Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Philipp Lenssen writes "Yahoo put up a life-size alpha geek statue in honor of the Yahoo Mail team, which they think beat the Gmail team. The statue's plaque says it's presented "in recognition of tremendous intellectual efforts put forth in order to defeat Gmail", and: "Not since the code breakers in Britain's Bletchley Park deciphered Germany's Enigma code during World War II has so much brainpower been focused on kicking an enemy's ass." Flickr has a photo." It's a nice little article on the difference between two of the net's superpowers. Yahoo's Geek Statue Log in/Create an Account | Top | 316 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 316 comments 0: 309 comments 1: 232 comments 2: 166 comments 3: 54 comments 4: 29 comments 5: 17 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. I've got news for them... by Daytona955i (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:02AM Re:I've got news for them... (Score:4, Interesting) by WindBourne (631190) on Sunday November 06, @09:09AM (#13962519) (Last Journal: Friday June 24, @01:33PM) gmail is simple and it works. What amazes me is that Yahoo has not asked users which they prefer. This is almost akin to Borland saying that OWL is better than visual (IMHO, OWL was better), or Dr Dos declaring its DOS better than MS-DOS. In each case, the product may have been better, but the vast majority of users said otherwise. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:I've got news for them... (Score:4, Insightful) by altoz (653655) on Sunday November 06, @09:59AM (#13962709) What amazes me is that Yahoo has not asked users which they prefer. What amazes me is that they spent money on a statue instead. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I've got news for them... by WindBourne (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @03:07PM Re:I've got news for them... (Score:4, Insightful) by Kenneth Stephen (1950) on Sunday November 06, @09:14AM (#13962541) ( Not just that, but gmail has indeed changed the way the game is played. When you sign up for gmail, they have a short intro which begins with "GMail is different". They key is that they are not gratuitously different. They are different because they analyzed the email processing process and saw a way to improve it. All the mail clients that I've used before had different ways of arranging things on the screen, but the function that they offered and the paradigm that they supported was the same. It took a little bit for me to get accustomed to the new way of doing things, but now that I'm acclimatized, I'm not going back. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:I've got news for them... (Score:4, Insightful) by RealBeanDip (26604) on Sunday November 06, @09:38AM (#13962620) How about GMail bringing back the good old DELETE button that we're all accustomed to instead of have it hidden in a drop down list. Sometimes different isn't better... sometimes we really do just want to DELETE something. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:I've got news for them... (Score:5, Informative) by Bertie (87778) on Sunday November 06, @09:51AM (#13962678) If you install Greasemonkey [], there's a script [] for it which will add a delete button to the page alongside the "archive" one Google seems to think you should use for even the most useless messages. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I've got news for them... by RealBeanDip (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @10:04AMRe:I've got news for them... by djdavetrouble (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:56AMRe:I've got news for them... by Khuffie (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @02:47PMRe:I've got news for them... by orasio (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @03:21PMRe:I've got news for them... by Servants (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @04:09PMRe:I've got news for them... by Skye16 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @08:42PMDelete is reversible by Trejkaz (Score:2) Monday November 07, @12:11AMRe:I've got news for them... by orasio (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by Eq 7-2521 (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:58AMRe:I've got news for them... by shokk (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @02:04PMRe:I've got news for them... by SupaKoopa (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @01:18PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @10:20AMRe:I've got news for them... by (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:49AMRe:I've got news for them... by RealBeanDip (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:00AMRe:I've got news for them... by (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:12AMRe:I've got news for them... by Kvan (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:46AMRe:I've got news for them... by trekstar25 (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @12:28PMRe:I've got news for them... by RWerp (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @11:03AMRe:I've got news for them... by spike2131 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:03AMRe:I've got news for them... by oni (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @12:18PMRe:I've got news for them... by Secret Agent X23 (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @01:25PMRe:I've got news for them... by ParnBR (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @05:05PMRe:I've got news for them... by hero_or_what (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:40AMRe:I've got news for them... by sunwolf (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @12:56PMRe:I've got news for them... by RealBeanDip (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @01:39PMRe:I've got news for them... by Schemat1c (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @02:02PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by LnxAddct (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @01:46PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by MarsDude (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @01:55PMRe:I've got news for them... by thealsir (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @08:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by Sr. Pato (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:24AMRe:I've got news for them... by p0ppe (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @12:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by Frankie70 (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @09:27AMRe:I've got news for them... by plumby (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:29AMRe:I've got news for them... by cuerty (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:44AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by bogado (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @09:32AMRe:I've got news for them... by PhoenixFlare (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @10:10AMRe:I've got news for them... by Jonny_eh (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:25AMRe:I've got news for them... by PhoenixFlare (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @03:57PMRe:I've got news for them... by u-235-sentinel (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @01:55PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I've got news for them... by sznupi (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:36AMRe:I've got news for them... by petermgreen (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @04:18PMRe:I've got news for them... by the ghetto jedi (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:38AMAJAX for Yahoo! Mail by cciRRus (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:14AMRe:I've got news for them... by QuietLagoon (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:16AMRe:I've got news for them... by Simon Garlick (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @07:17PMRe:I've got news for them... by hackstraw (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:17AMRe:I've got news for them... by shokk (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:49AMSomewhere, in a desolate IRC chatroom: by rolandog (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:23AMRe:Somewhere, in a desolate IRC chatroom: by rolandog (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:27AMRe:I've got news for them... by Dr Floppy (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @12:04PMAgree to disagree by JPriest (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @12:05PMRe:I've got news for them... by Yez70 (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @02:22PMRe:Slow motion pictures by rg3 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:48AMRe:Slow motion pictures by TheOneTrueRhys (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @10:46AMRe:Slow motion pictures by Paradise Pete (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:55AMRe:Slow motion pictures by EvilMonkeySlayer (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @10:00AMRe:Slow motion pictures by Aldric (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @10:03AM Re:Slow motion pictures (Score:4, Informative) by Kadin2048 (468275) <( (ta) (8402nidak)> on Sunday November 06, @01:28PM (#13963695) That's pretty funny, because I'm reading my Gmail account right now using Lynx, which despite its many capabilities doesn't do ActiveX.The only thing GMail requires is JavaScript and cookie support, and even that isn't required, you just get a "For a better Gmail experience, use a fully supported browser" message at the top of the screen.To quote from their help page:  To take advantage of all Gmail has to offer, sign in to your account      from a fully-supported browser. The following browsers will give you      access to all of Gmail's features (each is available for free      download):          * Microsoft IE 5.5+ (download:Windows)          * Netscape 7.1+ (download: Windows Mac Linux)          * Mozilla 1.4+ (download: Windows Mac Linux)          * Mozilla Firefox 0.8+ (download: Windows Mac Linux)          * Safari 1.2.1+ (download: Mac)      If you don't have access to a fully supported browser, you can still      sign in to Gmail with almost any other browser. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Slow motion pictures by imroy (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @01:52PM6 replies beneath your current threshold.First Post! by wundabread (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:02AM Re:First Post! (Score:5, Funny) by boaworm (180781) <> on Sunday November 06, @09:06AM (#13962508) ( | Last Journal: Friday September 27, @08:23AM) Also, how is it that they "defeated" Gmail? I have accounts with both and find Gmail superior.Hey, atleast they got a statue! [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold. The word you're looking for is "sophistry" (Score:4, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 06, @09:14AM (#13962540) It's like how the republicans do business. They first declare victory. Then they hire people to go to different places, at the same time, and call their opponants "Poor sports" and "losers" for disagreing with them. Through repitition through what appear to be different sources many are easily convienced that so many different people can't be wrong. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The word you're looking for is "sophistry" by james_gnz (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @08:38PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. Here, have a trophy. (Score:5, Insightful) by Dubpal (860472) * on Sunday November 06, @09:02AM (#13962495) After reading the linked blog, I don't think Yahoo are claiming to have "beat" GMail, as the summary claims (what sort of goals have they set to do this?), rather they're congratulating the Yahoo Mail Team for the effort they've invested thus far in their quest to defeat Google.I'm sure a handshake and a smile would have been more fitting but hey, it is a nice statue. [ Reply to ThisRe:Here, have a trophy. by boaworm (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @09:09AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by WindBourne (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:12AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by DrHanser (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:51AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by nuggetman (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @10:38AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by jacksonj04 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:04AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by WindBourne (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @11:56AM Re:Here, have a trophy. (Score:5, Informative) by mallumax (712655) on Sunday November 06, @09:13AM (#13962535) ( They are claiming that Yahoo Mail is better than GMail.Check out this sticker photostream/ []It says Thanks to the new YAHOO! MAIL we can all give the competition something to kiss.The New Yahoo! Mail is superior to GMailWall Street Journal [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Here, have a trophy. by Ruis (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:26AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by sznupi (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:30AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by clap_hands (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @09:41AMRe:Here, have a trophy. by sznupi (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:09AM Re:Here, have a trophy. (Score:5, Interesting) by clap_hands (320732) on Sunday November 06, @10:21AM (#13962792) ( You're misinformed, I'm afraid. Most of the Polish techniques relied on exploiting weak indicator systems used by the sender to convey the start positions of the Enigma rotors to the recipient. The indicator system was changed in May 1940, obsoleting the Polish techniques. British codebreakers responded with other methods, primarily the Turing-Welchman bombe, which required a short "crib" of known plaintext (most of the Polish techniques were ciphertext-only attacks).I would also question whether the Polish mathematicians (Marian Rejewski, you're thinking of) actually introduced new theorems into mathematics. I believe that the theorem which is sometimes called "the theorem that won World War II" was already known. Rejewski's insight was that this branch of abstract mathematics could have an application in cryptanalysis -- something that nobody had ever thought of before. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Here, have a trophy. by clap_hands (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @02:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Here, have a trophy. by afree87 (Score:2) Monday November 07, @12:55AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.I want one by MentalMooMan (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:02AMRe:I want one by Paska (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:06AM2 replies beneath your current threshold. One word (Score:5, Funny) by Tx (96709) on Sunday November 06, @09:04AM (#13962503) Hubris.And someone needs to get over there and mod that statue pronto. [ Reply to ThisRe:One word by dubl-u (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:58AMRe:One word by Guppy06 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:35AMRe:One word by Otter (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:29AMMod the statue? by Pichu0102 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:18AMRe:One word by wan-fu (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @02:04PMThe only thing a Yahoo account is good for... by Donniedarkness (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:07AMRe:The only thing a Yahoo account is good for... by Donniedarkness (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:21AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.As a GMail user... by fionbio (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @09:09AMRe:As a GMail user... by lintux (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:02AMRe:As a GMail user... by fionbio (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @11:52AMRe:As a GMail user... by Bob Cat - NYMPHS (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @12:17PMRe:As a GMail user... by ceoyoyo (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @02:28PMthanks, now I know Gmail sucks by Patrik Arvhult (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @06:55PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Very few admit failure by Barkley44 (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:09AM Launch for New Yahoo Mail? (Score:4, Interesting) by gabeman-o (325552) on Sunday November 06, @09:10AM (#13962522) I've heard so much about the new Yahoo Mail interface except I haven't heard a launch date. Am I missing something? [ Reply to ThisRe:Launch for New Yahoo Mail? by Numeric (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:13AM This is Wrong (Score:5, Insightful) by Ed Almos (584864) on Sunday November 06, @09:10AM (#13962525) Sorry guys, but the work at Yahoo doesn't come close to the efforts made at Bletchley Park to defeat the Germans. The teams at Bletchley were the finest British minds of a generation assembled to beat an evil empire whilst lives were at stake. Comparing this to a phoney war between two email applications is kinda insulting.Ed Almos [ Reply to This Re:This is Wrong (Score:5, Informative) by clap_hands (320732) on Sunday November 06, @09:21AM (#13962567) ( Yes, it's certainly hyperbole.(A bit off-topic, but, because it's not as widely known as it should be, it might also be good to point out the considerable contributions of Polish and American codebreakers to the reading of Enigma. The Polish had been solving Enigma since the end of 1932. Shortly before the start of World War II, they passed their techniques and knowledge onto the British. Without the Polish head start, it would have taken Bletchley Park much longer to get going on Enigma (if at all). The US chipped in later.) [ Reply to This | Parent Re:This is Wrong (Score:5, Funny) by pipingguy (566974) on Sunday November 06, @10:26AM (#13962810) (   Yes, it's certainly hyperbole. Stop bullshitting. A movie I saw explained that it was the Americans that broke the Enigma code. Get your history straight before posting. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:This is Wrong by LnxAddct (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @01:54PMRe:This is Wrong by pipingguy (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @02:15PMNice signature by Pseudonymus Bosch (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @08:44PMRe:Nice signature by pipingguy (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:05PMRe:This is Wrong by Scooter (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:38PM Re:This is Wrong (Score:5, Insightful) by Woy (606550) on Sunday November 06, @09:27AM (#13962587) Insulting? It reveals a staggering smallness of mind! You rarelly "kick someone's ass" and brag about it. You do one or the other. And Yahoo has made its choice.It also shows how distorted one's world view can become if you live in an echo chamber. If everytime i went to the bathroom i had a group of lapdogs cheering me for it, i'd end up comparing it to the Manhattan Project too. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:This is Wrong by DarkEdgeX (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @10:53AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:This is Wrong by Dysproxia (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:35AMRe:This is Wrong by johansalk (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @10:56AMPut Churchill into Perspective by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:39AMRe:Put Churchill into Perspective by johansalk (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @01:27PMRe:This is Wrong by Khaed (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:40AMChurchill was flawed, but who isn't ? by Space cowboy (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @01:32PM"Stood alone" by Space cowboy (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @01:42PMRe:Churchill was flawed, but who isn't ? by johansalk (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @02:35PMRe:Churchill was flawed, but who isn't ? by Space cowboy (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @03:07PMRe:Churchill was flawed, but who isn't ? by johansalk (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @03:14PMRe:Churchill was flawed, but who isn't ? by ksheff (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:11PMRe:This is Wrong by tgv (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @01:42PMRe:This is Wrong by johansalk (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @03:07PMRe:This is Wrong by orasio (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @06:09PMRe:This is Wrong by fingusernames (Score:2) Monday November 07, @12:33AMRe:This is Wrong by Dausha (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @01:50PMAt least Chrurch Hill. by /dev/trash (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @02:38PMRe:This is Wrong by s1234d (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @03:25PMRe:This is Wrong by clap_hands (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:24AM4 replies beneath your current threshold. New Yahoo dictionary? (Score:4, Funny) by mikaelhg (47691) on Sunday November 06, @09:11AM (#13962528) Did Yahoo accidentally swap "win" and "lose" in their new dictionary? That can happen when database keys get mixed up!To win (in Yahooneese): fall back: retreat fail to make money in a business; make a loss or fail to profit; "I lost thousands of dollars on that bad investment!"; "The company turned a loss after the first year" allow to go out of sight; "The detective lost the man he was shadowing after he had to stop at a red light" fail to keep or to maintain; cease to have, either physically or in an abstract sense; "She lost her purse when she left it unattended on her seat" suffer the loss of a person through death or removal; "She lost her husband in the war"; "The couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her" misplace: place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses" miss from one's possessions; lose sight of; "I've lost my glasses again!" fail to get or obtain; "I lost the opportunity to spend a year abroad" miss: fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind; "I missed that remark"; "She missed his point"; "We lost part of what he said" suffer: be set at a disadvantage; "This author really suffers in translation" [ Reply to ThisRe:New Yahoo dictionary? by Guppy06 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:57AMRe:New Yahoo dictionary? by Guppy06 (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @12:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:New Yahoo dictionary? by pipingguy (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:38AMRe:New Yahoo dictionary? by jisatsusha (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @03:52PM Maybe it's just me... (Score:5, Insightful) by slavemowgli (585321) on Sunday November 06, @09:11AM (#13962530) ( Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't exactly make me more inclined towards Yahoo. Quite the opposite - if I have the choice between a vendor who keeps on patting himself on the back and bragging about how great they are and one who actually focuses on making a good product, I'll always chose the latter. I just can't stand that kind of "w3 43r l33t!!!111" attitude.And FWIW, it sure seems to me that Google does have the superior product, too. But of course, I may be biased (heck, I *definitely* am), so if you're not sure yourself, do give both a try. I think you'll come to the same conclusion that I've come to, though. [ Reply to This sigh.. (Score:5, Informative) by Janek Kozicki (722688) on Sunday November 06, @09:13AM (#13962536) (Last Journal: Tuesday May 10, @03:47PM) no one ever remembers that it were polish scientists who cracked [] enigma... [ Reply to This Re:sigh.. (Score:4, Informative) by Ed Almos (584864) on Sunday November 06, @09:24AM (#13962578) Some of us do. Without the work of the Polish scientists on a captured Enigma machine the task at Bletchley Park would have been impossible. Perhaps we should educate the rest of the Slashdot readership.Ed Almos [ Reply to This | ParentRe:sigh.. by Mournblade (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:08AMRe:sigh.. by pipingguy (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:50AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:sigh.. by EGSonikku (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:25AMRe:sigh.. by thrillseeker (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:40AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:sigh.. by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:34AMRe:sigh.. by c_forq (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @10:06AMNo one remembers it was the Polish... by TCQuad (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @11:44AM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Didn't Yahoo! have webmail first? by eples (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @09:16AM Re:Didn't Yahoo! have webmail first? (Score:5, Informative) by kimba (12893) on Sunday November 06, @09:49AM (#13962666) Yeah you did. It is talking about the new Yahoo! Mail which is about to be released and has been subject to previewing for the last few months. It is not talking about the Yahoo! Mail that has been around for years.Here is a screenshot []. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Didn't Yahoo! have webmail first? by jambay (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:26AMI don't get it by TooLazyToLogon (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:20AMWell, a few reasons by 246o1 (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:33AMRe:Well, a few reasons by WilliamSChips (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:47AMRe:Well, a few reasons by Kroc (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @10:49AMRe:Well, a few reasons by WilliamSChips (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @11:06AMRe:I don't get it by Nevenmrgan (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:06AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Boring, pointless, irrelevant by MacBeliever (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:21AMRe:Boring, pointless, irrelevant by Nutshell_TA (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:36AMRe:Boring, pointless, irrelevant by PhoenixFlare (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:21AMRe:Boring, pointless, irrelevant by huge (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @10:00AMRe:Boring, pointless, irrelevant by hey (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @10:20AMRe:Boring, pointless, irrelevant by Lars83 (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @12:01PMDon't get cocky... by rdean400 (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:22AMmaking claims true...after the claim is made... by 3seas (Score:3) Sunday November 06, @09:23AMOffensive comparison by bcmm (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:27AMThey beat a Beta? Ok ... by dlasley (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:28AMRe:They beat a Beta? Ok ... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:37AMeverything 'defeats' gmail by XO (Score:2) Sunday November 06, @09:45AMThey won? by ltwally (Score:1) Sunday November 06, @09:46AM


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