Thursday, November 17, 2005

shma asks: "Whether you're involved in the Sciences, Mathematics, or Engineering, you undoubtedly enjoy finding simple solutions to seemingly difficult problems. I'm sure you all have a favorite mind-bender, and who better to share it with than the Slashdot community? Post your own problems and try to solve others. Just one request: If you have figured out the solution, link to it in a post, rather than write it out where anyone can see it." What brain benders tickle your fancy?Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='math,askslashdot';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; "Here's a sample to consider: You're in a dark room with 50 quarters, 18 of which are heads up. You are allowed to move around the coins or flip some or all of them, if you wish. Problem is, it's too dark to tell what you're moving or flipping (no, you can't figure it out by touch either). Your job is to split the coins into two groups, each of which has the same number of heads up coins. How do you accomplish this?" Your Favorite Math/Logic Riddles? Log in/Create an Account | Top | 1599 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 1599 comments 0: 1584 comments 1: 1253 comments 2: 686 comments 3: 66 comments 4: 23 comments 5: 12 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 | 3 Soduku by beacher (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:37AMLink to online version by beacher (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:45AMRe:Link to online version by bioglaze (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:15AMRe:Link to online version by mnemonic_ (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:24AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Another online version (Score:5, Interesting) by Enti (726249) on Sunday October 16, @12:58AM (#13800972) [] is my sudoku fix of choice [ Reply to This | ParentThree Salesmen by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:55AMRe:Three Salesmen by Enti (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:41AMRe:Three Salesmen by Metasquares (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:11AMRe:Soduku by Adult film producer (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:13AMRe:Soduku by LordoftheWoods (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @04:18PMLight Bulb by lababidi (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:30AMRe:Light Bulb by unitron (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:46AMRe:Light Bulb by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:46AMRe:Light Bulb by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:50AMRe:Light Bulb by unitron (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:53AMRe:Light Bulb by hackwrench (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:02PMRe:Light Bulb by unitron (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:38PMRe:Light Bulb by maxwell demon (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:42AMRe:Light Bulb by orainsear (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:22PMRe:Light Bulb by rlbond86 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:54PMRe:Light Bulb by Thu Anon Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:59PMThe answer is.... by xMatthewx44 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:09PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Soduku by LnxAddct (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:24AMLnxAddct by tod_miller (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:48AMRe:LnxAddct by nmb3000 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:07AMRe:LnxAddct by mikiN (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:36AMRe:LnxAddct by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:02AMRe:Soduku by nollaigoc (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:51AMRe:Soduku by oniony (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:04PMRe:Soduku by Mugros (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:58AMRe:Soduku by Transcendent (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:23AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:12AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Krid(O'Caign) (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:05AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:14AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Pollardito (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:35AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by arkanes (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:10PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:18PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by arkanes (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:14PMThe laughable thing... by skids (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:15AMRe:The laughable thing... by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:56AMRe:The laughable thing... by Skade360 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:58AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by Simon for $1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:06AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:22AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Simon for $1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:43AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:55AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Simon for $1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:52AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:43AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Simon for $1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:00PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by arkanes (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:20PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by Simon for $1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:46AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by umkendaj (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:35AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by shanen (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:42AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:45AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Damer Face (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:13AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:17AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Damer Face (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:21AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:35AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Damer Face (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:10PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:14PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Damer Face (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:51PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by msuarezalvarez (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:38AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:38AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by arkanes (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:26PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by msuarezalvarez (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:22PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by feijai (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:14AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by amiran (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:42PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:59AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by shanen (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:35PMRe:Math and science are obsolete for leftists by shanen (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:32PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by TENTH SHOW JAM (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:47PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:08AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:55AM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by max born (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:43AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by 246o1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:51AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by max born (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:20AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by fimbulvetr (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:13AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by Jeremi (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:59AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by shanen (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:15AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by max born (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:49AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:14AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by shanen (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Math and science are obsolete by SeePage87 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:44AMRe:Math and science are obsolete by DonnieD701 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:26AMRe:My favorite... by kimbellina (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:37PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by cinnamon colbert (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:16PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by AthroughZ (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:43PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by cinnamon colbert (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:54PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by AthroughZ (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:37PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by eonlabs (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:36PMRe:Math and science are obsolete by shanen (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:20PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.7 replies beneath your current threshold.Riddle by connah0047 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:37AM Re:Riddle (Score:4, Funny) by Tuxedo Jack (648130) on Sunday October 16, @12:41AM (#13800874) ( None.You haul your ass to a bakery, shell out twenty bucks, and get a box or two full of cupcakes, then you go Cid Highwind on everyone."Siddown and eat your goddanm cupcakes!" [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Riddle by ShyGuy91284 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:54AMRe:Riddle by ZeldorBlat (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:42AMRe:Riddle by Alien54 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:00AMRe:Riddle by heinousjay (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:08AMRe:Riddle by iamdrscience (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:09AMRe:Riddle by tambo (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:11AMRe:Riddle by hashinclude (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:15AMRe:Riddle by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:32AMRe:Riddle by HughsOnFirst (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:27AMRe:Riddle by smartfart (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:20PMRe:Riddle by st0rmshad0w (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:48AMRe:Riddle by iamdrscience (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:56AMRe:Riddle by iamdrscience (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:05AMRe:Riddle by dgatwood (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:22AMRe:Riddle by matfud (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:42AMRe:Riddle by akeyes (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:46AMRe:Riddle by m50d (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:50AMRe:Riddle by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:35AMRe:Riddle by corngrower (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:07PMRe:Riddle by Rei (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:50AMRe:Riddle by theapodan (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:51AMRe:Riddle by msuarezalvarez (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:46AMRe:Riddle by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:37AMRe:Riddle by golgotha007 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:48AMRe:Riddle by Tomfrh (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:03AMRe:Riddle by Wavicle (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:21AMRe:Riddle by psmears (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:41AMRe:Riddle by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:44AMRe:Riddle by deathazre (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:15AMRe:Riddle by psmears (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:25AMRe:Riddle by psmears (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:15PMRe:Riddle by chriso11 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:05PMRe:Riddle by msuarezalvarez (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:10PMRe:Riddle by imyourfoot (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @05:53PMRe:Riddle by Rorgg (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Riddle by WonderSnatch (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:33AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.SPOILER: by A_Nath3 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:30AMRe:SPOILER: by Headcase88 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:42AMRe:Riddle by Wavicle (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @04:30AMRe:Riddle by Xaria (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:54AMRe:Riddle by Wavicle (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:14AMRe:Riddle by sapone (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:15PMRe:Riddle by sapone (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Riddle by Spazmogazm (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:38AMRe:Riddle by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:52AMRe:Riddle by Snootch (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:31AMRe:Riddle by sapone (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Riddle by psmears (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:48AMRe:Riddle by brett42 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:44PMRe:Riddle by brett42 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:49PMRe:Riddle by bidule (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:33PMRe:Riddle by BobTheAtheist (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:18AMRe:Riddle by Bugmaster (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:19PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Riddle by korzy1bj (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:45AMRe:Riddle by Grax (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:48AMNot a Riddle by 246o1 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:54AMRe:Not a Riddle by themoodykid (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:37AMRe:Riddle by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:25AMRe:Riddle by TommydCat (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:58PMRe:Riddle by fishexe (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:54PMRe:Riddle by jonadab (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:23PM2+ by Nikkodemus (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:38AMRe:2+ by Vorondil28 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:51AMRe:2+ by lengau (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:29AMRe:2+ by serialdogma (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:29PMRe:2+ by lengau (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:40PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Keeping my skills fresh (Score:4, Interesting) by Paladine97 (467512) on Sunday October 16, @12:38AM (#13800854) ( I wouldn't say I have a favorite problem but often when I'm bored I'll pen down the Pythagorean theorem and solve it manually. 0 = ax*x + bx + c. I'll work it out until I get the solution that (I hope) everybody knows and loves! It helps to keep my math skills alive during boring meetings. [ Reply to ThisRe:Keeping my skills fresh by mjc_w (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:52AMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by Paladine97 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:51AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Keeping my skills fresh by avxo (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:58AMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by avxo (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:01AMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:01AMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by LeonGeeste (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:25AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Keeping my skills fresh by sunwolf (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:26AMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by m50d (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:16AMDon't you mean "skillz"? by Elad Alon (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:16AMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by Just Some Guy (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:47AMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by rthille (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:49PMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by AthroughZ (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:08PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Keeping my skills fresh by Xyrus (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:56PMRe:Keeping my skills fresh by spongeboy (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:35PMThat's not the pythagorean theorem by fishexe (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:00PMRe:That's not the pythagorean theorem by doulios (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:33PMthrice-plus-one-or-half by Diego and Aline (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:38AMRe:thrice-plus-one-or-half by dcclark (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:51AMRe:thrice-plus-one-or-half by dcclark (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:54AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. The Answer.... (Score:5, Funny) by Omnieiunium (872399) <> on Sunday October 16, @12:38AM (#13800857) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 05, @12:07AM) Is obviously 42 [ Reply to ThisRe:The Answer.... by biobogonics (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:27AMRe:The Answer.... by HeadOffice (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:21AMRe:The Answer.... by biobogonics (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:46AMRe:The Answer.... by etymxris (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:15AMOk, here's mine by matt4077 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:41AMRe:Ok, here's mine by matt4077 (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @05:43AMRe:Ok, here's mine by cpt kangarooski (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:56AMRe:Ok, here's mine by furax0 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:06AMRe:Ok, here's mine by Spydr (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:29AMRe:Ok, here's mine by radtea (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:38AMRe:Ok, here's mine by Schroedinger (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:48AMRe:Ok, here's mine by Neurotoxic666 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:06PMRe:Ok, here's mine by jefft (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:15PMRe:Ok, here's mine by HalliS (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:17PMRe:Ok, here's mine by Ergonomicon (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:40PMRe:Ok, here's mine by jonadab (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:30PMRe:Ok, here's mine by Lanigironu (Score:1) Monday October 17, @12:13AMRe: 123? by some guy I know (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:53AMno more then three by Dog135 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:34PMRe: 123? by tverbeek (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:32PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold. easy one (Score:5, Funny) by zanderredux (564003) on Sunday October 16, @12:39AM (#13800859) ( prove that a^n=b^n+c^n for any n. [ Reply to This Re:easy one (Score:4, Interesting) by calvin1981 (922478) on Sunday October 16, @12:45AM (#13800899) That one's really easy. Set a=42, b=0 and c=42, for any n :) [ Reply to This | Parent Re:easy one (Score:4, Informative) by NitsujTPU (19263) on Sunday October 16, @01:01AM (#13800988) ( Uhmm, if n = 0, that is not true.a^0 = 1b^0 = 1c^0 = 11 != 2So, I would submit that that might be true for all nonzero values of n. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:easy one (Score:4, Informative) by calvin1981 (922478) on Sunday October 16, @01:08AM (#13801035) Well, If b=0, b^0 is not even defined ! For n=0, it is easy to see that there is no solution. For n smaller than 3, it is elementary to show that there are solutions (even infinitely many of them), and for n > 3, you have to be Andrew Wiles to show that :) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:easy one by iamdrscience (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:14AMRe:easy one by cowsandmilk (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:22AM0^0 by PeeCee (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:28AM Re:0^0 (Score:5, Funny) by Fnkmaster (89084) <fnkmaster AT viergy DOT com> on Sunday October 16, @02:45AM (#13801603) ( I guess you could say 0^0 = 1, for sufficiently large values of 0. :) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:0^0 by cgibbard (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:06PMRe:0^0 by m50d (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:43AMRe:0^0 by Jasper__unique_dammi (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:07AMRe:0^0 by brian0918 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:22AMRe:0^0 by fymidos (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:55PMRe:easy one by Aeiri (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @02:49AMRe:easy one by Kymermosst (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:39AMRe:easy one by Aeiri (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:48PMRe:easy one by ezzzD55J (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:16AMindefinate... by StarkRG (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:33AMRe:easy one by Mornelithe (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @09:03AMRe:indefinate... by ezzzD55J (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:10AMRe:easy one by ezzzD55J (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @10:59AMRe:indefinate... by gordo3000 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:00PMRe:indefinate... by Tony-A (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:03PMRe:easy one by Mornelithe (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:13PMRe:indefinate... by StarkRG (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:28PMRe:indefinate... by StarkRG (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:35PMRe:indefinate... by Mikkeles (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @06:10PMRe:indefinate... by gordo3000 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:41PMRe:easy one by Nehle (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @06:47AMRe:easy one by ehasl (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:easy one by Jason1729 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:41AMRe:easy one by max born (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:59AMRe:easy one by a boy named woo (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:47AMRe:easy one by Lehk228 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:05PMRe:easy zero by tgv (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:54AMRe:easy one by zippthorne (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:26PMRe:easy one by Lehk228 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:08PMRe:easy one by uberdave (Score:2) Monday October 17, @12:55AM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:easy one by !IH (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:27AMRe:easy one by NitsujTPU (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @07:56AMRe:easy one by jonadab (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @10:36PMRe:easy one by NitsujTPU (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:46PMRe:easy one by earthbound kid (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @09:07AMRe:easy one by Bob Zer Fish (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @11:15AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:easy one by perko (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:01PMRe:easy one by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:48AMRe:easy one by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:40AMRe:easy one by Jimmy The Leper (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @03:54AMRe:easy one by ari_j (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:05AMRe:easy one by dogganos (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:14AMRe:easy one by EvilSmile (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:36AMRe:easy one by TheRealDamion (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @07:13AMRe:easy one by richieb (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:08AMRe:easy one by ThyPiGuy (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:04AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Sequence by blystovski (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:39AMRe:Sequence by blystovski (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:42AMRe:Sequence by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:51AMRe:Sequence by Hawthorne01 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:57AMRe:Sequence by blystovski (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:59AMRe:Sequence by jZnat (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @02:33AMRe:Sequence by Doc Ruby (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:00PMRe:Sequence by themoodykid (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @05:37AMRe:Sequence by OverlordQ (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:40AMRe:Sequence by Headcase88 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @04:05AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Sequence by Noksagt (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:45AM Look and Say (Score:5, Informative) by Noksagt (69097) on Sunday October 16, @12:55AM (#13800953) ( There's a good write up [] of this on MathWorld. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Sequence by DeuceTre (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:58AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Oldie but goodie... by Moofie (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @12:40AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by markov_chain (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:44AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by FlyByPC (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:19AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by Dorothy 86 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @12:49AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by toddbu (Score:3) Sunday October 16, @12:57AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by vurg (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:33AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Oldie but goodie... by Jeremi (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:21AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by biryokumaru (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @03:49AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Oldie but goodie... by scrote-ma-hote (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @04:28AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by Alsn (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @09:36AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by h4lphl33tor (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:30PMRe:Oldie but goodie... by (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @08:10AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by utexaspunk (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @11:34AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by spacecowboy420 (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:01AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by rtisbute (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:04AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by emurphy42 (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @02:00AMIndisputably Correct Answer by Shaper_pmp (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @08:01AMRe:Indisputably Correct Answer by rtisbute (Score:1) Monday October 17, @12:03AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by toddbu (Score:2) Sunday October 16, @01:24AMRe:Oldie but goodie... by IconBasedIdea (Score:1) Sunday October 16, @01:45AM3 replies beneath your current threshold. One possible solution: (Score:4, Funny) by heinousjay (683506) on Sunday October 16, @12:40AM (#13800866) (Last Journal: Saturday October 15, @09:04AM) Turn a light on. [ Reply to This Re:One possible solution:


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