Saturday, November 12, 2005

Advtg writes "In response to last week's bill banning the sale of violent video games (/. coverage),the Entertainment Software Association has announced that they are preparing to sue the State of California. From the article, "The Entertainment Software Association isplanning to sue the State of California over the passage of AB1179, a bill that has outlawed the sale of violent video games to minors. President Douglas Lowenstein said that he'intends to file a lawsuit to strike this law down,' and added that he is 'confident that we will prevail.' The article goes on to show how muddy the law is in comparison to otherlaws meant to protect minors." ESA to Sue California Over Violent Game Law Log in/Create an Account | Top | 290 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 290 comments 0: 288 comments 1: 237 comments 2: 168 comments 3: 43 comments 4: 27 comments 5: 13 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Clarity is not the common case (Score:5, Insightful) by Agelmar (205181) * on Tuesday October 11, @04:26PM (#13767970) Regardless of whether one agrees with the banning of sales to minors or not, I think it is somewhat one-sided to only look at the relatively clear alcohol laws. Looking at the Children's Internet Protection Act, for example, reveals that such vague terminology is not unique to this act. CIPA includes language such as the following:(2) HARMFUL TO MINORS.--The term ``harmful to minors'' means any picture, image, graphic imagefile, or other visual depiction that--(A) taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex,or excretion;(B) depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and(C) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.What is "political value as to minors"? Minors lack the right to vote, so political value to me is quite unclear. What is scientific value? Is breast cancer research of scientific value as to a minor, who is unlikely to contract such disease at a minor age? While slightly clearer than the California act, I think CIPA is a good example of the fact that laws protecting minors are often ambiguous, and that this is not groundbreaking legislation in terms of lack of clarity. Are we to say that all legislation must be binary? You're 21 or you're not? If so, we need to re-write a significant portion of our laws in the US. [ Reply to This Re:Clarity is not the common case (Score:5, Interesting) by hesiod (111176) on Tuesday October 11, @04:29PM (#13768005) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday June 21, @10:38AM) > What is "political value as to minors"?Could be "Civil Disobedience," as in looking at pictures in protest because they are banned.Might not stand up in court though... [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.CIPA is a bad example by The Grey Clone (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @04:30PM Re:CIPA is a bad example (Score:4, Informative) by Agelmar (205181) * on Tuesday October 11, @04:33PM (#13768048) It was found unconstitutional, but not because the wording for what it blocked was vague. It was found unconstitutional because current filters (NetNanny etc) are rather lacking, have too many false positives, and would therefore filter out legitimate pages. And apparently school libraries are still covered under the CIPA provisions. [ Reply to This | ParentWhat is the current state of image-filtering? by Work Account (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:41PMRe:What is the current state of image-filtering? by lgw (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:09PMRe:What is the current state of image-filtering? by grazzy (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:48PMRe:What is the current state of image-filtering? by lgw (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @09:09PMRe:What is the current state of image-filtering? by Lucractius (Score:2)Wednesday October 12, @12:22AMRe:CIPA is a bad example by avronius (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @04:51PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Porn maybe a better parallel (Score:5, Interesting) by Nerdposeur (910128) on Tuesday October 11, @04:39PM (#13768113) (Last Journal: Tuesday October 11, @04:58PM) Selling porn to children is something most of us agree is Bad. But porn could be as hard to define as video-game violence. The famous quote is "I know it when I see it." Violence is hard to define, if you're trying to separate the "squashing goombas flat in Mario" type from the "setting people on fire and laughing at their cries for help" type. It's going to take some subjective words like "sadistic" and "intentionally causing suffering." But if it's hard to define legally, I don't think it's that hard for most people to see that Mario and GTA are totally different things in the hands of a little kid. The question is: can we make it legally clear? [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Porn maybe a better parallel (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 11, @04:49PM (#13768218) I don't think it's that hard for most people to see that Mario and GTA are totally different things in the hands of a little kid.Agreed.Violence in GTA clearly has consequences, at least for the victims, and it's evident from public reaction that people empathise with the victims in GTA.In Mario the violence is presented almost whimsically. All fun, no blood, no consequences. It's obvious from the lack of public reaction that people don't empathise with the victims in Mario and are happy to slaughter at will - but that's okay because the victims are different from us. Bad evil different things.It's clear that one of these games carries a moral. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by imsabbel (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:42PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by jacksonj04 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:10PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by radarsat1 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:44PMImmoral Mario? by Nerdposeur (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @07:37PMRe:Immoral Mario? by Mr2001 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @09:28PMGood and evil may be important by typical (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @09:29PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by Neurotoxic666 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @10:26PMSquashed bugs by phorm (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @10:51PM Re:Porn maybe a better parallel (Score:4, Insightful) by rainman_bc (735332) on Tuesday October 11, @04:53PM (#13768250) ( I'd rather kids see porn than senseless killing and violence.I'd rather we have a bunch of horny kids out there humping than have a bunch of violent ones out there killing each other.And don't give me the crap about porn leading to rape. There's a lot of soft core porn out there where the man puts the woman on a pedastel and respects her while he makes love to her. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by Pneuma ROCKS (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:01PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Porn maybe a better parallel by chris_eineke (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:02PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by hopethisnickisnottak (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:44PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by FurryFeet (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:51PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:44PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by FurryFeet (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @06:54PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by 10101001 10101001 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @07:30PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by FurryFeet (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:43PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by AstrumPreliator (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:58PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:20PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by drsmithy (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @08:23PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by BlueHands (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @08:56PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by cortana (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:04PMRe:Porn maybe a better parallel by Moofie (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:00PM Re:Porn maybe a better parallel (Score:4, Insightful) by CaptDeuce (84529) on Tuesday October 11, @11:53PM (#13770923) (Last Journal: Thursday November 07, @02:53PM) Selling porn to children is something most of us agree is Bad.But can said Most be able to explain Why? It harms children? How? I've yet to see a satisfactory explanationThe best counter argument I've seen was in a TV program called "The History of Pornagraphy" (something like that). The introductory episode was enough to really put it all into perspective for me.Pornography, it seems, was invented in Victorian England. No, not erotica, pornography. Erotica titillates and has been around since... well, as long as people's arms have been long enough to reach their genitalia. Pornography is a specific notion that erotica is defacto harmful to women, children, and less than serious minded men.For some reason there's a general notion that persists in English culture today that it's Bad for people, and especially children, to get too excited. Stimulating wallpaper should never be used in a child's room, nor should they be fed spicy food. I first heard this from someone who was born in the US but her parents emigrated from England. I thought she was joking.It's all really too bizarre. And since I don't have my references handy, I'll just have to stop here. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Clarity is not the common case by Alex P Keaton in da (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @04:42PM Re:Clarity is not the common case (Score:5, Insightful) by linguae (763922) on Tuesday October 11, @05:10PM (#13768422) This is just more of the left wing nannie state bullshit. The gov't needs to stay out of our business. I fail to see how left wing policies have to do with the state playing the role of parents. Left-right is an economic scale representing communism/socialism vs. pure laissez-faire capitalism. You must mean authoritarian. The Democrats have taken an authoritarian turn over the past few years, especially with Hillary Clinton and the like.The Democrats have evolved from the party where "the government will take care of economic problems" (Franklin Roosevelt) to "the government will take care of social problems" (Kennedy and LBJ), to now "the government will take care of moral problems" (Hillary Clinton). As a libertarian, I am not too supportive of the first two philosophies, but I'm adamantly opposed to the third philosophy that the Democrats seem to be moving to. The third one is very scary, as that cannot be achieved without becoming more authoritarian and less free. Individualism will be tossed to the garbage. After all, Hillary Clinton is the one who said that "we're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." You might want to read this page [] that further describes her approaches.I am leery of both the Democrats and Republicans, but the Democrats' new philosophy scares me even more than anything Bush and Co. seems to be cooking up these days. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Clarity is not the common case by centipetalforce (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:32PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by westlake (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:17PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by Jim_Callahan (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @09:50PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by UserGoogol (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @11:09PMwell, she's hardly the only one by Trepidity (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @11:48PMwhat? new philosophy?? Hardly. by BitterAndDrunk (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:40PMRe:what? new philosophy?? Hardly. by lgw (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:15PMdunno if I'd characterize it by BitterAndDrunk (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @08:12PMRe:what? new philosophy?? Hardly. by Jim_Callahan (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @09:59PMpot? by tepples (Score:1)Wednesday October 12, @12:31AMnot really by Trepidity (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @11:50PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by mOdQuArK! (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @06:19PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Clarity is not the common case by HTH NE1 (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:18PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by gcatullus (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:22PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by Anonymous Custard (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:26PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by TerminaMorte (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @06:03PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by mOdQuArK! (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @06:22PM Re:Clarity is not the common case (Score:4, Funny) by centipetalforce (793178) on Tuesday October 11, @05:35PM (#13768714) Left wing nannie bullshit?? WHy does everything have to go to party lines? If anything these laws are made to appease the religious right. Since we are all overgeneralizing now, I call your post right wing devisive bullshit. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Clarity is not the common case by robertjw (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:54PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by drsmithy (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @08:33PMRe:Spelling is important by Jim_Callahan (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @10:02PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by Cruciform (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:03PMThis is just more of the left wing nanny state BS: by Errandboy of Doom (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:09PMRe:This is just more of the left wing nanny state by quantum bit (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:32PMEXACTLY! by Errandboy of Doom (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @07:43PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by MKalus (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:01PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by drsmithy (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @08:51PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Clarity is not the common case by drsmithy (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @08:38PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by SlimFastForYou (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @11:57PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by shawn(at)fsu (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:13PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by CountZero117 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:57PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by idokus (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @06:00PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by Wile_E_Peyote (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @06:23PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by Pseudonym (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:43PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by Pseudonym (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:40PMRe:Clarity is not the common case by paulm (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @09:05PM4 replies beneath your current threshold. Uh... (Score:1, Flamebait) by BigDork1001 (683341) on Tuesday October 11, @04:27PM (#13767982) ... go get them EA.It just feels wrong saying that. [ Reply to ThisRe:Uh... by GweeDo (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @04:30PMEA is in the ESA by tepples (Score:2)Wednesday October 12, @12:25AMRe:Uh... by l.b. noire (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @04:32PMRe:Uh... by pudding7 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:12PMRe:Uh... by doubledoh (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:52PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Uh... by Random832 (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @11:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Uh... by Shoggoth of Maul (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @04:46PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. I don't see the big deal (Score:5, Interesting) by Punkrokkr (592052) on Tuesday October 11, @04:30PM (#13768015) ( The law doesn't say that it will ban the sales of games with just violence in them, but heinous and sexual violence. If parents don't have the sense enough to not let their kids play games with that in them, then I wonder if the government should step in. We are talking about minors here.On the other hand, maybe there should be two different levels of minors. Minor minors would be under 12, regular minors would be 12-17. Regular minors could buy these games, minor minors could not. [ Reply to ThisRe:I don't see the big deal by sqlrob (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:34PMRe:I don't see the big deal by HTH NE1 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:47PM Re:I don't see the big deal (Score:5, Insightful) by SomeoneGotMyNick (200685) on Tuesday October 11, @04:47PM (#13768202) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday March 30, @10:22AM) but heinous and sexual violence. If parents don't have the sense enough to not let their kids play games with that in them, then I wonder if the government should step in.My son doesn't have any kids his age to play with in the neighborhood. I tend to relax my concerns when he does play with a neighbor kid who lives with his Grandmother when visiting his Father (divorced parents), who also lives at Grandmother's place. The father is never home, but buys his 7 year old kid any game for the PC or PS2, regardless of the ESRB rating.It took me some time to explain to my son what it is he saw in the Grand Theft Auto game (knife weilding punks cutting off hands). The Grandmother understands my concern and doesn't allow T or up rated games to be played when my son is over there. The father couldn't care less. Eventually, the lack of parenting on his part will disturb the child mentally and I may find myself telling my son he can't play with the kid anymore.Meanwhile, I try to learn more about what interests my son the most and have fun learning or trying new things with him to keep his mind off the other boy's actions. Things like real auto racing games that don't involve cutting throats.I agree that some government intervention would work if it's not abused. The risk of abuse is still high, unfortunately. I can see someone turning in a parent out of spite on unfounded accusations. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I don't see the big deal by hopethisnickisnottak (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:51PMRe:I don't see the big deal by Hatta (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:52PMRe:I don't see the big deal by Bent Mind (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:14PMRe:I don't see the big deal by drsmithy (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @08:49PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:I don't see the big deal by tepples (Score:1)Wednesday October 12, @12:35AMRe:I don't see the big deal by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:56PMRe:I don't see the big deal by Pxtl (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:01PMRe:I don't see the big deal by Captain Sarcastic (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:06PMRe:I don't see the big deal by HTH NE1 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:25PMRe:I don't see the big deal by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @08:13PMRe:I don't see the big deal by lav-chan (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:37PMRe:I don't see the big deal by omeomi (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:25PMRe:I don't see the big deal by gargletheape (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @06:15PMIt isn't that specific. by phriedom (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @07:03PMRe:I don't see the big deal by Punkrokkr (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @04:44PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Not muddy at all... (Score:4, Funny) by fragmentate (908035) * on Tuesday October 11, @04:31PM (#13768020) ( | Last Journal: Sunday October 09, @04:57AM) I the only person who finds notions of pain and suffering odd in what is effectively non-reality? Can you intend to cause pain to something that, well, doesn't feel or perceive pain? They can only be talking about that very fringe of society that lives vicariously through their in-game characters. I don't remember any of the kids around here (I have a 10yr. old) mistaking any of the gaming as "real." Yet, here they are discussing it as though we were talking about the torture and elimination of... pixels?Clearly parents aren't responsible enough to make sure their kids aren't deranged, and that they do not feed their psychoses with violent video games.The only solution is obvious, let a government entity dictate it for us! They've clearly demonstrated tremendous judgement, and organizational skills! [ Reply to This9 year old kills playmate.... by nickyj (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:08PMRe:9 year old kills playmate.... by fragmentate (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:35PMRe:9 year old kills playmate.... by lav-chan (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:43PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. While I agree that steps should be taken... (Score:3, Interesting) by jferris (908786) on Tuesday October 11, @04:31PM (#13768022) ( ...I am glad that there is an effort to strike this down. The law is so widely open to interpretation that it provides no enforcable measures by which to "draw the line".The fact that the law mentions "standards" and "values" in determining which video games qualify really lead me to believe that this is just a "feel good" sort of law that is there to appease the people who want legislation, without actually having any sort of enforcable merit.And no, I am not a lawyer. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. [ Reply to ThisLook buddy by Work Account (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @04:36PMRe:Look buddy by jferris (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:57PMRe:Look buddy by Mnemia (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:27PMRe:Look buddy by jferris (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @10:43PMRe:Look buddy by s20451 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:08PMThe Haibo Test by HTH NE1 (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:11PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:While I agree that steps should be taken... by Spy der Mann (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:14PMRe:While I agree that steps should be taken... by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @08:16PM Videogames reflect life (Score:5, Insightful) by Work Account (900793) on Tuesday October 11, @04:31PM (#13768025) There's nothing in Grand Theft Auto that doesn't happen every day in Southern California.If it offends you, do something about the real crimes that occur, don't take it out on videogame makers. [ Reply to ThisRe:Videogames reflect life by Shawn is an Asshole (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:39PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Tsiangkun (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:06PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Azi Dahaka (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:13PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Azi Dahaka (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:29PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Haeleth (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:54PM Re:Videogames reflect life (Score:4, Insightful) by rainman_bc (735332) on Tuesday October 11, @05:00PM (#13768328) ( If it offends you, do something about the real crimes that occur, don't take it out on videogame makers.Don't you think there's something wrong with glorifying these acts? I mean, we are responsible enough to understand that stealing and violence are wrong, but are kids? There's a real correlation between kids' watching violence and kids' violent behaviour.Perhaps this open approach to violence isn't working, and the state of California recognizes this. Kudos to them for making an attempt to curb teen violence. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Videogames reflect life by pndmnm (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:14PMRe:Videogames reflect life by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:21PMRe:Videogames reflect life by sholden (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:02PM Re:Videogames reflect life (Score:4, Insightful) by sqlrob (173498) on Tuesday October 11, @05:17PM (#13768500) The influence of violent media on children's behavior is pretty low on the list, somewhere around 11th IIRC.Number one being parents. Doesn't it make more sense to legislate that parents actually parent? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Videogames reflect life by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:39PMRe:Videogames reflect life by sqlrob (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:54PMRe:Videogames reflect life by sqlrob (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:56PMRe:Videogames reflect life by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:06PMRe:Videogames reflect life by sqlrob (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @09:29PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Jim_Callahan (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @10:07PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Tsiangkun (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:17PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Zarxrax (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:21PMRe:Videogames reflect life by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:25PMRe:Videogames reflect life by grumpyman (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:20PMRe:Videogames reflect life by shadow_slicer (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:04PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Proteus (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:09PMRe:Videogames reflect life by rainman_bc (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:14PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Videogames reflect life (Score:4, Insightful) by Maxo-Texas (864189) on Tuesday October 11, @06:01PM (#13768992) In the -real- world when a couple thugs break out AK-47's and body armor they hurt a lot of people and then they bleed to death on the street shot in the ankle. Or they get the hell beat out of them. Or they get raped in jail.Video games do not show the consequences in proportion to the crimes that take place in the games. In the real world- when you run you often get caught or killed in an accident. I had a friend who tried to run on a motercycle 3 times- they had patrol cars and helicopters and they caught him every time. 3rd time he lost the motorcycle and got to walk. Spent some time in jail too [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Videogames reflect life by Flunitrazepam (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @10:43PMRe:Videogames reflect life by Maxo-Texas (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @11:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. In my mind... (Score:4, Interesting) by GiorgioG (225675) on Tuesday October 11, @04:32PM (#13768033) ( It's the parent's responsibility to say what their kids should and shouldn't buy. If I feel that I can give my kid $50 and know that he's not going to buy something stupid (drugs, etc.) then I trust that he knows right from wrong enough that some violent game won't make him decide to go postal in the real world. [ Reply to ThisRe:In my mind... by westlake (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:18PMRe:In my mind... by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @08:20PMRe:In my mind... by scottblascocomposer (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @09:06PM Bad law, no cookie. (Score:5, Insightful) by doublem (118724) on Tuesday October 11, @04:33PM (#13768042) ( | Last Journal: Thursday March 03, @11:06AM) We MUST water down all entertainment to protect the children!!Won't anything think of the Children???Personally, I'd favor a law that enforced the existing video game ratings, instead of the vague "You could make a bland football game illegal with this" law California passed.On the other hand, if they made it illegal to sell a video game to a 15 year old that's been rated as "Mature" then I'd consider that far more reasonable. The ratings tend to be a good way of estimating a game's age appropriateness, but they need some enforcement. [ Reply to ThisRe:Bad law, no cookie. by garcia (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @04:44PMRe:Bad law, no cookie. by hurfy (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @04:46PMRe:Bad law, no cookie. by doublem (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:01PMRe:Bad law, no cookie. by Todd Knarr (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:53PMRe:Bad law, no cookie. by John Miles (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:08PMRe:Bad law, no cookie. by doublem (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:40PMRe:Bad law, no cookie. by justin12345 (Score:3)Tuesday October 11, @05:42PMTo borrow from Mark Twain: by FurryFeet (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:41PMRe:Bad law, no cookie. by eonlabs (Score:1)Wednesday October 12, @12:40AM This just in... (Score:5, Funny) by Mike Keester (911612) on Tuesday October 11, @04:33PM (#13768050) The two parties just announced that they will work out their differences over a cup of hot coffee [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. As long as I get more GTA (Score:2, Funny) by Wizzmer (862755) on Tuesday October 11, @04:36PM (#13768086) Sue? Just get ya homie's and do a drive-by. Oh... wait... [ Reply to This I have to say this is a much-needed law. (Score:5, Funny) by Peter Trepan (572016) on Tuesday October 11, @04:38PM (#13768107) After seeing the wild-eyed look kids get after they squash an innocent mushroom or turtle, after seeing the sadistic glee they obtain from causing Sebulba's pod racer to crash, I fear for our next generation.My question is, what are they going to do about black trenchcoats? [ Reply to ThisRe:I have to say this is a much-needed law. by bforsse (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:04PMRe:I have to say this is a much-needed law. by kpang (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @05:11PM You knew this was coming...


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