Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Several people sent in variations on this: "Kind of ironic to see that the the site, dubbed WeHaveTheWayOut from Microsoft and Unisys runs on an Apache Web server powered by FreeBSD. This could have made a great April Fools joke, unfortunately for Microsoft, you can verify it by using Netcraft." This is a follow-up to the original story a few days ago. Other readers noted that there's already a WeHaveTheWayIn site up. Wehavethewayout.com was returning Apache headers yesterday; today it's returning "Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0", so it appears they've dumped FreeBSD in a hurry, or maybe just changed the headers.Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='bsd';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. Microsoft/Unisys Unix-bashing Site Runs FreeBSD Log in/Create an Account | Top | 540 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 540 comments 0: 502 comments 1: 344 comments 2: 175 comments 3: 56 comments 4: 33 comments 5: 22 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Conspiracy. (Score:5, Insightful) by saintlupus (227599) on Tuesday April 02, @10:07AM (#3269951) (http://www.roadflares.org/matt) Wehavethewayout.com was returning Apache headers yesterday; today it's returning "Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0", so it appears they've dumped FreeBSD in a hurry, or maybe just changed the headers. Somehow, I doubt it's a big conspiracy. As someone suggested in the Netcraft story this morning, they probably just moved the domain from their marketing firm's hosting farm to their own box or something. Not that the fact that their own marketing firm won't eat the dog food isn't funny, but this isn't front page news by a long shot. --saint Re:Conspiracy. (Score:5, Informative) by RatOmeter (468015) on Tuesday April 02, @10:44AM (#3270067) "... they probably just moved the domain..." Yup. I said yesterday, their site was hosted by Verio, and their IP address was Today some people get the IP address as, which belongs to Microsoft. At my location, DNS still resolves it to Try this in your browser for fun: and then Ain't it neat? Both hosts are up and the name servers haven't all caught up with late yesterday's switchy-changy! [ Parent Re:Conspiracy. (Score:4, Informative) by jelle (14827) on Tuesday April 02, @11:14AM (#3270160) And that is confirmed by netcraft [netcraft.com] (yes netcraft seems slashdotted). The changeover happened just today, the BSD site was known up since March 28. I guess when you want something quickly, FreeBSD with RapidSite/Apache is the way to go. Then later on, when your employer starts pushing, you can always migrate towards the much harder to setup IIS server. hihi. I'm wondering if it has Minda yet. [ ParentRe:Conspiracy. by DavidJA (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @05:04PMRe:Conspiracy. by jelle (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:01PMRe:Conspiracy. by Brainless (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:10PMRe:Conspiracy. by RatOmeter (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:27AM Re:Conspiracy. (Score:5, Informative) by 1010011010 (53039) on Tuesday April 02, @11:40AM (#3270275) (http://google.com/) Interesting ports on www.wehavethewayout.com ( open ftp 25/tcp open smtp 80/tcp open http 110/tcp open pop-3 443/tcp open https 1433/tcp open ms-sql-s 2105/tcp open eklogin 3306/tcp open mysql 5900/tcp open vnc Remote OS guesses: MS Windows2000 Professional RC1/W2K Advance Server Beta3, Windows Millenium Edition v4.90.3000 Interesting ports on www.wehavethewayout.com ( 21/tcp open ftp 25/tcp open smtp 80/tcp open http 110/tcp open pop-3 443/tcp open https 554/tcp open rtsp 3306/tcp open mysql No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see http://www.insecure.org/cgi-bin/nmap-submit.cgi). TCP/IP fingerprint:SInfo(V=2.54BETA22%P=i386-redhat-lin ux-gnu%D=4/2%T ime=3CA9D035%O=21%C=20)TSeq(Class=RI%gcd=1%SI=CE B2%IPID=I%TS=U)TSeq(Class=RI%gcd=1%SI=99E7%IPID= I%TS=U)TSeq(Class=RI%gcd=1%SI=85D6%TS=U)T1(Res p=Y%DF=Y%W=402E%ACK=S++%Flags=AS%Ops=M)T2(Resp=N )T3(Resp=Y%DF=Y%W=402E%ACK=S++%Flags=AS%Ops=M) T4(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=0%ACK=O%Flags=R%Ops=)T5(Resp=Y% DF=N%W=0%ACK=S++%Flags=AR%Ops=)T6(Resp=Y%DF=N%W= 0%ACK=O%Flags=R%Ops=)T7(Resp=Y%DF=N%W=0%ACK=S%Fl ags=AR%Ops=)PU(Resp=Y%DF=N%TOS=0%IPLEN=38%RIPTL= 148%RID=E%RIPC K=E%UCK=0%ULEN=134%DAT=E) [ ParentRe:Conspiracy. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:23PMRe:Conspiracy. by emissary47 (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @03:40PMRe:Conspiracy. by JWSmythe (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @03:47PMRe:Conspiracy. by matth (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @04:41PMthere FTP has an passwd file which is not empty!!! by systemaster (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @05:01PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Conspiracy. by fredrikv (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @05:59PMRe:VNC security risk by AngusSF (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @02:03AMRe:VNC security risk by rosewood (Score:2) Wednesday April 03, @11:24AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.VNC? by hendridm (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @07:21PMRe:VNC? by KlomDark (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @09:05AMRe:Conspiracy. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @11:54AMRe:Conspiracy. by Necroman (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @01:04PMRe:Conspiracy. by John Sullivan (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @01:20PMRe:Conspiracy. by kalislashdot (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @02:36PMRe:Conspiracy. Lol by buho (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @05:55PMRe:Conspiracy. by kspaink (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:50PMRe:Conspiracy. by Thing 1 (Score:2) Wednesday April 03, @12:25AMRe:Conspiracy. by Stephen Samuel (Score:2) Wednesday April 03, @05:28AMRe:Conspiracy. by matth (Score:2) Wednesday April 03, @10:56PMRe:Conspiracy. by 1010011010 (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:42AMRe:Conspiracy. by dohcvtec (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:55AM Re:Conspiracy. (Score:4, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 02, @12:03PM (#3270390) Did you notice that the Microsoft's web server is far more faster than the Free BSD? Nope, not really. $wget to connected!HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKLength: 9,621 [text/html] 0K ......... 100% @ 117.44 KB/s 07:59:18 (117.44 KB/s) - `index.html.1' saved [9621/9621] $wget Connecting to connected!HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OKLength: 9,621 [text/html] 0K ......... 100% @ 93.96 KB/s 07:59:28 (93.96 KB/s) - `index.html.2' saved [9621/9621] [ Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.4 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Conspiracy. by HerringFlavoredFowl (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:05AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Congrats to everyone who made the site popular (Score:5, Funny) by RoshanCat (145661) on Tuesday April 02, @11:42AM (#3270289) As a Microsoft/Unisys PR manager, I would like to thank to everyone who made wehavethewayout popular. Thanks to your obsessiveness about netcraft & pretty much useless arguments which web server you use to serve static web pages, we are actually able to make many CIO/CTO's register & have a look at what we have to offer in replacing big-irons hosting databases & directory servers(not web servers serving static web pages, in case you still havn't got it) The best part was we never spent $1 on marketing this web-site, just released details to CNet. Again, thanks to everyone, we never imagined we would get so many hits or people looking into it [ ParentRe:Congrats to everyone who made the site popular by jazman_777 (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @12:00PMRe:Congrats to everyone who made the site popular by WalterSobchak (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @12:52PMRe:Congrats to everyone who made the site popular by painkillr (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @03:22PMRe:Congrats to everyone who made the site popular by DrSkwid (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @12:05PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Conspiracy. by morgajel (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @02:29PMDirectory Listing Denied by j3z_ (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @08:44PMRe:Not on front page by Che Guevarra (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @01:03PMRe:Not on front page by Troed (Score:1) Tuesday April 09, @04:32AMRe:Not on front page by linzeal (Score:1) Tuesday April 09, @04:44AM4 replies beneath your current threshold.Does Microsoft Care by KingKire64 (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @10:10AM Re:Does Microsoft Care (Score:5, Insightful) by d3xt3r (527989) on Tuesday April 02, @10:33AM (#3270034) People DO know because news sites such as Yahoo! and CNet were running this story yesterday (don't have the links, sorry).And people SHOULD care what OS and Web server is running that site. The entire purpose of that site is to persuade people to think that Windows is as capable as UNIX and then some. So for the site to be running FreeBSD is an embarrasment to Microsoft (or should be).Would you buy a Hyundai from a salesman who drives a Toyota? I wouldn't. [ ParentRe:Does Microsoft Care by Jaysyn (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @11:50AMRe:Does Microsoft Care by jedidiah (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @02:55PMRe:Does Microsoft Care by zeno_2 (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @02:29AMRe:Does Microsoft Care by phyxeld (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @03:01PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Does Microsoft Care (Score:5, Interesting) by Satai (111172) on Tuesday April 02, @12:02PM (#3270389) Would you buy a Hyundai from a salesman who drives a Toyota? I wouldn't. That's a bit of an understatement. Maybe a better statement would be "Would you buy a Hyundai from a salesman who bashes Toyotas as being unreliable, expensive and unsafe, but sends his kids to school in a Corrolla?" [ Parentor even, by hawk (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @04:28PMRe:or even, by dadragon (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @02:07AMRe:Does Microsoft Care by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:28PMRe:Does Microsoft Care by Rudeboy52 (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @01:48PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Does Microsoft Care by kalislashdot (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @02:40PMRe:Does Microsoft Care by BigBlockMopar (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @04:45PMRe:Does Microsoft Care by Froze (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @07:06PMRe:Does Microsoft Care by BigBlockMopar (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:21PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Does Microsoft Care by budgenator (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:36PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Does Microsoft Care (Score:5, Informative) by deacon (40533) on Tuesday April 02, @10:48AM (#3270085) (Last Journal: Wednesday July 07, @11:51PM) Well, the Wall Street Journal cared enough to puta summary on page one, column 2, just below thefold. The full article is on page B2.A lotmore people will see that, and they are your boss,not you. [ Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Does Microsoft Care by Black0ut (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @05:49PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.It's still unix... by kzinti (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:12AM...maybe not... by kzinti (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:22AMRe:...maybe not... by sglane81 (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @11:30AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It's still unix... by MrHat (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:22AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:It's still unix... (Score:4, Informative) by gslobber (146327) on Tuesday April 02, @10:32AM (#3270032) FYI... The old site (running BSD) is still up at: The new site, running win2k/IIS is at: [ Parent Re:It's still unix... (Score:5, Funny) by suds (6610) on Tuesday April 02, @10:49AM (#3270086) (http://www.opusnet.demon.co.uk/) The old site is definitely faster than the new one! ;) [ ParentRe:It's still unix... by ScumBiker (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:52AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Very, VERY, Unscientific performance test (Score:4, Informative) by dachshund (300733) on Tuesday April 02, @11:08AM (#3270122) all times in ms, behind a firewall, etc. 95min and 95max represent 95th percentile responses.URL 1: (IIS)connects_completed: 12373, responses_completed: 12373 (41.2433/sec), total_errors: 0msecs/connect: 87.503 mean, 3082.84 max, 81.047 min, 81.308 95min, 84.234 95maxmsecs/response: 87.5983 mean, 3098.43 max, 81.848 min, 82.295 95min, 91.204 95maxURL 2: (BSD)connects_completed: 12322, responses_completed: 12322 (41.0733/sec), total_errors: 0msecs/connect: 17.4765 mean, 21009.6 max, 9.477 min, 9.75 95min, 12.135 95maxmsecs/response: 47.6064 mean, 3013.33 max, 12.329 min, 12.651 95min, 162.082 95max This is very unscientific, and it's only wrt to the index page on both sites. It'd be interesting to see a detailed side-by-side comparison of the two sites. How often will you get to compare a BSD machine against a Microsoft machine maintained by Microsoft themselves, hosting exactly the same content. [ Parent Re:Very, VERY, Unscientific performance test (Score:5, Funny) by Greyfox (87712) on Tuesday April 02, @11:56AM (#3270360) (http://www.flying-rhenquest.net/) Keeping in mind that the BSD box is a 386 with 4MB of RAM and the Windows box is a quad xeon with 4GB of RAM... [ ParentRe:Very, VERY, Unscientific performance test by 31eq (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @12:03PMRe:VERY, Unscientific performance test -Proxied? by Havokmon (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @12:08PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Very, VERY, Unscientific performance test by MrScience (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:11PMRe:Very, VERY, Unscientific performance test by dachshund (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:21PMRe:Very, VERY, Unscientific performance test by wedg (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @05:15PMRe:Very, VERY, Unscientific performance test by dachshund (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @11:30AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It's still unix... by babbage (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:50AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Rapidsite: by Evro (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @11:33AMRe:It's still unix... by Punto (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @02:31PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.They've already changed the HTTP headers by mikosullivan (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:12AMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by J'raxis (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @10:18AMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by linzeal (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @10:24AMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by J'raxis (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @02:26PMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by linzeal (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @02:56PMWeird shit going on... by J'raxis (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @03:26PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:They've already changed the HTTP headers by southpolesammy (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:31AMPort scanning isn't a felony by prockcore (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @03:03PMA guess... by mikosullivan (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @05:11PMRe:Port scanning isn't a felony by Mr. Marabou Man (Score:1) Saturday April 06, @10:17AMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by mikosullivan (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:43AMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by MaxVlast (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:43AMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by mikosullivan (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @11:04AMRe:They've already changed the HTTP headers by jd142 (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:25AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:They've already changed the HTTP headers by jc42 (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @11:20AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.3 replies beneath your current threshold.In other news... by jonr (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:14AM Re:In other news... (Score:5, Insightful) by rjamestaylor (117847) <rjamestaylor@gmail.com> on Tuesday April 02, @10:28AM (#3270018) (http://rjamestaylor.com/ | Last Journal: Thursday November 04, @06:48PM) Here's why this is a story: the whole PR (note, Public Relations) campaign is about how UNIX paints you into a closed corner, is proprietary, requires expen$ive technicians to run and maintain, etc. But the Freakin' PR firm's website is UNIX! If there is a less-clueful group than PR people when it comes to computers, who is it?Since the whole campaign is predicated on GETTING OUT of Unix...the fact that the "way out" of UNIX is hosted on a Unix computer is ... damn funny.Shoots the whole campaign down the drain, which would explain the rapid spin control to change the server/headers in the past days.P.S. Someone needs to get on irc://irc.slashnet.org#slashdot and let polaris know about this story. He'll be so surprised! [ ParentRe:In other news... by rjamestaylor (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:19PMRe:In other news... by rjamestaylor (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:33PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:In other news... by gotan (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:45PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.BSD Banners by Kronos666 (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:14AM We have the way out... (Score:4, Funny) by GutBomb (541585) <slashdot@zortera.com> on Tuesday April 02, @10:14AM (#3269972) (http://www.zortera.com/) Sounds like one of those "get out of scientology" programs that is run my the church of scientology themselves :)Ummm, yesterday WAS April 1 by Sycraft-fu (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:20AMRe:Ummm, yesterday WAS April 1 by Col. Klink (retired) (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:28AMRe:Ummm, yesterday WAS April 1 by AVee (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:31AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. It's really not that ironic (Score:5, Insightful) by ergo98 (9391) <dennis.forbes@gmail.com> on Tuesday April 02, @10:21AM (#3269992) (http://www.yafla.com/dforbes/ | Last Journal: Tuesday September 27, @11:43AM) Firstly, the ad campaign is about data centers and "big iron", not web servers (i.e. Unisys isn't really about selling low end web serving machines). As such the deployed HTTP platform becomes irrelevant.Secondly, Unisys apparently contracted an outside vendor, and that vendor just happened to use Apache (and for static content it really, truly doesn't matter. Static HTTP is about as complex as notepad.exe). It's odd that there's a seemingly mixed attitude on Slashdot: One says that Microsoft is an evil beast bashing the world to conform to its ways, and another is a mocking when Microsoft isn't bashing people to conform to their ways. Which do you want?Re:It's really not that ironic by Dephex Twin (Score:3) Tuesday April 02, @11:11AMRe:It's really not that ironic by ergo98 (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @11:42AMRe:It's really not that ironic by Dephex Twin (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @12:07PMRe:It's really not that ironic by Grax (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:43PMRe:It's really not that ironic by ergo98 (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:49PMRe:It's really not that ironic by Grax (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @01:09PMRe:It's really not that ironic by ergo98 (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @01:18PMRe:It's really not that ironic by maxpublic (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @03:13PMRe:It's really not that ironic by Grax (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @05:37PMRe:It's really not that ironic by Harik (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @07:56PMRe:It's really not that ironic by dogpipe (Score:1) Thursday April 04, @01:58PMRe:It's really not that ironic by ergo98 (Score:1) Thursday April 04, @08:32PMRe:It's really not that ironic by Thing 1 (Score:2) Wednesday April 03, @12:33AMRe:It's really not that ironic by jedidiah (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @03:06PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It's really not that ironic by Grax (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @05:23PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It's really not that ironic by ewhac (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @07:20PMRe:It's really not that ironic by toby (Score:1) Thursday April 04, @07:24AM4 replies beneath your current threshold. OS switch (Score:5, Informative) by Tom (822) on Tuesday April 02, @10:22AM (#3269998) (http://web.lemuria.org/) they didn't just change the HTTP headers. nmap reporst: Remote OS guesses: Windows Me or Windows 2000 RC1 through final release, MS Windows2000 Professional RC1/W2K Advance Server Beta3, Windows Millenium Edition v4.90.3000 it also reports a number of interesting ports as open: 21/tcp open ftp25/tcp open smtp80/tcp open http110/tcp open pop-3443/tcp open https1433/tcp open ms-sql-s2105/tcp open eklogin3306/tcp open mysql5900/tcp open vnc whoever set this up did it in a real hurry. :) Re:OS switch (Score:4, Funny) by MrHat (102062) on Tuesday April 02, @10:31AM (#3270026) Okay then. First one to exploit the MSSQL stored procedure buffer overflow gets a cookie. :) Seriously, though. Putting a site up on a hastily thrown-together, unpatched box is going to bring them even more pain than sucking it up and sticking with FreeBSD. I can't wait to see what kind of press they get when their brand new W2K box gets owned. [ ParentRe:OS switch by essdodson (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @11:43AMRe:OS switch by MrHat (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:12PMRe:OS switch by gotan (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @12:21PMRe:OS switch by phyxeld (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @03:40PMRe:OS switch by mmusn (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @08:21PMRe:OS switch by demon (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @12:09AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:OS switch by antitribue (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @10:33AMRe:OS switch by KC7GR (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:39AMRe:OS switch by Fishstick (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @01:03PM A $25 Million dollar ad campaign... (Score:5, Funny) by mrneutron (61365) on Tuesday April 02, @11:06AM (#3270116) ...and they can't afford a firewall. On behalf of Unix Engineers everywhere: Thank you Unisys. Thank you, Microsoft. [ Parent Re:OS switch (Score:5, Interesting) by BorgDrone (64343) on Tuesday April 02, @11:10AM (#3270136) (http://slashdot.org/) 5900/tcp open vnc What about win2k's own remote administration application ? , not good enough for MS ? [ ParentRe:OS switch by krogoth (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @02:29PMRe:OS switch by krogoth (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @04:42PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:OS switch by littlej (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @12:29AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Let's hope it doesn't get hacked! (Score:5, Funny) by pubjames (468013) on Tuesday April 02, @11:13AM (#3270153) Now, wouldn't it be a terrible thing if that site got hacked and then the story got onto Cnet and Yahoo news! Wouldn't that be terrible PR for Microsoft! Poor them! I do hope that doesn't happen. Especially bearing in mind that there must be a lot of people reading Slashdot who know how to do such a thing, and might be tempted to do it, or to post information about the open ports to mailing lists that black-hat hackers read. I do hope that doesn't happen, for Microsoft's sake. Poor them. [ ParentRe:Let's hope it doesn't get hacked! by hackerhue (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @11:54AM Yes, I'm glad it hasn't been hacked yet! (Score:5, Funny) by pubjames (468013) on Tuesday April 02, @12:38PM (#3270669) I'm really pleased Slashdotters are just talking about hacking the site, rather than actually doing it. After all, I'm sure lots of people at Microsoft read Slashdot, so now they have been altered to the fact that their box is insecure and are probably making plans to secure it. I'm really pleased that people aren't hacking this as soon as possible, and causing Microsoft a terrible PR disaster. It's great that Microsoft is being given time to put a firewall in place. We wouldn't want embarassing PR for them, would we? [ ParentYes, Microsoft people read here. by CrystalFalcon (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @01:01PMRe:Yes, Microsoft people read here. by phyxeld (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @03:51PMRe:Yes, Microsoft people read here. by CrystalFalcon (Score:1) Tuesday April 02, @10:50PMRe:Yes, Microsoft people read here. by richie2000 (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @02:22AMRe:Yes, Microsoft people read here. by CrystalFalcon (Score:1) Wednesday April 03, @03:08AMRe:Yes, Microsoft people read here. by richie2000 (Score:2) Wednesday April 03, @04:16AM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Let's hope it doesn't get hacked! by pubjames (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @04:21PMRe:Let's hope it doesn't get hacked! by matth (Score:2) Tuesday April 02, @04:45PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. VNC? was Re:OS switch (Score:5, Funny) by Bazzargh (39195) on Tuesday April 02, @11:41AM (#3270280) 5900/tcp open vnc Good job they're not running XP then or they'd be violating their own license [slashdot.org] [ Parent


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