Saturday, December 03, 2005

Slashback tonight with a response from Sony that removes the DRM 'rootkit' that has caused so much commotion, more hijinks from the MPAA, continued battery advancement, a followup to the UK broadband plan that had so many American's drooling, a catch in the recent Netflix settlement, and continued financial trouble for Silicon Graphics. Details on these stories and more, below.Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='slashback,media,software,money';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; It's not evil, but just in case... gmr2048 writes "Sony seems to have heard the commotion. They have offered a "Service Pack" to uninstall the DRM Rootkit. From the announcement: 'This Service Pack removes the cloaking technology component that has been recently discussed in a number of articles published regarding the XCP Technology used on SONY BMG content protected CDs. This component is not malicious and does not compromise security. However to alleviate any concerns that users may have about the program posing potential security vulnerabilities, this update has been released to enable users to remove this component from their computers.'" Obviously they have never heard the adage about deep pockets. Dieppe writes "The MPAA is at it again. This time they're suing a grandfather who didn't cave into the $4,000 blackmail offer for movie downloads his grandson downloaded from iMesh. Four movies in total, and they already owned 3 out of 4 with the grandson deleting them soon after download. This time the MPAA wants "as much as $600,000" in damages. The article also claims that "illegal downloading" costs the industry $5.4 billion per year. Not sure where the MPAA comes up with these figures." Longer life and no charge time. It doesn't come easy writes "A press release from A123Systems announces another new lithium-ion battery technology that promises to deliver unprecedented performance (according to them). The technology is suppose to deliver 10 times the cycle life and 5 times the power over conventional lithium technology, and only require 5 minutes to recharge to 90% capacity. This is certainly not the first breakthrough for lithium based batteries that has been promised. I wonder if there is a patent lawsuit in the making?" Fast net connection, but only if you live nearby. conJunk writes "The BBC is running an article about the ADSL2+ that touted a 24MB/s net connection. It seems that this number in fact only holds up if you live across the street from the service provider." Always read the fine print. JeremyWall writes "The recent Netflix class action settlement has a catch. While it is nice that the average subscriber will be upgraded for one month for free, if you read the fine print in section 4.2 of the long form [PDF Warning] of the settlement you find that you will be automatically charged for the higher subscription going forward. If you don't opt back out when you get their email, you are gonna get charged from then on. If you opt in for the settlement - check your email box regularly!" Know when to hold and know when to fold. psykocrime writes "According to a recent press release SGI stock has been delisted by the New York Stock Exchange, as a result of falling below the NYSE's minimum share price." SGI, the former darling of the high-tech world, has been in trouble for a while, perhaps this is really the end. Slashback: DRM, MPAA, ADSL Log in/Create an Account | Top | 365 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 365 comments 0: 357 comments 1: 296 comments 2: 210 comments 3: 55 comments 4: 32 comments 5: 19 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. I know where the MPAA got that figure (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 02, @07:01PM (#13936961) From their ass! They pulled it right out. [ Reply to This Re:I know where the MPAA got that figure (Score:4, Funny) by Shadow Wrought (586631) on Wednesday November 02, @07:20PM (#13937095) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday November 02, @11:36AM) In a related story, Jack Thompson has filed suit against the MPAA for infringing on his "methods and means" patent. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I know where the MPAA got that figure by nihilistrob (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:55PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I know where the MPAA got that figure by tezzer (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @07:27PM$5.4 billion is how much they spend on lawyers by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:49PMRe:I know where the MPAA got that figure by minion (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:56PMRe:I know where the MPAA got that figure by Lemental (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:15PMfacts on statistics by mrokkam (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:53PMRe:I know where the pirates got that argument. by Doctor_Jest (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:46PMRe:I know where the pirates got that argument. by cbr2702 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:26PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.3 replies beneath your current threshold. 24mbit/sec?!?!?! (Score:5, Funny) by mister_llah (891540) on Wednesday November 02, @07:02PM (#13936966) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday July 12, @08:36PM) 24mbit/sec? Sounds like "across the street from the provider" has suddenly become prime nerd real estate, beats the hell out of lakefront housing any day! [ Reply to ThisRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by Rudeboy777 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:07PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by silverkniveshotmail. (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:29PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by ophix (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @07:13PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by drinkypoo (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:37PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by McNally (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:14PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by InvalidError (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:33PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by HairyCanary (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:50PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by Zen (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:31PM Re:24mbit/sec?!?!?! (Score:4, Informative) by InvalidError (771317) on Wednesday November 02, @09:53PM (#13937996) Phone wiring has uncontrolled impedance while Cat5E has well-defined limits. Cat5E has a usable bandwidth extending beyond 200MHz (some video extenders transmit analog RGB over three pairs, using the last pair for keyboard/mouse/usb) while ordinary phone wire is pretty much unusable beyond 10MHz due to excessive crosstalk.They may both be copper but the way this copper is arranged makes a huge difference. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by The Master Control P (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:11PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by uhoreg (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @07:28PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by hunterx11 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:48PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by uhoreg (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:11PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by jrockway (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:12PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by stinerman (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:33PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by ptbarnett (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:38PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by brass1 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:00PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:24mbit/sec?!?!?! (Score:4, Informative) by MisterBuggie (924728) on Wednesday November 02, @09:21PM (#13937819) Erm, we've been using adsl2+ for a good year in France (with the ISP Free)... You can get 20Mbps up to around 2km. Afterwards it slowly goes down, but even around 5km away you can still get 2-4Mbps. And the 1Mbps upload isn't really affected by the distance, until you get really far away.It's odd, 5 years ago, France was far behind, with the US being in the lead. Now France is ahead of Britain which has barely discovered 2Mbps as a general public offer, and the US is drooling over the *British* adsl?And no, I'm not some snotty French idiot come to be arrogant as Americans seem to think all the French are, I'm a Brit expat.Oh, did I mention the fact that along with 20Mbps dsl, we get free VoIP (with a phone pugged into the modem, not through the PC), *and* TV? Oh, and it's only 30 euros a month ;o) [ Reply to This | ParentIt's not the EXCHANGE that matters. by Ungrounded Lightning (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:41PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by ozmanjusri (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @07:22PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by TheDugong (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:06PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by ozmanjusri (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:19PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by Joel from Sydney (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:42PMRe:24mbit/sec?!?!?! by ozmanjusri (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:38PM4 replies beneath your current threshold. Extortion by any other name. (Score:5, Insightful) by Trigun (685027) <evil.evilempire@ath@cx> on Wednesday November 02, @07:03PM (#13936971) ( Leave it up to the MPAA to go after a grandfather. Where is the accountability for this group? Who do we direct our hatred at?Let's give the fuckers a name, and a face. No more of this MPAA, let people know who is behind it, which artists are in cahoots with this. Then we'll see how much we can really cost the industry. [ Reply to ThisRe:Extortion by any other name. by drinkypoo (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:33PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by cpt kangarooski (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:12PMThe MPAA's headquarters by MsGeek (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:03PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by Sancho (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:40PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by bcrowell (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @07:34PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by BushCheney08 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:38PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by BushCheney08 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:56PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by jZnat (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:56PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by MindStalker (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:10PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by squiggleslash (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:00PM How to really hurt them (Score:4, Insightful) by TheLoneDanger (611268) on Wednesday November 02, @07:41PM (#13937262) As has been noted by many others before on the MPAA and RIAA, they don't necessarily want just money (although of course, they want that too), they want CONTROL. By controlling distribution channels, they guarantee profitability in perpetuity. So, the real way to hurt them is to use their attempts at control as fuel for the very revolution they are trying to quash. Spend more money on "independent" filmmakers and musicians. Listen to more live music. Tell people why they should do the same (they've given us tons of ammo). Spread the music and films via P2P when the creators allow it. If you are a musician or filmmaker, see if you can do it without the studio and use the net to find your audience. Thinking about profits and money is short term thinking, which many Slashdotters accuse the MPAA and RIAA of. I don't think they are actually that stupid. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:How to really hurt them by FlynnBoy (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:36PMMod parent 11 Insightful by mpapet (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:43PM A good start (Score:5, Interesting) by Simonetta (207550) on Wednesday November 02, @07:47PM (#13937309) The article gives a name. Ms. Kori Bernards, vice president of corporate communications for MPAA.    Let's take a time out for a brief lesson on how the world works. People have some money. People give a little of this money to lawyers. Lawyers give some of the money that they get to politicians. Politicians pass laws requiring you to give more of your money to the people who gave a little of their money to the lawyers. A positive feedback loop. It continues to grow until (1) people kill the politicians, or (2) people kill the lawyers. This is how the world works.    The MPAA (or any group with money to pay for politicians) will continue to extort your money from you until you either (1) kill the lawyers yourself, or (2) pay someone to do it for you.    When the entertainment lawyers collectively realize that they personally will suffer as a direct result of their applying their professional expertise to the topic of randomly selecting someone who watches a movie or listens to a music recording and demanding thousands of dollars, then this shit will stop. Until then, it will continue.    Be real, this is America in the 21st century. The corporations own the three branches of government, the military, the media, the police, and damn near everything else. NONE of these avenues is open any more for a systematic redress of grievances.    What else is left?    I can not and will not in good faith condone murder in either a public or private forum. What I can say is that, from a historical perspective, violence is the fastest, cheapest, and most effective way to either institute social change ( for better or worse ) or to seek redress from injustice.    There are alternatives to violence. Reread the works of Dr. Martin Luther King or Gandhi for powerful accounts of effective alternatives. Nonviolent tactics did work against far more dangerous and evil enemies than the entertainment industry. Perhaps the newer communications tools such as the web can be used to organize effective boycotts and other tools of social change.    Nevertheless, you asked for a name and you now have it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:A good start by MBCook (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:13PMRe:A good start by quarkscat (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:31PMRe:A good start by MBCook (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:14PMRe:A good start by goaliemn (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:38PMRe:A good start by swdunlop (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:32PMRe:A good start by MBCook (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @10:18PMRe:A good start by Dirtside (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:20PM Do not blame lawyers (Score:5, Insightful) by caitsith01 (606117) on Wednesday November 02, @08:35PM (#13937591) (Last Journal: Thursday March 11, @05:32AM) IAAL working in IP and media law and I take strong exception to your attitude. Lawyers are not the cause of this problem. Lawyers are paid money to argue for their clients interests (or perceived interests). If the MPAA pays money to a good lawyer and gives them instructions, that lawyer goes and researches the law, determines what tactics will be effective, and ASKS THE CLIENT FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. It is the client who decides to go ahead and sue a grandfather for $400K, and the client who decides to lobby Washington.If you want to obliquely suggest killing any group of people because you think this will solve the problem I suggest you review and include (in reverse order):4. Artists who continue to participate in the corrupt entertainment industry3. The MPAA for ruthlessly trying to protect its own profits and interests2. Politicians for being so pathetically weak that they can be bought and sold like prostitutes1. Yourself and everyone else who does not fall into 4, 3 or 2 but who (a) funds the MPAA and the artists by buying their crap, (b) funds the politicians with their taxes, and (c) allows the politicians to get away with it by being politically disengaged and reelecting them all the time.Do not blame lawyers. In my experience most lawyers tend to be more sympathetic to the views of people like us who are unhappy with these stupid laws and stupid lawsuits than they are to the views of organisations like the MPAA. Most lawyers I know think that the DMCA and its international equivalents are idiotic and outrageously biased, for example. But lawyers are part of an adversarial system, and their duty is to represent the interests of those who retain them to the best of their abilities. So instead of attacking lawyers, why not pony up some cash for your beliefs and help the EFF or someone like that get their own kick ass legal team.I am so sick of people who bitch about the corporations owning everything but ignore the fact that the corporations only have as much power as you, the consumer, gives them. And I am SO SICK of people bashing lawyers, who tend to be progressive, intelligent, and politically and socially engaged individuals (real lawyers, not ambulance chasers). [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Do not blame lawyers by winwar (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:56PM Re:Do not blame lawyers (Score:5, Insightful) by masdog (794316) on Wednesday November 02, @09:12PM (#13937768) That's bull. You might be paid to represent a client, but its not like they're putting a gun to your head and forcing you to work for them. If lawyers are sick of the stupid lawsuits and laws that keep people down, then why do they keep working for these organizations? You have other choices. You can quit. You can find a new firm to work for. You can start your own firm. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Do not blame lawyers by really? (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:40PM Re:Do not blame lawyers (Score:5, Insightful) by lordofthechia (598872) on Wednesday November 02, @09:54PM (#13938002) " its not like they're putting a gun to your head and forcing you to work for them."Thank you! I can understand there are some cases where someone *has* to represent an individual (criminal cases, simple disputes, etc). But c'mon, if someome tells you they want to hire you for X/hr to utterly devastate someone and take all their savings, kids college funds, their house, etc, for as stupid of a reason as this, would the GP *have* to take the job? I'm sure as hell wouldn't. I think this is silly that folks dont' think that they should be held accountable for their employers/clients actions. If you do it, regardless of wether you get paid or not to do it you are morally responsible. And I personally have quit jobs (twice) because I found my employer actions/buisness objectionable and or morally aprehensible. In both cases I ended up with a job that was lower paying but in the end more satisfying. I didn't have to go home knowing that I spent the whole day working for someone who lives to take complete advantage of their customers. I think the best argument I've heard for employee accountability has to be from Clerks: [] DANTE: My friend is trying to convince me that any contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when the space station was destroyed by the rebels. WORKER: Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs. RANDAL: Like when? WORKER: Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple reshingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was. DANTE: Whose house was it? WORKER: Dominick Bambino's. RANDAL: "Babyface" Bambino? The gangster? WORKER: The same. The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine. DANTE: Based on personal politics. WORKER: Right. And that week, the Foresci family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling. RANDAL: No way! WORKER: I'm alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn't so lucky... You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to this...[taps his heart] not his wallet. [ Reply to This | ParentActually this is factually incorrect by caitsith01 (Score:2) Thursday November 03, @12:05AMRe:Actually this is factually incorrect by masdog (Score:1) Thursday November 03, @12:52AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Do not blame lawyers by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:41PMRe:Do not blame lawyers by blindbat (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:57PMRe:Do not blame lawyers by duffahtolla (Score:2) Thursday November 03, @12:29AMLawyers are suckers. by hackwrench (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:16PMPot, meet kettle by Solandri (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @10:24PMRe:Pot, meet kettle by raoul666 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:59PMCorporations by caitsith01 (Score:2) Thursday November 03, @12:10AMEthical duties and illegal orders by Reziac (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @10:47PMThat is precisely a lawyers duty by caitsith01 (Score:2) Thursday November 03, @12:14AMRe:Do not blame lawyers by jafiwam (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:50PMRe:Do not blame lawyers by caitsith01 (Score:2) Thursday November 03, @12:18AMRe:Do not blame lawyers by steelfood (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @11:04PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Do not blame lawyers by noisyfont (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:22PMGive me a f'ing break. by Seng (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:24PMRe:Give me a f'ing break. by caitsith01 (Score:2) Thursday November 03, @12:23AM7 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:A good start by BobSutan (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:00PMRe:A good start by minion (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:17PMAnother option by MasterOfGoingFaster (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:37PMRoots - squared by Ungrounded Lightning (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:23PMRe:Roots - squared by Ungrounded Lightning (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:25PMRe:A good start by ThisIsForReal (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:23PMI say we kill a certain someone!1!!!!!!!1one1 by thepotoo (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:17PMRe:A good start by Telvin_3d (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:45PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Extortion by any other name. by laughingcoyote (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:57PMRe:Extortion by any other name. by buckyboy314 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:46PMMicrosoft California Settlement by whoever57 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:03PMRe:Microsoft California Settlement by fred fleenblat (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:58PM "Service Pack" (Score:5, Interesting) by raistphrk (203742) on Wednesday November 02, @07:03PM (#13936974) ( The real question about the Sony "service pack" is whether it removes the entire software program, leaves anything behind, or simply replaces the old rootkit with one that's harder to detect and remove. [ Reply to This Re:"Service Pack" (Score:5, Informative) by Software (179033) on Wednesday November 02, @07:10PM (#13937028) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday April 12, @10:40AM) Well, they would have to extremely stupid to do that. They know they're going to have to get past Russinovich again, so I'd doubt they'd be dumb enough to think they can pull the wool over his eyes.Oh, and don't bother to use Firefox to try to download the "Service Pack": it's IE only. Typical. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:"Service Pack" by John Hasler (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:35PMSumy by HTH NE1 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:02PMRe:"Service Pack" by jefferson_uk (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:46PMIE only by phorm (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:00PMRe:"Service Pack" by nazsco (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:12PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:"Service Pack" by vivek7006 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:12PMRe:"Service Pack" by lacibaci (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:13PMRe:"Service Pack" by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:14PMBut can you still play your CD afterwards...? by Joce640k (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:24PM Re:"Service Pack" (Score:5, Interesting) by evil agent (918566) on Wednesday November 02, @07:28PM (#13937145) According to CNet [], "...the antipiracy software itself will not be removed, only exposed to view. Consumers who want to remove the copy-protection software altogether from their machine can contact the company's customer support service for instructions, a Sony BMG representative said."Yeah, good luck with that. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:"Service Pack" by Ruprecht the Monkeyb (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @08:04PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:"Service Pack" by SpacePunk (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:28PMRe:"Service Pack" by Guspaz (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:28PMRe:"Service Pack" by jasongetsdown (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:58PMRe:"Service Pack" -contact Sony by saskboy (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @08:36PMRe:"Service Pack" by 1u3hr (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:20PMRe:"Service Pack" by Junior Samples (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @11:14PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Sony - Bony (Score:5, Funny) by Jjeff1 (636051) on Wednesday November 02, @07:04PM (#13936983) So to uninstall this mess, they want me to go to a web site, hosted by the company who wrote the spyware/rootkit, and run an activeX control. Hahahahaha. This is exactly the sort of thing that makes me channel Nancy Regan, and "Just Say NO!". [ Reply to ThisRe:Sony - Bony by deglr6328 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:20PMGood idea. by twitter (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:05PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. Silicon Graphics Saves the World (Score:4, Insightful) by totallygeek (263191) on Wednesday November 02, @07:05PM (#13936991) ( Know when to hold and know when to fold. psykocrime writes "According to a recent press release SGI stock has been delisted by the New York Stock Exchange, as a result of falling below the NYSE's minimum share price." SGI, the former darling of the high-tech world, has been in trouble for a while, perhaps this is really the end. This is sad that SGI cannot stay afloat. I put them akin to Next in that they both make(made) quality machines that not many people want to buy. Notice I did not say need to buy. SGI has been a perfect fit for many a project of mine, but for varied reasons no one wants to take them.I guess this movie [] just isn't going to be accurate. One line I chuckled at during watching it was when it says, "Silicon Graphics Saves the World." Of course, this may be somewhat off... [ Reply to ThisRe:Silicon Graphics Saves the World by Trigun (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Silicon Graphics Saves the World by pavon (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:02PM Industries in their death throes... (Score:4, Interesting) by happyemoticon (543015) on Wednesday November 02, @07:08PM (#13937013) ( ...resort to desparate and morally reprehensible measures to slow their decline, be they the MPAA or the RIAA. They're behaving like frightened, cornered animals. I'd expect both of these industry cartels to resort to some really scary shit in the next decade or so to try to cut their losses (like the east fork stuff, 11/ []), but they don't understand the difference between gliding along in a paracheut and flying. Ultimately, the industry megacorporations will tank (well, the music industry will, but movies are much harder to make than music), and our freedoms will be the real casualty. [ Reply to ThisRe:Industries in their death throes... by Trigun (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:14PMRe:Industries in their death throes... by codegen (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:18PM 24Mbit already plentiful in Sweden (Score:4, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 02, @07:13PM (#13937046) The actual speeds usually ends up around 16-18Mbits, but we've had 24Mbit available here a long time. And, yeah, it's also ADSL2+ [ Reply to ThisRe:24Mbit already plentiful in Sweden by shrewd (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:15PMRe:24Mbit already plentiful in Sweden by Mr. Arbusto (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @11:26PMNot Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @07:15PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by whoever57 (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:24PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by schon (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:38PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by really? (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:51PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by cd_serek (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:45PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:35PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Not Sued For Downloading! by bataras (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:28PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by 6*7 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @07:53PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by bataras (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:16PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by 6*7 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:04PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by bataras (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:53PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by max born (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:46PM Re:Not Sued For Downloading! (Score:4, Funny) by timeOday (582209) on Wednesday November 02, @08:03PM (#13937403) He owns the line, he's liable for any copyright infringement performed from that line.Oh, well then the studios who own the film are liable for any copyright infringement performed with the film. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by cpt kangarooski (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @08:23PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:29PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by Xugumad (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:35PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:3) Wednesday November 02, @08:45PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by MightyYar (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:53PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by cpt kangarooski (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:16PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by Xugumad (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:00PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:37PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by Xugumad (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:00PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:09PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by cpt kangarooski (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:03PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by d34thm0nk3y (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:30PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:40PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by md27 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:44PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:51PMSTOP POSTING UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE LAW! by fmaxwell (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:03PMRe:STOP POSTING UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE LAW! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:11PMRe:STOP POSTING UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE LAW! by fmaxwell (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:06PMRe:STOP POSTING UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE LAW! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:15PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by shadypalm88 (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @09:40PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:46PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by Zeph (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @10:31PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @10:34PM Re:Not Sued For Downloading! (Score:4, Informative) by schon (31600) on Wednesday November 02, @07:41PM (#13937261) ( I'd like to see an example of this actually having happened in court. If it has, please direct me to more information.Snopes to the rescue []Short answer: no, it's never happened. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:rediculous by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @07:59PMRe:rediculous by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:19PMRe:rediculous by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @09:28PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Not Sued For Downloading! by QuantumG (Score:2) Wednesday November 02, @08:10PMRe:Not Sued For Downloading! by FlynnBoy (Score:1) Wednesday November 02, @08:45PM4 replies beneath your current threshold. Nice service pack site (Score:5, Interesting)


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