Saturday, November 12, 2005

farrellj writes "There is currently a major conflict between the US and the rest of the world about the control of the Internet. They are fighting over who will control the root DNS servers and assign IP addresses. The US is against an independent international body to do this. This could fracture the Internet into multiple country and regional mini-internets, with conflicts over IP and Domain Name assignments, with no interconnects between them." From the article: "... the Bush administration said in July that the United States would 'maintain its historic role in authorizing changes or modifications to the authoritative root zone file.' In so doing, the government 'intends to preserve the security and stability' of the technical underpinnings of the Internet. Without consensus, some experts say that countries might move ahead with setting up their own domain name system, or DNS, as a way of bypassing Icann." Update: 09/30 20:45 GMT by Z : I believe this to be another view of the discussion we had a while back. The Fracturing of the Internet Log in/Create an Account | Top | 439 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 439 comments 0: 427 comments 1: 334 comments 2: 218 comments 3: 56 comments 4: 26 comments 5: 19 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. followup field (Score:5, Insightful) by JS_RIDDLER (570254) on Friday September 30, @04:00PM (#13688084) /. needs a followup field, to link to previous related articles.I dont mind hearing about them again, it would just be nice to be able to see the past article. Kinda like the "Related Links" on the right side of the articles we have now.It nice how this article DOES link to the previous story at the end.which was Posted 09:43 AM -- Friday September 30 2005If funny how he calls it the other day tho [ Reply to This Re:followup field (Score:5, Insightful) by Alex P Keaton in da (882660) on Friday September 30, @04:12PM (#13688216) (http://www.bekkoame....rafetish3english.htm) Uh- lets be honest.1. Post story about US vs World.2. Watch discussion degenerate into a flame war, as it always does in these type of stories3. Get tons and tons of comments, mostly angry rants by trolls and flame throwers posting as ac, which is all but gauranteed with a story like this4. Get more pages refreshed5. Serve more ads!6. Profit.Even a/c counts as a page view from a traffic standpoint. An intelligent conversation devoid of a/c and flaming gets many fewer posts and thus fewer total ads served. If it that complicated? If you can get a story like this up once in a day, double you money by running it again!!! [ Reply to This | Parent Re:followup field (Score:5, Insightful) by Dogtanian (588974) on Friday September 30, @04:41PM (#13688492) ( Even a/c counts as a page view from a traffic standpoint. An intelligent conversation devoid of a/c and flaming gets many fewer posts and thus fewer total ads served. If it that complicated? My feelings exactly. How naive do you have to be exactly to believe that all those "dupes" are really down the incompetence of the editors? Slashdot is a large, well-visited site, with paid editors, and we're asked to believe that they're not capable of spotting stuff like this? Sorry, it happens often enough that if it weren't deliberate, they'd have hired someone with two brain cells to rub together by now. Simple acknowledgements of the dupe or even of their supposed incompetence have become so much of a Slashdot "tradition" that it obscures the bleedingly obvious lack of plausibility these repeated "mistakes" have. But in this case, I'm glad of the dupe, because without it, I'd have missed the banner advert for another gimmicky boy's toy^w^w^w brain-expanding, uh... glowy thing from ThinkGeek that I *must* buy! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:followup field by evildogeye (Score:3)Friday September 30, @06:33PMRe:followup field by Dogtanian (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @09:20AMTime to get back on topic by SoloFlyer2 (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @10:49AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:followup field by tsm_sf (Score:2)Friday September 30, @08:21PMElephant by Dogtanian (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @09:17AMWhich is why I block all the ads I can... by FatSean (Score:1)Friday September 30, @05:30PMIncumbent administration flexes ailing muscles?? by lightyear4 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @09:28PMRe:followup field by flibuste (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:42PMRe:followup field by Peyna (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:13PMRe:followup field by anaesthetica (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:15PMRe:followup field by mspohr (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:45PMRe:followup field by rizole (Score:1)Friday September 30, @05:41PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. Govern (Score:4, Insightful) by certel (849946) on Friday September 30, @04:02PM (#13688106) ( I don't think anyone can really blame any country for wishing to control their own aspect of the internet. [ Reply to This Re:Govern (Score:5, Insightful) by (653730) on Friday September 30, @04:15PM (#13688237) The problem is that Internet is not "their own", it is a world-wide service. Yes, I guess we can't blame US for wanting to control certain things from another countries. I guess the EU would do the same. What buggers me is that our governments (US and EU) are so fucked up that it seems countries aren't able to think "hey, this is the Right Thing to do, let's do it because everybody will benefit". Instead, apparently they just think "let's do everything we can to have more power and control so we can have more money" [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Govern (Score:5, Insightful) by anaesthetica (596507) on Friday September 30, @04:23PM (#13688324) ( What buggers me is that our governments (US and EU) are so fucked up that it seems countries aren't able to think "hey, this is the Right Thing to do, let's do it because everybody will benefit". Instead, apparently they just think "let's do everything we can to have more power and control so we can have more money" I agree. The U.S. has given power over the Internet to a private group with an international board. It doesn't directly control ICANN, but it does retain a veto--a right which it has infrequently exercised. The EU and the other countries are making a power play to move internet governance to the UN, where their governments can gain power over how the internet is used and regulated. This isn't altruistic in its motivations in the least, and it's certainly not The Right Thing To Do. Everybody has benefited from the internet so far, and it is only active government intervention that has limited people's access to free information. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Govern by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:59PMThanks for "aiding" us :P by bufalo_1973 (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @04:11AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.don't agree by (Score:3)Friday September 30, @05:00PMRe:don't agree by anaesthetica (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:19PMRe:don't agree by MightyMartian (Score:3)Friday September 30, @05:28PMDon't know would be more accurate in your case... by Anonymous Coward (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:09PMRe:don't agree by Dun Malg (Score:3)Friday September 30, @07:03PMRe:Govern by dilvish_the_damned (Score:2)Friday September 30, @09:59PMRe:Govern by squidinkcalligraphy (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @12:03AM Re:Govern (Score:5, Insightful) by anaesthetica (596507) on Friday September 30, @05:10PM (#13688761) ( Right, the U.S., as a member of the UN, would have a good deal of say over Internet governance if this plan were to go forward. On the other hand, should the Internet have the U.S. along with every other government in the world having a say over its governance? The U.S. has given a private organization with an international board control over the Internet. It maintains a laissez-faire position, with the exception of a veto, which is not frequently (or at all) used.The U.S. is pro-democracy, but only insofar as democracy is a means to guarantee a liberal and limited government. The UN is anything but, because of its member states, who are far more willing (indeed eager) to regulate, limit, and filter the internet. Other nations already have a voice--they just don't have ultimate control. And that's a good thing. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Govern by BiggerIsBetter (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:01PMRe:spin by anaesthetica (Score:2)Monday October 03, @01:18PMRe:spin by Opie812 (Score:1)Monday October 03, @05:11PMRe:spin by vague_ascetic (Score:1)Wednesday October 05, @05:15AMRe:spin by anaesthetica (Score:2)Wednesday October 05, @12:14PMRe:spin by vague_ascetic (Score:1)Wednesday October 05, @04:04PMRe:spin by anaesthetica (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @09:45AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Govern (Score:4, Insightful) by hunterx11 (778171) <> on Friday September 30, @05:21PM (#13688868) ( | Last Journal: Friday October 07, @03:21PM) Freedom is more important than democracy, but it is rare that you can have one without the other. This, however, is one of those cases. The U.S. has shown no signs of censoring the internet at the DNS level. Many other countries would want to. If the U.S. really were exerting its power, I would be all for shifting it to the U.N., but right now countries are just trying to politicize something which shouldn't be political and has managed not to be as it is right now. [ Reply to This | Parentiraqi TLD by hernyo (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @12:31PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Govern by certel (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:30PMRe:Govern by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:39PMRe:Govern by Pizpump (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:47PMRe:Govern by flibuste (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:55PMRe:Govern by MightyMartian (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:52PM Re:Govern (Score:4, Insightful) by displaced80 (660282) on Friday September 30, @05:11PM (#13688766) Ok -- this is Slashdot -- I think we all understand the 7-layer model.The IP network would be worthless without the higher level protocols and services. Likewise, there's a whole stack of further inventions, developments and products of world-wide research that the IP concept grew from.My point is, when it comes to the Internet, Nationalism (for that's what this is) is ugly. There's a pissing contest going on here and it's just plain dumb.We're talking about root DNS. That's all. It's fucking pathetic that neither the powers that be, nor us /. plebs can discuss sensibly the best management of these (13?) servers that would be most beneficial for the global interoperability of the internet.Instead, it's deteriorated to "We invented it! It's ours!". Don't behave as if the spread of the internet was pure altruism. It's spread because it made money for companies all over the globe. The internet may have been a US invention, but its current breadth, penetration and sheer utility is a product of global contribution. And that's why the people and corporations (and yes, if they've been paying attention, even the governments) of nations outside the US have a vested interest in the DNS. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Govern by MightyMartian (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:14PM Re:Govern (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Luddite (808273) on Friday September 30, @09:30PM (#13690835) ( >> Ok -- this is Slashdot -- I think we all understand the 7-layer model. dude, this _is_ slashdot. Half your audience is thinking "pastry" when you say "7-layer" [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Govern by dkf (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @07:47PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Govern by jbellows_20 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:34PMRe:Govern by ZoneGray (Score:3)Friday September 30, @05:22PMRe:Govern by TheDracle (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @01:23AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Govern by heavy snowfall (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:15PMRe:Govern by DaveFromChicago (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:33PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Govern by Iriel (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:52PMRe:Govern by Pentavirate (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:12PMRe:Govern by dynamo (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:22PMRe:Govern by Lucractius (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:42PMRe:Govern by hernyo (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @12:53PMRe:Govern by Darkon (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:42PM2 replies beneath your current threshold. And fragmentation is bad? (Score:5, Interesting) by null etc. (524767) on Friday September 30, @04:02PM (#13688107) Maybe I don't understand the issue thoroughly, but I think that fragmentation would actually be good. The "information infrastructure" is becoming just as critical to us as our "power grid", or other major utility. Why would any government trust a resource that critical to be managed by any organization outside of its control?My opinion is that an international institution should define global standards that each country can than agree or disagree to implement, and if the US wants to be separate at that point, so be it. [ Reply to This Re:And fragmentation is bad? (Score:5, Interesting) by garcia (6573) on Friday September 30, @04:07PM (#13688162) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday September 27, @04:39PM) Maybe I don't understand the issue thoroughly, but I think that fragmentation would actually be good.Yes, because Intranets are so fucking useful on a global scale, right? Hey, China would be thrilled! They wouldn't have to worry about the Great Firewall! Bush, his Family First supporters, and Mrs. Clinton would love that they could just block all porn from the United States' intranet. Switzerland would make a shitload of money proxying connections between all the different intranets and would unveil the Swiss Internet Bank where you could have an anonymous account access (for steep fees of course) to actually be able to use the Internet like it has been for year.Yeah, fragmentation is bad. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:32PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And fragmentation is bad? by robertjw (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:35PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by garcia (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:41PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by MightyMartian (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:23PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by CompressedAir (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:05PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Eli Gottlieb (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:42PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Ulrich Hobelmann (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @05:10AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And fragmentation is bad? by elwin_windleaf (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:09PMAnother WIPO? No thanks! by CyricZ (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:19PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by MightyMartian (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:54PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by ramblin billy (Score:2)Friday September 30, @07:42PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Thuktun (Score:2)Friday September 30, @07:55PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by pacificdave (Score:2)Friday September 30, @09:23PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by pacificdave (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @02:17AMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Lucractius (Score:1)Tuesday October 04, @11:33AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:And fragmentation is bad? by Rycross (Score:3)Friday September 30, @09:43PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by mikek3332002 (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @02:40AMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by robertjw (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:10PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Glendale2x (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:11PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by TheOrangeMan (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:20PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Monkelectric (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:33PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by bankman (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:57PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Monkelectric (Score:1)Friday September 30, @07:45PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Thuktun (Score:2)Friday September 30, @08:17PMRe:And fragmentation is bad? by Monkelectric (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @12:13AM Time warp (Score:5, Funny) by pmike_bauer (763028) on Friday September 30, @04:02PM (#13688110) We had a discussion about this the other day My flux capacitor is out of whack; the earth now rotates []~every six hours. [ Reply to ThisRe:Time warp by jd (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:19PMRe:Time warp by pmike_bauer (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:23PMRe:Time warp by DarkBlackFox (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:25PMRe:Time warp by CyricZ (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:26PMRe:Time warp by Rude Turnip (Score:1)Friday September 30, @05:12PMRe:Time warp by CyricZ (Score:1)Friday September 30, @05:17PMRe:Time warp by gmf (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:32PMRe:Time warp by orkysoft (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:50PMRe:Time warp by Asprin (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @11:25AMRe:Time warp by Guppy06 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:11PMBrilliant Plan by Erwos (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:02PMNo "citizens" control ICANN, including US citizens by billstewart (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:48PMRe:No "citizens" control ICANN, including US citiz by stwrtpj (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:35PMRe:Brilliant Plan by rm999 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:52PMRe:Brilliant Plan by MightyMartian (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:32PM Re:Brilliant Plan (Score:5, Insightful) by JudgeFurious (455868) on Friday September 30, @04:31PM (#13688411) Will this council work with the level of efficiency and cooperation we've come to know and expect from the UN?  That's what I thought. I'll take the US-Net.  Thank You. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Brilliant Plan by RM6f9 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:57PMRe:Brilliant Plan by MightyMartian (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:00PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.dupe by anaesthetica (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:03PMRe:dupe by interiot (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:54PMRe:dupe by farrellj (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:15PMRe:dupe by Fishstick (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:42PM5 replies beneath your current threshold. If it ain't broke.. (Score:4, Insightful) by SaidinUnleashed (797936) on Friday September 30, @04:04PM (#13688132) ...don't fix it.I say the US has done a fine job in managing whatever it is managing.The 'net has become a wonderful, open forum where anyone can express their ideas an opinions.The UN tends to screw up everything it touches. I really don't want the internet to become another great cockup of the least organized, least effective polital body that has ever existed. [ Reply to ThisRe:If it ain't broke.. by WilliamSChips (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:13PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by SaidinUnleashed (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:19PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by WilliamSChips (Score:1)Friday September 30, @09:27PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:If it ain't broke.. by thesqlizer (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:24PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by SaidinUnleashed (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:56PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by thesqlizer (Score:1)Friday September 30, @06:28PMIt IS broken! by jd (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:28PMRe:It IS broken! by Dwonis (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:45PMRe:It IS broken! by finkployd (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:15PMBeing prepared for when it does break. by CyricZ (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:30PMRe:Being prepared for when it does break. by petermgreen (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:58PMRe:Being prepared for when it does break. by pyrrhonist (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:59PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by ToasterofDOOM (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:42PMRe: Pussies by RentonSentinel (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:51PMRe: Pussies by Lucractius (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:37PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Toloran (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:55PM Badly Broken, but This Won't Fix It (Score:4, Informative) by billstewart (78916) on Friday September 30, @05:09PM (#13688749) ( | Last Journal: Thursday March 03, @12:08AM) ICANN is badly broken - it's not responsive to the user community, and the only "IP" it cares about is "Intellectual Property", not "Internet Protocol". That's why ICANN has insisted that everybody who registers domains in TLDs controlled by ICANN provide True Names and ICBM-addresses to facilitate trademark lawsuits, in spite of the major privacy problems with that change in whois semantics, and why it took them many years to add any additional TLDs, after taking over from the IETF Ad-Hoc Committee that had already developed a plan to do so. However, most of the proposals for "Internet Governance" that the WSIS gang have come up with have been evil, clueless, or both. ICANN doesn't control the Internet, only DNS policies and IP address assignments, and expanding that scope would be Bad. China wants to "govern" the Internet by getting the rest of the world to enforce their censorship policies, which are currently too easy for Chinese citizens to evade by using non-China-based websites, email, and IM servers. A few other governments also want to use "governance" to censor pornography, free speech that criticizes them politics, and pornography. (Really, it's just about pr0n and evil nasty terrorists, pay no attention to that press censor behind the curtain.) ICANN currently has no control over this except perhaps blocking registry of Some third-world countries want "Internet Governance" to tax rich Internet users to subsidize internet connectivity into their countres. Not only do they fundamentally misunderstand how the Internet works, the major problem in many of those countries is telecom monopolies that provide overpriced inadequate service, and the first step in getting their citizens decent internet access is to get the telco monopolies out of the way. That doesn't mean there aren't also infrastructure problems, or that an infusion of cash couldn't be useful, but in general they'd be giving more money and power to their PTT monopolies, which is mostly counterproductive. I really hate treating ICANN as the Good Guys here, so I won't - this is a conflict between the Bad Guys and the Worse Guys. DNS isn't The Internet - splitting DNS would be ugly, stupid, and easily repaired, e.g. by creating records like [newTLD].[existingTLD] or [newTLD].[NewTLDowner].net. [ Reply to This | ParentTrue Names and ICBM-addresses by TheJOsh!(tm) (Score:1)Sunday October 02, @12:04AMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Jugalator (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:19PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by greythax (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:19PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Achromatic1978 (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @01:51AMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Guppy06 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:14PMExactly: frying pan/fire by bradleyland (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:23PMRe:Exactly: frying pan/fire by WilliamSChips (Score:1)Friday September 30, @09:08PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by sotetf (Score:1)Tuesday October 04, @01:17PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by SaidinUnleashed (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:09PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Achromatic1978 (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @01:37AMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Just Another Poster (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @08:24PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:If it ain't broke.. by necrognome (Score:3)Friday September 30, @05:36PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:If it ain't broke.. by AZURERAZOR (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:57PMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Achromatic1978 (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @01:43AMRe:If it ain't broke.. by Oligonicella (Score:2)Friday September 30, @08:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.2 replies beneath your current threshold.Security? Where? by alexandreracine (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:04PMRe:Security? Where? by frodo from middle ea (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:19PMRe:Security? Where? by FST777 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:34PMRe:Security? Where? by KillShill (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:35PMWhat happened to "send a message" by daves (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:05PMRe:What happened to "send a message" by Concerned Onlooker (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:26PMMeh by Anonymous Coward (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:05PMDNS is 1/2 the problem by Alain Williams (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:32PM Fractured Internet? (Score:5, Funny) by rackhamh (217889) on Friday September 30, @04:05PM (#13688154) ( Duct tape! [ Reply to This2 replies beneath your current threshold. IT's all BS. (Score:5, Insightful) by mindstrm (20013) on Friday September 30, @04:06PM (#13688159) All authority that IANA or ICANN or any other organisation has over IP addresses and DNS is through the strictly VOLUNTARY participation by every ISP and even end user, out there. Their authority comes form the recognition that an authority is needed.. that addresses need to be allocated in an organized way.IT is ultimately those who provide the infrastructure who will decide what needs to be organized and by whom. This isn't a government issue.. it's an ISP issue. [ Reply to ThisRe:IT's all BS. by anaesthetica (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:26PMRe:IT's all BS. by LionKimbro (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:59PMRe:IT's all BS. by anaesthetica (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:15PMRe:IT's all BS. by LionKimbro (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:25PMRe:IT's all BS. by Red Flayer (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:30PMRe:IT's all BS. by chill (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:40PMGov't has nothing to control by wsanders (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:42PMRe:Gov't has nothing to control by Red Flayer (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:22PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.My fingers hurt... by wormbin (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:07PMHere's approx 0.33 of the posts (some collapsed) by Anonymous Coward (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:15PM IF this happens (Score:5, Interesting) by Limburgher (523006) on Friday September 30, @04:07PM (#13688166) ( | Last Journal: Thursday December 05, @03:46PM) Will there also be a fracturing of existing standards going forward? Will HTML 5 be defined by individual countries? Might TCP/IP fork? Might firewall rules at national borders mess with worldwide connectivity?I'd much rather let the UN manage the net than even begin to contemplate the above. I'm not saying the UN has properly managed everything they've touched, but there is no other international body capable of managing the internet. And it needs to not be exclusively under Amerikan control.And I'm and Amerikan. [ Reply to ThisRe:IF this happens by razmaspaz (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:12PMRe:IF this happens by oliana (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:18PMRe:IF this happens by SubstormGuy (Score:1)Friday September 30, @06:18PMRe:IF this happens by CyricZ (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:14PMRe:IF this happens by Limburgher (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:49PMRe:IF this happens by pyrrhonist (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:36PMRe:IF this happens by Ironsides (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:17PMRe:IF this happens by Limburgher (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:45PMRe:IF this happens by Ironsides (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:23PMRe:IF this happens by anaesthetica (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:19PMRe:IF this happens by coopaq (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:20PMRe:IF this happens by JudgeFurious (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:53PMRe:IF this happens by EzInKy (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:09PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.This is just further proof... by eno2001 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:07PMRe:This is just further proof... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:14PMRe:This is just further proof... by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:15PMPlus by nightsweat (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:23PMRe:This is just further proof... by CupBeEmpty (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:17PMRe:This is just further proof... by csirac (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:22PMRe:This is just further proof... by CupBeEmpty (Score:1)Friday September 30, @07:30PMRe:This is just further proof... by rstultz (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:17PMRe:This is just further proof... by csirac (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:39PMRe:This is just further proof... by rale, the (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:04PMRe:This is just further proof... by rstultz (Score:1)Friday September 30, @05:12PMRe:This is just further proof... by Bent Mind (Score:1)Friday September 30, @05:56PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:This is just further proof... by jdigriz (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:25PMRe:This is just further proof... by frodo from middle ea (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:27PMRe:This is just further proof... by nsayer (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:29PMRe:This is just further proof... by myukew (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:41PMRe:This is just further proof... by eno2001 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:51PMRe:This is just further proof... by nsayer (Score:2)Friday September 30, @07:20PMRe:This is just further proof... by Castar (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:18PMRe:This is just further proof... by nsayer (Score:2)Friday September 30, @07:16PMRe:This is just further proof... by Castar (Score:2)Friday September 30, @07:24PMRe:This is just further proof... by nsayer (Score:2)Friday September 30, @07:55PMRe:This is just further proof... by Lucractius (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:54PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:This is just further proof... by gatkinso (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:31PMRe:This is just further proof... by Achromatic1978 (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @02:06AMRe:This is just further proof... by gatkinso (Score:1)Tuesday October 11, @08:51AMRe:This is just further proof... by eventhorizon5 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:57PM


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