Saturday, December 03, 2005

marct22 writes "According to Cnet News, the US Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal by a Tennessee programmer who was forced to pay extra taxes because he was telecommuting to a job in New York. Apparently he worked in NY 25% of the time, which he didn't argue about, but the other 75% of the time he worked from home in Tennessee, which doesn't have income taxes. Also, it appears that right now, for those of us who live in one state and telecommute in another may be doubly taxed if both have income tax. There is a Telecommuter Tax Fairness Act in the Senate, but it has not emerged from committee so has not been voted on." Telecommuters May Owe Extra State Taxes Log in/Create an Account | Top | 496 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 496 comments 0: 491 comments 1: 398 comments 2: 260 comments 3: 64 comments 4: 28 comments 5: 18 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. SSH? VNC? by Short Circuit (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @04:35PM Re:SSH? VNC? (Score:5, Insightful) by TheOtherAgentM (700696) on Wednesday November 02, @04:37PM (#13935681) Seriously, I would owe taxes in a lot of states if this were taxable. Shouldn't you just tax a person in his place of employment if he is a remote worker? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:SSH? VNC? by Short Circuit (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:43PMRe:SSH? VNC? by packeteer (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @05:09PMRe:SSH? VNC? by TykeClone (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:11PMRe:SSH? VNC? by vsprintf (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:20PMRe:SSH? VNC? by hunterx11 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:13PMRe:SSH? VNC? by Craig Davison (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:15PM Stupid public policy (Score:4, Insightful) by einhverfr (238914) < minus language> on Wednesday November 02, @06:14PM (#13936618) ( | Last Journal: Thursday June 23, @12:15AM) The problem I see though is that you could live in one high-income-tax state and work in another. This could effectively double one's taxes in extreme cases. Now, of course if you are a consultant and your own business, then the tax situation gets easier. So this is good for freelancers and bad for employees.And with the attmept at the moment to take away the state tax deduction from one's income tax, this could get even messier.It also seems to me that this could continue to accellerate offshoring trends... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:SSH? VNC? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:32PMRe:SSH? VNC? by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:59PMGood news for ending offshoring? No, not really. by JonTurner (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:00PMRe:Good news for ending offshoring? No, not really by DrLlama (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @07:17PMRe:Good news for ending offshoring? No, not really by Jonny_eh (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:09PMRe:Good news for ending offshoring? No, not really by The_Xnuiem (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:25PMRe:Good news for ending offshoring? No, not really by I_Want_This_ID (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:06PMRe:Good news for ending offshoring? No, not really by ShieldW0lf (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:13PMRe:Good news for ending offshoring? No, not really by Skjellifetti (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:11PMRe:Good news for ending offshoring? No, not really by Datafage (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:30PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:SSH? VNC? by boldtbanan (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @04:48PMRe:SSH? VNC? by rosciol (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:38PMRe:SSH? VNC? by Mandomania (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:20PMRe:SSH? VNC? by Leiterfluid (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:45PMRe:SSH? VNC? by Darby (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:37PMRe:SSH? VNC? by Yooden_Vranx (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:06PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.I am turning in the editors by Work Account (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:48PMRe:I am turning in the editors by Short Circuit (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:55PMOT: sig by mooingyak (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:14PMRe:OT: sig by B3ryllium (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:43PMRe:OT: sig by mooingyak (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:14PMRe:OT: sig by Geoffreyerffoeg (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:01PMShort sighted states by EmbeddedJanitor (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @04:59PMState screws people who can't screw back... by MDMurphy (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:20PMRe:State screws people who can't screw back... by bladesjester (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @08:03PMRe:SSH? VNC? by web_boyo_in_sac (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:47PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. The system works! (Score:4, Interesting) by conner_bw (120497) on Wednesday November 02, @04:35PM (#13935663) ( | Last Journal: Thursday March 24, @12:46PM) I too support working from a red state that receives substantially more federal funding [] by not paying taxes to a blue state that receives the least [].If it ain't broke don't fix it. [ Reply to ThisRe:The system works! by Serveert (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:45PMRe:The system works! by JesseL (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:58PMMaybe it's your definition of tyranny by A nonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:08PMRe:Maybe it's your definition of tyranny by JesseL (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @05:28PMAddressing the point indirectly by A nonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:51PMOh for Pete's sake by A nonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:38PMRe:Oh for Pete's sake by JesseMcDonald (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:40PMYep, that's theory for you by A nonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:41PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Maybe it's your definition of tyranny by robertjw (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:45PMRe:Maybe it's your definition of tyranny by A nonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:02PMRe:Maybe it's your definition of tyranny by monkeydo (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:52PMRe:Maybe it's your definition of tyranny by robertjw (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:39PM Re:The system works! (Score:4, Insightful) by mcrbids (148650) on Wednesday November 02, @05:12PM (#13936001) There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it does him goodSounds good, but just rediculous when you think about it. Examples of "worse tyranny":1) Force a man to pay for something he does not want because you think it will hurt him.2) Force a man to pay for something desired by the ruling class, to hell with whether or not it hurts him.3) Force a man to sit and rot in prison, unable to even distract himself from his misery with work routines because he disagrees with the ruling class.4) Force a man to occupy a particular position in society, with no hope or opportunity of improvement or self-betterment.5) .... I could go on, and on, and on, and on.PS: I'm a populist libertarian. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The system works! by Pfhorrest (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:51PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The system works! by dlt074 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:41PMRe:The system works! by Irish_Samurai (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:23PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. And his point is??? (Score:4, Insightful) by Chocolate Teapot (639869) * on Wednesday November 02, @04:36PM (#13935670) (Last Journal: Thursday September 08, @08:55AM) A guy plies his trade in a place where certain taxes apply and he has a problem with this? Since when did not having a physical presence in a place exempt you from from their laws? Really, as far as New York is concerned this guy is working in their manor and drawing an income from their economy and is therefore liable for their taxes. The fact that he does not actually shift his carcass over the the state line is irrelevant. Everyone expects free beer these days. [ Reply to This Re:And his point is??? (Score:5, Insightful) by Angostura (703910) on Wednesday November 02, @04:41PM (#13935714) Speaking as someone who lives in London, UK, and is employed by a New York-based company, and pays UK taxes, I think I see a flaw in your argument. [ Reply to This | Parent Huh? (Score:5, Informative) by Chocolate Teapot (639869) * on Wednesday November 02, @04:53PM (#13935847) (Last Journal: Thursday September 08, @08:55AM) I also live in London, and I think we both know the difference between Income Tax and Council Tax. Nobody is asking this guy to pay for local amenities. However, after doing a bit more Googling, I think that the issue is not that he is being asked to pay Income tax in new York for his telecommuting, but rather that he is being asked to pay that tax on his full income, without regard for where he earns it. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And his point is??? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:41PM You're missing the point (Score:5, Insightful) by Crazy Man on Fire (153457) on Wednesday November 02, @04:41PM (#13935717) ( Taxes pay for the services that you use. Is this guy using the roads to get to work? Are his kids going to the schools? No! Why should he pay for that stuff? The taxes he pays in his home state cover this stuff in his home state. The people who live in the other state should be paying for those services provided there. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:You're missing the point (Score:5, Insightful) by Soko (17987) on Wednesday November 02, @04:50PM (#13935809) ( Besides, does this guy get to vote in New York State elections now? If not, it's taxation without representation.Soko [ Reply to This | ParentRe:You're missing the point by Crazy Man on Fire (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:53PM Re:You're missing the point (Score:4, Interesting) by iambarry (134796) on Wednesday November 02, @05:03PM (#13935938) ( If not, it's taxation without representation.Lots of taxes are without representation. Non-citizens pay taxes, but don't vote. If you travel to another state and purchase goods you may pay sales tax, but not vote. I work in another state and pay plenty of taxes there, but can't vote there.So, what's representation got to do with it?He wants to earn money in New York (as they pay him in New York). New York wants to tax that money. The courts say New York has a right to tax income paid in New York. What's wrong with that? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:You're missing the point by Loconut1389 (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @05:29PMRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:33PMRe:You're missing the point by NormalVisual (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:52PMRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:04PMRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:22PMRe:You're missing the point by Androclese (Score:1) Thursday November 03, @12:15AMRepresentation by antizeus (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:32PMRe:Representation by Johnny Mnemonic (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:44PMRe:You're missing the point by InvalidError (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:35PMRe:You're missing the point by Xaria (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:09PMRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:25PMRe:You're missing the point by InvalidError (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:29PMRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:11PMRe:You're missing the point by Etobian (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:26PMRe:You're missing the point by Shelled (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:08PMRe:You're missing the point by Mr. Sketch (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:You're missing the point by frodo from middle ea (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @05:30PMWe have a winner..... by vwjeff (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @05:37PMRe:You're missing the point by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:43PMRe:You're missing the point by Etobian (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:20PMRe:You're missing the point by TVC15 (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @04:56PMRe:You're missing the point by Crazy Man on Fire (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:58PMRe:You're missing the point by hurfy (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:10PMRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:39PMRe:You're missing the point by StikyPad (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:19PMRe:You're missing the point by Steve B (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:23PM Re:You're missing the point (Score:5, Funny) by humina (603463) on Wednesday November 02, @05:02PM (#13935925) ( If you move to another country like India, you won't have to pay taxes in New York. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:47PMHmm So Riddle Me This by Greyfox (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:07PMRe:You're missing the point by P3NIS_CLEAVER (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:04PMRe:You're missing the point by Metzli (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:30PMRe:You're missing the point by MoaDweeb (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:08PMRe:You're missing the point by Thunderstruck (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:26PMRe:You're missing the point by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:16PMRe:You're missing the point by pilgrim23 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:12PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:And his point is??? by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:42PMRe:And his point is??? by DrFrob (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:54PMRe:And his point is??? by slashrogue (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:13PMRe:And his point is??? by aukset (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:31PMRe:And his point is??? by iambarry (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:57PMRe:And his point is??? by alw53 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:50PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:And his point is??? (Score:5, Insightful) by grommit (97148) on Wednesday November 02, @04:42PM (#13935742) I think you're forgetting what those taxes are for. It may seem like it but taxes aren't there just to take your money. They're there for the government to provide services (such as roads, police, etc) for those people that make use of them, the residents. Hence, if you aren't a resident of a state and benefit in no way from the services that the government there provides, why should you be paying taxes to that government? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:And his point is??? by Red Flayer (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:52PMMissing the point! by Crazy Man on Fire (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @04:56PMRe:Missing the point! by grommit (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:01PMRe:Missing the point! by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:44PMRe:Missing the point! by Red Flayer (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:09PMRe:Missing the point! by keraneuology (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @06:08PMRe:Missing the point! by bnenning (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @06:39PMRe:And his point is??? by pixelpusher220 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:02PMRe:And his point is??? by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:53PMRe:And his point is??? by anonicon (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:02PMRe:And his point is??? by Red Flayer (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:13PMRe:And his point is??? by anonicon (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:52PMRe:And his point is??? by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:50PMRe:But taxman is refusing to tax pro rata by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:59PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And his point is??? by JesseMcDonald (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:11PMRe:And his point is??? by rbannon (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:01PMRe:And his point is??? by JesseMcDonald (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:13PMRe:And his point is??? by rbannon (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:20PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:And his point is??? (Score:5, Insightful) by Laura_DilDio (874259) on Wednesday November 02, @04:43PM (#13935754) Screw that! Does he utilize any New York resources? Does he get the right to vote? No taxation without representation? Taxes paid while visiting in New York, or even taxes paid on wages earned while physically in New York are a little more understandable.If they decide to tax this guy under the auspices that he is drawing an income on NY economy, then they should FULLY TAX all of the Indians who work at call centers for NY companies! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:And his point is??? by orderb13 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:48PMRe:And his point is??? by geminidomino (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:50PMRe:And his point is??? by Red Flayer (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And his point is??? by SpiceWare (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @04:44PMRe:And his point is??? by ShinmaWa (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:17PMWhy should he? by N8F8 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:47PMRe:Why should he? by HotNeedleOfInquiry (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:19PMRe:Why should he? by Khaotix (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:59PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And his point is??? by toleraen (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:48PMRe:And his point is??? by DutchSter (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:07PMRe:And his point is??? by toleraen (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:15PMRe:And his point is??? by Metzli (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:38PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And his point is??? by Malc (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:49PMRe:And his point is??? by frodo from middle ea (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:35PMRe:And his point is??? by Malc (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:59PMRe:And his point is??? by clem.dickey (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:16PMRe:And his point is??? by the phantom (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:32PM Re:And his point is??? (Score:5, Insightful) by madajb (89253) on Wednesday November 02, @04:50PM (#13935812) That's the whole point of the Republic.New York's laws stop at the New York border.Tennesee's laws stop at the Tennessee border.The fact that he did not "actually shift his carcass over the state line" (at least 75% of the time) is highly relevant.-ajb [ Reply to This | ParentRe:And his point is??? by Todd Knarr (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:56PMRe:And his point is??? by DocSavage64109 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:16PMRe:And his point is??? by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:55PMRe:And his point is??? by imablonde (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:57PMRe:And his point is??? by nmos (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:59PMRe:And his point is??? by penguinbrat (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:03PMRe:And his point is??? by eoyount (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:13PMRe:And his point is??? by Doctor Memory (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:18PMRTFA? Also, other problems... by The Rizz (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:26PMRe:And his point is??? by Metzli (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:27PMRe:And his point is??? by Prothonotar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:05PMRe:And his point is??? by GigG (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:28PMRe:And his point is??? by JasonEngel (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:54PMRe:And his point is??? by robertjw (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:56PMRe:And his point is??? by Achromatic1978 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:52PMRe:And his point is??? by StikyPad (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:01PMRe:And his point is??? by kraut (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:19PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Is this a new issue? by kalpol (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:36PMRe:Is this a new issue? by GigsVT (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:41PM Re:Is this a new issue? (Score:5, Informative) by Red Flayer (890720) on Wednesday November 02, @04:45PM (#13935773) "What about people who live next to state lines? Surely there are other cases where people live in one state and work in another." Yup. I live in NJ, work in NY. Pay income taxes to NJ, NY, Federal Government. If they reinstate the commuter tax in NYC, I will also pay income tax to NYC (I did until about 4-5 years ago). Pay sales tax in NYC to the city, the county, and the state. Pay sales tax in NJ to the state. Pay property tax to my municipality in NJ. My wife pays gas tax in NJ -- I take mass transit (but still pay for roads via taxes). The way I see it, people should pay income tax in the state that they earn the income, not the state in which they reside. If my home state wants to tax me for simply importing cash into their state, that's a problem -- since import taxes between states are illegal in the US. Besides, when I spend cash in NJ, they get to tax it then. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Is this a new issue? by bigpat (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:48PMRe:Is this a new issue? by pla (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:46PMRe:Is this a new issue? by ScentCone (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:06PMRe:Is this a new issue? by Red Flayer (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:02PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Is this a new issue? by four2five (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:46PMRe:Is this a new issue? by brouski (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:55PMRe:Is this a new issue? by ProZachar (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:58PMRe:Is this a new issue? by freek808 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:03PMRe:Is this a new issue? by effin (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:47PMRe:Is this a new issue? by dgatwood (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:29PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Serves 'em right! (Score:4, Funny) by Shadow Wrought (586631) on Wednesday November 02, @04:37PM (#13935674) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday November 02, @11:36AM) And no, I'm not bitter that they get to stay home while stand out in the cold, blustery rain. That has absolutely nothing, NOTHING, to do with it. OK, so it actually has everything to do with it, dagnabbit.As it becomes more commonplace, congress will figure it out. They always do, right? [ Reply to ThisI personally KNOW people who telecommute by Work Account (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:38PMRe:I personally KNOW people who telecommute by FoogyFoo (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:55PMWrite your congress-persons now!! by borgheron (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:38PMYou probably have Asperger's by Work Account (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @04:43PMRe:You probably have Asperger's by Short Circuit (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:04PMRe:You probably have Asperger's by Golias (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:36PMRe:You probably have Asperger's by borgheron (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:14PMRe:You probably have Asperger's by Thomas Shaddack (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Write your congress-persons now!! by jcr (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @04:56PM So does this mean.. (Score:5, Funny) by twiddlingbits (707452) on Wednesday November 02, @04:39PM (#13935695) Programmers working in India who are using Servers hosted in the USA to do development for a US firm will owe US Income Tax ;) [ Reply to This Re:So does this mean.. (Score:5, Insightful) by magarity (164372) on Wednesday November 02, @04:51PM (#13935822) (Last Journal: Thursday October 14, @09:23AM) Parent is 'insightful', not funny.  Yes, they would, using the same logic as where the work is actually done whether it's from one state to another or one country to another. And to get you to pay it would probably be deducted up front and you'd have to file for a refund. Does India's equivalent of the IRS give a discount for income taxes paid to other countries like the US's IRS? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:So does this mean.. by ceoyoyo (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:19PMRe:So does this mean.. by the phantom (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @06:09PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:So does this mean.. by honkycat (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:32PMRe:So does this mean.. by ceoyoyo (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:44PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:So does this mean.. by StonedRat (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @05:28PMRe:So does this mean.. by Djevik (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:24PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:So does this mean.. (Score:5, Interesting) by CGP314 (672613) <> on Wednesday November 02, @04:52PM (#13935836) ( | Last Journal: Sunday September 04, @05:33AM) Hell, I moved out of the US and trained as a teacher in England and now work at a school in London. Can anyone explain to me why I still have to pay income tax to the U.S. government when I don't use any of their services? -Colin [] [ Reply to This | ParentRe:So does this mean.. by rk (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:03PMRe:So does this mean.. by CGP314 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:12PMRe:So does this mean.. by Grishnakh (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:44PMRe:So does this mean.. by KenSeymour (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:00PMRe:So does this mean.. by Zorgoth (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:23PMRe:So does this mean.. by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:08PM Re:So does this mean.. (Score:4, Informative) by rk (6314) on Wednesday November 02, @07:03PM (#13936969) (Last Journal: Wednesday November 02, @01:35PM) For your perusal: Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship [] right from the State Department.Note that this doesn't excuse you from prior taxes or other financial obligations in the US. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:So does this mean.. by Ungrounded Lightning (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:24PMRe:So does this mean.. by Pseudonym (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:18PMRe:So does this mean.. by terrymr (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @05:21PMRe:So does this mean.. by kt0157 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @06:09PMYou don't know very far, then... by Senjutsu (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @06:59PM


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