Sunday, November 27, 2005

grumpyman writes "The federal judge overseeing Microsoft Corp.'s business practices scolded the company Wednesday over a proposal to force manufacturers to tether iPod-like devices to Microsoft's own music player software. Microsoft blamed the proposal on a newly hired, "lower-level business person" who did not understand the company's obligations under the antitrust settlement."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='microsoft,music,yro';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; Microsoft Chided Over Exclusive Music Idea Log in/Create an Account | Top | 98 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 98 comments 0: 92 comments 1: 65 comments 2: 47 comments 3: 17 comments 4: 11 comments 5: 8 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Suuuure (Score:5, Funny) by gbulmash (688770) * <> on Wednesday October 26, @11:36PM (#13886598) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 26, @11:55PM) Microsoft blamed the proposal on a newly hired, "lower-level business person" who did not understand the company's obligations under the antitrust settlement. Possible responses from the judge: The Surgeon General has determined it is hazardous to your health to blow smoke up my ass. Pull my other leg, it has bells on it. And after I accept that, you've got a bridge you want to sell me? Ha ha ha ha! Stop it, you're killin' me! Ahhh, the blame it on the new guy defense. Not gonna fly. Next excuse? (to lead counsel) Okay. If you say so. Are we still on for golf in Bermuda next week?- Greg [ Reply to ThisRe:Suuuure by rumcho (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @11:45PMRe:Suuuure by cgenman (Score:3) Thursday October 27, @12:46AM4 replies beneath your current threshold. Of course (Score:5, Funny) by dtfinch (661405) * on Wednesday October 26, @11:36PM (#13886601) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday June 08, @07:22PM) There's nothing Microsoft could have done. Those low level interns practically run the company. [ Reply to ThisRe:Of course by MLopat (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @11:49PMRe:Of course by rtb61 (Score:3) Thursday October 27, @12:13AM I can hear it now... (Score:3, Funny) by xgadflyx (828530) * <> on Wednesday October 26, @11:37PM (#13886612) (Last Journal: Thursday September 29, @08:37AM) Somewhere deep in the heart of Redmond...."Damn those new MBA graduate students! Don't know there head from their @#$hole. Looks like we need to re-evaluate our initial MS obscure wording 101 course" [ Reply to This "lower-level business person" (Score:5, Funny) by Baricom (763970) on Wednesday October 26, @11:39PM (#13886622) Can't get any lower than scapegoat, right? [ Reply to This2 replies beneath your current threshold. "Microsoft regrets (Score:4, Insightful) by ceoyoyo (59147) on Wednesday October 26, @11:43PM (#13886642) the proposal ever was sent to music-player manufacturers..." Wow, they let the new coffee getter conference call with Sony by himself? Huh. [ Reply to ThisRe:"Microsoft regrets by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @11:51PMRe:"Microsoft regrets by steelfood (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @11:54PMRe:"Microsoft regrets by ceoyoyo (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:17AMRe:"Microsoft regrets by steelfood (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:40AMRe:"Microsoft regrets by einhverfr (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:47AMRe:"Microsoft regrets by mattjb0010 (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:19AM Oh, okay. (Score:1) by dirtsurfer (595452) on Wednesday October 26, @11:44PM (#13886648) (Last Journal: Tuesday January 21, @05:54AM) It turns out the proposal was made by Bill the Janitor. Nothing to see, move along, false alarm. [ Reply to ThisRe:Oh, okay. by Cave_Monster (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:03AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Blame Management! (Score:3, Insightful) by TauntingElf (926235) on Wednesday October 26, @11:45PM (#13886658) How in the world can they blame the low level worker when it would have to be a management decision. Now are they saying their new management has been stuck under a rock for 5 years? How many people don't know about Microsoft and the monopoly case against them? [ Reply to ThisRe:Blame Management! by Mr. Sketch (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @11:51PM The good old days at MS (Score:5, Funny) by MLopat (848735) on Wednesday October 26, @11:46PM (#13886663) ( I miss the good old days at Microsoft. When we used to just do whatever the hell we wanted, and would write a cheque for the consequences later. :) [ Reply to ThisRe:The good old days at MS by SpinJaunt (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @11:50PM of course... (Score:5, Funny) by sapgau (413511) on Wednesday October 26, @11:48PM (#13886670) (Last Journal: Monday January 19, @09:24PM) It was one of those lower level, chair throwing, teeth grinding employees!! [ Reply to ThisRe:of course... by putko (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:39AM Are you fucking kidding me? (Score:5, Insightful) by sootman (158191) on Wednesday October 26, @11:53PM (#13886695) (Last Journal: Saturday February 26, @12:40AM) I swear, you can't make this shit up. Show of hands: who here believes a single thing MS says anymore? [ Reply to ThisI don't care what they say... by NotQuiteReal (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:10AMRe:Are you fucking kidding me? by johansalk (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:19AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Turnabout is FairPlay? (Score:1, Interesting) by CodeBuster (516420) on Thursday October 27, @12:06AM (#13886754) Isn't this precisely what Apple is doing with iPod + iTunes? If Apple can open an online music store and restrict competing hardware and software products then why can Microsoft not compete in exactly the same way? What about the tethering of music purchased on iTunes to the computer which purchased the music and the FairPlay system? It seems to me that Microsoft cannot be faulted for taking a few pages from Apple's playbook in this case. [ Reply to This Re:Turnabout is FairPlay? (Score:5, Insightful) by Janacek (925490) on Thursday October 27, @12:18AM (#13886811) Completely different situation. Apple makes the iPod and has every right to limit it to run whatever software it chooses. If MS made the player nobody would have a right to say that it must run other companies' software. The problem here is MS was trying to force other manufacturers to limit their players to running only Windows Media Player software. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by RollingThunder (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:19AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by Planesdragon (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:28AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by MochaMan (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:30AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by sholden (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:22AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by prockcore (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:28AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by steelfood (Score:3) Thursday October 27, @12:22AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by womby (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:22AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:50AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by D.A. Zollinger (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:23AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by _Sprocket_ (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:58AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by Jah-Wren Ryel (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:24AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by caese (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:24AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by sabaco (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:29AMRe:Turnabout is FairPlay? by gzearfoss (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:33AM did not understand? (Score:4, Funny) by the-build-chicken (644253) on Thursday October 27, @12:10AM (#13886771) lower-level business person" who did not understand the company's obligations under the antitrust settlement...and apparently been living the past 5 years without a tv.....or a newspaper.....or interpersonal a box....wearing earmuffs......buried in a 12 foot crater on the other side of mars. [ Reply to ThisRe:did not understand? by jedZ (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:16AMRe:did not understand? by Crunchie Frog (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:47AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Simpler explanation (Score:5, Insightful) by aepervius (535155) on Thursday October 27, @12:14AM (#13886787) They are "testing the water" to see how far they can go expanding their grasp without anyone reacting. Next time they will go a little less far and nobody will react etc... [ Reply to This Really nail them... (Score:1) by The Ancients (626689) on Thursday October 27, @12:17AM (#13886806) ( ...over a proposal to force manufacturers to tether iPod-like devices to Microsoft's own music player software.Meh - teach 'em a lesson. Force manufacturers to tether iPods to Microsoft's own music player software :pOk, ok - I know it's not fair, not going to happen, and just plain not nice, but imagine the look on Bill's face when that little beauty came zinging his way... [ Reply to This They forgot... (Score:1, Redundant) by laughingcoyote (762272) <barghesthowl@excite . c om> on Thursday October 27, @12:21AM (#13886833) The "lower-level" employee was also accused of throwing chairs across the room while threatening to "fucking bury these antitrust guys", according to a Microsoft statement. His identity has not been released, but Microsoft has promised that "appropriate action" will be taken."We've decided that Mr. Bal-erm-this low-level goon is only allowed to have beanbag chairs in his office from now on. And if he throws any more furniture he's paying for his own wall." said Jack Priceup, a low-level marketing goon for Microsoft. Asked if low-level people within the organization were allowed to make large-scale decisions with competitors, he said "No way, they don't even let us take a piss without askin..." After checking his pager, which started furiously going off at that time, he then stated that time for comments was up. [ Reply to This Nice work judge, now what about OpenDocument? (Score:2) by cpu_fusion (705735) on Thursday October 27, @12:36AM (#13886891) Fantastic ... Would same judge please slap Microsoft silly for the BS it is currently pulling in regards to the OpenDocument format? [] [ Reply to This Culpability (Score:2) by Red Flayer (890720) on Thursday October 27, @12:42AM (#13886907) FTA: "Microsoft abandoned the idea after a competitor protested." How many questionable actions have slipped through because the competitors have been strong-armed (due to business relations with MS) or bought off? This happens to be an area where MS has valid competition who have a large interest in making sure MS doesn't leverage their OS dominance... what happens in areas where the competition doesn't have the legal resources to monitor MS & to file complaints? Not to bash MS, but really now... Gates & co are making a good case for the idea that they need to be monitored past 2007, and that perhaps the previous settlement wasn't enough. The fact of the matter is that whether it was Gates or Ballmer or some new lackey, they were acting in official capacity as an employee of MS. It is the responsibility of those in charge to make sure no one in the organization could take illegal action. And should the court take action (which the judge said she won't), the execs at MS should be held liable by their shareholders. [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. MRD (Score:2) by starling (26204) <> on Thursday October 27, @12:45AM (#13886915) Microsoft blamed the proposal on a newly hired, "lower-level business person" who did not understand the company's obligations under the antitrust settlement.Well, they would say that, woudn't they? [] [ Reply to This In defense of MS (Score:1) by weavermatic (868696) on Thursday October 27, @12:52AM (#13886949) I am a service tech with Siemens on the Redmond Microsoft campus. We do all of their desktop support so I see A LOT of the normal day to day happenings that go on around this place. Ever since I've been here, all I've seen are people doing everything they can to make the most feature-filled, least buggy, most compatible software they can. I know for certain that the team working on Microsoft Operations Manager has in the last week broken several barriers that they were working on.My point is that Microsoft is not the immense evil company that they are made out to be. The people that work here are not trying to rip you off. They are not sabotaging their software. They take pride in thier work. We have copies of different linux builds lying around and some people even use Macs here. Seeing the way things work here, when Balmer says he has not thrown a chair, I believe him. Every last employee and most vendors here have IMMENSE amounts of freedom in their jobs. Microsoft hires people that present an air of trustworthyness. They want to be able to hire people, assign them a task, and be confident that the person they hired will be able to complete the task in the most efficient and responsible way possible.In reference to this article that obviously did not happen. Somebody was entrusted with a certain amount of authority and they misused it. Please realize that Microsoft as a company is not some huge evil organization out to rape your wallets. They are regular people who want to, like anyone else, do the best job they can. [ Reply to This Re:When are Mp3 player companies going to get it? (Score:2, Troll) by jrockway (229604) * < minus bsd> on Wednesday October 26, @11:56PM (#13886707) ( | Last Journal: Sunday October 10, @05:11AM) The iPod is exactly the same. It does rename its music files, though, ... but they'll still play fine. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:When are Mp3 player companies going to get it? (Score:4, Informative) by Dionysus (12737) on Thursday October 27, @12:00AM (#13886722) ( Because these devices are small with limited amount of memory? And when the memory is limited and the storage capacity is huge, then there is a question of where do you store all that id3 tags. File access would be dirt slow (when you push play, you don't want to wait 5 seconds for the system to find the file. Heck, if you browse your system, you don't want to wait for each update). Even something like amaroK index the files. Try loading all your the mp3s into xmms and see how long it takes. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:When are Mp3 player companies going to get it? by forkazoo (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:20AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:When are Mp3 player companies going to get it? by QuantumG (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:33AM Re:Whisky Tango Foxtrot (Score:2) by Cave_Monster (918103) on Thursday October 27, @12:10AM (#13886770) Shock horror! A company trying to make money. Well I never heard such a far-out thing. Regardless of the tactics used, I'm sure it really isn't going to hurt their market share. I think it's more a case of, lets try it and if we get caught 'bummer' otherwise profit! [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold. Re:Whisky Tango Foxtrot (Score:1, Troll) by badmammajamma (171260) on Thursday October 27, @12:11AM (#13886776) Good thing you went anonymous with that post, otherwise you would have been modded down for dissing Apple (in spite of the fact it's true).I don't care if I get modded down, so feel free. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Question (Score:2) by superpulpsicle (533373) on Thursday October 27, @12:13AM (#13886782) Do hotfixes count? [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Who do you think they're talking about? (Score:1) by The Ancients (626689) on Thursday October 27, @12:20AM (#13886828) ( Steve Ballmer?All Steve understands is how to jump around the stage leaping and whooping like a primate. However, apparently that's enough to run Microsoft. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Who do you think they're talking about? by Tuross (Score:1) Thursday October 27, @12:34AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. MP3 players (Score:2) by Tony (765) on Thursday October 27, @12:21AM (#13886832) ( | Last Journal: Thursday October 31, @06:12PM) The deal is this: if you had 2000+ albums on your hard drive, it'd take you forever to index them so you had a cool interface with which to access your music.Now.Take your desktop computer, with all its resources, and scrunch it down into a device that'll fit into your pocket.The deal is, it's easier to "cache" the ID3 tags into a "database" (sorry if I'm using technical terms here) and have a small "embedded device" use the database for song information. And, since you need a computer to move those songs over to the embedded device, it's much easier to move the db workload off to the big computer than the small computer.It really does make sense. It's just a pain the ass for the citizen using the device. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:MP3 players by QuantumG (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:28AMRe:MP3 players by Fulcrum of Evil (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:54AM Re:When are Mp3 player companies going to get it? (Score:2) by chill (34294) on Thursday October 27, @12:57AM (#13886972) Quit whining and try ASKING someone. You know, like iRiver's tech support? You can flash the unit with a ROM update that'll make it a USB Mass Storage (UMS) device. Go search their downloads for "UMS" and drag to your heart's content.  -Charles [ Reply to This | Parent13 replies beneath your current threshold.


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