Saturday, December 10, 2005

Aziphirael writes "The MMORPG Project Entropia has just announced that its first treasure island sale via Auction has gone for a grand total of US$26,500. Project Entropia's unique selling point is the ability to convert real money into ingame cash and vice versa. The owner is Zachurm "Deathifier" Emegen who intends to develop the island into a place for the community." From the article: "A large island off a newly discovered continent surrounded by deep creature infested waters. The island boasts beautiful beaches ripe for developing beachfront property, an old volcano with rumors of fierce creatures within, the outback is overrun with mutants, and an area with a high concentration of robotic miners guarded by heavily armed assault robots indicates interesting mining opportunities." This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. Virtual Island Sells For $26,500 Log in/Create an Account | Top | 451 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 451 comments 0: 446 comments 1: 343 comments 2: 198 comments 3: 54 comments 4: 29 comments 5: 20 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 Said under breath while feigning a cough... (Score:5, Funny) by daveschroeder (516195) * <das@doit.wisc.SLACKWAREedu minus distro> on Tuesday December 14, @04:06PM (#11084482) ( SUCKER! Re:Said under breath while feigning a cough... (Score:5, Funny) by JaffaKREE (766802) on Tuesday December 14, @04:08PM (#11084525) What are you talking about - look at those screen shots, the beautiful palm trees, tropical weather... wait, what ? it's only make-believe ? SUCKER! [ ParentBut I don't want to marry her! by Thud457 (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @06:47PMI spent more on Enron and Worldcom. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @02:06AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. I smell ... by CountBrass (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @05:35PMRe:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by EnronHaliburton2004 (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:10PMRe:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:13PMRe:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by Winkhorst (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @06:44PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by techno-vampire (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:25PMRe:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by zxnos (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:40PMRe:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by jred (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @07:26PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by nbowman (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:03PMRe:Said under breath while feigning a cough... by koreaman (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:31PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.4 replies beneath your current threshold. $26,500? (Score:5, Funny) by Bob McCown (8411) on Tuesday December 14, @04:06PM (#11084483) (http://www.cafepress...x?storeid=wonthetoss) From the "I have more money than sense department"Re:$26,500? by JaffaKREE (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:10PMBargains galore! by AndroidCat (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @06:13PMRe:$26,500? by Jynx97 (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @12:26AMRe:$26,500? by AndrossUT (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:38PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Talk about "Intellectual" Property (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 14, @04:06PM (#11084486) Jeez, I hope they down shutdown the game's server. Then his island may as well be called Atlantis.Re:Talk about "Intellectual" Property by Eric Giguere (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:20PMRe:Talk about "Intellectual" Property by PalmKiller (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:25PMRe:Talk about "Intellectual" Property by Jane_the_Great (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:32PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Talk about "Intellectual" Property by Eric Giguere (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:40PMRe:Talk about "Intellectual" Property by Lord Kano (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:43PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Talk about "Intellectual" Property by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:52PM and now the seller (Score:4, Funny) by hsmith (818216) on Tuesday December 14, @04:06PM (#11084493) can move out of their parents basement! but who in their right mind would spend $26K on a virtual worldRe:and now the seller by which way is up (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:16PM Re:and now the seller (Score:4, Insightful) by TCaptain (115352) <(moc.temruogmaps ... act.02.todhsals)> on Tuesday December 14, @04:23PM (#11084736) I don't know...if he's got 26K to waste like that, I'd say he's doing pretty good in the real one. [ ParentRe:and now the seller by which way is up (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:31PMRe:and now the seller by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:18PM Re:and now the seller (Score:4, Insightful) by Eric Giguere (42863) on Tuesday December 14, @04:31PM (#11084827) ( If the buyer's smart, he'll set up a virtual tour of his island so that slashdotters can visit it in droves to comment on his stupidity. All he has to do is sell some advertising space on the island beforehand...Eric [ Parent Re:and now the seller (Score:4, Interesting) by jdray (645332) * on Tuesday December 14, @04:35PM (#11084873) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday November 03, @04:13PM) I'll start to take this seriously when we see a headline that says, "Virtual Island Owner Cashes Out Virtual Holdings for a Real Dollar Profit." [ ParentRTFOP by elhaf (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:14PMRe:RTFOP by Finuvir (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @10:07PMRe:and now the seller by which way is up (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:41PMRe:and now the seller by jubei (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:18PMRe:and now the seller by Anubis350 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @06:46PMRe:and now the seller by Anubis350 (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @01:17AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:and now the seller by snuf23 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:23PMRe:and now the seller by hattig (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:31PMRe:and now the seller by snuf23 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @08:50PMRe:and now the seller by ZB Mowrey (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @10:29PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:and now the seller by ltbarcly (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @08:21PMRe:and now the seller by abertoll (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:43PMRe:and now the seller by Slime-dogg (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:58PMRe:and now the seller by xrobertcmx (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:29PMRe:and now the seller by kfg (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:06PMRe:and now the seller by anocross (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @10:09PMRe:and now the seller by Valarauk (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @11:12PM Bridge For Sale (Score:5, Funny) by Cade144 (553696) * on Tuesday December 14, @04:07PM (#11084500) ( I've got a virtual bridge that connects Manhattan and Brooklyn.It's sure to generate lots of revenue. It's for sale by auction, I expect to get at least $100,000FUD (equal to $100,000USD).Seriously though, good luck to all the virtual real-estate agents out there.Re:Bridge For Sale by which way is up (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:19PMRe:Bridge For Sale by Cade144 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:49PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Bridge For Sale by burns210 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:38PMRe:Bridge For Sale by dallask (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:50PMRe:Bridge For Sale by mgs1000 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:56PM Retarded. But... (Score:4, Interesting) by nordicfrost (118437) * on Tuesday December 14, @04:08PM (#11084513) ( each, his own wishes. On the bright side, this is only a sale of disposition rights to creative property. Much like what we do when we buy music. I have to admit, though. The price was VERY steep.In other news 6 months in the future... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:08PMBT Barnum was right... by i.r.id10t (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:08PMRe:BT Barnum was right... by JaffaKREE (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:12PM Not to nit-pick, but... (Score:5, Informative) by TrollBridge (550878) on Tuesday December 14, @04:12PM (#11084597) ( | Last Journal: Friday February 18, @12:24PM) mean PT Barnum, and he never said that []. [ ParentRe:Not to nit-pick, but... by Tibor the Hun (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:18PMRe:Not to nit-pick, but... by uberdave (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @02:43AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:BT Barnum was right... by fred911 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:21PMRe:BT Barnum was right... by ehiris (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:28PM You venture near the old volcano... (Score:5, Funny) by ClosedGL (661482) on Tuesday December 14, @04:09PM (#11084538) ( are eaten by a grue. Game Over. Re:You venture near the old volcano... (Score:5, Funny) by spoonyfork (23307) <> on Tuesday December 14, @04:31PM (#11084823) (Last Journal: Wednesday October 05, @05:11PM) are eaten by a grue. Game Over. Please insert another $26,500 to continue. [ ParentRe:You venture near the old volcano... by AndroidCat (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:19PMRe:You venture near the old volcano... by EatenByAGrue (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @02:58AMGirl by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:09PM From TFA (Score:5, Interesting) by Fnkmaster (89084) * <fnkmaster AT viergy DOT com> on Tuesday December 14, @04:09PM (#11084546) ( Since nobody bothers to RTFA anymore: The first ever virtual Treasure Island is for sale in Project Entropia, a Massive Multi-Player Online Universe with a real cash economy. This extremely desirable piece of real estate promises to make the highest bidder very rich and very influential within the rapidly growing Project Entropia universe. So the reason it might be worth paying 26k for this virtual island is that there is a real cash economy in the "game" - in other words, presumably the in-game resources he can extract from his island can presumably be sold or utilized to make items in the game that can be exchanged for real US dollars. So it's a virtual investment, but one that has potential real-world payoff. Re:From TFA (Score:5, Funny) by odano (735445) on Tuesday December 14, @04:12PM (#11084586) Well when you say it like that, I think this purchase is starting to make sense... Wait a second... Nope, still makes no sense. [ ParentRe:From TFA by jayhawk88 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:31PMRe:From TFA by Ryan Amos (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:56PMRe:From TFA by NonSequor (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @01:34PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by b1scuit (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:37PMRe:From TFA by draggy (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:13PMRe:From TFA by InternationalCow (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:13PMRe:From TFA by avalys (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:15PMRe:From TFA by LWATCDR (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:19PMRe:From TFA by realdpk (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:35PMRe:From TFA by Thud457 (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:23PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by geoffspear (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:36PMRe:From TFA by LWATCDR (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @06:45PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by Fig, formerly A.C. (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:37PM Re:From TFA (Score:5, Interesting) by TGK (262438) <`moC.sudnahpeN' `ta' `eliflliK'> on Tuesday December 14, @04:51PM (#11085110) ( | Last Journal: Saturday May 08, @08:19PM) It's worth pointing out here that the phrase "Real Money" hasn't meant dick squat since the US went off the Gold Standard in the 1970s (1972? 71?). Today money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US (or whatever country you happen to live in) Government. Without anything of real value behind the money it has value simply because people belive it to have value. At least in the MMORPG world the game developers (who define rules for the world they oversee) have more to say about the value of a currency. If you confine your sphere of thinking to the game world, it's like having a currency backed by God (in the God walking around on the earth turning people into pillars of salt sence). captain stabbin cabin
captain stabin ass fucked What's interesting is that this particular RPG has chosen to base its currency off of the US dollar (in that there is a 1:1 exchange between US dollars and this game's currency). It would be somewhat more interesting to allow the currency to float or to base it on the price of gold. This way fluctuations in the world econonmy would affect it more predictably. At present, the US economy is tanking and, if you're playing this game from Europe, life is good for you buying in, but sucks for you buying out. Base it on the price of Gold and you only need to worry about the fluctuation of your own economy. Sure, that makes it more complicated for us Yanks, but the rest of you are doing twice as much math and you need to do. [ ParentRe:From TFA by mgs1000 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:00PMRe: What real value does gold have? by joebob2000 (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @11:29PMRe:From TFA by dasunt (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @03:22AMRe:From TFA by jnaujok (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:36PMRe:From TFA by joebob2000 (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @08:43PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by Belsical (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:40PM1:1 exchange rate? Think again... by jbum (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @06:53PMRe:1:1 exchange rate? Think again... by X (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @07:48PMRe:1:1 exchange rate? Think again... by Armsfeld (Score:1) Saturday December 25, @08:39PMRe:From TFA by servognome (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @07:51PMRe:From TFA by iamatlas (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @07:51PMRe:From TFA by TGK (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @02:38AMRe:From TFA by iamatlas (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @09:01AMRe:From TFA by CountBrass (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @05:42PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Entropia hazards by Vexar (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @12:33AMRe:From TFA by nickco3 (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @06:01AMRe:From TFA by nickco3 (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @06:56AMRe:From TFA by CountBrass (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @05:44PMRe:From TFA by nickco3 (Score:2) Thursday December 16, @05:22AMRe:From TFA (OT!) by Fig, formerly A.C. (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @11:01AMRe:From TFA (OT!) by CountBrass (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @05:48PMRe:From TFA (OT!) by Fig, formerly A.C. (Score:2) Thursday December 16, @08:54AM4 replies beneath your current threshold. Re:From TFA (Score:5, Interesting) by FortKnox (169099) on Tuesday December 14, @04:13PM (#11084615) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 19, @08:30PM) I think the problem is that there is far too much risk involved. I think he'd be better off simply buying $26.5k stock from VA Software..... well... maybe not THAT risky... but still... ;-) Seriously, though... what happens if he, say, gets caught cheating and is banned from the game? Does he lose his investment? Who takes control? There aren't laws for virtual real estate... [ ParentRe:From TFA by discHead (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:31PMRe:From TFA by abertoll (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:46PM Re:From TFA (Score:5, Insightful) by Reapy (688651) on Tuesday December 14, @04:35PM (#11084878) No one here knows about the game and how alive the economy for this game is. I would like to know. Obviously the guy bought this island as an investment, with the potential to make more money then he payed. I bet the guy knew the risks invovled, that the game may go down, that the company pretty much decides to make a change that fucks him over, that the owning company is pretty much thier god. He is probably betting on the fact that their game will work and make more money, the more people like him can make money, and are hoping that they'll act in his best intrest. Who knows what the potential return on this could be? Maybe the guy took a calculated risk with his "investment" and decided hes going to do whats "stupid" and potententially make buckets of cash. Or he could go down in flames. Maybe the guy's got enough money that it doesnt matter if it all falls through, but can afford to exiriment. I mean, we don't know anything about the guy, or the game, to know if hes made an idiotic decision.I just think before anybody calls him an idiot they should at liest know the details of the risks hes taking, and maybe they actually will turn out to potentially have a great return at a high risk, and he can afford that type of gambling. I mean, couldn't I buy 26000 in a stock like lucent and exect that it would be worth something in the future, right, it couldn't all just dissapear on me... What did I just buy? A bunch of paper. What's the real value of that paper? It's whatever value people put into it. How is buying a stock any different then buying a virtual island? The value of the island is there as long as people are willing to pay for service from it. Well with stocks you have more protection from fraud then you would with this investment, but still, the concept is still there, the viritual property has value as long as people are willing to pay for it. But in this whole sceme, i'd like to be the game devs who can create 26,000 dollar property at whim. Well, I guess they couldn't as the more they made it would reduce the value, but still, we shouldn't write it off without more details. [ ParentRe:From TFA by ehiris (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:21PMRe:From TFA by elhaf (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @06:15PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @08:07PMRe:From TFA by Wes Janson (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @10:32PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by bigberk (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:35PMRe:From TFA by soft_guy (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:16PMRe:From TFA by b1scuit (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:40PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by bhima (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:32PM Re:From TFA (Score:5, Insightful) by lxs (131946) on Tuesday December 14, @04:39PM (#11084917) If this catches on it will become a bigger money-laundering scheme than the Las Vegas casinos: 1. invest dubiously gotten gains into virtual island2. trade virtual island in-game with criminal B3. sell new island on open market.4. spend all that crazy loot legally(sorry, PROFIT!!!) So, who will become the top Entropia players? Al Quaeda, investment bankers or drug cartels? My guess is: All of the above. [ ParentRe:From TFA by FesterDaFelcher (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:24PMRe:From TFA by Nemo Black (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:51PMRe:From TFA by Wes Janson (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @10:35PMRe:From TFA by shreak (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @10:03AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:From TFA by abertoll (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:40PMRe:From TFA by killmenow (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:41PMRe:From TFA by Reignking (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:14PMRe:From TFA and furthermore... by nganju (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:44PMA good investment by FirstTimeCaller (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:20PMRe:From TFA by bombadillo (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @06:20PMRe:From TFA by thing12 (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @07:28PMRe:From TFA by Morganth (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @08:11PMRe:From TFA by Sarcastic nerd (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @10:18PMRe:From TFA by WoBIX (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @11:12PMRe:From TFA by johnnliu (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @12:43AMRe:From TFA by lordofthechia (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @01:50AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Wha Wha Wha Whaat? by notwittyenough! (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:10PMRe:Wha Wha Wha Whaat? by UWC (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:19PMRe:Wha Wha Wha Whaat? by guardian-ct (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @01:14AMperfect by kevinx (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:10PM30% chance of rain... by Overzeetop (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:26PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Well by Kipsaysso (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:10PMSelling features by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:10PMRe:Selling features by Chris Burke (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:40PMRe:Selling features by gotgenes (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:41PMSounds like fallout 2 by drinkypoo (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:11PMinteresting. scary. by Anonymous Coward (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:11PM WTF (inital reaction) (Score:5, Interesting) by BWJones (18351) * on Tuesday December 14, @04:11PM (#11084578) ( | Last Journal: Friday October 21, @01:11AM) WTF? My initial reaction: "All I have got to say is that somebody is spending waaaaaay too much time playing games if they are willing to pony up that kind of cash for a virtual island". Then I realized (as I am browsing Slashdot wasting my time) that perhaps his person has plans to be a virtual developer which, while still the type of person associated with developing (build! build! build!) is developing and making money in a virtual world without the real world effects on the environment or populace that "real" developers have. Ah, I say go for it. We all gotta make money somehow, but I feel better telling my grandma I am a scientist as opposed to a make believe developer for a game. He will likely make more money than me anyway. Well, not quite. by AltGrendel (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:41PMRe:WTF (inital reaction) by Ionizer7 (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:45PMRe:WTF (inital reaction) by Nemo Black (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:49PM Possibly not a sucker... (Score:4, Interesting) by avalys (221114) * on Tuesday December 14, @04:12PM (#11084588) For all you guys making fun of this guy, it's possible he expects to make money off it. If he manages to sell resources and land from the island, he could then exchange his profits for US dollars. According to the article, he will be allowed to sell plots of land on the island worth around $30,000. He may not be as much of a dolt as you think. Re:Possibly not a sucker... (Score:4, Funny) by mfender9 (725994) on Tuesday December 14, @04:16PM (#11084659) Right, but in order for him to realize a profit, there would have to be at least one person in the world dumb enough to pay thirty grand for a virtual plot of land.Oh, wait... [ ParentRe:Possibly not a sucker... by stupidfoo (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:20PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by bcattwoo (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:52PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by drew (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:59PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Possibly not a sucker... by dasunt (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @03:40AMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by Jason Hood (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:29PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by jdray (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:42PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by Fig, formerly A.C. (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:55PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by abertoll (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:55PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by foniksonik (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @05:49PMBut...But... But... by DaveV1.0 (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @10:07AMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by Phurd Phlegm (Score:2) Wednesday December 15, @03:51PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by DJOtaku (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:34PMRe:Possibly not a sucker... by pgpckt (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:40PMThe Amway gambit... by Chris Burke (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:49PMRe:The Amway gambit... by Control Group (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @05:10PMRe:The Amway gambit... by CAIMLAS (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @05:57PMRe:The Amway gambit... by Control Group (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @06:27PMRe:The Amway gambit... by Chris Burke (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @07:53PMRe:The Amway gambit... by Control Group (Score:2) Thursday December 16, @02:19PMRe:The Amway gambit... by Chris Burke (Score:2) Sunday December 19, @02:46AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Possibly not a sucker... by dynamo (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @05:49PMGreater fool theory. by glrotate (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:06PMRe:Greater fool theory. by b1scuit (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @06:49PMRe:Greater fool theory. by Le Marteau (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @07:28PMRe:Greater fool theory. by b1scuit (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @01:47PMIt all depends on how popular the game gets by glrotate (Score:1) Wednesday December 15, @07:55PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.For the nay-sayers... by Akki (Score:3) Tuesday December 14, @04:12PMRe:For the nay-sayers... by narcolepticjim (Score:2) Tuesday December 14, @04:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Question... (Score:4, Interesting) by TooMuchEspressoGuy (763203) on Tuesday December 14, @04:12PM (#11084600) What, exactly, is the point of playing a computer "game" where you evidently have to spend thousands of dollars in real money to get ahead of everyone else? Especially when you have games like World of Warcraft which are actually fun to play and don't require you to give an arm and a leg to succeed?It seems to me that this "Project: Entropia" isn't really a game, but instead nothing more than a place for rich pseudo-gamers to show off. In a game, you get ahead through intelligence and talent, both physical and mental, not by how much of your pocketbook you have to spare.Re:Question... by Halthar (Score:1) Tuesday December 14, @04:32PM


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