Friday, November 25, 2005

Lam1969 writes "Computerworld just released their latest salary survey, and it finds that IT worker bees have once again only received small raises. The article notes, "IT raises still lagged slightly behind the average of about 3.2% for all U.S. workers as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the majority of respondents (69%) said their 2004 base salary increased from one year ago, 31% experienced either no change in salary or had their pay cut." It goes on to quote LAN specialist Stephen Noisseau as saying, "I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles ... I'll take 4% over nothing. We're getting basically cost-of-living raises.""Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='money,it';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Are Skimpy Raises the New Normal? Log in/Create an Account | Top | 463 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 463 comments 0: 457 comments 1: 360 comments 2: 261 comments 3: 62 comments 4: 35 comments 5: 23 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 Welcome to reality.... (Score:4, Insightful) by Duncan3 (10537) on Monday October 24, @07:43PM (#13867681) ( We're getting basically cost-of-living raises.Welcome to the way the rest of the universe works. Be glad you even got that. Most poeple have to find new jobs to get a raise at all.Don't worry, I'm sure another bubble will be along to get you a 100% raise every 6 months like the good ol days. [ Reply to This Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Interesting) by jellomizer (103300) * on Monday October 24, @07:51PM (#13867764) (http://localhost:8080/) Exactly the only way for us to get raises is to find a better paying job. If enough tech workers do this then companies may give higher raises to keep their workforce. Or they (Like my company) will replace these people with people will less skills for less pay and train them with experience. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:4, Interesting) by SeaFox (739806) on Monday October 24, @08:45PM (#13868128) If enough tech workers do this then companies may give higher raises to keep their workforce. Or they (Like my company) will replace these people with people will less skills for less pay and train them with experience. In other words, fire the experienced employees who want a decent wage and hire unskilled workers who don't have the guts to ask for more pay and let the customers suffer with bad support while the new class learns what the hell they're doing..At my employer (we do contracted support) The client pays for training classes for new employees (these training classes are not as long as they should be but anyway) what happens if the company can't retain the new hires? They have to hire some more and the client has to pay for their training. At some point, the client gets tired of paying for new groups to be trained, and simply don't allow new classes. The result is a hiring freeze for that department. The employees on the project get overworked, irritable, ect. trying to cover the workload of a larger group. We may have oppertunities to earn more from overtime when this happens, sometimes these "oppertunities" are not our choice. In any case, the remaining employees don't get any additional compensation per hours for the extra workload. This situation continues until the company that hired us starts to lose money from their customers leaving from bad support or the employee numbers drop to a point where it is not possible to fulfill staffing hours. The only people who really suffer in the end is the employees who don't quit and the customers (end users) who deal with poor support. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Welcome to reality.... by uncqual (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:18PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by SeaFox (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:38PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Steven Reddie (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @12:45AMRe:Welcome to reality.... by mrchaotica (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:00AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by timmarhy (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:49PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Mateito (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:43PMShort answer: YES... by quarkscat (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:41AM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:4, Insightful) by Alex P Keaton in da (882660) on Monday October 24, @07:53PM (#13867780) (http://www.bekkoame....rafetish3english.htm) Exactly... Around here (Ohio) the job market is so bad, for both degreed and non degreed workers, that people seem happy just to keep their jobs, raise or not. Sometimes it seems that employers create an atmosphere where everyone thinks that they are an inch from unemployment, so they don't have to give raises... [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:4, Insightful) by jellomizer (103300) * on Monday October 24, @08:32PM (#13868050) (http://localhost:8080/) This atmosphere could backfire as well. If people feel like their job is at risk they are (or at least should be) looking for new jobs as we speak. If the economy picks up just slightly they could loose their best staff. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Welcome to reality.... by 50000BTU_barbecue (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Reality vs. perception (Score:4, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 24, @07:57PM (#13867804) After 2 years of unhappiness and general lack of hope in my current job, my group has a 30% turnover.I remember hearing over and over that raises where only 2% for the last couple years. In fact, due to cost cutting they stopped collecting the trash cans on a daily basis. Now, instead of individual trash cans in our cubes, we have communal trash cans in the hallways, which are emptied once a week. BTW, we keep having record quarters.So, when my boss's boss threatened to give me a bad review and no raise, I shrugged my shoulders and informed him that "My annual 2% raise is close enough to 0% that it didn't matter." I then proceeded to tell him that he had a structural problem. The lack of raises provided him with no "stick" and the lack of advancement opportunities provided him with no "carrot."I have already decided to leave as soon as the first of the year comes around (and I quality for the End-of-Year bonus).The funny thing. I honestly believe I got a 2% raise last year. That is what everyone says the raises were. I was doing some record keeping this weekend and noticed that I actually got a 8.25% raise last year.Sometimes perception and reality don't match.I am still leaving though. [ Reply to This | Parent2 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful) by forand (530402) on Monday October 24, @08:02PM (#13867847) I think I have heard this type of argument before. . . OH YEAH that was it when slave owners told their slaves that they were better off being slaves in the US than being godless in Africa. My point is that one should not have to be "glad" that they are getting a cost of living increase in pay. Convincing people that they should be happy in a bad situation isn't doing anyone any good. In the long run you are correct that people will have to look for different jobs to get the money they need just to maintain their standard of living which will hurt the employer. Similarly switching jobs like this plays havic with many retirment plans which will hurt the employee in the long run. Just because it is the way it is doesn't mean anyone should be happy about it. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful) by heinousjay (683506) on Monday October 24, @08:08PM (#13867883) (Last Journal: Tuesday October 18, @09:01PM) Here's something I've noticed - take it as you will.People that have the attitude of entitlement, that someone must take care of them, that they deserve increases, tend to do worse in the long run over people who believe they are owed nothing and must earn every penny.All my evidence is strictly anecdotal, so I won't bother detailing it. Feel free to discount this. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:4, Insightful) by jellomizer (103300) * on Monday October 24, @08:28PM (#13868022) (http://localhost:8080/) Good point as I learned from observing different people and listening to their political views. The more conservative people (They can still be democrats) tend to do better then their more liberal counterparts. The conservative people tend to have the mindset of they themselves are responsible for their futures. The more liberal people feel that we should be have some sort help to make sure that they are on a level playing field. The rich are not responsible because you are poor, you are poor because you haven't taken the steps to be rich, failure of being rich is not a bad thing but it your fault, you choose to work in a job that you like vs. a job with more pay which is a good reason, or you were never taught what to do to become rich. It is still possible for a child who grew up homeless to become a millionaire, but it most likely they will not because the environment they live in forces them to believe that they cannot live a better life. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Welcome to reality.... by stinerman (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:58PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by OSgod (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:46PMHave seen both... by SuperKendall (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:23PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Dionysus (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:26PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by modecx (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:00PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by suitepotato (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @12:24AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by Draknor (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:19PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by iamlucky13 (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:07AMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Travoltus (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:19PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by pete6677 (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:35PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Travoltus (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:03AMRe:Welcome to reality.... by pete6677 (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @12:15AMRe:Welcome to reality.... by compass46 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:19PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by jellomizer (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:01PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by shitdrummer (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:19PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by shmlco (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:36AMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Jhon (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:56AMRe:Welcome to reality.... by version5 (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:58AM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by IdleTime (Score:3) Monday October 24, @09:27PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by heinousjay (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:36PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Lothsahn (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:18PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by uncqual (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:40PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by shmlco (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:30PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by fiter (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:32PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by heinousjay (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:42PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by heinousjay (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:29PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful) by elgatozorbas (783538) on Monday October 24, @08:15PM (#13867923) Actually a raise equal to the cost of living sounds rather fair to me. If everybody would get a raise significantly higher than the cost of living, things (produced by those employees) would become more expensive too, making the cost of living follow the increase. It is like saying 'everybody should be above average', no? [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful) by StillAnonymous (595680) on Monday October 24, @08:21PM (#13867975) But that discounts your increasing experience and (hopefully) better performance at your job that occurs each year.If there's no raise, there's no incentive to work harder. Unless of course you're easy to replace and your experience doesn't matter to the company... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Welcome to reality.... by elgatozorbas (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:41PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by colinrichardday (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:45PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by shmlco (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:48PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by Yossarian45793 (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:50PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by uncqual (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:08PMCompare this to CEO pay increases by Urusai (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:57PMmost underrated post of the thread by Travoltus (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:29PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by emustermann (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:52PMRaises greater than inflation... by Asacarny (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:53PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by justins (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:43PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by shmlco (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:08AMRe:Welcome to reality.... by anthony_dipierro (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:21PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by SashaMan (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @12:30AM Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Informative) by liquidpele (663430) on Monday October 24, @08:06PM (#13867873) (Last Journal: Friday October 24, @11:59AM) Everyone at my job told me as soon as I got there, "work here for a couple years, then go to another company. You'll get a much bigger raise, then work there for a couple years, then apply back here again. You'll end up making 10x what you would if you just stuck around trying to get raises."Point is, you've gotta know how much you're worth, and if you're not getting that, find someone who will pay that (this of course ignores the happiness factor). [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Welcome to reality.... by TheRaven64 (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:37PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by jcr (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:00PMNo joke by paranode (Score:3) Monday October 24, @10:47PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by somoney (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:12PM Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Funny) by HermanAB (661181) on Monday October 24, @08:16PM (#13867932) What? Some people have jobs? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Welcome to reality.... by Arandir (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:43PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by jcr (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:07PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Arandir (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:50PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by jcr (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:51PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by HermanAB (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:10PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by daft_one (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:30PMThe Usual(tm) management == low productivity by guitaristx (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:38PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by toddestan (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:53PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Arandir (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:47PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Glonoinha (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:12PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Welcome to reality.... by Anne_Nonymous (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:17PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Zeinfeld (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:30PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by tompaulco (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:04PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by sanx (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:11PM Re:Welcome to reality.... (Score:5, Insightful) by zerocool^ (112121) on Monday October 24, @09:13PM (#13868299) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday April 13, @12:24PM) Way to be callous, man. A 2% raise... adjusted for cost of living, that's actually a pay cut.Health care costs are up, gas costs twice as much as it did a year ago, houses are unaffordable - up 85% in the past year - in any location where there are jobs, but you can't live far away because you can't afford to commute, and yet you can't work for some small town company with no health benefits...I didn't get a piece of the Dot-Com bubble, and now that we're on the downside of it, there are no jobs that pay a living wage, and lots of us are looking for other ways to make a living. It'll come back around, and salaries will become more consistant with cost of living... but in the mean time, I wonder about whether or not I should take my 1 year old to the hospital or if his cough is going to get better on its own with time and generic robitussin, because the emergency room doctors here don't participate with my independant keycare health plan and I really can't afford it.Save your harsh words for the realtors, man. All I'm trying to do is scrape by and take care of my family.~Will [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Welcome to reality.... by Bullfish (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:25PMRe:Welcome to reality.... by Glonoinha (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:17PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Hard Times (Score:5, Informative) by ackthpt (218170) * on Monday October 24, @07:43PM (#13867687) ( | Last Journal: Thursday February 24, @01:27PM) LAN specialist Stephen Noisseau as saying, "I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles ... I'll take 4% over nothing. We're getting basically cost-of-living raises." Took a 30% pay cut two years ago, as nothing was available but a job 40 miles from home.Only one pay increase in two years, 1.15% which has more than been eaten by the risein petrol cost.It's simple Supply-Demand (Keynesian economic theory), when workers with a particular skill set arenot in demand or supply excedes demand, there's not much rationale to give workers higher pay.Of course some increase is a sign of goodwill and encourages workers, but tell the beancounters.Oh, and the execs got about 6% pay increase this year. Can't have that lot starving, can we? [ Reply to ThisRe:Hard Times by ichin4 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @07:51PMRe:Hard Times by ackthpt (Score:2) Monday October 24, @07:53PMRe:Hard Times by ackthpt (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Hard Times by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Monday October 24, @07:55PMRe:Hard Times by ackthpt (Score:1) Monday October 24, @11:21PM Re:Hard Times (Score:5, Informative) by keraneuology (760918) on Monday October 24, @08:15PM (#13867925) (Last Journal: Thursday October 13, @11:31AM) Oh, and the execs got about 6% pay increase this year. Only 6%? That's not much... 2003 saw the average Fortune 500 CEO's salary up 22.18% [].In 1992 the average CEO made 82x the average employee's salary. By 2004 this ratio has climbed to 400x [].Don't forget Gary Smith [] who was awarded $41.2 million for overseeing the elimination of 93% of Ciena's value in just 4 years. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Hard Times by gm0e (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:44PMSuggestion by NineNine (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:51PMRe:Suggestion by aeoo (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Hard Times by toddestan (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:59PMRe:Hard Times by adam872 (Score:3) Monday October 24, @10:14PMRe:Hard Times by keraneuology (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:33PMRe:Hard Times by Knara (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:53PMRe:Hard Times by keraneuology (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:09PM Re:Hard Times (Score:5, Insightful) by keraneuology (760918) on Monday October 24, @10:15PM (#13868580) (Last Journal: Thursday October 13, @11:31AM) Somebody must have imparted a momentary impulse to a patellar tendon because I just saw a knee jerk.I do not begrudge effective, honest and successful CEOs their salaries. If they earn it, they earn it.BUT Ovitz did not deserve $140 million. Ken Lay did not earn his $42 million in 1999. Ebbers did not deserve a guaranteed 1.5 million annual pay for life. Jure Sola did not earn his $20 million bonus for hitting targets one quarter out of 16 as the investors in the company saw shares fall 78%.The complaint isn't how much CEOs make... it is how much BAD CEOs make. Could I perform as well as a CEO? Well, pay me $1,000,000/month and I'll see if I can drive the nation's largest retailer into the ground along with 57,000 jobs like Chuck Conaway did.Why do companies exist? To generate profit. If the CEO can't do that then the CEO needs to be replaced. And if the CEO is engaged in any sort of corruption, fraud or outright stupidity then he has to go.Are all CEO's inept, devoid of skill and undeserving of large salaries? Absolutely not. Only a silly extremist would make such a claim.However. I find it inexcusable to tell the employees that there isn't enough money for raises (or even adequate equipment) then siphon off several times the profit for one overpaid and underworked twit who just isn't bringing any value to the organization. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Stock Value != Company value. by aeoo (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:20PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Hard Times by Audacious (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:31PMRe:Hard Times by jrockway (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:39PMRe:Hard Times by ackthpt (Score:1) Monday October 24, @07:51PMRe:Hard Times by breadboy21 (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:40PM5 replies beneath your current threshold.Sorry, I got a 10% raise... no doom or gloom in WA by RentonSentinel (Score:2) Monday October 24, @07:45PMRe:Sorry, I got a 10% raise... no doom or gloom in by AvantLegion (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:17PMRe:Sorry, I got a 10% raise... no doom or gloom in by RentonSentinel (Score:1) Monday October 24, @07:54PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Raises shouldn't be the norm (Score:4, Interesting) by heinousjay (683506) on Monday October 24, @07:45PM (#13867707) (Last Journal: Tuesday October 18, @09:01PM) Is it really a valid expectation to automatically get a salary increase? What happened to earning it? I feel pretty confident in saying that 69% of all workers didn't perform above average, so why should they be expecting a reward? [ Reply to This Re:Raises shouldn't be the norm (Score:5, Insightful) by MoonBuggy (611105) on Monday October 24, @07:53PM (#13867779) ( The first thing that springs to mind is inflation. No raise is the equivalent of a pay cut, taking into account the fact that your salary buys less as time goes on. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Jeff DeMaagd (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:13PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by xenocide2 (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:14AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Raises shouldn't be the norm by jellomizer (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:00PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Krach42 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:15PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Spectra72 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:31PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:42PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Spectra72 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:37PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @12:00AMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Krach42 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:31PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by slimak (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:12AMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by compass46 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:29PMMost of us? Maybe some.... by King_TJ (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:30PMRe:Most of us? Maybe some.... by superpulpsicle (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:12PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by m50d (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:01PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Frostalicious (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:08PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Krach42 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:19PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by elgatozorbas (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:19PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by qwijibo (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:33PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by chrysrobyn (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:20PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by Heian-794 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:27PMStatistics... by EireannX (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:54PMit's called e-x-p-e-r-i-e-n-c-e by Scudsucker (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:21PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by imboboage0 (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Raises shouldn't be the norm by An Onerous Coward (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:47PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by ucblockhead (Score:3) Monday October 24, @09:21PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by martoQ (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:25PMRe:Raises shouldn't be the norm by heinousjay (Score:1) Monday October 24, @09:15PMRe:Are Skimpy Raises the New Normal? by uncoveror (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:32PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. What is this "raise" you speak of? (Score:4, Interesting) by AnswerIs42 (622520) on Monday October 24, @07:46PM (#13867713) ( I have never heard that word before.. I have never experienced it. Paycut I know, I have had three of them :\The only way I can see increasing my pay is to leave this job for another. And this is NOT a good market now to do that.Would LOVE a 2% or 3% raise once a year or so... [ Reply to ThisRe:What is this "raise" you speak of? by saskboy (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:00PMRe:What is this "raise" you speak of? by aristotle-dude (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:37PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. 0% raise is a pay cut (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 24, @07:46PM (#13867717) And keep in mind that a 0% raise is actually a pay cut, due to inflation. If you're not averaging about a 2% raise every year, your income in terms of buying power is declining. [ Reply to Thisuhh, a 6% raise is a pay cut by argoff (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:50PM(Almost OT) Re:uhh, a 6% raise is a pay cut by cgenman (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:02PMRe:(Almost OT) Re:uhh, a 6% raise is a pay cut by argoff (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:21PMRe:uhh, a 6% raise is a pay cut by Arngautr (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:59PMRe:uhh, a 6% raise is a pay cut by argoff (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:33PMRe:0% raise is a pay cut by aes12 (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:37PMRe:0% raise is a pay cut by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:38PMRe:0% raise is a pay cut by toddestan (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:06PMRe:0% raise is a pay cut by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2) Monday October 24, @10:54PMRe:0% raise is a pay cut by Copid (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:48PMRe:0% raise is a pay cut by Trepalium (Score:1) Monday October 24, @10:49PMRe:0% raise is a pay cut by rossifer (Score:2) Monday October 24, @11:06PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Geographical breakdown?? by jkind (Score:3) Monday October 24, @07:47PMRe:Geographical breakdown?? by HungWeiLo (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:13PMIT=cost center by Kaphin (Score:2) Monday October 24, @07:47PMIT = cost savings by Scudsucker (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:01PMRe:IT=cost center by Azarael (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:07PMRe:IT=cost center by salesgeek (Score:1) Monday October 24, @08:47PMRe:IT=cost center by Azarael (Score:2) Monday October 24, @09:35PMRe:IT=cost center by jp10558 (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @12:21AMRe:IT=cost center by mister_llah (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:11PMyou should learn some maths by BitterAndDrunk (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:19PMRe:IT=cost center by Soko (Score:3) Monday October 24, @08:20PMRe:IT=cost center by ozmanjusri (Score:2) Monday October 24, @08:52PM


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