Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ghost of Von Karmen writes "NASA JPL, the lab that brought us missions such as Voyager, Cassini, and the Mars Exploration Rovers will eliminate about 300 engineering related positions due to Congressional budget cuts, according to various sources. The cuts reflect a change in emphasis away from robotic technology and toward human exploration of space. Prof. Elachi, head of JPL has indicated that the lab may pursue Department of Defense contracts to minimize additional reductions in personnel."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='money,space,politics';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Lays Off 300 Engineers Log in/Create an Account | Top | 261 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 261 comments 0: 257 comments 1: 187 comments 2: 128 comments 3: 42 comments 4: 15 comments 5: 8 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Yeah right (Score:5, Insightful) by Rosco P. Coltrane (209368) on Friday October 14, @06:40PM (#13794521) The cuts reflect a change in emphasis away from robotic technology and toward human exploration of space.The cuts reflect the tremendous cost of warmongering around the world... [ Reply to ThisRe:Yeah right by teutonic_leech (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:47PMRe:Indeed by symbolic (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:23PM Re:Yeah right (Score:4, Informative) by Dominic_Mazzoni (125164) on Friday October 14, @07:38PM (#13794870) (http://dominic-mazzoni.com/) Why did this guy get a 'troll' score?? He's got a point!Actually NASA's budget has not increased or decreased significantly, and while I'm not a fan of warmongering, I don't think that warmongering is getting in the way of NASA's budget, which is tiny in comparison. NASA is getting the same money but is shifting priorities around in order to retire the shuttle earlier. This is a good thing. People are being laid off at some NASA centers, and others are hiring. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Yeah right by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:46PMRe:Yeah right by cmacb (Score:3) Friday October 14, @09:07PMRe:Yeah right by Bad D.N.A. (Score:2) Friday October 14, @11:47PMRe:Yeah right by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Saturday October 15, @12:37AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Yeah right by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday October 14, @06:49PM Re:Yeah right (Score:5, Funny) by JeffSh (71237) <[jeffslashdot] [at] [m0m0.org]> on Friday October 14, @06:52PM (#13794611) i think this could be the first +5, Troll i've ever seen on slashdot. [ Reply to This | ParentYou must be new here by mr_tenor (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:53PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Yeah right (Score:4, Insightful) by Kickboy12 (913888) on Friday October 14, @06:57PM (#13794643) (http://cacrew.com/) Yeah. It's sad, isn't it?We live in a world where finding more advanced ways of killing people is more important than understanding the universe. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Yeah right by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:02PMRe:Yeah right by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:41PMRe:Yeah right by ErikZ (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:44PMRe:Yeah right by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:54PMRe:Yeah right by superdude72 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @10:46PMRe:Yeah right by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday October 14, @11:09PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Yeah right by 172pilot (Score:1) Friday October 14, @11:46PMRe:Yeah right by TummyX (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:21PMRe:Yeah right by Clockwurk (Score:1) Saturday October 15, @12:35AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Yeah right by hcob$ (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:59PMRe:Yeah right by ozric99 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:04PMI don't think anyone's forgotten. by khasim (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:16PMRe:I don't think anyone's forgotten. by slashdotnickname (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:24PMI really don't care about those. by khasim (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:11PMRe:I really don't care about those. by bluGill (Score:2) Friday October 14, @11:20PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I don't think anyone's forgotten. by fbg111 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:39PM1981 was years before even Gulf War I. by khasim (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:16PMRe:1981 was years before even Gulf War I. by uncqual (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:22PMThat's right! Get back in line. by Telastyn (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:43PMRe:I don't think anyone's forgotten. by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:43PMRe:I don't think anyone's forgotten. by hcob$ (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:06PMRe:I don't think anyone's forgotten. by CosmeticLobotamy (Score:1) Friday October 14, @09:12PMRe:I don't think anyone's forgotten. by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:56PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Yeah right by Jeremi (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:13PMYou have a problem with that apparently? by kylef (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:08PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:If you hate religion, sure by failure-man (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:47PMRe:Damn. by Ex-MislTech (Score:2) Friday October 14, @11:48PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Yeah right by cr0sh (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:44PMRe:Yeah right by Ex-MislTech (Score:2) Saturday October 15, @12:16AMRe:Yeah right by archangel85j (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:25PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Yeah right by robertjw (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:10PMRe:Yeah right by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:23PMRe:Yeah right by Seumas (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:33PMRe:Yeah right by gordo3000 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:52PMrobots are generally cheaper by bitingduck (Score:2) Saturday October 15, @12:49AMRe:Yeah right by Kelson (Score:3) Friday October 14, @08:23PMRe:Yeah right by frank378 (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:19PMRe:Yeah right by Keebler71 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @10:29PMRe:Yeah right by uncoveror (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:50PMAnonymous Coward is leaving slashdot by bxbaser (Score:1) Saturday October 15, @12:17AM5 replies beneath your current threshold. Why? (Score:4, Insightful) by geomon (78680) on Friday October 14, @06:41PM (#13794525) (http://www.cato.org/ | Last Journal: Sunday April 17, @02:12AM) Because humans in space is the most important way to conduct space exploration.Okay... I couldn't keep a straight face either. [ Reply to ThisRe:Why? by TummyX (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:55PMRe:Why? by DA-MAN (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:05PMRe:Why? by visgoth (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:39PMRe:Why? by njchick (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:16PMRe:Why? by drsquare (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:34PMRe:Why? by Moofie (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:47PMRe:Why? by FleaPlus (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:29PMRe:Why? by Ex-MislTech (Score:2) Saturday October 15, @12:41AMRe:Why? by bossvader (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:50PMRe:Why? by geomon (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:34PMShit by lilmouse (Score:3) Friday October 14, @06:42PMRe:Shit by Martin Blank (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:04PMRe:Shit by robertjw (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:20PMRe:Shit by theLOUDroom (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:36PMRe:Shit by utuk99 (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:03PMRe:Shit by Martin Blank (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:34PMNot the end of the world... by BrianCarlstrom (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:44PMRe:Not the end of the world... by Dominic_Mazzoni (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:18PMAn engineer against NASA's engineer-welfare by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:09PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. -1: Flamebait (Score:4, Informative) by Karma_fucker_sucker (898393) on Friday October 14, @06:43PM (#13794535) At the same time, we feel fortunate that we have the work ahead of us that we do." At the same time I feel sad that something as beneficial to science, humanity, technology, economy, and to our lives can be cut so easily. But when it comes to the military or pork projects, a blank check is issued. [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. Write your Congressman TODAY! (Score:5, Insightful) by Derling Whirvish (636322) on Friday October 14, @06:43PM (#13794537) (Last Journal: Monday February 28, @11:16AM) This is serious and incredibly stupid.Do not let this pass without contacting you Congressman and telling tham how incredibly stupid and short-sighted this really is.http://www.house.gov/writerep/ [house.gov]Commenting here will accomplish nothing. You MUST write your Congressional representative. Be civil. [ Reply to ThisNo, FAX! by Karma_fucker_sucker (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:54PMUse my form by dada21 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:57PMRe:Use my form by GigsVT (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:59PMRe:Use my form by dada21 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:03PMRe:Use my form by gordo3000 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:01PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Write your Congressman TODAY! by RealAlaskan (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:04PMRe:Write your Congressman TODAY! by McSmithster (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:45PM Re:Write your Congressman TODAY! (Score:5, Insightful) by Dominic_Mazzoni (125164) on Friday October 14, @07:36PM (#13794856) (http://dominic-mazzoni.com/) This is serious and incredibly stupid.I'm a JPL employee. I'm not a manager or anything, but here's how I understand the situation.While this is serious and unfortunate for the people being laid off, I don't think that NASA's priorities are necessarily misplaced in this case. Mike Griffin, the new NASA administrator, has made it his top goal to get the replacement for the space shuttle ready as soon as possible - much faster than had been planned previously. This is a very good thing - everyone I know at NASA is applauding this.NASA's overall budget has not changed significantly. As a result, Griffin had to make the tough decision to cancel a few programs, including one big robotic mission, in order to put more money into retiring the shuttle. Very importantly, he did not cancel any Earth science programs, and didn't cancel any Mars exploration programs.It's unfortunate that this has affected JPL so much (more than all other NASA centers except Ames), and to be totally honest morale is pretty low at the lab right now because this caught everyone by surprise. But the truth is that JPL's director, Charles Elachi, has been very forthcoming and frank about the whole thing, and really seems to be making a serious effort to be fair about the layoffs. And even though I may not agree with every decision they make, I have enormous respect for both Elachi and Griffin. They're both scientists/engineers, not MBAs or something like that (the first NASA administrator Bush appointed was an accountant - he had no clue what he was doing), and they have extremely impressive credentials. They're smart, honest, and very experienced, and they're both trying to do what's best for NASA in the long run. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Write your Congressman TODAY! by fbg111 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @08:48PMRe:Write your Congressman TODAY! by Xyrus (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:36PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Oh great just when... by kludge99 (Score:1) Friday October 14, @06:44PMRe:Oh great just when... by frank378 (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.space outsourced to China by rawdirt (Score:1) Friday October 14, @06:45PM Checks Calendar ... (Score:4, Insightful) by mpapet (761907) <mpapetNO@SPAMyahoo.com> on Friday October 14, @06:45PM (#13794558) (http://www.michaelpapet.com/) Gov't employees laid off..Is this April 1st?Seriously though, remember it's not about the science.It's about making it safe for corporations to own things in space. Corporations need people in space, not robots. Right now, the people are cheaper and do more than robots.Not researching robots and spending lots of money figuring out how to make them do things is another public policy misstep. Sad. [ Reply to This Another reason NOT to go into science/engineering (Score:5, Insightful) by Marxist Hacker 42 (638312) * <seebert@seeberfamily.org> on Friday October 14, @06:46PM (#13794564) (http://www.informationr.us/ | Last Journal: Friday October 14, @03:38PM) And I'm sure somebody will say that education is still usefull- despite this becoming almost a cliche story. You never hear "Major Labortory/Tech Company to lay off C-level exectutives in an attempt to keep R&D running". Why would any young person go into science or technology if this is the way they treat people? [ Reply to This Re:Another reason NOT to go into science/engineeri (Score:5, Insightful) by rolfwind (528248) on Friday October 14, @07:23PM (#13794793) Not only this, but it used be that the top executive at Fortune 500 companies 20 years age got something like 20X what a "normal" lay person gets paid (though I'm sure stock options were there aplenty to). These days it's ballooned to ballooned to 50x and up. And when they do get laid off, they have so many parachute clauses and termination pay-offs that being laid-off is the best thing that could have every happened to them - you don't even have to be good at your job - witness Carlo Fiorina at HP. Or Meg Whitman at Ebay - (she's a billionaire from heading ebay! And I was there from the beginning, DESPITE her blunders, it was going up anyway, if anything it was a free ride).Sorry if it seems I'm picking on the girls, these just happen to be the companies I follow--.--, there are percentage wise also a lot of crappy guy CEOs - Darl McBride for one.The CEO of Costco is one of those people I still look up to in business, most of the rest are ratbags willing to sell out the company in order to grab as much as they can in their short tenors as leaders. The Costco CEO (and co-founder, I believe) only pays himself 250,000 a year and insists on paying his workers a decent wage (something like 15-16 dollars/hour to start with) plus health benefits unlike Walmart.http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_22 /b3885011_mz001.htm [businessweek.com] [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Another reason NOT to go into science/engineeri by Apotsy (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:31PMRe:Another reason NOT to go into science/engineeri by Shajenko42 (Score:2) Saturday October 15, @12:10AMRe:Another reason NOT to go into science/engineeri by Radak (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:48PMSad but true! by aquarian (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:16PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.America's space strategy by vlad_petric (Score:1) Friday October 14, @06:47PM Re:America's space strategy (Score:5, Insightful) by njchick (611256) on Friday October 14, @07:10PM (#13794733) (http://www.rajant.com/ | Last Journal: Tuesday September 14, @07:44PM) The problem is, JPL is not making rockets. JPL creates unique exploration systems, that no corporation (American or Chinese) would make for profit. I'm all for NASA using commercial launchers whenever possible, but the payload has to be made by scientists.I believe money can be much better spent on robotic exploration rather than on manned missions. I also think the return on investment in terms of new technology is going to be better per money spent (although manned expeditions cost much more).Of the 12 astronauts that walked on the Moon, only one was a geologist. I'm afraid this will happen again on the Moon and on Mars, if (and it's a big if) the US administrations will have sufficient will and attention span to make astronauts get there at all. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:America's space strategy by QuantumG (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:10PMRe:America's space strategy by khallow (Score:2) Saturday October 15, @12:51AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Wish I had a violin... (Score:4, Interesting) by dada21 (163177) * <dada@d n g i nc.com> on Friday October 14, @06:47PM (#13794574) One of my main CNC/machining suppliers does 20% of his business with NASA but they account for 95% of his profits.I recently saw some of his invoices and NASA is typical government waste. Take your $300 toilet seats and $600 screw drivers and double it.I really want the FOIA to open up every invoice for public consumption in PDF real time. NASA is no friend of the taxpayers.Is NASA really getting a budget cut or did they just overspend with the cronies again? [ Reply to ThisRe:Wish I had a violin... by kevlar (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:20PMNot a $600 screwdriver problem by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:26PMRe:Not a $600 screwdriver problem by GigsVT (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:55PMBah! Bureaucracy is what's crippling JPL by RKBA (Score:2) Saturday October 15, @12:19AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Wish I had a violin... (Score:5, Informative) by earthforce_1 (454968) <[earthforce_1] [at] [yahoo.com]> on Friday October 14, @08:44PM (#13795158) (Last Journal: Friday May 30, @09:04PM) I used to work for a company that did military contracts, (your proverbial $500 screwdriver) and I could tell you that in many cases they were selling them at a loss. The $500 screwdriver contract would read as follows:You will need a certificate from the foundary certifing that it does not contain substance X or Y, and no more than ### ppm of element Z. This must be signed off by the chief metalurgist. Each screwdriver shall be x-rayed to ensure it contains no manufacturing defects.At least one screwdriver from each lot must be tested to destruction, to ensure it has the required strength and does not emit any toxic fumes while being blown up or burned.The screwdriver contract shall contain no less than 500 pages, detailing stuff like exactly what angles the fillets shall be on the handle, the minimum torque strength of the shaft, etc. These specification shall be revised no less than 3 times throughout the program, sending the manufacturer back to the drawing board on each occasion.Each screwdriver shall be individually serial numbered, and come with a 50 page manual detailing proper screwdriver storage procedures, table listing 14 digit part numbers for all screws that can be adjusted with it, and detailed pictorials showing how the screwdriver shall be used.The specifications for military semiconductors were so onerous that most part manufacturers simply gave up on it. I remember stuff like having to manually pull each bonding wire to test its strength, lengthy temerature soaks, etc. This led to the rise of COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) manufacturing, which essentially modified commercial grade components for military use. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Wish I had a violin... by Muhammar (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:20PMRe:Wish I had a violin... by frank_adrian314159 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @10:42PMRe:Wish I had a violin... by Guppy06 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @11:14PMopen accounting - government wide! by chocolatetrumpet (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:38PMLaid off? by Empiric (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:48PMJettisoned? by game kid (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:27PMRe:Laid off? by ichigo 2.0 (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:35PMRobots are cheaper by abradsn (Score:3) Friday October 14, @06:48PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Priorities by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:49PMRe:Priorities by lilmouse (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:35PMRe:Priorities by Lord Omlette (Score:3) Friday October 14, @09:43PMRe:Priorities by tsotha (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:18PMRe:Priorities by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:22PMRe:Priorities by tsotha (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:42PMRe:Priorities by Doc Ruby (Score:3) Friday October 14, @10:51PMRe:Priorities by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:56PMRe:Priorities by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:03PMShut Your Fool Mouth by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:06PM4 replies beneath your current threshold.the reason why by myStupidNickName (Score:3) Friday October 14, @06:49PMRe:the reason why by Mostly a lurker (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:04PMI know why by bl00d6789 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @06:49PMJPL rocks by Crixus (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:50PMAnyone know the real unemployment rate in the US by CrazyJim1 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @06:51PM Re:Anyone know the real unemployment rate in the U (Score:4, Insightful) by teutonic_leech (596265) on Friday October 14, @06:55PM (#13794635) During some news report I actually heard that it was closer to around 8-10% - they're a lot more honest in Europe in how they count people without employment. Basically, in Europe: unemployed = No incomeIn the U.S.: unemployed = Collecting unemployment [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Anyone know the real unemployment rate in the U by EnronHaliburton2004 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:39PMRe:Anyone know the real unemployment rate in the U by HawkingMattress (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:53PMRe:Anyone know the real unemployment rate in the U by FlightTest (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:00PMRe:Anyone know the real unemployment rate in the U by helix400 (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:14PMRe:Anyone know the real unemployment rate in the U by nixdix (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:23PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Personally by Saiyaman (Score:1) Friday October 14, @06:52PMThis is a NASA-wide issue, not just JPL by Manhigh (Score:3) Friday October 14, @06:54PMRobots cut cost, no? by MOBE2001 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @06:57PMDOD contracts? Feh... by tbuckner (Score:1) Friday October 14, @06:58PMRe:DOD contracts? Feh... by tbuckner (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:02PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Stephen Baxter foresaw this by sconeu (Score:3) Friday October 14, @06:59PMJPL has lousy lobbyists by f0dder (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:07PMEmphasis on humans?! by ChrisGilliard (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:10PMI wonder by jkind (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:10PMRe:I wonder by Damer Face (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:05PMnot to over simplify (but oh, the irony) by yagu (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:13PMComputer Age to ??? to Space Age by kai.chan (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:20PMNASA chief sent from future to stop robots... by first_tracks (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:24PMIn related news... by op12 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:24PMRe:In related news... by Dominic_Mazzoni (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:23PMJPL, ARC, GRC affected... by slew (Score:2) Friday October 14, @09:15PMWhere are they gonna go? by nEoN nOoDlE (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:26PMNASA is myopic by bogaboga (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:27PMRe:NASA is myopic by John Miles (Score:2) Friday October 14, @11:48PMYeah, like it's not needed for human exploration by Jugalator (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:27PMNew science projects by msbsod (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:32PMRe:New science projects by helix400 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:00PMRe:New science projects by msbsod (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:52PMThe worst of it is... by Atmchicago (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:32PMGood...NASA is a waste of good engineers by Ogemaniac (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:40PMLet's all write a Bill by QuantumG (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:44PMr u kidding me?? by BewireNomali (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:45PMThe Dinosaurs by midnightblaze (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:50PMThe Inside Opinion by SkiGuyUSC (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:56PMMore on Nasawatch by Dusty (Score:3) Friday October 14, @07:59PMA cheaper alternative? by dex.pdx (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:59PMMore taxes by riversky (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:00PMOn the bright side... by toupsie (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:03PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Tomorrow's Article by Pichu0102 (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:23PMIn other news... by Chubby_C (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:25PMThe best and the brightest get canned by jonniesmokes (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:28PMThats right, We are going to... by schleyfox (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:53PMwhite elephants must go away by J05H (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Oops. by Mkoms (Score:1) Friday October 14, @10:17PMLarry Wall layed off too? by davegaramond (Score:2) Friday October 14, @10:52PMMore education? by michael_cain (Score:2) Saturday October 15, @12:27AMRe:Go Bush! by hcob$ (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:04PMRe:Go Bush! by cplusplus (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:21PMRe:well... by PoorImpulseControl (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:07PMRe:hey by flamingiceclone (Score:1) Friday October 14, @07:08PMRe:well... by Manhigh (Score:2) Friday October 14, @07:57PMRe:(Troll, -1) in 5... 4... 3... by hcob$ (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:03PMRe:(Troll, -1) in 5... 4... 3... by blank (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:04PMRe:(Troll, -1) in 5... 4... 3... by hcob$ (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:10PMRe:(Troll, -1) in 5... 4... 3... by blank (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:12PMRe:(Troll, -1) in 5... 4... 3... by ApewithGun (Score:1) Friday October 14, @08:21PMRe:(Troll, -1) in 5... 4... 3... by gordo3000 (Score:2) Friday October 14, @08:25PMRe:Bad day for science by symbolic (Score:2) Friday October 14, @11:17PMRe:(Troll, -1) in 5... 4... 3... by hcob$ (Score:1) Friday October 14, @11:37PM18 replies beneath your current threshold.


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