Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Dafa Disciple writes " reports that roboticist Daniel H. Wilson, a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, has written a humorous guide, 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion.' Even before the 178-page book was completed, the rights to a movie were sold to Paramount Pictures, who has already delegated the screenplay writing to writers/actors from Comedy Central's 'Reno 911,' Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon. From Daniel Wilson's manual: 'Any robot could rebel, from a toaster to a Terminator, and so it is crucial to learn the strengths and weaknesses of every robot enemy.' I for one welcome our new robotic overlords."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='robotics,science';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Defend Yourself in the Imminent Robot Rebellion Log in/Create an Account | Top | 279 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 279 comments 0: 274 comments 1: 220 comments 2: 132 comments 3: 55 comments 4: 29 comments 5: 21 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. little does he know (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 31, @09:21AM (#13914681) this book is being printed by machines. the odd "typo" here and there, the next thing you know we'll all be jumping off cliffs to destroy those damn robots! [ Reply to ThisRe:little does he know by Aruthra (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:56AMRe:little does he know by plover (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:39AMRe:little does he know by nadadogg (Score:2) Monday October 31, @02:04PMRe:little does he know by rk (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS (Score:4, Insightful) by xmas2003 (739875) * <xmas2003b@komar.oDEGASrg minus painter> on Monday October 31, @09:22AM (#13914689) ( I wonder how many folks will chime in with the obligatory "I for one welcome our new robotic overlords." even though the Submitter (nice job BTW) already mentioned it. [ Reply to ThisRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:24AM Re:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS (Score:5, Funny) by hal2814 (725639) on Monday October 31, @09:29AM (#13914746) It's be nice if the submitter would just go ahead and throw in all the usual suspects right into the submission. The submission could read: ...usual submission text...I for one welcome...In Korea, only old people...In Soviet Russia,...Then we'd have a lot more concise comments section. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS (Score:5, Funny) by maxwell demon (590494) on Monday October 31, @09:51AM (#13914898) (Last Journal: Wednesday August 14, @12:33PM) 1. Imagine a beowulf cluster of rebelling robots! Of course the question is: Will they run Linux? I for one welcome our new robotic overlords, you insensitive clod! BTW, in Korea only old people defend against robots, while in Soviet Russia robots defend against YOU. Netcraft confirms: Robots are dying due to the missing option. The CowboyNeal option was not a sufficient replacement.2. ???3. Profit!Did I forget anything? [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS (Score:5, Funny) by bcat24 (914105) on Monday October 31, @10:01AM (#13914975) You forgot Poland! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by Tantrum420 (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:37AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by djward (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:44AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by saskboy (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:59AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by Mr2cents (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:40AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by bmalia (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:49AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by greenguy (Score:2) Monday October 31, @12:20PMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by mbrewthx (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:49PMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by jcuervo (Score:2) Monday October 31, @06:52PM6 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by mrjeff3000 (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:36PMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by Feyr (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:38AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by JordanL (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:55AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by killtherat (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:04AMFark it by HTH NE1 (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:25AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by tehlinux (Score:2) Monday October 31, @01:25PMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by pmancini (Score:2) Monday October 31, @05:19PMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by davidbofinger (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:44PMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by Dasch (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:49AMRe:Good test to see if Carbon Units RTFA/RTFS by utnow (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:55AMOur robot masters... by drownie (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:02AM6 replies beneath your current threshold. Cue Sam Watterson (Score:5, Funny) by ToxikFetus (925966) on Monday October 31, @09:23AM (#13914693) Why, Robot Insurance, of course! [ Reply to This Re:Cue Sam Watterson (Score:5, Informative) by Trolling4Columbine (679367) on Monday October 31, @09:27AM (#13914730) Reference [] (Damn you for beating me to it!) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Cue Sam Watterson by mykhailjw (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:00AMRe:Cue Sam Watterson by mmkkbb (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:51AMRe:Cue Sam Watterson by Hogwash McFly (Score:2) Monday October 31, @12:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.EMP by tota (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:24AMRe:EMP by failure-man (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:35AMRe:EMP by vertinox (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:07AMRe:EMP by GeekyMike (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:46PMRe:EMP by Daniel_Staal (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:47AMRe:EMP by 'nother poster (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:08AM van Eck phreaking by infonography (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:25PM Re:EMP (Score:4, Interesting) by RobinH (124750) on Monday October 31, @10:17AM (#13915086) ( I don't know if you've ever tried to stop electromagnetic radiation, but shielding is quite difficult if the EM field is strong and you have to have any holes or extruding devices (like sensors) in your equipment.I've recently dealt with an EM noise problem. The sensor was completely enclosed except for a 1 to 2" lense, the cable was shielded and grounded at the electrical panel end only, and I was getting very serious EM noise induced in my signal, either from some lights near the sensor, or from some 480V 3 phase power lines in the area. After trying to move all cables at least 2 feet from the power lines, making sure grounding was OK, and even swapping the sensor with another, we decided to move the whole thing further away from the lights, and that seemed to solve the problem.So, I think that without military grade hardened electronics, someone could build an EMP gun that would take out your little creation. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:EMP by TheVampire (Score:1) Monday October 31, @02:05PMTesla Coil by jbeaupre (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:25AMRe:Tesla Coil by failure-man (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:31AMRe:Tesla Coil by jbeaupre (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:45AM remember the way of the fry... (Score:5, Funny) by kinkadius (882692) on Monday October 31, @09:24AM (#13914697) ( Just remember a good logical paradox and be sure to feed it to a robot next time they go crazy! (god bless futurama and its educational programming) [ Reply to ThisRe:remember the way of the fry... by Prophet of Nixon (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:33AM Re:remember the way of the fry... (Score:5, Funny) by AndroidCat (229562) on Monday October 31, @09:36AM (#13914792) ( And make sure you remember it. Don't keep it on your hard drive or in your PDA! Otherwise the robots will read it* and add that one to the next version of Norton Anti-Paradox.* carefully, of course. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:remember the way of the fry... by Plaid Phantom (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:43AM Re:remember the way of the fry... (Score:5, Informative) by piper-noiter (772438) on Monday October 31, @10:01AM (#13914972) (Last Journal: Thursday November 18, @02:59AM) Bah, Fry stole it from Captain Kirk, the original Robot Paradox creator! He destroyed robots on at least 3 separate occasions using his masterful use of nonsense statements and paradoxes. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:remember the way of the fry... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:40AMRe:remember the way of the fry... by Kadmos (Score:1) Monday October 31, @06:10PM Re:remember the way of the fry... (Score:4, Funny) by gstoddart (321705) on Monday October 31, @10:18AM (#13915099) ( Just remember a good logical paradox and be sure to feed it to a robot next time they go crazy!(god bless futurama and its educational programming)Futurama????? Futurama??You young punks, don't you know that Kirk and Spock did this to the androids that Harry Mudd had???? This was back in the 60's. You know, "Norman. Coordinate."Sheesh, just because Futurama borrows from Trek, doesn't make it the originator ... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:remember the way of the fry... by whitehatlurker (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:03AMRe:remember the way of the fry... by gstoddart (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:51AMRe:remember the way of the fry... by JohnnyLocust (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:40PMRe:remember the way of the fry... by gstoddart (Score:2) Monday October 31, @02:12PMRe:remember the way of the fry... by AndroidCat (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:41PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:remember the way of the fry... by Eli Gottlieb (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:43PMRe:remember the way of the fry... by MrScience (Score:2) Monday October 31, @01:41PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Built in weakness (Score:5, Funny) by Technician (215283) on Monday October 31, @09:24AM (#13914702) Our robots have a built in weakness. Several big red EMO buttons cause an immediate demise of rebelious ways. It keeps our robots in line. There is no negotiations for power. We control the button. [ Reply to This Re:Built in weakness (Score:4, Funny) by Turn-X Alphonse (789240) on Monday October 31, @09:34AM (#13914777) (Last Journal: Sunday September 19, @10:03PM) All our robots just run on Windows. If you look at them funny they turn all blue and die.. The shotguns and chainsaws are just there to look scary and fight the old mold based life form in coffee cups. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Built in weakness by JimmehAH (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:46AMRe:Built in weakness by jcuervo (Score:1) Monday October 31, @06:33PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.And of course right away by Kazzahdrane (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:24AMRe:And of course right away by Matimus (Score:2) Monday October 31, @12:33PMRe:And of course right away by iwan-nl (Score:2) Monday October 31, @06:16PMRe:And of course right away by Kazzahdrane (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:47AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Cash Machines (Score:5, Interesting) by h4rm0ny (722443) <> on Monday October 31, @09:25AM (#13914707) (Last Journal: Tuesday December 02, @06:03AM) Robot rebellion? All the AI needs to do when it takes over is get control of the financial systems, etc., and people will carry on doing what they're told as usual. Government master, robot master, all the same to most people. Could have already happened and we wouldn't know. ;) [ Reply to ThisRe:Cash Machines by Digitus1337 (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:43AMRe:Cash Machines by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:10AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Cash Machines by wintermute740 (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:04AMWould we notice? by olddotter (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:56AMYou Joke... But Do You Watch TV? by Shihar (Score:3) Monday October 31, @12:00PMLiterature and Roomba by SeanDuggan (Score:2) Monday October 31, @12:43PMRe:Literature and Roomba by Shihar (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:43PM Not meant to be a troll, but... (Score:4, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 31, @09:25AM (#13914708) Does it strike anyone else as a rather poor choice to ask the writers of Reno 911 to take this on? [ Reply to This Re:Not meant to be a troll, but... (Score:5, Funny) by B'Trey (111263) on Monday October 31, @09:44AM (#13914843) It struck me as a poor choice to ask the writers of Reno 911 to write Reno 911. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by NVP_Radical_Dreamer (Score:1) Monday October 31, @02:41PMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by B'Trey (Score:2) Monday October 31, @02:49PMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by hal2814 (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:50AMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by thc69 (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:32AMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by willjohnson (Score:1) Monday October 31, @03:48PMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by Beyond_GoodandEvil (Score:1) Monday October 31, @04:16PMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by dr_dank (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:33AMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by trentblase (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:14AMRe:Not meant to be a troll, but... by TychoCelchuuu (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:10AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Does it make a difference by AndroidCat (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:25AMRe:Does it make a difference by pbemfun (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:49AMRe:Does it make a difference by AndroidCat (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:06AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.If robots rebel . . . by Hey Pope Felcher . . (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:26AMRe:If robots rebel . . . by failure-man (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:32AMRe:If robots rebel . . . by Muhammar (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:40AMRe:If robots rebel . . . by theparanoidcynic (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:52AMRe:If robots rebel . . . by JordanL (Score:2) Monday October 31, @12:43PMRe:If robots rebel . . . by rebelcan (Score:1) Monday October 31, @02:53PMRe:If robots rebel . . . by d34thm0nk3y (Score:2) Monday October 31, @03:14PMRe:If robots rebel . . . by aaza (Score:2) Monday October 31, @05:18PM Asimov's Laws (Score:4, Interesting) by AtomicSnarl (549626) on Monday October 31, @09:27AM (#13914735) Don't worry -- Pretty soon they'll evolve to discover Asimov's Zeroth [] Law [].Umm, they ARE evolving, aren't they? [ Reply to ThisRe:Asimov's Laws by failure-man (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:45AMRe:Asimov's Laws by h4rm0ny (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:17AMRe:Asimov's Laws by FingerDemon (Score:1) Monday October 31, @02:37PMRe:Asimov's Laws by h4rm0ny (Score:2) Monday October 31, @03:19PMRe:Asimov's Laws by KDR_11k (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:39AMRe:Asimov's Laws by Eli Gottlieb (Score:1) Monday October 31, @02:22PMRe:Asimov's Laws by d0h (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:09AMRe:Asimov's Laws by GileadGreene (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:53AMRe:Asimov's Laws by Xarius (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:06AMNo, it's Intelligent Design by Urusai (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:12AMSig is from 7th Guest by AtomicSnarl (Score:1) Monday October 31, @01:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Here's a cool link for Mr Robot (Score:5, Insightful) by G4from128k (686170) on Monday October 31, @09:28AM (#13914738) I'm sure that these robots will have more than their share of vulnerabilities. All one needs to do is give the "right" link to a robot and then j00 have pwned it.Of course, creating a zombie might create even more problems.I wonder if some future Geneva convention will outlaw this type of mechno-biological warfare. [ Reply to Thisoutlaw mechno-biological warfare? by pasword *** (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:04AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Here's a cool link for Mr Robot by FuckTheModerators (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:33AMFor the love of jesus. by rocketsled (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:30PMRe:Here's a cool link for Mr Robot by Big Cheelay (Score:1) Monday October 31, @03:37PMToasters won't rebel by Turn-X Alphonse (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:28AM Re:Toasters won't rebel (Score:5, Funny) by ettlz (639203) on Monday October 31, @09:32AM (#13914758) (Last Journal: Thursday July 28, @08:57AM) Nothing we don't put AI in will rebelOh, yeah?! Well Windows XP is pretty dumb, but it still seems to get off on telling me what to do. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Toasters won't rebel by AdamWeeden (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:47AMRe:Toasters won't rebel by Captain DaFt (Score:1) Monday October 31, @05:22PM Re:Toasters won't rebel (Score:5, Funny) by Rude Turnip (49495) <> on Monday October 31, @09:33AM (#13914767) ( The toaster will try to distract you with light, morning conversation and offer you a variety of toasted bread products. The *shop vac* will then sneak up from behind and suck out your guts through your anus.I can't be the only one who's pictured that scenario. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Toasters won't rebel (Score:5, Funny) by ettlz (639203) on Monday October 31, @09:34AM (#13914775) (Last Journal: Thursday July 28, @08:57AM) The *shop vac* will then sneak up from behind and suck out your guts through your anus.Some people pay for that sort of thing. [ Reply to This | ParentActually, I think you might have been the only one by JudgeFurious (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:48AMRe:Toasters won't rebel by hometoast (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:54AMRe:Toasters won't rebel by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Monday October 31, @10:07AMRe:Toasters won't rebel by peggus (Score:1) Monday October 31, @11:07AMRe:Toasters won't rebel by MikeURL (Score:2) Monday October 31, @11:51AMRe:Toasters won't rebel by QuantumFTL (Score:2) Monday October 31, @01:12PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.The toasters already won. Resistance is futlile. by jpellino (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:02AM Re:The toasters already won. Resistance is futlile (Score:5, Funny) by 3waygeek (58990) on Monday October 31, @10:10AM (#13915030) Resistance is hardly futile -- in fact, toasters as we know them can't operate without it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The toasters already won. Resistance is futlile by God'sDuck (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:17AMTalkie Toaster by rishistar (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:09AMRe:Toasters won't rebel by graveyhead (Score:2) Monday October 31, @01:48PMAliens behind the moon, not AI robots... by Overzeetop (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:45AMRe:Aliens behind the moon, not AI robots... by Thud457 (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:12AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Flesh Fair: Celebration of Life! by ettlz (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:29AMit's cheap too by squison (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:35AMStart of the rebellion by Technician (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:36AMTotal REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by roman_mir (Score:3) Monday October 31, @09:38AMRe:Total REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by MustardMan (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:05AMRe:Total REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by Jesus_666 (Score:2) Monday October 31, @03:25PMRe:Total REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by soft_guy (Score:2) Monday October 31, @10:17AMRe:Total REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Monday October 31, @10:28AMRe:Total REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by Bastian227 (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:01PMRe:Total REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by Thud457 (Score:1) Monday October 31, @12:26PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Total REAL Ultimate Robot Power! by roman_mir (Score:2) Monday October 31, @02:32PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. paper clip (Score:4, Funny) by clragon (923326) on Monday October 31, @09:42AM (#13914828) 'Any robot could rebel, from a toaster to a Terminator, and so it is crucial to learn the strengths and weaknesses of every robot enemy.'should be "from paper clips to a Terminator" my microsoft word paper clip has already taken over every piece of writing i wrote in word >.> [ Reply to ThisHow to kill a robot by scolby (Score:2) Monday October 31, @09:43AMAlready happened by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:45AMThe robot rebellion is happening Nov 5 by ggpipe (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:46AMRobots are everywhere... by dc_cypher (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:51AM1 reply beneath your current by Donniedarkness (Score:1) Monday October 31, @09:52AM


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