @07:47PM Wack (Score:3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 24, @04:18PM (#13866348) It's completely wack when a book about the "open-source" movement is only sold and not available online for free. [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. So You Want to Be An Open Source Rockstar... (Score:2, Interesting) by BlueRayMan (924733) * on Monday October 24, @04:26PM (#13866407) ( Has it been written yet? AFAIK There is no glut of good books about Open Source, esp. for developers. (I don't mean books about specific OSS projects--of which there are plenty.)Yes, I'm familiar with "Succeeding with Open Source" by Bernard Golden. But if I'm not mistaken that book is all about USING pre-existing OSS as one uses "off-the-shelf" components.How about some DIY OSS? I'm sure it's "A Long Way To The Top," but if there were some good OSS do's and don'ts (send links if you got 'em!), maybe more good coders would do it... [ Reply to ThisFREE reading re: OSS by BlueRayMan (Score:2) Monday October 24, @05:32PMRe:So You Want to Be An Open Source Rockstar... by kfogel (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:12AMRe:So You Want to Be An Open Source Rockstar... by kfogel (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:48AM Burning Hippie Coders (Score:2) by autophile (640621) on Monday October 24, @04:50PM (#13866571) ...and includes an entertaining riff on the parallels between the open source community and the Burning Man community. [toke] Dude, you gotta try this DVDJon stuff! It's so open!Sure, man, I...What?! $0.99 for a song? Ten bucks for a bottle of water? What are they smoking?![cough] [toke] Dude, maybe it's that bad [cough] Microsoft stuff that's goin' around. [toke] It's like, clooooooosed.--Rob [ Reply to This So where can I download it? (Score:2, Insightful) by ZombieRoboNinja (905329) on Monday October 24, @05:18PM (#13866783) Seems kind of hypocritical to me, all these opensource "gurus" allowing their essays to be reproduced under what I assume is the old copyright scheme many of them claim to hate. [ Reply to ThisRe:So where can I download it? by BlueRayMan (Score:1) Monday October 24, @06:26PM Can't wait (Score:1) by percent20 (895464) on Monday October 24, @06:49PM (#13867336) ( I can't wait to get the book. I love to study all aspects of the computer culture this will be an awesome book to get. I am going to look into getting the other one soon.My question is why did it take so long to revise it? I mean with the speed things move at on the web it should be a whole heck of a lot different. [ Reply to This Re:heh, comparing oss to burning man (Score:2, Funny) by utnow (808790) <> on Monday October 24, @04:14PM (#13866306) ( exactly... that's where the burning sensation comes from. 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