Thursday, November 17, 2005

Harlan writes "The Globe and Mail is reporting that researchers at the University of Saskatchewan are claiming that high doses of cannabinoids have induced new brain cell growth in the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for learning and memory, in rat subjects. There are some interesting potential implications in regards to high doses of cannabinoids found in substances like marijuana." Cannabinoids Induce Brain Cell Growth? Log in/Create an Account | Top | 433 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 433 comments 0: 427 comments 1: 329 comments 2: 202 comments 3: 57 comments 4: 30 comments 5: 23 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 This was never really in doubt... (Score:5, Funny) by gowen (141411) <> on Sunday October 16, @04:34AM (#13802015) (Last Journal: Thursday October 31, @03:07PM) I mean, have you seen the complexity of some of those home-made bongs?There's some serious brain power gone into engineering those bastards. [ Reply to This It is still in doubt actually (Score:5, Insightful) by nietsch (112711) on Sunday October 16, @05:21AM (#13802147) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday April 21, @02:22PM) The mentioned research used 'canaboids', which is a group of componds resembling those found in cannabis(THC). It was already known that the brain uses neurotransmitters that are in the form of canaboids and it contains several types of receptor for it, just like opiates have human equivalents in the form of endorfines.But similar results done with THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol), the main compound in hash and weed have found no evidence for this cellgrowth stimulation. So let's not jump for joy yet. One experiment/paper does not mean it has been accepted as scientific fact yet.Besides, you can be sure that with such a hot subject and the way research is financed/politiced there will be more research 'debunking' this even if it turns out to be true after all. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:It is still in doubt actually (Score:4, Interesting) by lysergic.acid (845423) on Sunday October 16, @07:19AM (#13802452) Actually, the research talks about "cannabinoids." Cannabinoids are the primary psychoactive alkaloids contained in cannabis, of which, THC is the most concentrated in most strains, although each strain contains different levels of each. THC is a cannabinoid so it likely has very similar pharmacological effects as HU-210. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:It is still in doubt actually by Dolda2000 (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @07:37AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by lysergic.acid (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:16AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by elohim (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:03PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It is still in doubt actually by smallfries (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:21AM Re:It is still in doubt actually (Score:5, Informative) by nietsch (112711) on Sunday October 16, @10:05AM (#13802997) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday April 21, @02:22PM) from TFA:They found that giving rats high doses of HU210 twice a day for 10 days increased the rate of nerve cell formation, or neurogenesis, in the hippocampus by about 40%.Are you still sure that the only method they used was injecting cannabinoids and measuring how much they ate?I guess that experiment is an accepted test for anxiety, and prozac cum suis scores very good on it. Science gets better if you use standard test where you can. Even though your 'munchies' hypothesis sounds plausible, it still cannot explain the neurogenesis bit. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:It is still in doubt actually by smallfries (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:56AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by nietsch (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:04PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by syukton (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @01:30PM Re:It is still in doubt actually (Score:5, Informative) by O.W.M (884392) on Sunday October 16, @08:47AM (#13802695) Ethanol and Methanol DO have roughly the same effect. You get the same intoxication from both of them. What kills you is not the methanol intoxication but the methanol hangover.Methanol is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) via formaldehyde to formic acid, being responsible for the metabolic acidosis in methanol poisoning.That's why ethanol is given as a cure for methanol poisoning; by adding ethanol to the bloodstream the metabolization rate of methanol decreases as the body will also metabolize ethanol, and thus the level of toxic methanol byproducts in the blood will be kept at a non-lethal level. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:It is still in doubt actually by mOdQuArK! (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:10PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by Hal_Porter (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:08AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by Megahurts (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:10PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It is still in doubt actually by nietsch (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:12AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by lysergic.acid (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:23AMLysergic acid is NOT LSD by Ellis D. Tripp (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:31AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by senatorpjt (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:19AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by lysergic.acid (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:32AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by cosmicaug (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It is still in doubt actually by hackstraw (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @08:34AMStudy was flawed anyway.. by UnkyHerb (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:59PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by Zan Zu from Eridu (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:22AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by nietsch (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:27PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by Raven_Stark (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @10:33AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by BasilBrush (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:47AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by thisislee (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:52AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by Xabraxas (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @05:13PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by zopf (Score:1) Monday October 17, @12:25AMRe:It is still in doubt actually by mattwarden (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:18PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by nietsch (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @08:55AM Re:It is still in doubt actually (Score:4, Informative) by nietsch (112711) on Sunday October 16, @10:11AM (#13803012) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday April 21, @02:22PM) Because I like to amuse you so much, i'll cite it for you: In another study, Barry Jacobs, a neuroscientist at Princeton University, gave mice the natural cannabinoid found in marijuana, THC (D9-tetrahydrocannabinol)). But he says he detected no neurogenesis, no matter what dose he gave or the length of time he gave it for. From this [] New Scientist article. Happy now? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:It is still in doubt actually by itzfritz (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:15PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by Zeph (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:12PMRe:It is still in doubt actually by nietsch (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:06PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:This was never really in doubt... (Score:5, Funny) by NickABusey (642217) on Sunday October 16, @05:27AM (#13802165) ( Thurgood Jenkins: The MacGyver smoker is a very handy guy to have around, especially when it comes to reefer.McGayver Friend: Hey, man, we're out of papers.McGayver Smoker: All right. Then get me a toilet paper roll, a corkscrew and some tin foil.McGayver Friend: We don't have a corkscrew.McGayver Smoker: All right. Then get me an avocado, an ice pick and my snorkel.McGayver Smoker: [Friend looks at him funny] Trust me, bro. I've made bongs with less. Hurry up! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:This was never really in doubt... by kill-1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:14AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:This was never really in doubt... by Myu (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:12AMRe:This was never really in doubt... by mark_lybarger (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:08PMRe:This was never really in doubt... by Dreamstalker_wolf (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:38PMRe:This was never really in doubt... by Xyrus (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:23PMRe:This was never really in doubt... by mhearne (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:30PMRe:This was never really in doubt... by pnewhook (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:39AMRe:This was never really in doubt... by pnewhook (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:20AMRe:This was never really in doubt... by lastchance_000 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:31AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:This was never really in doubt... by machineghost (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:07PMRe:This was never really in doubt... by ThinkGeek (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:57PMRe:This was never really in doubt... by Rude Turnip (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:30PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold.Now I can say... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:36AMRe:Now I can say... by davesag (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:27AMRe:Now I can say... by billcopc (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:15AMRe:Now I can say... by davesag (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @06:43AMRe:Now I can say... by SteveAyre (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:30AMRe:Now I can say... by billcopc (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:26PMNo by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:56AMQuestion from an old guy by mlmurray (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:17AMRe:Question from an old guy by SilverspurG (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:20AMRe:Question from an old guy by cbrocious (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:00PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.specific brain cells? by circletimessquare (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:38AMRe:specific brain cells? by gauge boson (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:58AMRe:specific brain cells? by Alioth (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:58AMRe:specific brain cells? by PorkNutz (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:52AMRe:specific brain cells? by sp0rk173 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. Brain cells the are limiting factor (Score:5, Insightful) by MichaelSmith (789609) on Sunday October 16, @04:38AM (#13802024) ( This is just my observation but when a persons health fails in old age, a key factor seems to be failure in the nervous system. I had a great aunt who lived five years after a stroke. Her body went downhill because her brain wasn't running the show properly.So I think treatments which can help revive the brain can also help other systems in the body.And it is the only organ which can not be replaced in some way by machinery. [ Reply to ThisRe:Brain cells the are limiting factor by bersl2 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:59AMRe:Brain cells the are limiting factor by MichaelSmith (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:28AMRe:Brain cells the are limiting factor by bersl2 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:46PMRe:Brain cells the are limiting factor by Admiral Frosty (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:16AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Yay! (Score:5, Funny) by sveskemus (833838) on Sunday October 16, @04:41AM (#13802028) ( I always suspected... uhm, what were we talking about again? [ Reply to This Man... (Score:5, Funny) by Auraiken (862386) on Sunday October 16, @05:22AM (#13802151) If you're just going to talk, pass that over here. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Man... by MrByte420 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:58AMDude by commodoresloat (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @06:35AM Actually that is more accurate than you realize (Score:5, Funny) by goombah99 (560566) on Sunday October 16, @11:03AM (#13803296) Your brain learns both by creating connections and by deleting them. If you create to many new connections you can't thnk straight. Everything gets too connected and you can't resolve your thoughts. You have to prune nodes to be able to think effciently and to focus.Thus your comment is right on.Clearly the only solultion is to first smoke loads of weed to build up your brains connecitons, and then huff gasoline to prune them back to a useful level. Then you will be a super genius.Worked for me. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Actually that is more accurate than you realize by sveskemus (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:03PMRe:Yay! by Jambon (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:35PM Ah... (Score:5, Funny) by iamdrscience (541136) <> on Sunday October 16, @04:42AM (#13802036) ( | Last Journal: Sunday May 04, @03:33AM) You might grow more brain cells, but all of these new cells will be dedicated to designing more complicated bongs and imagining conspiracies to unravel, so the net functional gain is minimal. [ Reply to ThisRe:Ah... by nihilogos (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @04:45AMTo paraphrase Denis Leary by NeuroManson (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:15AMRe:To paraphrase Denis Leary by bluGill (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:52PMRe:Ah... by ScrewMaster (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:03PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. So, what do you want to do tonight, Brain? (Score:5, Funny) by bsartist (550317) on Sunday October 16, @04:46AM (#13802049) ( Same thing we do every night, Pinky - get baked and munch out. [ Reply to ThisRe:So, what do you want to do tonight, Brain? by ettlz (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:25AMRe:So, what do you want to do tonight, Brain? by Jace of Fuse! (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:46AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Take that parents! by iamdrscience (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @04:48AMRe:Take that parents! by courseB (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:03AM Great... (Score:5, Funny) by fragmentate (908035) * on Sunday October 16, @04:49AM (#13802062) ( | Last Journal: Sunday October 09, @04:57AM) Now that my kids have read this we can argue about, "But DAD, Slashdot says!" [ Reply to ThisRe:Great... by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @05:32AMRe:Great... by Jack Earl (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:51AMRe:Great... (Hide your stash) by xanadu113 (Score:1) Monday October 17, @12:09AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.100 times more potent form of THC by layer3switch (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:49AMRe:100 times more potent form of THC by Alioth (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:04AMRe:100 times more potent form of THC by layer3switch (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:13AMRe:100 times more potent form of THC by Alioth (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:17AMSmoking cannabis does not kill brain cells. by Khyber (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:31AMRe:Smoking cannabis does not kill brain cells. by layer3switch (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:41AMRe:Smoking cannabis does not kill brain cells. by Ellis D. Tripp (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @10:26AMRe:Smoking cannabis does not kill brain cells. by Khyber (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:31AMRe:Smoking cannabis does not kill brain cells. by Anonymous Writer (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:14AMRe:Smoking cannabis does not kill brain cells. by Hatta (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:01PMRe:100 times more potent form of THC by layer3switch (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:54AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.3 replies beneath your current threshold.Dude! by pookemon (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @04:51AMRe:Dude! by ozmanjusri (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:59AMPot is sooo 2005. by crosstopher (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:56AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. HU-210 (Score:5, Funny) by gfody (514448) on Sunday October 16, @04:57AM (#13802073) The team injected laboratory rats with a synthetic substance called HU-210, which is similar, but 100 times as potent as THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the compound responsible for giving marijuana users a high.Clearly my dealer has been lying to me. He swore there was nothing stronger than his stuff. Where do I get HU-210? ..or better yet, how do I make it? [ Reply to This Re:HU-210 (Score:5, Funny) by WormholeFiend (674934) on Sunday October 16, @09:30AM (#13802870) The description of this highly pure form of cannabis deserves an appropriate street name...Since it's so much more powerful, kinda like crack compared to coke, how about we call it, by analogy:Crack Pot [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:HU-210 by drooling-dog (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:42AMRe:HU-210 by euxneks (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:07PMRe:HU-210 by Dever (Score:1) Monday October 17, @12:03AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.About time. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:59AMRe:About time. by Kinky Bass Junk (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:51AMRe:HU-210 100 times as potent by RedLaggedTeut (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:10AMRe:HU-210 100 times as potent by anotherzeb (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:37AMRe:HU-210 100 times as potent by BewireNomali (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:17AMRe:About time. by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:38AMRe:About time. by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:02AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Laws of nature are different in the US by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:01AM This looks like the original data (link enclosed) (Score:5, Informative) by CRabe (895026) on Sunday October 16, @05:08AM (#13802105) The authors are far more cautious in their interpretation than some of the /. readers...but then this is not that much of a surprise. PDF (a few MBs) 1253627&blobtype=pdf [] [ Reply to ThisRe:This looks like the original data (link enclose by BushCheney08 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:02AMWho says the growth is good? by Colin Smith (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:15AMRe:This looks like the original data (link enclose by syukton (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:10PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. I don't get it... (Score:5, Funny) by lightspawn (155347) on Sunday October 16, @05:16AM (#13802129) ( Why are rats attending a hippocampus in the first place? [ Reply to ThisRe:I don't get it... by Scarletdown (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:23AMEasy by commodoresloat (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @06:39AMRe:Easy by freeweed (Score:2) Monday October 17, @12:36AMI think there must be a mistake by Brendor (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @05:18AMRe:I think there must be a mistake by HazE_nMe (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:31AM4:20 - origin unclear by weighn (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:13PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Just in time... by adrx (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:21AM actual paper (Score:5, Informative) by geighaus (670864) on Sunday October 16, @05:25AM (#13802159) Actual paper can be found here []. [ Reply to ThisRe:actual paper by rabel (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:14AMRe:actual paper by Anonymous Writer (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:27AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Works for me by vandan (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:48AMRe:Works for me by MichaelSmith (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:15AMRe:Works for me by vandan (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:33AMRe:Works for me by heinousjay (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:12AMRe:Works for me by vandan (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:19PMRe:Works for me by vandan (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Works for me by vandan (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:42AMRe:Works for me by bobcave (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:28AMRe:Works for me by vandan (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:07AMRe:Works for me by kermyt (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:13AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Works for me by vandan (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:12AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Good Grief by tehlinux (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:49AM Re:Good Grief (Score:5, Insightful) by SilverspurG (844751) * on Sunday October 16, @06:22AM (#13802298) ( | Last Journal: Monday January 10, @02:34PM) Let's just completely ignore any research that shows the negative effects I could if there were any. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Good Grief by tgv (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:20AMRe:Good Grief by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:24PMRe:Good Grief by CrazyJim1 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:23PMRe:Good Grief by zootread (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:38PMRe:Good Grief by morganjharvey (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:12PMRe:Good Grief by SilverspurG (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:18PMRe:Good Grief by xanadu113 (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:52PMRe:Good Grief by hazah (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:06PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Good Grief by eboot (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @06:37AM Re:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] (Score:4, Insightful) by kjamez (10960) on Sunday October 16, @06:54AM (#13802392) ( i noticed the point of the alcohol-enduced-sig, and wanted to comment, but you beat me to it ... i've never known anyone to get high and oh, say, beat their wife, or wreck head-on at 90mph racing down roads, or even really do much of ANYTHING. the "party isn't over for hippies" ... but i do know a multiple-sclerosis patient or two that enjoy a good toke, and, and my-chemo-therapy-buddy, he likes it too ... not that i'm AGAINST alcohol in any real way/shape/form, but the evils associated therein are far more harmful to yourself, your family, your life, and everyone around you (especially when operating a motor vehicle) ... i'd rather there be 100 stoners driving 35mph in a 60, scared out of their minds, than a single red-neck drunk on jack daniels showing you exactly how manuverable his F-350 is. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by giorgiofr (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:22AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by SilverspurG (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:32AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by giorgiofr (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:14AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by SilverspurG (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:28AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by SilverspurG (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:10AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by SilverspurG (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:38AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by SilverspurG (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by RedCard (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:18PMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by bbc (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:05PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by jafac (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:34PMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by glesga_kiss (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:54AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by giorgiofr (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:37AMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by multiplexo (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:21PMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by jafac (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:02PMcannaboid induced violence by falconwolf (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:18PMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by jd_esguerra (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:30PMRe:Good Grief [MOD PARENT UP] by Xtravar (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:05PMcannabinoids!=marijuana by lbbros (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:02AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Good Grief (Score:4, Insightful) by ifwm (687373) on Sunday October 16, @08:03AM (#13802549) (Last Journal: Wednesday September 14, @11:17AM)


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