Monday, December 05, 2005

rscoggin writes " has a new program that wants you to 'Complete simple tasks that people do better than computers. And, get paid for it.' (example: 'Is there a pizza parlour in this photograph?'). For each task you complete you get a small payment, usually ranging from a few cents to a little under a dollar. It's named the Amazon Mechanical Turk after a famous hoax from the 19th century. Kill time and get paid in tiny increments to boot!" Similar to Google Answers, there seems to be a reliability ratings system and some incentives.Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='internet,biz,software';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Amazon's Mechanical Turk Log in/Create an Account | Top | 351 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 351 comments 0: 345 comments 1: 293 comments 2: 193 comments 3: 59 comments 4: 33 comments 5: 24 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 Great... (Score:5, Funny) by TubeSteak (669689) on Friday November 04, @08:52AM (#13949400) (Last Journal: Tuesday May 10, @09:36AM) Great... Another way for /.'ers to waste time at work.GOOD JOB AMAZON [ Reply to This Re:Great... (Score:5, Funny) by phase_9 (909592) on Friday November 04, @09:19AM (#13949559) News just in, people getting paid to look at webpages they're not meant to at work! In unrelated news, slashdot hits drop off... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Great... by khallow (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:11AMRe:THE SITE IS A FAKE by Newrad (Score:1) Friday November 04, @04:24PMRe:THE SITE IS A FAKE by Ceribia (Score:1) Friday November 04, @07:28PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold.Micropayment mercenary by mrseigen (Score:3) Friday November 04, @08:53AMRe:Micropayment mercenary by suwain_2 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:41PMCAPTCHAs by CableModemSniper (Score:3) Friday November 04, @08:53AM Re:CAPTCHAs (Score:5, Informative) by Agelmar (205181) * on Friday November 04, @08:57AM (#13949427) Actually, yes. The whole motivation from this came from the same person who invented the CAPTCHA, and was explained in his thesis defense on Wednesday. Abstract for those who care:Subject: Thesis Oral - Luis von AhnNovember 2, 2005Luis von Ahn12:00 PM, 3305 Newell-Simon HallThesis OralTitle: Human ComputationAbstract:Tasks like image recognition are trivial for humans, but continue tochallenge even the most sophisticated computer programs. This thesisintroduces a paradigm for utilizing human processing power to solveproblems that computers cannot yet solve. Traditional approaches tosolving such problems focus on improving software. I advocate a novelapproach: constructively channel human brainpower using computer games.For example, the ESP Game, introduced in this thesis, is an enjoyableonline game -- many people play over 40 hours a week -- and when peopleplay, they help label images on the Web with descriptive keywords. Thesekeywords can be used to significantly improve the accuracy of imagesearch. People play the game not because they want to help, but becausethey enjoy it.I introduce three other examples of games with a purpose: Peekaboom,which helps determine the location of objects in images, Phetch, whichcollects paragraph descriptions of arbitrary images to helpaccessibility of the Web, and Verbosity, which collects common-senseknowledge. I also show that, in principle, every problem that could besolved by a computer, today or in the future, could be solved usingenjoyable computer games.In addition, I introduce CAPTCHAs, automated tests that humans can passbut computer programs cannot. CAPTCHAs take advantage of humanprocessing power in order to differentiate humans from computers, anability that has important applications in practice.The results of this thesis are currently in use by hundreds of Web sitesand companies around the world, and some of the games presented herehave been played by over 100,000 people. Practical applications of thiswork include improvements in problems such as: image search,adult-content filtering, spam, common-sense reasoning, computer vision,accessibility, and security in general.Thesis Committee:Manuel Blum, ChairTakeo KanadeMichael ReiterJosh Benaloh, Microsoft ResearchJitendra Malik, University of California, Berkeley [ Reply to This | ParentRe:CAPTCHAs by mattyohe (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:47AMRe:CAPTCHAs by idokus (Score:1) Friday November 04, @02:31PMRe:CAPTCHAs by xaque (Score:1) Friday November 04, @03:47PMRe:CAPTCHAs by TheSync (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:35AMEnder's Game by Tekgno (Score:1) Friday November 04, @01:09PMRe:Ender's Game by Firethorn (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:00PMRe:Ender's Game by syrinx (Score:1) Friday November 04, @02:24PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:CAPTCHAs by glinden (Score:2) Friday November 04, @03:43PMRe:CAPTCHAs by xygorn (Score:1) Friday November 04, @03:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. i can see it already... (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 04, @08:54AM (#13949415) - can you see boobs in the picture ?- Is there a donkey in the picture ?- Can you see the can of whipped cream ?- is there chocolate paint involved..Advanced indexing of Pr0n, humanity is moving forward, no doubt. [ Reply to ThisRe:i can see it already... by ErroneousBee (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:18AMRe:i can see it already... by ottothecow (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:59PMAverage response time by Hoi Polloi (Score:2) Friday November 04, @12:18PMRe:Average response time by krakelohm (Score:1) Friday November 04, @12:26PMOh can you? by abb3w (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:42PMRe:They probably patented it by Electrum (Score:2) Friday November 04, @06:08PMRe:They probably patented it by BlueTooth (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:28PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. This could be brilliant. (Score:5, Insightful) by RandoX (828285) on Friday November 04, @08:59AM (#13949436) Pepsi pays Amazon 3 cents for product placement. You are shown an image of a Pepsi can. "What kind of soda is this?" "pepsi", you answer. You get paid 2 cents. [ Reply to ThisRe:This could be brilliant. by TubeSteak (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:06AMRe:This could be brilliant. by Breakfast Pants (Score:3) Friday November 04, @09:18AMRe:This could be brilliant. by Astatine210 (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:43AMRe:This could be brilliant. by secolactico (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:22PMRe:This could be brilliant. by Stormwatch (Score:3) Friday November 04, @02:33PMGum Arabic by Ira Sponsible (Score:1) Friday November 04, @06:30PMRe:This could be brilliant. by borawjm (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:47AMSounds good to me by SuperKendall (Score:2) Friday November 04, @12:15PMRe:This could be brilliant. by stienman (Score:3) Friday November 04, @12:54PMRe:This could be brilliant. by Neoncow (Score:1) Friday November 04, @04:46PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. So this is going mainstream now... (Score:5, Informative) by Dekortage (697532) on Friday November 04, @08:59AM (#13949439) ( According to this earlier Slashdot report [], the spam industry has been doing this for awhile with free porn.I'm curious to know if Amazon is going to use the cumulative results to try to "train" computers, or if it really is just for the money. The requirements include being over 18, so you can't pimp your kids to click through this stuff for cash (though I'm sure it will happen). [ Reply to ThisSpammers and pornographers are always first by ttul (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:13AMRe:So this is going mainstream now... by Viper Daimao (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:16AMRe:So this is going mainstream now... by kryten_nl (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:16AMA new kid-powered architecture! by Resseguie (Score:3) Friday November 04, @11:18AM Doesn't pay enough (Score:5, Insightful) by slavemowgli (585321) on Friday November 04, @08:59AM (#13949440) ( Maybe it's just me, but it seems that it's not really worth it. Consider the following task, for example: Your task is to create a new product description for a product in the Automotive catalogue. The Product Description provides an additional opportunity to tell the customer about the product. This HIT will require some product research to complete. Approval depends on following the instructions and the quality of your submission, determined by a manual review. Guess how much you get paid for that. 2 dollars? 3? That wouldn't be unreasonable, I think, considering that you're supposed to write an entire product description from scratch for which additional "research" is required. The actual amount paid is only 65 cents, though.Maybe it's just me, but if I check to see how much I need to work in my regular job to make 65 cents, then it does not make any sense to invest more than a few minutes into a task like this, and it seems that it would take more than that to actually complete it. The fact that there's a review required afterwards doesn't exactly make things better, either - if what you did gets rejected, then you've essentially worked for nothing (I wonder if there's anything that keeps amazon from still using your description in this case, too...).In other words, the whole thing seems like a good idea in theory, but it won't really take off until they're willing to actually pay you a reasonable amount. [ Reply to ThisRe:Doesn't pay enough by RandoX (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:02AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by manno (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:11AMWhat about federal labor laws? by britneys 9th husband (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:37AMRe:What about federal labor laws? by Intron (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:12AMRe:What about federal labor laws? by generic-man (Score:3) Friday November 04, @10:13AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by BandwidthHog (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:52AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by wpiman (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:11AMOutsorced Again... by Loether (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:21AMMod parent up! by TheSpoom (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:42AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by amigabill (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:14AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by griffjon (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:31AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by nine-times (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:35AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by clem (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:56AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by iphayd (Score:3) Friday November 04, @09:36AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by Brushfireb (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:56AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by socalmtb (Score:1) Friday November 04, @11:37AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by dfghjk (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:40AMMarket based? by wren337 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:54AMReview??? or Multiple Tests/Hits by Dareth (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:55AMRe:Review??? or Multiple Tests/Hits by way2trivial (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:23AMElbonia by HermanAB (Score:3) Friday November 04, @09:57AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by MindStalker (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:03AM Re:Doesn't pay enough (Score:5, Insightful) by egomaniac (105476) on Friday November 04, @10:09AM (#13949950) ( If you notice most are "find the best picture" for $0.03. Of course the site rules really slow right now so its not worth your time, but if it ran faster it would be something to do if you could crank through a hundred an hour.100 images / hour * $0.03 / image == $3.00 / hour.So, you've just busted your ass to crank through one image every 36 seconds for a solid hour, and you have three dollars to show for it. There are definitely parts of the world where that would be a fantastic income, but my home country isn't one of them. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Doesn't pay enough by MindStalker (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:20AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by Firethorn (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:09PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by CrankyFool (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:14AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by fm6 (Score:1) Friday November 04, @11:59AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.It depends by rk (Score:3) Friday November 04, @12:11PMRe:It depends by DaveJay (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:47PMRe:It depends by Happy Monkey (Score:2) Friday November 04, @04:10PMPaid to be bored by SuperKendall (Score:2) Friday November 04, @12:20PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by webview (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:31PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by mrgreen4242 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:53PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by Impy the Impiuos Imp (Score:1) Friday November 04, @02:45PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by Annoying (Score:1) Friday November 04, @02:46PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by Hoi Polloi (Score:2) Friday November 04, @12:23PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by uncqual (Score:1) Friday November 04, @02:07PM Re:Doesn't pay enough (Score:4, Funny) by Anne_Nonymous (313852) on Friday November 04, @10:06AM (#13949935) ( | Last Journal: Sunday September 29, @11:21AM) It's not about the money; it's about fucking with Amazon, by giving hilariously incorrect answers. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Doesn't pay enough by Spy Hunter (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:14AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by skiflyer (Score:3) Friday November 04, @10:26AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by rolfwind (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:33AM Re:Doesn't pay enough (Score:4, Informative) by photon317 (208409) on Friday November 04, @10:48AM (#13950333) So basically, if it takes you 5 minutes to write a brief product description, and you churn through them all day, you're making $7.80, which is better than minimum wage. Not a good proprosition if you're clueless about auto parts and have to research everything as described, but I don't think that's the intended optimal target for completing the task (although it someone's dumb enough to spend half an hour or more per description for a crappy hourly wage, they're more than welcome). The optimal target to take up that task is someone who already knows a lot about car parts. Chances are if you're an Autozone (auto parts store chain) employee, you could get most of the descriptions done in under 5 minutes with little to no side research, because you already have the domain-specific knowledge. That's the guy who will be drawn to answer that question.So the key to making effective money at this scheme is to skip tasks that you don't think you're "better than average" at - kinda like the job marketplace in real life. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Doesn't pay enough by CarrotLord (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:19AMRe:Doesn't pay enough by cagliost (Score:1) Friday November 04, @11:26AM Re:Doesn't pay enough (Score:4, Informative) by TheSync (5291) on Friday November 04, @11:32AM (#13950809) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday May 18, @02:14PM) One billion people [] on planet earth make less than $1 per day. Perhaps you are not the target audience... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Doesn't pay enough by mkramer (Score:1) Friday November 04, @12:44PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by Shotgun (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:25PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by raoul666 (Score:1) Friday November 04, @06:59PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by Colz Grigor (Score:2) Friday November 04, @05:14PMRe:Doesn't pay enough by bentcd (Score:2) Friday November 04, @05:41PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.$/hr by MyLongNickName (Score:3) Friday November 04, @08:59AM Re:$/hr (Score:5, Informative) by yellowbkpk (890493) * on Friday November 04, @09:04AM (#13949474) I did nine 3-cent HITs in about 5 or 6 minutes, so that's about 3.25/hour. The lag for me was in waiting for the images to download and clicking on the "Accept HIT" button repeatedly.There is an API, maybe if someone made a page that just displays the images and sends in the result when you click on the image instead of having to click twice for each HIT, you could go faster and make much more money. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:$/hr by socalmtb (Score:1) Friday November 04, @11:35AMEconomics doesn't sound very good either way by abb3w (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:33PMRe:Economics doesn't sound very good either way by xenocide2 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @06:16PMRe:$/hr by autophile (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:35PMRe:$/hr by mrgreen4242 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:45PMRe:$/hr by The Wicked Priest (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:55PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:$/hr by Digital Vomit (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:17AMRe:$/hr by TheDawgLives (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:03AM 3 cents for 1 hours work? (Score:5, Funny) by mustafap (452510) on Friday November 04, @08:59AM (#13949442) ( Wow, I can give up my day job! [ Reply to ThisRe:3 cents for 1 hours work? by MyLongNickName (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:03AMRe:3 cents for 1 hours work? by The Wicked Priest (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. Sounds interesting but.... (Score:5, Insightful) by antifoidulus (807088) on Friday November 04, @09:00AM (#13949445) ( | Last Journal: Friday March 11, @09:17PM) I'm a bit too paranoid to type my Amazon user name and password into a site that isn't on the main domain....I can't find it mentioned anywhere on amazon's main site. Can somebody a little bit less of a wuss tell me if it is legit? [ Reply to This Re:Sounds interesting but.... (Score:5, Informative) by Dekortage (697532) on Friday November 04, @09:04AM (#13949471) ( Well, [] redirects you to []... seems to imply something. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Sounds interesting but.... by gb7djk (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:35AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by whois_drek (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:40AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by RandoX (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:12AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by TubeSteak (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:16AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by benito27uk (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:42AManother redirect by TubeSteak (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:54AM Re:Sounds interesting but.... (Score:5, Informative) by stefanb (21140) * on Friday November 04, @09:19AM (#13949561) ( I'm a bit too paranoid to type my Amazon user name and password into a site that isn't on the main domainThe whois info looks a bit dodgy. I would have expected Amazon knew how to properly register domains...Registrant: MTAI, Inc. P.O. Box 80626 Seattle, Washington 98108 United States Registered through: Domain Name: MTURK.COM Created on: 22-Oct-01 Expires on: 22-Oct-06 Last Updated on: 11-Oct-05 Administrative Contact: Hostmaster, MTAI MTAI, Inc. P.O. Box 80626 Seattle, Washington 98108 United States 2065794562 Fax -- Technical Contact: Hostmaster, MTAI MTAI, Inc. P.O. Box 80626 Seattle, Washington 98108 United States 2065794562 Fax -- [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Sounds interesting but.... by Captain Splendid (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:49AM Re:Sounds interesting but.... (Score:4, Informative) by trib3003 (602101) on Friday November 04, @11:25AM (#13950733) Agreed: whois looks pretty odd. Amazon slashdotted ? Jep, another odd point.But in case this is some kind of phishing, they at least manipulated some reverserecords too :)traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets[...]11 ( 96.801 ms 97.656 ms 97.633 ms12 97.109 ms 97.347 ms 98.164 ms13 ( 98.107 ms 97.069 ms 97.510 ms [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Sounds interesting but.... by silas_moeckel (Score:3) Friday November 04, @12:01PMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by riven1128 (Score:1) Friday November 04, @02:50PMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by droptone (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:19AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by Ilgaz (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:27AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by ingsocsoc (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:24AM Re:Sounds interesting but.... (Score:5, Informative) by droptone (798379) <droptone @ g m> on Friday November 04, @09:29AM (#13949626) ( Amazon has a page []on their site about MTurk [ Reply to This | ParentBeta testing by jangobongo (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:12PMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by bibi-pov (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:30AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by Hedgethorn (Score:3) Friday November 04, @09:30AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by pliftkl (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:40AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by Janacek (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:41AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by shawb (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:35AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by renelicious (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:57AMRe:Sounds interesting but.... by khazad (Score:1) Friday November 04, @11:32AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. How long until some sick slashdotter posts the ... (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 04, @09:02AM (#13949459) following HIT: "Is there a goat in that picture?" [ Reply to ThisRe:How long until some sick slashdotter posts the by BushCheney08 (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:06AMRe:How long until some sick slashdotter posts the by autophile (Score:2) Friday November 04, @02:29PMDo what?!? by Viraptor (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:02AMThe Future of Surveillance by wombatmobile (Score:3) Friday November 04, @09:04AMRe:The Future of Surveillance by wed128 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:24AMRe:The Future of Surveillance by g4c (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:49AMRe:The Future of Surveillance by benjamindees (Score:3) Friday November 04, @11:14AMRe:The Future of Surveillance by Wilson_6500 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @12:51PMOr.... by brunes69 (Score:2) Friday November 04, @01:53PMRe:Or.... by benjamindees (Score:1) Friday November 04, @03:14PMRe:The Future of Surveillance by raoul666 (Score:1) Friday November 04, @07:05PM Contracting work worth big bucks (Score:5, Insightful) by Silverhammer (13644) on Friday November 04, @09:05AM (#13949480) ( After a quick review of the available tasks, I must say this looks like a huge scam. Most of the tasks are marketing oriented (e.g. copywriting, photo manipulation), for which experienced contractors get paid $30 to $50 per hour.Only 75 cents to research and write a complete automotive product description? Are they kidding? Sure, they say I can copy the description from the manufacturer's Web site, but my time is still worth more than that. Besides, I think it's the responsibility of the manufacturer to make sure their Amazon listing is correct. That's how they do it on IMDB.I can only hope the program will make more sense as they add more requesters and more tasks. [ Reply to ThisRe:Contracting work worth big bucks by ObjetDart (Score:2) Friday November 04, @09:22AMRe:Contracting work worth big bucks by Daniel_Staal (Score:3) Friday November 04, @09:30AMRe:Contracting work worth big bucks by johnty (Score:1) Friday November 04, @12:50PMRe:Contracting work worth big bucks by toiletmonster (Score:1) Friday November 04, @01:40PMRe:Contracting work worth big bucks by Silverhammer (Score:2) Friday November 04, @06:20PMI smell burning gears by PeeAitchPee (Score:1) Friday November 04, @09:08AM Good idea but for work required it should pay more (Score:4, Insightful) by digitaldc (879047) on Friday November 04, @09:10AM (#13949499) They are asking you to rewrite product descriptions and will pay you 60 cents?Not only will the work most likely be shoddy, but it seems like they are trying to replace someone else's job by using this cheap online service.Yes, for some it may provide rewards but if you calculate the amount of time spent on each item VS. the payment reward (usually a few pennies) it is just not worth someone's free time.Why don't they just hire a staff of people to work on these 'HITS'? [ Reply to ThisRe:Good idea but for work required it should pay m by Andrewkov (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:00AMRe:Good idea but for work required it should pay m by Txiasaeia (Score:2) Friday November 04, @10:09AMRe:Good idea but for work required it should pay m by Andrewkov (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:11AMRe:Good idea but for work required it should pay m by StarvingSE (Score:1) Friday November 04, @10:54AMRe:Good idea but for work required it should pay m by Surt (Score:2) Friday November 04, @11:11AM Willing to compete with the Indians? (Score:5, Insightful) by nysus (162232) on Friday November 04, @09:10AM (#13949500) I'm interested to know if those living overseas can participate. If so, they would drive down the labor costs so much that only truly desperate Americans would participate in this piecework scheme.


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