Saturday, December 10, 2005

axonis writes "ZenChi has created a Google Maps API project based on the popular board game RISK on Google Maps. While Zen is developing a multi-player version, you can play a game right now with others huddled around your computer." RISK The Game On Google Maps Log in/Create an Account | Top | 78 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 78 comments 0: 70 comments 1: 55 comments 2: 44 comments 3: 24 comments 4: 9 comments 5: 5 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Can Google maps get more geeky? (Score:5, Funny) by Trigun (685027) <evil@evilem[ ] ['pir' in gap]> on Wednesday November 09, @11:02PM (#13995191) ( Call Newman and Kramer. And can someone program an API to find my keys? [ Reply to This Re:Can Google maps get more geeky? (Score:5, Funny) by Cave_Monster (918103) on Wednesday November 09, @11:29PM (#13995344) And can someone program an API to find my keys? I had a look on google earth and when I zoomed in to the maximum, I noticed your keys are on your front lawn near that little garden gnome. You must have dropped them while walking from your car to your front door :) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Can Google maps get more geeky? by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:30PMRe:Can Google maps get more geeky? by Spy der Mann (Score:1) Thursday November 10, @12:11AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. There goes my life... (Score:4, Funny) by DogDude (805747) on Wednesday November 09, @11:03PM (#13995194) ( As soon as this thing gets into online leagues, I'm afraid that my social life will be finished. This rocks. [ Reply to ThisRe:There goes my life... by Browncoat (Score:1) Wednesday November 09, @11:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. In Soviet Russia... (Score:5, Funny) by countchoc12 (789688) on Wednesday November 09, @11:03PM (#13995195) Google API Project maps Risk on YOU! [ Reply to ThisRe:In Soviet Russia... by Deekin_Scalesinger (Score:3) Wednesday November 09, @11:06PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Want to play a game, Professor Falken? (Score:3, Funny) by Argonne (913222) * on Wednesday November 09, @11:04PM (#13995197) (Last Journal: Wednesday September 07, @06:29PM) With all the news about Google's great power these days, I know that when I play this I'll turn on CNN when I sent Alaskan forces against Kamchatka. On second thought, maybe not. I really don't want to have to hear George W. Bush try to pronounce "Irkutsk". [ Reply to ThisRe:Want to play a game, Professor Falken? by Browncoat (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:25PM That's Friggin Brilliant... (Score:3, Informative) by CptTripps (196901) on Wednesday November 09, @11:04PM (#13995199) ( does anyone remember how to play Risk? [ Reply to ThisRe:That's Friggin Brilliant... by YrWrstNtmr (Score:3) Wednesday November 09, @11:13PMRe:That's Friggin Brilliant... by Trigun (Score:1) Wednesday November 09, @11:19PMRe:That's Friggin Brilliant... by YrWrstNtmr (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:30PMRe:That's Friggin Brilliant... by tomhudson (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:37PMRe:That's Friggin Brilliant... by Cobralisk (Score:1) Thursday November 10, @12:53AMRe:That's Friggin Brilliant... by Zenmonkeycat (Score:2) Thursday November 10, @12:11AMRe:That's Friggin Brilliant... by patio11 (Score:2) Thursday November 10, @12:40AM Now for some robots.... (Score:3, Funny) by Roguelazer (606927) <> on Wednesday November 09, @11:07PM (#13995220) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday March 29, @06:01PM) Now all we need to do is combine this with giant Internet-guided robots and we'll be all set for World War [ Reply to ThisRe:Now for some robots.... by Cliff (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. School (Score:5, Interesting) by saskboy (600063) on Wednesday November 09, @11:11PM (#13995239) ( | Last Journal: Friday October 28, @08:52PM) I wonder if this would be a good way to encourage students to learn the geography they are so sorely lacking? What better way to learn where Uzbekistan is, than to invade Iran from it? [ Reply to This Re:School (Score:4, Funny) by Trigun (685027) <evil@evilem[ ] ['pir' in gap]> on Wednesday November 09, @11:21PM (#13995310) ( I hope that you've got luck on your side, because you should never start a land war in Asia. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:School by Browncoat (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:29PMRe:School by daeley (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:43PMRe:School by NMerriam (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:57PM Re:School (Score:4, Funny) by Danny Rathjens (8471) <[slashdot2] [at] []> on Thursday November 10, @12:15AM (#13995553) ( "War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."                            -- Ambrose Bierce [ Reply to This | ParentRe:School by richdun (Score:3) Thursday November 10, @12:24AMRe:School by HD Webdev (Score:2) Thursday November 10, @12:34AMRe:School by joelsanda (Score:2) Thursday November 10, @12:46AM Isn't it (Score:2) by The-Perl-CD-Bookshel (631252) on Wednesday November 09, @11:12PM (#13995250) ( | Last Journal: Sunday December 08, @02:00PM) kinda creepy around my little Fujitsu P Series? [ Reply to This Shall we play a game? (Score:5, Funny) by oskard (715652) on Wednesday November 09, @11:13PM (#13995258) Apparently the server was located in Quebec because as soon as I defeated the troops stationed there, the web site crashed.Wouldn't you prefer a good game of chess? [ Reply to This remember old school risk players (Score:4, Insightful) by circletimessquare (444983) <circletimessquare&gmail,com> on Wednesday November 09, @11:14PM (#13995265) always start in australia ;-) [ Reply to ThisRe:remember old school risk players by Malc (Score:3) Wednesday November 09, @11:34PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:remember old school risk players by hackstraw (Score:2) Thursday November 10, @12:47AM Uh-oh (Score:3, Funny) by kramthegram (918152) on Wednesday November 09, @11:14PM (#13995267) If Bush finds this game he'll be calling for an all out assult on the green guys attacking from Mexico, America needs that continental bonus for our troops in Iraq! [ Reply to ThisRe:Uh-oh by $RANDOMLUSER (Score:1) Wednesday November 09, @11:20PM Talk about google infatuation (Score:3, Informative) by blool (798681) on Wednesday November 09, @11:14PM (#13995268) This is just a badly made risk game, made on an api that clearly isnt meant to support such a game. Not only is it single terminal only, but your forced to play with 6 people. If the editors even tried playing the game they would notice that it is garbage. [ Reply to ThisRe:Talk about google infatuation by YrWrstNtmr (Score:3) Wednesday November 09, @11:24PMRe:Talk about google infatuation by lamasquerade (Score:3) Wednesday November 09, @11:48PMRe:Talk about google infatuation by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @11:51PMRe:Talk about google infatuation by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Wednesday November 09, @11:54PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Two things immediately come to mind (Score:3, Insightful) by popo (107611) on Wednesday November 09, @11:16PM (#13995280) 1) Wow that's amazing what you can do with Google Maps.2) But... why? [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. Diplomacy (Score:3, Interesting) by lamasquerade (172547) on Wednesday November 09, @11:40PM (#13995404) I'd love to see a version of Diplomacy [] made to work the same way - that is my favourite boardgame of all time and I believe Risk is based on it. Diplomacy's major strength though is the lack of die - it's all strategy and negotiation, chance plays just about no role (the allocation of countries at the beginning being the only exception). [ Reply to ThisRe:Diplomacy by x3ro (Score:1) Thursday November 10, @12:00AMI'd love to see an Axis & Allies Google API by masterpenguin (Score:2) Thursday November 10, @12:09AM Hello Professor (Score:2, Funny) by Kortec (449574) on Wednesday November 09, @11:42PM (#13995412) ( Hello Professor; would you like to play a game of Search Engine War? [ Reply to This This would be fun... (Score:1) by Donniedarkness (895066) on Wednesday November 09, @11:45PM (#13995431) ( If I had any friends to actually play with :( Isn't the purpose of the computer to replace them?! Then why are there no bots! [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. a waste (Score:2) by romit_icarus (613431) on Wednesday November 09, @11:53PM (#13995463) Cute, but i can't help thinking that if risk uses google just to get access to a world map, then it's such a waste of resource to use google maps... [ Reply to ThisRe:a waste by Soporific (Score:2) Thursday November 10, @12:09AM GoogleEarth (Score:2, Funny) by emjoi_gently (812227) on Wednesday November 09, @11:59PM (#13995492) I'd love a more dynamic api for GoogleEarth.At the moment it's fairly static. You can place things on the Earth, but you can't make them move.Too be able to have ICBMs flying between the US and the USSR, with little mushroom clouds.... [ Reply to This That's nice, but I'll stick with (Score:3, Interesting) by Futaba-chan (541818) on Thursday November 10, @12:14AM (#13995549) Well, it's pretty, and all... but [] has a perfectly functional multiplayer play-over-the-web Risk implementation, using a stylized map, including several variants. The picture on the map doesn't matter nearly so much as the gameplay does.... [ Reply to This Crap. (Score:1) by Timewinder (467583) on Thursday November 10, @12:24AM (#13995586) C'mon now, I haven't even managed to finish the last game of RISK I started...It's been 3 weeks, dear god someone help me... [ Reply to This wiki /. warning (Score:1) by netcrusher88 (743318) <netcrusher88&gmail,com> on Thursday November 10, @12:32AM (#13995604) (Last Journal: Wednesday April 06, @12:37AM) Wow... the wikipedia has a "warning, we've been slashdotted" template... Are there that many trolls? [ Reply to This Great Free Online Risk like game (Score:1) by mikapc (664262) on Thursday November 10, @12:53AM (#13995680) Check out , it is an excellent improved upon version of risk that I've played for years on and off. It is web based and allows multiplayer games of anywhere between 2 and 32 players. Turn rates can be anywhere from 1 minute to 72 hours. Check it out. [ Reply to This Re:As Usual.... (Score:1) by Chosen Reject (842143) on Wednesday November 09, @11:26PM (#13995334) I wish the people who write these things would log in, and that they had the same username on, then we could all go over there and digg 'em down on everything they ever say. [ Reply to This | Parent9 replies beneath your current threshold.


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