Friday, November 25, 2005

O0o0Oblubb!O0o0O writes "Today, Novell released SuSE 10.0 OSS for download. Product highlights include kernel 2.6.13, gcc 4.0.2, glibc 2.3.5, improved boot times and Xen 3. Torrents are available for the i386, ppc and x86_64 versions. The downloadable OSS edition lacks some packages for licensing reasons of which some, like Java, can be installed via package repository."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='suse';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; SUSE 10.0 OSS Released Log in/Create an Account | Top | 263 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 263 comments 0: 260 comments 1: 206 comments 2: 136 comments 3: 34 comments 4: 22 comments 5: 13 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Stability (Score:3, Insightful) by michaelzhao (801080) on Thursday October 06, @06:29PM (#13735021) With SUSE releasing one suite after another. I sometimes wonder about stability. When was 9.3 released? Wasn't it only a few months ago? I wish SUSE should find a way to follow Slackware's model of stable releases without sacrificing too much market share.Also, the software is getting way to bloated. Why all the software packages SUSE? [ Reply to ThisRe:Stability by cduffy (Score:3) Thursday October 06, @06:30PMRe:Stability by AvitarX (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:21PMRe:Stability by i.r.id10t (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:39PMRe:Stability by Crayon Kid (Score:2) Friday October 07, @08:27AMRe:Stability by dndfan (Score:1) Sunday October 09, @07:57AMRe:Stability by flowerp (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @06:30PM Re:Stability (Score:4, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 06, @06:32PM (#13735056) software is getting bloated because customers are asking for features. It happens to almost all software. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Stability by MikeB90 (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @06:33PM Re:Stability (Score:5, Insightful) by sloanster (213766) <> on Thursday October 06, @06:52PM (#13735214) If you want stsble long time, corporate quality distrib you buy Novell Linux Desktop or SLES/OES. Suse 10 is for hobbyists, and like the Suse Pro 9.x releases is a quarterly release cycle roughly.I'm not sure what you mean by "hobbyists" but it sounds vaguely insulting.IMHO it would be more accurate to say that SuSE 10 is a full-featured distro for linux power users, while the more verticalized sles/nld are meant for the corporate market, managers who don't mind things being a little stale, and who want to have an 800-number to call, any time, should they ever have any questions.OpenSuSE is in some ways analagous to fedora, except that you can't get a boxed set of fedora linux, nor fedora manuals, nor any fedora support from the vendor, while with SuSE, you have the option of downloading and freely using OpenSuSE, or purchasing SuSE 10.0 retail, which comes with all the extras -BTW I know of several small businesses running their networks and services on suse linux professional servers, and are quite happy with it. No "hobbyists" they! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Stability by FidelCatsro (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @06:56PMRe:Stability by xinu (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @08:14PMRe:Stability by venekamp (Score:1) Friday October 07, @05:10AMSuse used to be stable, but it is getting worse by steve_l (Score:2) Friday October 07, @06:32AMHobbyist vs. Enthusiast by CFrankBernard (Score:1) Friday October 07, @02:30PMRe:Hobbyist vs. Enthusiast by MadMaxLewsterMax (Score:1) Thursday October 13, @03:14AMRe:Hobbyist vs. Enthusiast by CFrankBernard (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @12:37AMRe:Hobbyist vs. Enthusiast by MadMaxLewsterMax (Score:1) Tuesday October 18, @05:08AMRe:Stability by xpyr (Score:1) Friday October 07, @07:12PMRe:Stability by rm69990 (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @10:18PMbloatedness - good point by davidwr (Score:3) Thursday October 06, @06:35PM Re:bloatedness - good point (Score:5, Informative) by taylork (91100) on Thursday October 06, @06:45PM (#13735155) Suse usually has a "network install" which is pretty much like this. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:bloatedness - good point by speculatrix (Score:2) Friday October 07, @05:05AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:bloatedness - good point (Score:5, Insightful) by bytor4232 (304582) on Thursday October 06, @06:46PM (#13735160) ( | Last Journal: Friday October 18, @01:34PM) Well, with Debian you can download an iso image thats right around 50 megs, and everything else is installed via the web. Similar concept, no? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:bloatedness - good point by kieltux (Score:1) Friday October 07, @07:39AMRe:bloatedness - good point by brsmith4 (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @06:59PMmakepacheiso? by RidiculousPie (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @07:46PMOT & Unfunny Re:makepacheiso? by brsmith4 (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:31PM Re:bloatedness - good point (Score:5, Informative) by cortana (588495) <`ku.gro.stobor' `ta' `mas'> on Thursday October 06, @07:49PM (#13735588) ( It makes more sense to create a program, we could call it Jigdo [], that downloads the debs you want and constructs the iso on the client machine. ;) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:bloatedness - good point by brsmith4 (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:14PMRe:bloatedness - good point by richlv (Score:2) Friday October 07, @06:53AMBingo - thanks by davidwr (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @10:15PMRe:bloatedness - good point by Hooded One (Score:2) Friday October 07, @01:00AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.the intent of customized isos, and a howto by davidwr (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @07:22PMRe:bloatedness - good point by AJWM (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:13PMRe:bloatedness - good point by bhirsch (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @08:51PMRe:bloatedness - good point by richlv (Score:2) Friday October 07, @06:51AMRe:bloatedness - good point by petermgreen (Score:2) Thursday October 20, @02:41PM Re:Stability (Score:5, Insightful) by sloanster (213766) <> on Thursday October 06, @06:38PM (#13735111) With SUSE releasing one suite after another. I sometimes wonder about stability. When was 9.3 released? Wasn't it only a few months ago? I wish SUSE should find a way to follow Slackware's model of stable releases without sacrificing too much market share.Also, the software is getting way to bloated. Why all the software packages SUSE?As has been the case for years, suse releases an upgrade about every 6 months, so I'm not sure I understand what your objection is. Nobody is forcing you to upgrade - and if you prefer Slackware, run slackware.As to the software getting "too bloated", nobody is forcing you to install anything - you can easily install a bare bones system, without X-windows if that makes you happy. It's all in the install menu, these are all very basic concepts. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Stability by michaelzhao (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @09:24PMRe:Stability by bigtangringo (Score:3) Thursday October 06, @11:43PMRe:Stability by michaelzhao (Score:1) Friday October 07, @03:48PMRe:Stability by krayfx (Score:3) Friday October 07, @12:17AMRe:Stability by krayfx (Score:1) Friday October 07, @12:34AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Stability by beetle99 (Score:3) Thursday October 06, @06:43PMRe:Stability (Troll!) by straight_up (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @07:17PMRe:Stability by Daemonik (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:20PMRe:Stability by Spellbinder (Score:2) Friday October 07, @03:50AMRe:Stability by speculatrix (Score:2) Friday October 07, @05:13AM3 replies beneath your current threshold. PPC? (Score:5, Interesting) by Anubis350 (772791) on Thursday October 06, @06:32PM (#13735052) I had been under the impression that SuSE had not had a ppc release in a while (since~7.2?). Glad to see they're back with it, it might just tempt me to migrate my apple-debian servers to SuSE ppc (I love SuSE's config tools). [ Reply to ThisRe:PPC? by (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:18PMRe:PPC? by Daemonik (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:26PMRe:PPC? by commodoresloat (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:44PMyast4debian by opk (Score:2) Friday October 07, @05:23AMRe:yast4debian by chitselb (Score:1) Friday October 07, @02:26PMRe:yast4debian by opk (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @04:23AM Can never keep up... (Score:4, Funny) by TypoNAM (695420) on Thursday October 06, @06:32PM (#13735055) Damnit. I just received my SuSE 9.3 Professional DVD from Novell last week and it's already outdated. I can never seem to keep up to date on software these days. :( [ Reply to ThisRe:Can never keep up... by jc42 (Score:2) Friday October 07, @09:53AMRe:Can never keep up... by cyrl (Score:1) Friday October 07, @10:58AM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Bah whatever (Score:1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 06, @06:32PM (#13735062) Slackware 10.0 was released ages ago. [ Reply to This very pretty (Score:5, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 06, @06:34PM (#13735073) lease=421&slide=29&title=suse+linux+10.0+oss+beta+ 3+screenshots [] [ Reply to ThisRe:very pretty by Kludge (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @08:34PMRe:very pretty by Spetiam (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:42PMRe:very pretty by askegg (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @11:06PMRe:very pretty by linuxbeta (Score:2) Friday October 07, @02:54AMRe:very pretty by Spetiam (Score:2) Saturday October 08, @06:41PM I hope XeN on x86_64 works better than on the RC (Score:3, Interesting) by cduffy (652) <cduffy+slashdot AT spamcop DOT net> on Thursday October 06, @06:34PM (#13735075) Per subject. I've done testing at my place at work using the release candidate (we're interested in Xen3 on x86_64... once SLES10 comes out and it's fully supported, of course), and it wasn't exactly successful. It did give me a chance to file some bugs, and Novell reported one of them fixed in their bugtracker -- but I still was unable to start up a DomU.Hopefully the release will be more effective. As for me, I'm playing with the 10.1 alpha, which I hear is what will eventually become SLES10. [ Reply to Thiswork in progress by vlad_petric (Score:3) Thursday October 06, @06:46PMYes, but given their release schedule... by cduffy (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @10:10PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. 10.0 is about when you rethink your naming scheme (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 06, @06:35PM (#13735085) Seriously, is there any software out there that is like version 18? Well, I guess emacs is at 21.... [ Reply to ThisRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by krygny (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:27PMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by rainman_bc (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by KarmaBlackballed (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:40PMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by Quantenmechaniker (Score:1) Friday October 07, @02:51AMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by MrNiceguy_KS (Score:1) Friday October 07, @10:23AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.They tried that by commodoresloat (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:47PMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by Just Some Guy (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:55PMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:23PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by acoustix (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @10:46PMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by Doyle (Score:1) Friday October 07, @12:37AMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by addaon (Score:2) Friday October 07, @02:39AMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by Nermal6693 (Score:2) Friday October 07, @03:49AMRe:10.0 is about when you rethink your naming sche by archen (Score:2) Friday October 07, @09:13AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Evolutionary or revolutionary? (Score:5, Interesting) by claes (25551) on Thursday October 06, @06:38PM (#13735103) Is there anything in particular that motivates the jump in major version, or is it just a marketing thing? I purchased 9.3 - will 10.0 bring me anything that is new and interesting, or just more recent packages of the same software?For example, exactly how is the faster boot process accomplished? Are there new configuration modules in Yast? New features in package managment? New freedesktop standards implemented, new LSB standards implemented.. what is really interesting about this release, what should make me jump to upgrade? [ Reply to ThisRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by Anubis350 (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @06:49PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by RosenSama (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @07:10PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by maxwell demon (Score:2) Friday October 07, @06:11AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by jsight (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:55PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by mark_lybarger (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @09:55PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by jsight (Score:2) Friday October 07, @09:13AMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by yourexhalekiss (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @06:51PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by giverson (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @09:14PM Re:Evolutionary or revolutionary? (Score:4, Insightful) by photon317 (208409) on Thursday October 06, @06:59PM (#13735264) gcc-4.x is a big, big step. If I were a distro, I'd make a major version bump just for gcc's major version bump if for no other reason. You want your clients to be very aware of all the potential fallout from the gcc upgrade, especially this early. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by SoSueMe (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @07:34PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by TexasDex (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @08:10PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by nordi (Score:3) Thursday October 06, @06:59PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:00PMRe:Evolutionary or revolutionary? by houghi (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:44PM You can get an image with the proprietary software (Score:1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 06, @06:38PM (#13735110) .0-EvalDVD-i386-GM.iso.torrent [] [ Reply to ThisRe:You can get an image with the proprietary softw by berny@work (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:23PMRe:You can get an image with the proprietary softw by Manzabar (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @09:01PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. _THE_ DISTRIBUTION (Score:4, Interesting) by cies (318343) on Thursday October 06, @06:45PM (#13735153) okay, okay... we all still have to test it. but this has good potential to become _the_ distribution. It performs we on both the server side with (with standards, service, licencing, training, certifying, oracle, etc. etc.), and on the desktop side (with loads of UI improvements, YaST, quicker booting, suspend to disk, automatic network configuring).And it seems that also the doing well on both the corporate (Novell Desktop, SuSE entreprise) and the freesoftware side with this glorious new release.i really whish OpenSuse the best, yet im not installing right now since 9.3 still does all i need and i have a lack of spare time already. but i will be soon!if you are installing make shure to check out: [] -- all things suse inlcuding community support, and [] -- the missing (some times not fully legal) mulitmedia packages.g'luck,Cies Breijs. [ Reply to ThisRe:_THE_ DISTRIBUTION by zeth (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @08:21PMRe:_THE_ DISTRIBUTION by houghi (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:46PMHacking OpenSuSE by Shadow Labs (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @10:13PMAgreed, this could become the distribution by Dimble ThriceFoon (Score:1) Friday October 07, @04:34AM I'm interested (Score:1) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 06, @06:46PM (#13735163) How safe is it to allow Suse to partition my windows SATA drive and install a dual boot config on it? I'm always slightly scared by the message 9.3 gave saying that (essentially) it could not guarentee to safety of my data. [ Reply to ThisRe:I'm interested by Hey, Retard... (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @07:05PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.My experience with Suse 9.3/10 by andersh (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @08:46PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Xen 3.0 (Score:5, Funny) by samj (115984) * on Thursday October 06, @06:47PM (#13735171) This is the best news I've heard all day - I can't even get Xen 3.0 from Xen [], so I guess they've thrown in TimeTravel 1.0 as well. [ Reply to This Re:Xen 3.0 (Score:4, Interesting) by jonastullus (530101) on Thursday October 06, @06:59PM (#13735273) yeah, and when having a closer look at their feature list: []we can see that they have package a far from ready "xen 3.0" with their supposedly stable release of their distribution. maybe it really IS a more-or-less stable branch of the "still in development" xen cvs tree, but the xen developers don't see it fit yet to be released, so why should novell/suse?i mean, maybe some of these "limitations" are really non-features/problems in the final xen3 (when it comes out), but this seriously doesn't sound all that great:Graphics (AGP, DRM, 3D) don't work or even crash the machineHardware support is still limited (e.g. no PCMCIA)ACPI support in Domain-0 is limited (e.g. no cpufreq)32 Bit kernel is not PAE enabledFull virtualization on VT not well testedOther Operating System support on top of Xen and VT not tested [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Xen 3.0 by GiMP (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @11:21PMRe:Xen 3.0 by Billly Gates (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @11:39PMRe:Xen 3.0 by clymere (Score:2) Friday October 07, @05:52AMSorry to burst your bubble by commodoresloat (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:50PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. A bit off-topic, but... (Score:5, Funny) by TooMuchEspressoGuy (763203) on Thursday October 06, @06:48PM (#13735174) "O0o0Oblubb!O0o0O writes..."...frankly, with a name like that, I wouldn't be able to write much of anything. [ Reply to This No disrespect to O0o0Oblubb!O0o0O... (Score:5, Funny) by Darune (716587) on Thursday October 06, @06:50PM (#13735195) No disrespect to O0o0Oblubb!O0o0O, but when I first glimpsed the article I thought CowboyNeal was having a heart attack. ;p [ Reply to ThisRe:No disrespect to O0o0Oblubb!O0o0O... by Darune (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @07:36PMRe:No disrespect to O0o0Oblubb!O0o0O... by Surye (Score:2) Friday October 07, @06:37PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. Keyboard lockups fixed? (Score:1) by FromageTheDog (775349) on Thursday October 06, @06:55PM (#13735237) I've been unable to run any of the latest flavors of SuSE on my Dell workstation since the (PS/2 port) keyboard is totally unresponsive when booted into Linux (works fine in Windows).Any word on whether they've solved this issue in SuSE 10? I mean, how can they screw up the driver to a PS/2 keyboard in this day and age? - Fromage [ Reply to ThisDell Hell by MightyMartian (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:37PMRe:Keyboard lockups fixed? by derek_farn (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @07:43PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. I love my Suse (Score:4, Interesting) by nrgy (835451) on Thursday October 06, @07:00PM (#13735277) ( I was a on and off suse user from 7.0 to 8."something". Then I left windows and stuck with suse from 9.0 to the present. I love suse for a noob distro. I like the fact that if you want to not worry about the core workings you dont have to, or if you want to not worry but still be able to learn you can. I've gradualy learned to work in the terminal more, do alot of things in the command line, compiling my applications and even started programing my own little tools in c and c++.I'm a whatever tool works use it kinda guy and the same applys for distros. It's good to see all linux distros being updated and offering newer and better linux experiences. It's a shame Microsoft already took the slogin "Where do you want to go today?" because thats what each new version of Suse makes me think. [ Reply to ThisRe:I love my Suse by AvitarX (Score:1) Thursday October 06, @08:01PMRe:I love my Suse by Helios1182 (Score:2) Thursday October 06, @09:13PMRe:I love my Suse by donaldm (Score:1) Friday October 07, @04:33AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. multiple apache instances (Score:1) by mark_lybarger (199098) on Thursday October 06, @07:00PM (#13735280) anyone comment on running multiple apache instances on this suse 10.0? we're using the 9.x, and it seems that the recommendation is to just have the single apache listen on multiple ports. i'm interested in multiple instances of apache that can be restarted or at least re-read their config files w/o interrupting the other instances.i use gentoo and i believe all the config files for an apache instance goes in /etc/apache2. the init script references this folder. so running multiple instances just needs a new init script and a new folder with config files. [ Reply to ThisRe:multiple apache instances by bheerssen (Score:2) Friday October 07, @02:11AMRe:multiple apache instances by pe1chl (Score:2) Friday October 07, @03:10AM Package manager way too slow (Score:1) by lixee (863589) on Thursday October 06, @07:05PM (#13735319) SUSE is an excellent distro (especially for newbies like myself). I dropped it starting from 9.2 though, because the package manager was astonishingly slow. [ Reply to ThisRe:Package manager way too slow by NullProg (Score:2) Friday October 07, @11:25AMRe:Package manager way too slow by lixee (Score:1) Friday October 07, @01:08PMRe:Package manager way too slow by NullProg (Score:2) Friday October 07, @02:41PM OSS version? (Score:4, Interesting)


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