Saturday, November 12, 2005

Anonymous Coward writes "The Guardian is reporting that the EU, obviously unimpressed with the US's refusal to relinguish control of the Internet, will be forming several comittees and forums with a mind to forcibly remove control of the Internet from the United States." From the article: "Old allies in world politics, representatives from the UK and US sat just feet away from each other, but all looked straight ahead as Hendon explained the EU had decided to end the US government's unilateral control of the internet and put in place a new body that would now run this revolutionary communications medium. The issue of who should control the net had proved an extremely divisive issue, and for 11 days the world's governments traded blows. For the vast majority of people who use the internet, the only real concern is getting on it. But with the internet now essential to countries' basic infrastructure - Brazil relies on it for 90% of its tax collection - the question of who has control has become critical." EU, UN to Wrestle Internet Control From US Log in/Create an Account | Top | 1958 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 1958 comments 0: 1937 comments 1: 1562 comments 2: 1058 comments 3: 177 comments 4: 94 comments 5: 68 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 | 3 The UN has finally lost it by AKAImBatman (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @10:46AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by SECProto (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @10:51AM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by aicrules (819392) on Thursday October 06, @10:55AM (#13730075) Its not even like the US invented it And who did? Aliens? Certainly not the UN! I'm pretty sure it wasn't Russia, China, Japan, Mexico, South America, Canada, Europe, or Antartica. Maybe it was Santa Claus? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by Anonymous Coward (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @11:00AMIt's all about DNS by ThJ (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:11PMRe:It's all about DNS by walt-sjc (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @01:58PMRe:It's all about DNS by rtb61 (Score:2)Friday October 07, @07:43AMinternationally based websites by falconwolf (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:52PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by Iron Corona (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @07:42PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dwandy (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @11:18AMVint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S. by Spy der Mann (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @12:12PM Re:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S (Score:5, Insightful) by aicrules (819392) on Thursday October 06, @12:17PM (#13731276) Thank you for making my argument for me. He was involved in the early design of WHAT? ARPANET!!!! A wholly US Government entity. When was the last time you worked on a project for some Corporate entity where YOU ended up owning the work? I'll help you out with that one, never. The company owns it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S by jazman_777 (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @02:18PMYou might want to look up... by msauve (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @12:25PMRe:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S by jav1231 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:11PMRe:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S by sdirrim (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @03:31PMRe:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S by dajak (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @04:03PMRe:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S by jav1231 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @04:15PMThe real issue is "trust" by natoochtoniket (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:47PMRe:The real issue is "trust" by jedidiah (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @04:22PMpolitical chest-beating, nothing more. by bornbitter (Score:3)Friday October 07, @01:42AMRe:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S by homebrewmike (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @02:49PMRe:Vint Cerf invented the Internet , _NOT_ the U.S by rookkey (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @10:57PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by Lucractius (649116) < minus berry> on Thursday October 06, @12:21PM (#13731335) (Last Journal: Thursday October 06, @02:38PM) Nobody invented it.The Internet is best described with organic terms, it grew out of the interconection of networks, colonising new nodes and spreading as more wanted it. The US is where it all started, not who created it. To say so surmounts to claiming that they built it as well, which is blatantly rediculous given it was and has always been since its cessation as a darpa and academic project, a commercial undertaking by telecomunications and networking companies.The internet owes it existance to a number of things outside the US, Vint Cerf and the CERN folks as well for instance, in the very least that proves something, since "the net" by and large when disscussed is reffering to the interconected layer of html and hypertext linked pages of html that are the result of their work, without these the internet would likely have remaind a technical place, as it was before the AOL explosion and the september that never ended.I personaly only care about this as it is jabing me in the side nagging partialy if theres a way to profit from this somehow... I know that the US isnt stupid enough to declare war over the internet, and the US isnt strong enough in any way other than militarily (they got them nukes and thats why i said that, no ones got as many as em) that they can attempt to force control over the rest of the world, this isnt some kind of US/UN cold war... this is a rediculous schism between those with the power and those who want them to relinquish it for a lower amount of control. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by Mysticalfruit (533341) on Thursday October 06, @01:29PM (#13732145) (Last Journal: Thursday December 16, @01:32PM) Oh the Irony... people talking about the US going to war over the internet... the very thing the US invented in case of a nuclear war...those with the power and those who want them to relinquish it for a lower amount of control.What control, what power? The US government stopped "operating" the internet a while ago. The government doesn't own any of the public backbones. The government doesn't own any of the public DNS root servers. The millions of miles of fibre that blanket the US aren't owned by the government.The maybe was some point in the past when one entity could have "owned" the internet. The internet isn't some flat homogenious collection of nodes. It's a whole bunch of castles with draw bridges between them. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by Lucractius (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:49PM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by dbrutus (71639) on Thursday October 06, @01:59PM (#13732481) ( The fundamental problem is that the UN has a huge for sale sign on it and you simply cannot trust that policy will not be sold to the highest bidder. The oil for palaces scandal isn't even cool yet and the UN thinks that it has some sort of moral voice?I can see some sort of international consortium running the root server system if you could trust that the censor queens would not have a voice in it. The UN is not that body. The UN will never be that body. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by deaddrunk (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @04:15PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by caseydk (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @05:09PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by kaffiene (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @05:18PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dave420 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @07:00PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:58PMsupporting terrorism by falconwolf (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @04:15PMRe:supporting terrorism by dbrutus (Score:2)Friday October 07, @06:10PMRe:supporting terrorism by falconwolf (Score:2)Saturday October 08, @11:55PMRe:supporting terrorism by dbrutus (Score:2)Monday October 10, @02:06PMWe've already repudiated the policy. by falconwolf (Score:2)Monday October 10, @04:30PMRe:We've already repudiated the policy. by dbrutus (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:02PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by CommieOverlord (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @10:08PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Friday October 07, @06:12PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by CommieOverlord (Score:2)Monday October 10, @08:04PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:58PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Monday October 10, @02:21PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by CommieOverlord (Score:2)Monday October 10, @08:07PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @05:50PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:4, Insightful) by masklinn (823351) < n n . net> on Thursday October 06, @05:00PM (#13734099) Nope, ON SALE sign on the US govt has been removed quite a few years ago when Halliburton bought the white house and everything in it. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:4, Insightful) by cayenne8 (626475) on Thursday October 06, @08:53PM (#13735938) ( "Look, the UN is the closest thing we have to international democracy. The US is *supposed* to value such ideas." Unfortunately, there are a lot of NOn-democracies in the UN with a voting power...that could make non-democratic friendly policy decisions....That's a good reason not to turn it over to them... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by Knivesreturns (Score:1)Friday October 07, @12:26AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by kaffiene (Score:2)Friday October 07, @03:28AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Friday October 07, @06:15PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Friday October 07, @06:18PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Friday October 07, @06:26PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by kaffiene (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @04:12AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by kaffiene (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @04:14AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by vacuum_tuber (Score:2)Monday October 10, @02:48AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by kaffiene (Score:2)Monday October 10, @06:14AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Monday October 10, @02:26PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Monday October 10, @02:28PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by kaffiene (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:37AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by kaffiene (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @04:40AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:05PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by dbrutus (Score:2)Tuesday October 11, @06:09PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Umm, no. by Retric (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @02:12PMRe:Umm, no. by Lucractius (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:28PMRe:Umm, no. by OmegaDave (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @03:45PMRe:Umm, no. by Lucractius (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @08:55PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by smc13 (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @03:55PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by istartedi (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @05:01PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by bronsinbound (Score:1)Saturday October 08, @10:05AM Actually, he's right, in a way... (Score:5, Insightful) by msauve (701917) on Thursday October 06, @12:22PM (#13731346) the US didn't invent the Internet, because the Internet is not a thing, but a concept.The US funded the research which created the protocols upon which the Internet is based. The Internet first existed in the US, but it wasn't invented, it evolved.The Internet itself is simply a bunch of individual networks which have agreed to connect together using those protocols. For that reason, any attempt to "control" it is fatally flawed. There's nothing to control. One can presume to "take control" of the DNS "root servers," but there's nothing preventing someone else from creating their own set. Who wins depends strictly upon which set the individual networks point to, and no one has control over that decision except the individual network admins.Let the Euros piss and moan, after which if they don't like the US influence over the Internet, they can instead join Fidonet [] :) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by iamwahoo2 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @12:32PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by walt-sjc (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @02:03PM Re:Actually, he's right, in a way... (Score:5, Insightful) by deaddrunk (443038) on Thursday October 06, @03:29PM (#13733340) The US didn't invent the world but they want to control that. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by ThaFooz (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @09:42PMMod parent up! by bornbitter (Score:1)Friday October 07, @02:35AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Actually, he's right, in a way... by dAzED1 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:49PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by Mattcelt (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @02:21PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by dfenstrate (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @07:29PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by shmlco (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:28PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by llefler (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @06:01PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by AKAImBatman (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @08:29PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by shmlco (Score:2)Friday October 07, @03:08AMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by AKAImBatman (Score:2)Friday October 07, @08:08AMI'm loving your irony. by Tired_Blood (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @02:53PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by sploxx (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:45PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by nilbog (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @04:12PMYou misunderstand... by msauve (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @04:48PMRe:You misunderstand... by nilbog (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @06:31PMRe:You misunderstand... by andreyw (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @08:47PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by speardane (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @06:30PMRe:Actually, he's right, in a way... by theLOUDroom (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @09:56PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by Capt James McCarthy (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @01:54PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by mcd7756 (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @02:39PM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Funny) by eventhorizon5 (533026) <> on Thursday October 06, @04:47PM (#13733980) ( >And who did? Aliens? Certainly not the UN! I'm pretty sure it wasn't Russia, China, Japan, Mexico, South America, Canada, Europe, or Antartica. Maybe it was Santa Claus?Maybe the Internet started as a vast secretive US government network... oh wait... ;)-eventhorizon [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by mr100percent (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @09:53PM WWW != The Internet (Score:4, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 06, @11:27AM (#13730564) Can you define the internet?, at least the portion that could be invented? is it httpd? or is it html?It is neither; it is IP, TCP, UDP, DNS and so on. These were all invented in the US. And the specific item in question is not the internet at large, but DNS in particular.Y'know, I expect my grandmother to fall into the fallacy of believing that the World Wide Web is the same thing as the Internet, but I expect more from a Slashdot reader. Silly me. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:WWW != The Internet (Score:5, Insightful) by Rei (128717) on Thursday October 06, @12:59PM (#13731823) ( Europe has been heavy contributors to networking in general since the early 1970s, and the internet since 1986 (the formation of RARE) (even before then, various national research projects contributed). So what if Europe wasn't involved in the initial formation of the internet? They've been heavily involved in its backbone technologies and its evolution ever since. Would you say that nobody should have the right to control their own zoning laws except Iraq because the first known zoning laws were invented by the Babylonians? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:WWW != The Internet by lgw (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @01:38PMRe:WWW != The Internet by arminw (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:28PMRe:WWW != The Internet by cayenne8 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @08:43PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:WWW != The Internet by bigmac13 (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @01:51PM huzzah another person that gets it (Score:5, Insightful) by =w= (22078) on Thursday October 06, @04:14PM (#13733681) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 09, @06:21PM) this isn't about the technologies, we aren't saying people can't create their own root servers and use them, we are saying you can't control our root servers that we have and still are sharing nicely with you. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:huzzah another person that gets it by sapone (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @06:40PMRe:huzzah another person that gets it by Knivesreturns (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @08:08PMRe:WWW != The Internet by timster (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @02:11PMRe:WWW != The Internet by Anonymous Coward (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:48PMRe:WWW != The Internet by IvyKing (Score:2)Friday October 07, @02:18AMRe:WWW != The Internet by doctormetal (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:46PMRe:WWW != The Internet by dbrutus (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @01:55PMRe:WWW != The Internet by deaddrunk (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @04:11PMRe:WWW != The Internet by masklinn (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @04:57PMconstitution by falconwolf (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @05:25PMRe:constitution by masklinn (Score:2)Friday October 07, @09:23AMfounding fathers by falconwolf (Score:2)Saturday October 08, @11:23PMRe:Constitution by vacuum_tuber (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @05:59PMthere's always seppuku. by falconwolf (Score:2)Sunday October 09, @06:29PMFrance and the US by falconwolf (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @05:03PMRe:France and the US by Craster (Score:1)Friday October 07, @07:10AMRe:France and the US by Bush Pig (Score:2)Saturday October 08, @09:17PMThomas Paine by falconwolf (Score:2)Saturday October 08, @11:03PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.5 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by Anonymous Coward (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @10:59AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by PlasticMetal (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @11:21AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by AKAImBatman (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @11:00AM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by sheldon (2322) on Thursday October 06, @11:11AM (#13730315) ( The UN has been nothing but a pain for the longest time, passing resolutions that no one but the US is supposed to carry out. Then when we do carry out UN resolutions, we're censured as being an "empire builders" or "warmongerers". Isn't it nice that so many countries can tell us what to do while they sit on their high horses?It's interesting. That's what many countries say about the US... That we sit on our high horse and tell them what to do. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Funny) by op12 (830015) on Thursday October 06, @11:28AM (#13730577) ( The obvious solution is to put everyone on short horses. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by cyberworm (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @11:58AMI knew some day by circusboy (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:19PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by flamingiceclone (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @05:07PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Cro Magnon (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @05:09PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by CupBeEmpty (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @11:32AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by sheldon (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:55PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Oligonicella (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:24PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by sheldon (Score:2)Friday October 07, @02:14PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Guppy06 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @11:48AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by ifwm (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:37PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Alcilbiades (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @03:24PM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by SillyNickName4me (760022) on Thursday October 06, @11:29AM (#13730582) ( 1. Why do you care?Some people don't like being assholes maybe?2. Why take their word over your own trust in your own county?I have a better suggestion for you..Provided that there is anything in that thing you consider to be your head, try using it.You should listen to both and decide for yourself. Listening to one side of a story is going to make you a fool by definition. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:4, Insightful) by Red Flayer (890720) on Thursday October 06, @01:09PM (#13731944) I know you didn't ask me, but it begs to be said: 1. Why do you care?Because when people don't care, Bad Things happen. It is vital that individuals are involved. 2. Why take their word over your own trust in your own county? Why would anyone trust their own country? How many times do you need to be duped before you learn one of the foundations of American citizenship, which is "a healthy distrust of government"? I personally trust the UN more than I trust the US. Why? Because the individuals of US government have shown me again and again that they do not fight for OUR interests, but rather THEIR OWN interests -- although they claim the opposite. At least the UN is more honest. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by Beyond_GoodandEvil (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @01:30PM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by sheldon (2322) on Thursday October 06, @01:51PM (#13732390) ( Let's talk about Oil for Food, shall we?This came about because of the UN sanctions upon Iraq following the Kuwait invasion. The sanctions were intended primarily to keep Hussein from redeveloping a military force. A secondary agenda was to plummet the economy of the country such that the people rose up against Hussein.The secondary agenda did not work. Hussein maintained an iron grip, as all despots do. He kept what he needed for himself and gave little to the people who had no say by force of a gun to their head.The Oil for Food program was setup as a way to alleviate the suffering of the people, as well as get Iraqi oil back into the system to help lower global prices.Now there were two failures:#1. A handful of people at the UN got involved in a kickback scheme in awarding the contracts.#2. Hussein smuggled Oil, outside of the Oil for Food program.The first failure is that of the UN, and it's being dealt with.The second failure is the fault of the United States and the other nations who knew all along this was going on but turned a blind eye because we were hungry for that oil. Plus, the oil was smuggled through Turkey and Jordan and we didn't want to hurt their profits either.But now we get back to the primary purpose of the UN sanctions. To keep Hussein from redeveloping a military power.So what's more important to you? Obviously not the oil, and not the kickbacks, because we turned a blind eye. What was important was the sanctions keeping weapons out of Husseins army.As it turns out, The UN sanctions were a success, as proven by the invasion of Iraq finding no WMDs and nothing even anything remotely resembling a defensive military forceThe complaints regarding Oil for Food are politically motivated John Birch society bullshit. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by Mr.Intel (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:14PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by sheldon (Score:2)Friday October 07, @02:06PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by xgamer04 (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @06:21PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by LnxAddct (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @06:47PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by matfud (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @07:13PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by LnxAddct (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @09:48PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @07:27PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by ScrewMaster (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @10:03PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by RandomPrecision (Score:1)Friday October 07, @01:20AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by matfud (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @06:57PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by Oligonicella (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:14PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Red Flayer (Score:2)Friday October 07, @12:41PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by StikyPad (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @08:28PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by sheldon (2322) on Thursday October 06, @01:42PM (#13732286) ( I ask myself questions like this every day.1. Why do you care?Why do I care? Simply put, we live in a global economy and as such we are heavily dependent upon our neighbors to buy and sell goods. That means we need somewhat good relations with them.If we create purposefully hostile relations, you know what happens? They suddenly realize "hey, you know, we don't really need the US", and they go off and form their own trading partners, etc. And Frankly, we are at a time in history now that the US is more dependent upon the world than the world is upon the US. Look at our trade imbalance, and then look at what nations like China, Russia and all of Europe have been doing. They're negotiating their own deals, outside of our arena.2. Why take their word over your own trust in your own county?Well that's a difficult question. My country, I trust. I think our business leaders understand in the broader scheme why what I said in #1 is important, and they are putting a great effort into making this work.Our Government? Them I don't trust. Why should I/ The President doesn't represent America, he only represents his one political party. His policy goals and actions are not determined by what is in the best interest for the nation to help it grow, but rather what is in the best interests of maintaining their political power.Never before have I seen this in my lifetime. And you can bet, that those living outside our country see it even more vividly as has been evidenced by the US's declining popularity.You cannot force someone to like you. You cannot force someone to love you. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by Oligonicella (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:20PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by sheldon (Score:2)Friday October 07, @02:01PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Cromac (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:33PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by sheldon (Score:2)Friday October 07, @01:58PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Alcilbiades (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @03:34PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by arminw (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @07:53PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by sheldon (Score:2)Friday October 07, @01:44PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by arminw (Score:2)Friday October 07, @03:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold.3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:The UN has finally lost it by harl (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @11:27AMRe:The UN has finally lost it by stanmann (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @12:54PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by walt-sjc (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @02:12PM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:4, Funny) by palutke (58340) on Thursday October 06, @02:22PM (#13732743) That's next. The UN will attempt to 'force' control of IHOP. They can have my pancakes when they pry them from my cold dead fingers! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by anaesthetica (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:49PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by harl (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @03:54PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by Moby Cock (Score:3)Thursday October 06, @11:29AM Re:The UN has finally lost it (Score:5, Insightful) by east coast (590680) on Thursday October 06, @11:34AM (#13730678) You'll find it was created by scientists of various nationalities working together to make something useful. Of various nationalities? Yes, but these were employees of American universities that had vested interests by US tax payers. If I were an American workign in Germany and was part of an engineering team that built some great technology I can not suddenly decide that it belongs to the American people simply because I, as an American, worked on it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:The UN has finally lost it by sapone (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @01:18PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by sapone (Score:1)Thursday October 06, @04:18PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Great. by nightsweat (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @01:24PMRe:Great. by rich_r (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @06:38PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:09PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by east coast (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:42PMRe:The UN has finally lost it by ifwm (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @03:00PM


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