Tuesday, December 06, 2005

eDavidLu writes "Here is a radio remake of TheWar of the Worlds. From the promo: 'Join actors from Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation as they recreate this classic radio thriller. The breathless pace and convincing details make it clear why the 1938 broadcast of an eyewitness report of an invasion from Mars caused a nationwide panic in 1938. Originally performed by Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre of the Air, War of the Worlds is truly the mother of all space invasions, offering a rare combination of chills, thrills and great literature.' My local NPR station KPCC broadcast this show last Saturday night, and the streaming audio for the entire program is available for one week only on their site. I was going to submit this story for Halloween eve, but KPCC was in the middle of a fund drive. Now that the fund drive is over, the slashdotting can begin. If you like this type of programming, remember to contribute to your local NPR station." Update: 11/05 17:53 GMT by Z : Edited for jerks. Thanks, guys. Seriously. Way to be responsible members of the internet community. War of the Worlds by the Star Trek Cast Log in/Create an Account | Top | 169 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 169 comments 0: 161 comments 1: 127 comments 2: 73 comments 3: 20 comments 4: 10 comments 5: 6 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. oi you (Score:1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 05, @03:25AM (#13956599) Stop reading the comments idiot, get downloading before she blows! [ Reply to ThisRe:oi you by freedom_india (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @05:43AMRe:oi you by harlows_monkeys (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @09:26AMThank you. by freedom_india (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @09:47AMWhat, Zonk? by Overly Critical Guy (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @02:17PM wow (Score:2, Funny) by TheDarkRogue (245521) <`moC.liaMG' `ta' `eugoRkraD'> on Saturday November 05, @03:31AM (#13956613) That's cold man, they operate on the funding of listeners, and so you 'save' them from a slashdotting during a fund drive. [ Reply to ThisRe:wow by Almenius (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @03:41AM Re:wow (Score:4, Informative) by McFadden (809368) on Saturday November 05, @03:47AM (#13956647) I thought it quite a considerate move considering that by definition, a slashdotting means bye bye website for at least a few hours. How is that going to help people trying to make donations? [ Reply to This | Parent Sorry (Score:1) by Criliric (879949) on Saturday November 05, @03:33AM (#13956618) Resistance is Futile Yeah I couldn't help it.... but that better be said at least 8 times in this version... [ Reply to This Real Media format (Score:1, Insightful) by aussie_a (778472) on Saturday November 05, @03:36AM (#13956620) (http://gutterflycomix.com/thequeensland | Last Journal: Friday February 11, @04:09AM) I was willing to listen to an act or so, to see how bad it was. But then I realised it was in Real Media format. Sorry, I refuse to download that piece of spyware onto my computer, and I haven't had much luck downloading alternate applications and getting them to work with the Real Media format. I'm not going to try, yet again, merely to listen to something I'm likely not going to like.There are very few sites that use this format. Why do the fringes continue to use it though? I'll never know. [ Reply to ThisRe:Real Media format by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @03:59AMRe:Real Media format by Egregius (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @11:47AMRe:Real Media format by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @04:26AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Real Media format by CaptnMArk (Score:3) Saturday November 05, @05:42AMRe:Real Media format by thevoice99 (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @06:30AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Real Media format by Dan East (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @10:18AM3 replies beneath your current threshold. This is over 10 years old (Score:5, Informative) by aarku (151823) on Saturday November 05, @03:39AM (#13956627) It is from 1994 [greatnorthernaudio.com]. [ Reply to ThisRe:This is over 10 years old by Selfbain (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @06:12AMRe:This is over 10 years old by Directrix1 (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @08:12AMRe:This is over 10 years old by the_greywolf (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @06:51PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:This is over 10 years old by Kalak (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @11:09AM Who has the original? (Score:2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 05, @03:51AM (#13956656) Does anyone have a recording of the original broadcast? Surely there exists one recording somewhere in the world? I've been looking for years! [ Reply to This Re:Who has the original? (Score:5, Informative) by luguvalium2 (466022) on Saturday November 05, @04:04AM (#13956686) (http://www.rivalug.org/) http://www.mercurytheatre.info/ [mercurytheatre.info] [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Who has the original? by waferhead (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @04:17AMRe:Who has the original? by ggvaidya (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @06:50AMRe:Who has the original? by DoctorBit (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @05:05AMRe:Who has the original? by pontifier (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @09:44AMRe:Who has the original? by shish (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @03:13PMRe:Who has the original? by vague disclaimer (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @06:04AMRe:Who has the original? by Martix (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @08:32AMOrson Welles collection by Main Gauche (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @10:14AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. How to download the stream and convert to mp3 (Score:5, Informative) by curmi (205804) on Saturday November 05, @04:27AM (#13956725) If you want to download the stream, convert to mp3, and then play on your iPod/iTunes/whatever, check out this link [antville.org]. And Mac OS X users should look at this [macosxhints.com].Oh - and the original 1938 broadcast can be found here [earthstation1.com]. [ Reply to ThisRe:How to download the stream and convert to mp3 by Frobisher (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @09:06AMHow to throw away your software freedom in a trice by jbn-o (Score:3) Saturday November 05, @09:07AMRe:How to throw away your software freedom in a tr by pontifier (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @10:30AMUsing the enemy's bullets is sometimes necessary. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @11:44AMRe:How to throw away your software freedom in a tr by d34thm0nk3y (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @05:30PMRe:How to throw away your software freedom in a tr by justins (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @05:45PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:How to download the stream and convert to mp3 by theCoder (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @06:53PMI am pretty sure... by hummassa (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @07:07PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. That's my favorite myth, too. (Score:4, Interesting) by Errandboy of Doom (917941) on Saturday November 05, @05:12AM (#13956788) (http://download.com/bhfb) The next day, newspapers across the country carried stories of terrorized people hiding in basements, panic flight from New Jersey and New York, stampedes in theaters, heart attacks, miscarriages, and even suicides. During the months that followed, these stories were shown to have little if any substance, yet today the myth of War of the Worlds stampedes and suicides persists as part of American folklore.-Prof. David L. Miller, Introduction to Collective Behavior and Collective Action.Here's the passage online. [aol.com] [ Reply to ThisRe:That's my favorite myth, too. by Life2Short (Score:3) Saturday November 05, @08:33AMRe:That's my favorite myth, too. by pm_agapow (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @08:52AMRe:That's my favorite myth, too. by 6*7 (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @11:05AMRe:That's my favorite myth, too. by Errandboy of Doom (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @04:43PM Curious Coincidence on their Site (Score:2) by ishmalius (153450) on Saturday November 05, @06:04AM (#13956875) I noticed that the program listed after War of the Worlds is the Brothers Karamazov. The 1958 movie [imdb.com] version of this story co-starred none other than William Shatner as the brother who became a priest. [ Reply to This DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! (Score:5, Informative) by DiamondGeezer (872237) on Saturday November 05, @06:20AM (#13956902) Some slimeball has hacked the LA theater Works website and put a picture of Mr Goatse on it.Well done idiots. *slow hand clap* [ Reply to ThisRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by AYauFu (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @07:47AMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by rah1420 (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @08:19AMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by Discopete (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @01:29PMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by DiamondGeezer (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @01:59PMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by Discopete (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @04:24PMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by OverlordQ (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @04:59PMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by Discopete (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @06:31PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Hey, why don't you re-hack LATW by glengineer (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @04:09PMRe:Hey, why don't you re-hack LATW by Baricom (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @05:03PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. It could get much worse (Score:4, Funny) by harlows_monkeys (106428) on Saturday November 05, @09:23AM (#13957292) (http://www.tzs.net/) Some slimeball has hacked the LA theater Works website and put a picture of Mr Goatse on itI was happily surfing porn sites, and in the midst of an otherwise lovely thumbnail gallery, there was Mr Goatse.Worse...it was a different shot of him, so we've only seen the beginning of this horror.I quickly closed the window, but it wasn't quick enough to prevent the horror, as it is hard to act quickly when surfing with only one hand... [ Reply to This | Parent Bah, No wonder. (Score:5, Informative) by Dog and Pony (521538) on Saturday November 05, @09:55AM (#13957404) $ HEAD http://latw.org/audio/detail.aspx?title=War%20Of%2 0The%20Worlds:%20Invasion%20From%20Mars [latw.org]200 OKCache-Control: privateConnection: closeDate: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 14:55:14 GMTServer: Microsoft-IIS/5.0Content-Length: 17505Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8Client-Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 14:52:51 GMTClient-Peer: 1Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=wq0hme4534e45b55owp5vmi0; path=/X-AspNet-Version: 1.1.4322X-Powered-By: ASP.NET [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Bah, No wonder. by Afrosheen (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @04:33PMRe:Bah, No wonder. by vertinox (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @07:40PMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @09:57AMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by Discopete (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @01:14PMRe:DO NOT CLICK THE LA THEATER WORKS LINK! by Discopete (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @01:27PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Suspension of Disbelief? (Score:2, Insightful) by Squideye (37826) on Saturday November 05, @08:32AM (#13957156) (http://individual.utoronto.ca/ilan | Last Journal: Monday December 16, @07:48PM) I can't help but think that hearing voices associated with Star Trek, TNG and such will not exactly be making a positive contribution to the immersive suspension of disbelief which so distinguished Orson Welles' original broadcast.I don't think thousandss of people are going to be running into the streets after hearing Patrick Stewart and Leonary Nimoy, f'rinstance, declaring that aliens are among us... [ Reply to ThisRe:Suspension of Disbelief? by pionzypher (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @04:40PMRe:Suspension of Disbelief? by d34thm0nk3y (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @05:35PMRe:Suspension of Disbelief? by NanoGator (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @07:22PM Doctor Who - Invaders From Mars (Score:1) by Frobisher (677079) on Saturday November 05, @09:01AM (#13957229) (http://anotherchancetosee.blogspot.com/) On a related note, don't miss BBC7's 4 week broadcast of Doctor Who, Invaders From Mars [bbc.co.uk] starring Paul McGann. If you're quick, that link should get you Episode 1. Episode 2 is broadcast today and will be available to Listen Again from Sunday.More info on this story (and CD) at http://www.bigfinish.com/drwho_main/bf028_invaders frommars.shtml [bigfinish.com]>Big Finish. [ Reply to ThisShow begins at 2 minutes 45 seconds into the RAM by Frobisher (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @09:17AMInvaders From Mars - not the whole thing... by Rob T Firefly (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @10:49PM GOATSE??? (Score:2, Redundant) by wizzy403 (303479) on Saturday November 05, @09:15AM (#13957267) Ok, who the F hacked the LA Theatre Works site and put that goatse image up there??? I thought when slashcode got changed to show the URL I'd never have to see that horrible thing again!! [ Reply to ThisRe:GOATSE??? by dr_dank (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @10:53AM Ahg! (Score:1) by pontifier (601767) on Saturday November 05, @09:39AM (#13957355) I bought a copy of the original broadcast a few years ago, and I listened to it many times. This remake sucks. It seems hurried. The voices are too forboding, too hurried, too excited, or flat. It seems to lack a sense of timing. The dialog almost seems to run on continuously. Also the sound effects in the original far outshine the generic sound bytes used in this recreation.The mercury theatre worked together very well, Orson Wells knew how to tell a radio story, and they had a great sense of timing.Part of that performance that realy made it good was the music at the beginning. It was good music, and worth listening to on it's own(it's supposed to be "the ever popular Stardust"). When the report cut away you were annoyed, and when it got back to the music it left you there long enough to almost forget the first report.I sit here wishing my copy of the original wasn't scratched. [ Reply to This goatse? (Score:1, Interesting) by coyotl (415332) on Saturday November 05, @09:48AM (#13957381) (http://www.lenscraft.com/) Why is goatse on the L.A. Theatreworks [latw.org] page? I mean, I'm as much a goatse fan as anyone, but it was a little much first thing in the morning... [ Reply to This NPR already gets my money... (Score:1) by chudnall (514856) on Saturday November 05, @10:08AM (#13957441) ... courtesy of the federal government. Until that changes, I see no reason to open my wallet any further. I like a lot of thier programming, but something about a state-sponsored media outlet just gives me the heebie-jeebies. Besides, it seems like the only time they have the really good stuff on is during their stupid fund raisers. Frankly, I'd rather have commercials. Once the fund raiser is over, it's back to the pipe organ music show... [ Reply to ThisRe:NPR already gets my money... by cnerd2025 (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @11:12AMRe:NPR already gets my money... by gekhond (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @12:27PMFair-Weather Libertarians by chowbok (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @01:39PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by PhreakOfTime (Score:3) Saturday November 05, @02:17PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by chowbok (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @03:16PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by PhreakOfTime (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @06:54PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by chowbok (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @07:14PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by cnerd2025 (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @03:26PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by chowbok (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @06:49PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by gekhond (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @05:00PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by chowbok (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @05:22PMRe:Fair-Weather Libertarians by gekhond (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @06:37PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:NPR already gets my money... by Snaller (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @12:31PM Site Is Hacked (Score:3, Interesting) by virtigex (323685) on Saturday November 05, @10:25AM (#13957519) It appears that latw.org runs IIS and has been hacked. Try purchasing the CD of the broadcast. [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. Can Someone please give these guys a Reality Check (Score:1) by TwoTailedFox (894904) <TwoTailedFox@Gmail.com> on Saturday November 05, @01:58PM (#13958519) (Last Journal: Wednesday September 07, @04:08PM) Seriously.Using RealMedia to stream this? What's so hard about linking to an MP3, and let us feel free to listen to it at our leisure? [ Reply to This I'd Rather Just Download an MP3 (Score:2) by Nom du Keyboard (633989) on Saturday November 05, @01:59PM (#13958525) Streaming doesn't work well with my connection. And no, why should I have do use capture and rip-to tools when it could have been provided in MP3 to start with?We should be demanding clean, uncluttered, format neutral downloads of material that they are offering anyway from every provider. [ Reply to This Re:I thought the movie was pretty bad (Score:3, Insightful) by dancingmad (128588) on Saturday November 05, @03:32AM (#13956615) Uh, I haven't listened to the progam, but its probably based on the H.G. Wells book (or the radio drama by Orsen Wells, which is based on the book) not the movie, which had very little do with the actual novel. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:I thought the movie was pretty bad (Score:3, Informative) by Bananatree3 (872975) * on Saturday November 05, @03:40AM (#13956631) (http://forums.krazyletter.com/) The movie version is completely Hollywoodized. While it may be easy to say the "War of the Worlds movie is bad, so everything War of the Worlds is horrible", remember that often excellent stories are chopped up, minced and gutted when they are ran through the movie industry. If you wanted to get a taste of the original version, check out the original broadcast here [earthstation1.com]. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by aussie_a (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @03:53AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by raoul666 (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @04:43AM Re:I thought the movie was pretty bad (Score:5, Informative) by bobintetley (643462) on Saturday November 05, @05:13AM (#13956792) (http://www.rawsontetley.org/) It was the cutting edge of science when the book was first published in 1898 (the discovery of viruses and the common cold being relatively new).It's public domain now and you can read the original book here [gutenberg.org], along with HG Wells complete works (which I highly recommend - he's the grandaddy of science fiction). [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by Mr2cents (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @09:31AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by hmccabe (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @03:33PMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by zakezuke (Score:3) Saturday November 05, @05:20AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by Mistshadow2k4 (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @04:46AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by moviepig.com (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @04:58AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by Tim Browse (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @11:15AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by moviepig.com (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @03:37PMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by Tim Browse (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @10:33PMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by swmccracken (Score:3) Saturday November 05, @05:09AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by paskie (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @05:59AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by aussie_a (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @07:44AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by Rich0 (Score:3) Saturday November 05, @08:12AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by freakybob (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @05:36AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by Xaria (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @07:36AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by aussie_a (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @07:52AMdidn't expect "The Ending" so soon.... by Animaether (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @08:03AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by AndroidCat (Score:1) Saturday November 05, @08:22AMRe:I thought the movie was pretty bad by Fortran IV (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @03:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:[OT]: Is there anyway to filter ACs? (Score:2) by irc.goatse.cx troll (593289) <semi@@@getanotherfuckingisp...com> on Saturday November 05, @04:16AM (#13956705) (Last Journal: Saturday September 20, @01:55PM) In the preferences page you can set threshhold to -1 and Anonymous bonus to -6, which should hide all AC posts that arnt +5 [ Reply to This | ParentRe:[OT]: Is there anyway to filter ACs? by Punboy (Score:2) Saturday November 05, @04:22AM Re:[OT]: Is there anyway to filter ACs? (Score:2) by Punboy (737239) on Saturday November 05, @04:20AM (#13956714) (http://www.punboy.net/) Go to your comment preferences, and change all the "Reason Modifiers" to +1, then set the Anonymous Modifier to -6. Then browse @ 0 and you should see everything except Anon Cows. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.


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