Friday, December 09, 2005

Robbedoeske writes "Dutch language site has the first pictures of AMD's Socket F, aka Socket 1207. This socket introduces support for DDR 2 memory and some say it will offer the ability for a integrated PCI Express controller on the cpu. Socket F is meant to be used in systems with more than one Opteron cpu."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='amd,hardware';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Leaked Pictures of Socket F Log in/Create an Account | Top | 254 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 254 comments 0: 244 comments 1: 201 comments 2: 137 comments 3: 36 comments 4: 25 comments 5: 13 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Translation (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 08, @09:11AM (#13978209) For those that can't read Dutch the Socket F looks like any normal chip. [ Reply to This Well, all I have to say to that is.... (Score:5, Funny) by aicrules (819392) on Tuesday November 08, @09:38AM (#13978393) Op ons forum Gathering of Tweakers zijn de eerste foto's van AMD's Socket F opgedoken. In mei schreven we al dat AMD een nieuwe processorsocket op zijn roadmap gezet had. Het nieuwe voetstuk zou 1207 verbindingspunten tellen en bedoeld zijn voor multi-Opteron-servers. Oh and....MULTIPASS! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Well, all I have to say to that is.... by squoozer (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @09:49AM Re:Well, all I have to say to that is.... (Score:5, Funny) by AvitarX (172628) <{AvitarX} {at} {}> on Tuesday November 08, @09:59AM (#13978554) Better than the average /. summary. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Well, all I have to say to that is.... by macdaddy357 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @06:47PM3 replies beneath your current threshold.Strange mix of IC packages on that board by ChumpusRex2003 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @06:11PM4 replies beneath your current threshold. Is that a ball grid array I see (Score:2, Insightful) by dremspider (562073) on Tuesday November 08, @09:11AM (#13978212) It looks similiar to Intel's new design with the pins, hopefully it isn't as easy to damage. [ Reply to ThisRe:Is that a ball grid array I see by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:17AMRe:Is that a ball grid array I see by rosewood (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:56AMRe:Is that a ball grid array I see by klui (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:37PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Is that a ball grid array I see (Score:4, Informative) by Groo Wanderer (180806) <{ten.hcraenots} {ta} {eilrahc}> on Tuesday November 08, @09:41AM (#13978406) [] [] [] []More than you would care to know about LGA.          -Charlie [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Is that a ball grid array I see by Lucan_UK (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:11AMRe:Is that a ball grid array I see by Groo Wanderer (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:22PMRe:Is that a ball grid array I see by spectre_240sx (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @11:35PMRe:Is that a ball grid array I see by MarkGriz (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Yes, he counted them (Score:5, Funny) by Killjoy_NL (719667) <> on Tuesday November 08, @09:12AM (#13978220) I'm dutch so I could read the forumpost that started it all.He actually said he counted all the pins, just to be sure to give enough information.Funny stuff (being dutch rocks) [ Reply to ThisRe:Yes, he counted them by jared9900 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:24PMRe:Yes, he counted them by FST777 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:52PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. EP? (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 08, @09:13AM (#13978230) Eerste post??? [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. PGA (Score:4, Interesting) by theantipop (803016) on Tuesday November 08, @09:14AM (#13978238) If true, it is interesting to see AMD moving to pin grid array-style cpu connection. Intel has used this for a little while now with thier socket 775 Pentium 4 chips. While there was concern over broken pins resulting in unusable motherboards, it now seems to be a relatively robust mechanism. I wonder what advantages AMD saw that lead them to this design. I also wonder if their Socket M, 940 pin solution for next years Athlons will use the same socket design. [ Reply to This Re:PGA (Score:4, Informative) by sarahemm (707486) <> on Tuesday November 08, @09:31AM (#13978349) ( I think you mean Land Grid Array (LGA []). Pin Grid Array (PGA []) is what they've been using since the 486 (386?) days... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:PGA by theantipop (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:49AMRe:PGA by Halfbaked Plan (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @07:57PMRe:PGA by sarahemm (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @08:38PMRe:PGA by Hex4def6 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:55AMRe:PGA by sarahemm (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:03AMRe:PGA by rajafarian (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:02AMTools? by cbreaker (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:06AMRe:Tools? by sarahemm (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:11AMRe:Tools? by cbreaker (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @05:59PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 08, @09:15AM (#13978241) The more I learn about Apple and Intel the more worried I get.IBM is cranking out killer PPC chips.AMD is cranking out killer x86 chips.And Intel looks like they are ready to compete in some sort of Special Olympics for Computer Chips.How the hell can AMD be making such better chips and companies like Dell still selling Intel powered crap? [ Reply to This Re:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? (Score:4, Insightful) by pivo (11957) on Tuesday November 08, @09:26AM (#13978319) How the hell can AMD be making such better chips and companies like Dell still selling Intel powered crap?That's easy: Marketing [ Reply to This | ParentRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Anonymous Coward (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @09:55AMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by edxwelch (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:17AMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:31AMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by therufus (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:57PMHow do they do it? Volume Volume VOLUME! by caveat (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @09:27AMRe:How many? by Monkofdoom (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:35AMRe:How do they do it? Volume Volume VOLUME! by RzUpAnmsCwrds (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:50PMRe:How do they do it? Volume Volume VOLUME! by hyc (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @06:49PMRe:How do they do it? Volume Volume VOLUME! by evilviper (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @08:29PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? (Score:4, Informative) by NixLuver (693391) <<moc.citerehck> <ta> <etihwts>> on Tuesday November 08, @10:20AM (#13978741) ( | Last Journal: Sunday February 08, @11:37AM) How the hell can AMD be making such better chips and companies like Dell still selling Intel powered crap?Initially I think you have to consider exactly what Apple is trying to achieve. IBM won't play ball with Apple's laptop designs, and the powerbooks (as much as I love 'em) are being left behind, pretty badly, by X86 stuff. Intel mobile chips, as nearly as I can tell, offer the very best performance per watt of mobile solution at the high end (The G4 still kicks the crap out of 'em at comparable speeds, but since the fastest mobile G4 Mac you can get is 1.67 Ghz, it's a moot point).And one thing that the geek community loses sight of is that when we talk about AMD 'kicking the crap out of Intel', it's on a pass/fail basis; overall, they have traded the 'speed lead' several times since the initial offering of the Athlon, and rarely has one lead the other, in dollars per MIP, by more than 3-5%; since most websites that do comparative benchmarks trim the chaff so you can see the difference, the average page scanning consumer or geek gets a warped impression. If we have a scale that's 1000 units long, and Intel's chip does 990, and the AMD chip does 995, and we only show the last 10, it looks like the AMD is twice as fast, when it's really only .5% faster. In these days, a hardware site will pronounce a significant win over a 3% overall difference in performance!Application also matters. For instance, I do a lot of recording with pro hardware and software. The fact is that most of the software is optimized for the Intel chips much more so than the AMD, so in side-by-sides, I see about 20% better performance for the same hardware and software on my P4 over my Athlon. In some cases as much as 200-300%; I assume that those are REALLY optimized for the P4. But if I run up games on the two machines, the Athlon is 5-10% faster across the board (With the same video card). [ Reply to This | ParentRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by drsmithy (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:05PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Gibsnag (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:46AMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by MarkScott65 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:22PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Jozer99 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:27PM Re:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? (Score:4, Interesting) by Kjella (173770) on Tuesday November 08, @01:40PM (#13980660) ( How the hell can AMD be making such better chips and companies like Dell still selling Intel powered crap?Quite easy when you realize that that majority of consumers don't actually use the full capacity of their CPU very often. If you look at games the GPU is far more important than the CPU, which leaves heavy CPU use to media encoders, compilers and scientic processing. That's not really a big share of the market.Civ4 mins: 1.2 GHz or equivalentSW Battlefront II mins: 1.5 GHz or equivalentCall of Duty II mins: Pentium IV 1.4GHz or AMD Athlon 1.4 GHz or equivalentAge of Empires III: 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor or equivalentF.E.A.R. mins: Pentium(R) 4 - 1.7 GHz or equivalentSims 2: 800 MHz processor or equivalentQuake 4: 2.0 Ghz or equivalentThose are some of the latest games released. PIV 2.0GHz was shipping in june 2002, so they are over three years behind the state of the art. And games are normally the most intense apps a user has. Basicly, an Intel machine does pretty much everything a computer user wants to do, so does an AMD. The rest is simply mindshare and momentum. Intel can drop their prices at any time if the market is slipping. They are simply balancing out taking out extra profit versus the threat AMD poses. If they don't watch out, they'll take a spanking in the professional market though, where admins are much more aware of what they're buying... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by TheSunborn (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @03:04PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Lord Kestrel (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @05:25PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by evilviper (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @08:26PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by rpozz (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:08PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Nykon (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @02:12PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Chad Page (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @04:06PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by man_of_mr_e (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @05:12PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Glock27 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:37PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Ryan Amos (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:23PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Glock27 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:42PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by drsmithy (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:09PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by ChadN (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:37PMRe:AMD Beating The Crap Out Of Intel? by Glock27 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @04:48PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. next step? (Score:4, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 08, @09:16AM (#13978245) Personally I never imagined integrating a PCI Express controller in a CPU. If this trend of intregation continues, what would be the next logical step? [ Reply to ThisRe:next step? by theantipop (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:21AMEwwww by Groo Wanderer (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:43AMRe:Ewwww by sigxcpu (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:11AMRe:Ewwww by jandrese (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:26AMRe:Ewwww by ichigo 2.0 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:47PMRe:next step? by pantherace (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:35PMRe:next step? by Danovitsch (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:24AMRe:next step? by drunkahol (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:32AM Back to the '80s (Score:4, Insightful) by cronot (530669) on Tuesday November 08, @09:33AM (#13978364) The first thing that came into my mind after reading the parent and its replies, is that this is coming closer to what microcomputers used to be back in the 80s, with the MSX, ZX-Spectrum, etc. Well, maybe the keyboard will remain detachable, as will any User Interactive peripheral, but everything else used to be much closer to the CPU back then. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Back to the '80s by Craig Davison (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @08:52PMRe:next step? by Barny (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:41AM Re:next step? (Score:5, Funny) by hal2814 (725639) on Tuesday November 08, @09:47AM (#13978445) The next step would be that my co-workers would actually be correct when they refer to the box that houses the motherboard, video card, memeory, etc. as a "CPU." [ Reply to This | ParentRe:next step? by cyxxon (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @09:57AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:next step? by archen (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @11:26AMRe:next step? by MBGMorden (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:56PMRe:next step? by Seehund (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:24PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:next step? by vrioux (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:51AMRe:next step? by doorbender (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:01PMRe:next step? by doorbender (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @12:22PM Re:next step? (Score:4, Interesting) by pla (258480) on Tuesday November 08, @09:54AM (#13978499) (Last Journal: Sunday December 08, @05:40PM) Personally I never imagined integrating aPCI Express controller in a CPU. If this trendof intregation continues, what would be thenext logical step? Single-chip computers - A CPU, and a totallypassive backplane that does nothing but providereal-estate for connectors. And most likely,you wouldn't strictly need any extracards, with a decent (but not high end, thus theneed for a bus at all) GPU included right on-die.Realistically, I expect two-chip computers asfar more likely. Something along the lines ofhaving your CPU plug directly into your videocard, which has the standard video card partson one side, and standard motherboard connectorson the other. And the whole thing couldmount via a SECC-style connector to a power bus,right inside something just a tad bigger thancurrent ATX power supplies.Drives? Uhhh... I'll have to think about thatone. ;-) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:next step? by NeoSkandranon (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:29AMRe:next step? by pla (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:26AMI/o by LordMyren (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:28AMRe:next step? by Kjella (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:49PMRe:next step? by MBGMorden (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:01PMRe:next step? by Eightyford (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @05:16PMRe:next step? by MBGMorden (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @06:38PMAdding new functionality by Hoi Polloi (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @09:55AMRe:next step? by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:01AMRe:next step? by theJML (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:05AMAn integrated... by eth1 (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @10:15AMAlmost by ichigo 2.0 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:53PMRe:next step? by Shanep (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:16AMRe:next step? by cerelib (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:18AMRe:next step? by Dastardly (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:18AMRe:next step? by edxwelch (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:40AMRe:next step? by Xepherys2 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:49AMRe:next step? by Jeff DeMaagd (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:17AMRe:next step? by ozbird (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:23AMRe:next step? by timeOday (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:00PMRe:next step? by cskrat (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:06PMRe:next step? by ArbitraryConstant (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @12:19PMRe:next step? by obeythefist (Score:2) Wednesday November 09, @12:24AMRe:next step? by bhtooefr (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:17AM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Someone trasnslate the article (Score:1) by majjj (644070) on Tuesday November 08, @09:17AM (#13978255) (Last Journal: Tuesday November 08, @03:56AM) Dutch people take the lead... no point in looking at the pictureswithout anything to read. [ Reply to This Re:Someone trasnslate the article (Score:5, Informative) by ghamerly (309371) on Tuesday November 08, @09:33AM (#13978363) No one else is posting a translation. I'm not Dutch, but I'll take a crack at it (I spent a year in Belgium (Leuven) learning Dutch... and I like to practice it every now and then, so here's my chance). I have to get back to work, but I did do the first paragraph (Dutch speakers please feel free to correct me).The first photos of AMD's Socket F have emerged on our Gathering of Tweakersforum. In May we wrote that AMD had a new processor socket on its roadmap. Thenew footprint should have 1207 pins and is intended for multi-Opteron servers.To make possible a processor with support for DDR memory on a DDR2-footprintand vice-versa a new socket was needed. The extra pins that are available areaccording to reports for an integrated PCI-Express controller on theprocessors. Noticeable in the photos is the clear separation in the middle ofthe socket. This seems to indicate that each core of the dual-core Opteron hasits own group of pins, and so works as two processors. [ Reply to This | Parentsmall mistake by elgatozorbas (Score:3) Tuesday November 08, @02:37PMRe:small mistake by ghamerly (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:53PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold. Go AMD! (Score:2) by Janek Kozicki (722688) on Tuesday November 08, @09:17AM (#13978257) (Last Journal: Tuesday May 10, @03:47PM) I'm an AMD fanboy, oh yeah. Their chips are soooo good. Problem is that in Europe there wasn't enough press releases about AMD vs. Intel dual core duel []. In fact there is nothing about that. Looks like all PR quietly took a large sum of money from Intel, and this duel is totally ignored by media []. I feel bitter about that. yes, I heard that AMD has launched a big ad campaign in US, but sadly this is not the case for Europe. and all the universities in western europe are forced to buy upgrades from Dell. I really tried to buy AMD, it simply wasn't possible. [ Reply to ThisRe:Go AMD! by stecoop (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:22AMRe:Go AMD! by theantipop (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:25AMOnline lifestyle? by Mattygfunk1 (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:36AMRe:Online lifestyle? by interiot (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:39AMRe:Online lifestyle? by stecoop (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:57AMRe:Online lifestyle? by xrobertcmx (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @10:58AMRe:Online lifestyle? by ckaminski (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @02:23PMRe:Online lifestyle? by Seraphim1982 (Score:1) Wednesday November 09, @12:11AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Go AMD! by ivan256 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:49AMRe:Go AMD! by sznupi (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:35AMRe:Go AMD! by Anonymous Cowpat (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @01:21PM NP (Score:5, Funny) by kevin_conaway (585204) on Tuesday November 08, @09:19AM (#13978267) ( | Last Journal: Thursday April 28, @01:48PM) Ahh nerd porn. While the rest of the world is looking at leaked photos of Janet Jackson or Paris Hilton, we're looking at photos of AMDs new processor. [ Reply to ThisRe:NP by BushCheney08 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:24AMRe:NP by xtracto (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:47AMRe:NP by bhtooefr (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:19AM Re:NP (Score:4, Funny) by evilviper (135110) on Tuesday November 08, @09:26AM (#13978318) (Last Journal: Friday August 26, @04:00AM) While the rest of the world is looking at leaked photos of Janet Jackson or Paris Hilton, we're looking at photos of AMDs new processor.No, no... This isn't even pictures of a new AMD processor... it's pictures of the SOCKET where the processor will go.It's more like pr0n pictures of a bra or a bikini, without anyone wearing them... :-( [ Reply to This | ParentRe:NP by T-Ranger (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:35AMRe:NP by MindStalker (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:04AMRe:NP by evilviper (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @07:26PMRe:NP by interiot (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:36AMRe:NP by Vo0k (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:38AMRe:NP by itomato (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:53AMRe:NP by ichigo 2.0 (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @01:58PMRe:NP by Surt (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:46AMRe:NP by be-fan (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:54AMRe:NP by turgid (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @03:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:NP by MouseR (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @09:39AMRe:NP by Pogue Mahone (Score:1) Tuesday November 08, @09:50AM Egads, nerd pr0n (Score:5, Funny) by Hoi Polloi (522990) on Tuesday November 08, @09:52AM (#13978483) You just made me realize that reading the article description got me as excited as looking at nekked pics of Paris Hilton. The big difference is that AMD CPUs are much more interesting than her and are more talented. They are both about as flat and prickley though. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Egads, nerd pr0n by ameoba (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @11:49AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:NP by zakezuke (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @10:07AMRe:NP by darkmeridian (Score:2) Tuesday November 08, @06:29PM4 replies beneath your current threshold. That sure is alot of pins (Score:1)


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