Friday, December 09, 2005

According to an AP report. "CBS and NBC have announced deals to offer replays of prime-time programs for 99 cents per episode, shifting television toward a sales model that gained popularity with downloaded music." But the shows will only be available over Comcast on Demand, not for download. CBS, NBC to Offer TV Shows for 99 Cents Log in/Create an Account | Top | 291 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 291 comments 0: 291 comments 1: 241 comments 2: 168 comments 3: 49 comments 4: 27 comments 5: 19 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. iPOD comparison by Barkley44 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:01PM Re:iPOD comparison (Score:4, Insightful) by Dav3K (618318) on Tuesday November 08, @12:04PM (#13979761) you can watch your ipod show over and over. The Comcast deal is $0.99 per play. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:iPOD comparison (Score:5, Informative) by generic-man (33649) * on Tuesday November 08, @12:12PM (#13979847) ( | Last Journal: Saturday October 01, @01:18PM) With the Comcast deal, you buy an episode for $0.99 and you can watch it as much as you want until the next episode airs, at which point it becomes inaccessible. This is the same VOD model they use for most of their programs: build in an expiration date, much like a video rental. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:iPOD comparison by CapnGib (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @04:42PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:iPOD comparison (Score:4, Funny) by generic-man (33649) * on Tuesday November 08, @12:48PM (#13980164) ( | Last Journal: Saturday October 01, @01:18PM) If you have a working MythTV box, couldn't you just record the episode when it airs instead of paying $1 the next day to rent it? Then you can strip out the program to get to the commercials you want to see. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:iPOD comparison by Afrosheen (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:53PM Re:iPOD comparison (Score:4, Funny) by Golias (176380) on Tuesday November 08, @01:14PM (#13980389) That's assuming that you knew it was coming up and scheduled a recording in advance.If only there were some kind of "guide" to give people advanced notice of upcoming TV episodes... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:iPOD comparison by lloydtesterman (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @03:40PMRe:iPOD comparison by Toasty16 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:43PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:iPOD comparison by Cat_Byte (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:13PM Re:iPOD comparison (Score:5, Interesting) by Total_Wimp (564548) on Tuesday November 08, @02:01PM (#13980857) If you have a working MythTV box, couldn't you just record the episode when it airs instead of paying $1 the next day to rent it?For now. That's the danger of the broadcast flag. It's currently defeated, but stay tuned, more to come after these messages.NBC makes $0.00 if you record with MythTVNBC makes $0.99 if you buy/rent/beg for it the next dayThey probably understand these numbers very well, and will make no bones about describing MythTV, Tivo, et al. as "theft" devices to your local congressman. The way to prevent such "theft" is with a broadcast flag.Remember boys and girls, anything that doesn't make money for media companies is stealing. People who steal media will damage the American economy. Terrorists want to damage the American economy. Therefore if you have MythTV you are clearly a terrorist.TW [ Reply to This | ParentRe:iPOD comparison by generic-man (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:20PMRe:iPOD comparison by Cat_Byte (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @02:30PMRe:iPOD comparison by generic-man (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @02:45PMRe:iPOD comparison by Chyeld (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @03:08PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:iPOD comparison by 084883447 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:56PMRe:iPOD comparison by Total_Wimp (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @05:06PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:iPOD comparison by varmittang (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:09PMRe:iPOD comparison by MikeURL (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:22PM Re:iPOD comparison (Score:5, Informative) by Dav3K (618318) on Tuesday November 08, @12:10PM (#13979825) I misread your question. The cost difference is $1.00. Comcast is offering their product (with commercials) for $0.99 while Apple is offering their product (without commercials) for $1.99. Again, the Apple download can be viewed multiple times, whereas Comcast is essentially rebroadcasting for your viewing pleasure at a time more convenient for you. You are paying for the service of the rebroadcasting, not a downloadable product. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:iPOD comparison by tokenhillbilly (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:48PMRe:iPOD comparison by Dav3K (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:27PMRe:iPOD comparison by Some_Llama (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @06:26PM TiVO Anyone (Score:5, Insightful) by queenb**ch (446380) on Tuesday November 08, @12:34PM (#13980043) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday November 02, @03:46PM) Why pay to watch it once when you can just TiVO it and be done? Maybe this is what the broadcast flag thing is all about. All TV will become pay-per-view.DUH!2 cents,Queen B [ Reply to This | Parent Re:TiVO Anyone (Score:5, Insightful) by IdleTime (561841) on Tuesday November 08, @12:47PM (#13980146) I honestly don't know many if any shows that I would want to watch over and over and over again. I have a DVR with my cable subscription and I basically use it to record shows that I watch at a more convienient time and then delete the show. If you need to watch the same show over and over again, you are like my daughter when she was 4, couldn't wrestle certain VHS tapes away from her. Again, why do you need to save a show and watch it 100 times over? That sounds more like a mental issue than a practical one. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:TiVO Anyone by DaFallus (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:30PMRe:TiVO Anyone by IdleTime (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:06PMRe:TiVO Anyone by DrCode (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:30PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.You're not getting the point... by lucason (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:21PMRe:You're not getting the point... by Cromac (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:30PMRe:TiVO Anyone by Enry (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @02:23PMYou don't have children, do you... by Overzeetop (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:44PMRe:You don't have children, do you... by Xytheril (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:TiVO Anyone by SeaFox (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:34PMRe:TiVO Anyone by porcupine8 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:39PMI hope not, but I believe it. by cbreaker (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:14PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:iPOD comparison by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.when? by Janek Kozicki (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:01PMRe:when? by Eightyford (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:31PM For the cost of fifty shows (Score:5, Insightful) by The_Rippa (181699) on Tuesday November 08, @12:02PM (#13979731) For the cost of fifty shows you can just get a Tivo. [ Reply to This Re:For the cost of fifty shows (Score:5, Insightful) by BushCheney08 (917605) on Tuesday November 08, @12:05PM (#13979765) And for the cost of another 300 shows you can have it activated.Note: I love my TiVo and think it's worth every penny. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:For the cost of fifty shows by rmcrob (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:42PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by sucati (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:12PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by BlurredWeasel (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:05PMQuitting broadcast TV by cryptochrome (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:13PM Re:Quitting broadcast TV (Score:5, Funny) by Gulthek (12570) on Tuesday November 08, @12:36PM (#13980056) ( | Last Journal: Thursday April 25, @09:03PM) The Daily Show/Colbert Report is the big stumbling block for me.*dramatically shakes fist* Damn you Jon Stewart! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Quitting broadcast TV by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @04:16PMRe:Quitting broadcast TV by ArmorFiend (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @06:07PMRe:Quitting broadcast TV by cryptochrome (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:15PMRe:Quitting broadcast TV by Gulthek (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:16PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Quitting broadcast TV by scbysnx (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:21PMRe:Quitting broadcast TV by Eightyford (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:33PMRe:Quitting broadcast TV by scbysnx (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @11:59PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Quitting broadcast TV by Braino420 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:40PMRe:Quitting broadcast TV by Pollardito (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:24PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:For the cost of fifty shows by BrookHarty (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:40PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by fatcatman (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @05:55PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by timeOday (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:11PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by garcia (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:16PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by borawjm (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:24PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by dreamchaser (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:39PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by borawjm (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:43PM You need to have one already. (Score:5, Insightful) by pavon (30274) on Tuesday November 08, @12:39PM (#13980079) I am getting excited about the shift towards internet viewing, and would actually prefer cheap rental over buying for video, and as a consumer don't really care about rented material being highly DRM'ed (purchased is anothering).But this particular service isn't all that exciting. You need to have DirectTV's or Comcast's DVR already in order to use the service. That means that I could have been recording these shows and watching them whenever I wanted.The price wouldn't be too bad on it's own. I figure that reasonable internet rental prices prices are $0.50 for a 20 minute show, $1.00 for a 40 minute show, and $2.00 for a movie. But this is on top of the $50-70 dollars that you are already paying for cable or satelite. I have already payed to watch these shows, I am not going to pay again. [ Reply to This | ParentNot exciting...until you can't timehift for free! by Overzeetop (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @02:51PMRe:Not exciting...until you can't timehift for fre by jafuser (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @06:54PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:For the cost of fifty shows by NanoGator (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @12:51PM Re:For the cost of fifty shows (Score:4, Insightful) by rho (6063) on Tuesday November 08, @01:00PM (#13980280) ( | Last Journal: Sunday February 13, @09:40PM) Or $20/mo for Netflix. You're behind on the "hip" TV shows by a season or two, but in return you don't have to fiddle with stuff. Can you operate a mailbox? Can you operate your DVD player? You're golden.I tried downloading stuff from torrents, and you know what? It's annoying. It takes time, only 50% of the time can you make a hard-copy that you can play on your good TV without jumping through ridiculous hoops, and it requires keeping up with the latest and greatest P2P clients. None of these are attractive to anybody with more important things to do. People such as those who are gainfully employed and have high disposable income."On demand" purchasing of TV shows is only worthwhile when you can purchase "on demand" ANY show, not just CBS or NBC. Short of that, I'll just watch the TV shows that are worth collecting as an entire season on DVDs from Netflix, as well as pretty much any movie I want. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:For the cost of fifty shows by timeOday (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:15PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by Idarubicin (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:20PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by MikeURL (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:29PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by tlhIngan (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @05:19PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:For the cost of fifty shows by Quevar (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:36PMRe:For the cost of fifty shows by Bulmakau (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @06:03PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Let's acutally read the article before submitting. (Score:5, Informative) by hal2814 (725639) on Tuesday November 08, @12:02PM (#13979734) NBC's offering will be through DirecTV. CBS will be through Comcast. [ Reply to This Re:Let's acutally read the article before submitti (Score:4, Informative) by LostCluster (625375) * on Tuesday November 08, @12:09PM (#13979810) Which means, to make ourselves clear, neither of these are IP downloads. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Let's acutally read the article before submitti by ndansmith (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:21PM OnDemand doesn't work with DSL (Score:5, Interesting) by PIPBoy3000 (619296) on Tuesday November 08, @12:03PM (#13979747) We had our Comcast person hooking up a phone line to let the cable box talk to their service. At the last minute he asked, "do you have DSL?" We did, and now it looks like we have to use the actual phone to order OnDemand shows. We never have, since it's such a pain, though we constantly watch the free ones, expecially the kid shows.Of course, eMule works fine with DSL and the price of t.v. shows from that venue are quite competitive. For some reason, using the Internet as my Tivo doesn't fill me with a twinge of guilt. [ Reply to This Re:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL (Score:4, Interesting) by drinkypoo (153816) <> on Tuesday November 08, @12:06PM (#13979784) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday July 27, @11:49AM) That's really wacky. It makes sense on satellite but basically all cable boxes have talkback and most of your high-end cable boxes actually have a cable modem in them. Hell, the analog cable stuff that was used in santa cruz county since at least 1980 had talkback, which was used to determine if people were stealing cable (and, of course, to order pay-per-view movies.) However the module was externally connected with an in-line jumper that you could disconnect; you then had to order PPV manually - if you didn't have a diagnostic chip installed. IIRC the boxes were made by either jerrold or scientific atlanta and were among the most expensive boxes in use at the time. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by kannibal_klown (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:26PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by drinkypoo (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:52PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by RingDev (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:07PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by spinfire (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:24PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by RingDev (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:08PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by zakezuke (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:12PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by Palos (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @12:13PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by PIPBoy3000 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:25PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by misleb (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:04PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by Guiannos (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:10PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by DragonPup (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @02:16PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by NardofDoom (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:46PMRe:OnDemand doesn't work with DSL by SeaFox (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @07:46PM Internet TV is next (Score:5, Insightful) by b0r1s (170449) on Tuesday November 08, @12:04PM (#13979749) First comes mainstream TV on the net.Then comes internet only TV.On-demand, lower broadcast costs, and the replacement of 'public access' with equal opportunity online broadcasts [] all push internet video over it's ancient predecesor.It's only a matter of time until the TV joins the newspaper in it's slow walk to the grave. [ Reply to This Re:Internet TV is next (Score:4, Insightful) by cfulmer (3166) on Tuesday November 08, @12:31PM (#13980018) ( Aahh... But you forget a few things:(1) Streaming TV at broadcast quality requires a lot more bandwidth than most "broadband" ISP customers current get to their homes.(2) The backend link at most "broadband" ISPs has nowhere near enough capacity to stream a TV station per-customer. A lot of people have TVs on just as background -- this doesn't really happen with your computer. As a result, the models that "broadband" ISPs use to oversell their services go out the window.(3) The two main providers of broadband Internet service in the US are cable companies and phone companies. Both of these guys are going for the so-called "triple-play" of TV, video and Internet. THey have a vested interest in doing what they can to keep TV off the Internet. This will probably just come from not providing enough bandwidth.[#2 can be fixed, at least partially, through the judicious use of multicasting. But, that probably implies infrastructure in the ISP. They are going to expect to be compensated for this.]I use the word "broadband" in quotes, because it's a relative word. In the US, compared to dialup, it's broadband. Compared to what folks on other continents get, it's narrow. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Internet TV is next by pavon (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:16PMRe:Internet TV is next by timeOday (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:25PMInternet TV is here by kurtdg (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:52PMRe:Internet TV is next by David McBride (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:25PMRe:Internet TV is next by cfulmer (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:33PMRe:Internet TV is next by misleb (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:29PMRe:Internet TV is next by timeOday (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:13PMRe:Internet TV is next by petermgreen (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:53PMRe:Internet TV is next by RzUpAnmsCwrds (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:34PMRe:Internet TV is next by cfulmer (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @07:06PMInternet TV was here over ten years ago by jd (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:50PMRe:Internet TV is next by deesine (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:16PMNow watch what they do in DC by bherman (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @12:04PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by kevin_conaway (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:19PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by bryce1012 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:25PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by mikael_j (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:26PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by AK Marc (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @05:21PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by halenger (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:32PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by jd678 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:39PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Now watch what they do in DC by bherman (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:40PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by bfree (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:06PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by 99BottlesOfBeerInMyF (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @01:19PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by jcnnghm (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:52PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by mungtor (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:15PMRe:Now watch what they do in DC by moosesocks (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:23PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Rip Off!! by NerdBuster (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:04PMRe:Rip Off!! by brufleth (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Why should I pay for this? (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 08, @12:05PM (#13979764) Channels like HBO and Showtime offer all of their programming free to subscribers on Comcast In Demand.What makes time-shifting Survivor worth 99 cents when I can time-shift The Sopranos for free? [ Reply to ThisRe:Why should I pay for this? by kannibal_klown (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:33PMRe:Why should I pay for this? by mbbac (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:34PMRe:Why should I pay for this? by Enry (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:28PMRe:Why should I pay for this? by Misch (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:45PMRe:Why should I pay for this? by Arcaeris (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:31PMRe:Why should I pay for this? by DragonPup (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:31PMRe:Why should I pay for this? by petermgreen (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:03PMRe:Why should I pay for this? by nunchux (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:17PMThe only time I see myself paying for this.... by PoderOmega (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:06PMRe:The only time I see myself paying for this.... by wwrafter (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. ... but this does not allow the user to keep, no? (Score:5, Interesting) by compactable (714182) on Tuesday November 08, @12:07PM (#13979786) ( ... $0.99 seems good, until you realize that this is a rental, not a purchase.Rental schemes in the music industry have yet to take off (Napster? Yahoo music?). iTunes provides ownership, which I think is a cause of it's popularity ... [ Reply to ThisRe:... but this does not allow the user to keep, n by mumblestheclown (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:27PMRe:... but this does not allow the user to keep, n by MorePower (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:10PMRe:... but this does not allow the user to keep, n by AK Marc (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:45PMRe:... but this does not allow the user to keep, n by nine-times (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:34PMRe:... but this does not allow the user to keep, n by MindStalker (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:43PMRe:... but this does not allow the user to keep, n by Shihar (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:39PMRe:... but this does not allow the user to keep, n by CapnGib (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @04:49PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.can you record the shows using Direc TV PVR? by warnerpr (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @12:08PMRe:can you record the shows using Direc TV PVR? by n9uxu8 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:27PMRe:can you record the shows using Direc TV PVR? by Sammy76 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:32PMabsolutely pointless? by ntxb229 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:08PMRe:absolutely pointless? by Detritus (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:18PMBittorrent? by Spades_ (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:09PMRe:Bittorrent? by FunFactor100 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:25PM Run it till the tires fall off... (Score:5, Insightful) by gsfprez (27403) * on Tuesday November 08, @12:09PM (#13979813) (Last Journal: Tuesday September 23, @03:30PM) or until DirecTV cancels MPEG-2 service, but i tell you what, i'm going to run my hacked DirecTiVo until the wheels fall off - screw everyone else and their lameastic ideas.My Hacked DirecTiVo works 1 step simple to get any show i want with my iPod (now, with Video), doesn't cost me per play, works great with my Mac, and doesn't have any DRM.These things are going to be insanely valuable in years to come because of their incredible feature set, lack of DRM, and compatibility with so many other devices.meanwhile, newer systems are going to be less and less useful and less interesting to me. HDTV doesn't make my skirt fly up compared to a well written show or good coverage of a hockey game... neither of which requires higher resolution. [ Reply to ThisRe:Run it till the tires fall off... by Jherek Carnelian (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:16PMRe:Run it till the tires fall off... by Jherek Carnelian (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:15PMRe:Run it till the tires fall off... by molarmass192 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:20PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. The Discussion with a Real User (Score:5, Interesting) by Dark Paladin (116525) * <> on Tuesday November 08, @12:11PM (#13979832) ( Me: OK - now I have my DVR so I can record shows.Satellite company: Hey, but if you miss a show, you can download it to your DVR!Me: Uh - that sounds pretty good. How much?Satellite company: $0.99!Me: Great - that's a better price than iTunes! So I can download it and watch it on my computer while I'm traveling -Satellite company: No, you have to watch it at home.Me: Oh. So can I sync it to my [insert portable video device here]?Satellite company: No, you can watch it at home.Me: But - could I just record the show with my DVR then? You know - the whole reason why I got a DVR?Satellite company: You could, right until we decide that you can't record any shows you can buy. Isn't that swell?Me: I knew there was a reason why I only use basic cable. This "digital crap but only through our proprietary boxes" is for losers.Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. [ Reply to ThisAgreed by Jeff Molby (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:22PMRe:The Discussion with a Real User by DrCode (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:26PMDeja vu? by mblase (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @12:11PMThanks, but no thanks. by DroopyStonx (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:13PMRe:Thanks, but no thanks. by LostCluster (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:15PMRe:Thanks, but no thanks. by Belgand (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:56PMRe:Thanks, but no thanks. by dotc (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:12PMlame by jessecurry (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:14PMRe:lame by Nom du Keyboard (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @12:22PM 99 cents WITH commercials (Score:5, Insightful) by mmeister (862972) on Tuesday November 08, @12:15PM (#13979869) This is proof that the Networks still don't understand this whole "internet" thing at all.1. While downloading for iPod is mentioned in the article, NBC and CBS are referring to OnDemand (same ol' crap that cable companies have been pushing for years) with their set top boxes.2. The article says that 99 cents is the cost, but it includes commercials. So you're paying $1 to watch a free show WITH commercials.3. NBC still believes there "aren't enough protections" to put their content on the internet.These guys don't realize that their shows are mediocre at best and placing any higher threshold on watching them will actually DECREASE viewers, not increase it. I'm not going to pay extra to watch a show with commercials (which you probably can't skip).Apple's solution for $1.99 adds the benefit of watching it where you want and without commercials. It's great for the occasional missed episode that I can catch up with while traveling.I've never used OnDemand TV (whether Cable or Satellite) and this won't be any different. [ Reply to ThisRe:99 cents WITH commercials by nmos (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @12:47PM


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