Saturday, November 26, 2005

Kailash Nadh writes to tell us ABC News is reporting that IBM is teaming up with several other companies to form a group called Aperi. This group will attempt to "push the open source idea deeper into computing" and "free up the bottlenecks that can occur when a business has bought tape and disk storage systems from a variety of vendors." The partnership is to include companies like Cisco, Sun, Fujitsu, and several others. IBM Leads Team to Alleviate Data Storage Woes Log in/Create an Account | Top | 53 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 53 comments 0: 50 comments 1: 36 comments 2: 28 comments 3: 16 comments 4: 12 comments 5: 4 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. Now don't tell me to RTFA ok??!?! (Score:3, Funny) by ChrisGilliard (913445) <chris&xcoderz,com> on Tuesday October 25, @07:35PM (#13876744) ( EOM [ Reply to This Phooey. Article Text With Links (Score:5, Funny) by The Amazing Fish Boy (863897) on Tuesday October 25, @08:01PM (#13876932) (http://games.slashdo...Amazing%20Fish%20Boy | Last Journal: Friday July 01, @05:34PM) Kailash Nadh [] writes to tell us ABC News [] is reporting that IBM [] is teaming up with several other companies to form a group called Aperi. This group will attempt to "push the open source [] idea deeper into computing []" and "free up the bottlenecks that can occur when a business has bought tape and disk storage systems [] from a variety of vendors []." The partnership is to include companies like Cisco [], Sun [], Fujitsu [], and several others. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Phooey. Article Text With Links by Anonymous Crowhead (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @08:10PM Doesn't IBM sell data storage solutions? (Score:1) by FatalChaos (911012) on Tuesday October 25, @07:36PM (#13876759) Although i am glad that IBM is further supporting Open Source, I'm confused as to why they are tackling this particular aspect of OSS, because it could hurt their current revenue from data storage. [ Reply to This Re:Doesn't IBM sell data storage solutions? (Score:4, Informative) by cerelib (903469) on Tuesday October 25, @07:56PM (#13876890) No, that is completely the wrong way to think about it. This is a way to be able to sell to customers whose entire infrastructure is from a competitor(EMC, Sun, Fujitsu) by being able to integrate or "virtualize" all of it so it works as a cohesive unit. It is all about virtualization of storage. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Doesn't IBM sell data storage solutions? by SwashbucklingCowboy (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @09:12PM Re:Doesn't IBM sell data storage solutions? (Score:5, Insightful) by Jason Earl (1894) on Tuesday October 25, @08:10PM (#13876973) IBM can make this sort of a play because it has such a wide array of services and a support arm that is right in the trenches. So, for example, it can see that its UNIX gear is selling well, but a lot of IBM's UNIX customers are opting for EMC storage. IBM's service arm is happy to set that up for you, but its sales arm is not nearly as happy. So IBM gets to work at making storage a commodity and then providing service, support, and hardware. This is a win for IBM because it no longer needs EMC's help to sell an IBM solution. The profit that used to go into EMC's pocket now goes into IBM's pocket. The margins probably aren't as large as EMC used to get, but IBM doesn't have to share. IBM is more than happy to shrink the size of a market that it happens to compete in if it thinks that it can get a bigger slice of the pie or more service revenue. Interestingly enough, commoditizing a market usually causes it to grow because more people can afford the good or service. By creating a commodity IBM can often finagle both a bigger market *and* a larger slice of the pie.The best part is that this sort of strategy doesn't necessarily mean that IBM has to give up its current data storage products. With a little bit of differentiation IBM might still be able to sell "high end" storage gear that works well with their specialty OSes and hardware while offering a lower-cost standards-based solution that competes favorably with IBM's competitors. Just because IBM is pushing Linux certainly hasn't made its AIX business go away. Just like Linux gives IBM more ammunition when competing with Microsoft commodity storage gives IBM more ammunition when competing with EMC.This also goes to show how the folks at IBM are much smarter than the folks at Sun. Sun was facing the same problem as IBM in the storage arena (people wanted EMC's gear instead of Sun's gear). Sun is trying to remedy that through the purchase of another storage vendor (StorageTek) that is likewise having trouble competing. IBM, on the other hand, has opted to kick the bottom out of the market and see if it can't dominate over a commodity storage field. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Doesn't IBM sell data storage solutions? by twiddlingbits (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @10:46PMRe:Doesn't IBM sell data storage solutions? by superpulpsicle (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @12:23AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. article is at (Score:5, Informative) by ChrisGilliard (913445) <chris&xcoderz,com> on Tuesday October 25, @07:39PM (#13876778) ( [] [ Reply to This no link in summary, here's one (Score:4, Informative) by Anonymous Crowhead (577505) on Tuesday October 25, @07:39PM (#13876780) [] [ Reply to This Here's the link! :D (Score:4, Informative) by Spy der Mann (805235) <spydermann,slashdot&gmail,com> on Tuesday October 25, @07:40PM (#13876787) (Last Journal: Wednesday October 12, @02:42PM) 2 []And the obligatory coral link. tory?id=1249132 [] [ Reply to This Haha (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 25, @07:42PM (#13876801) So many people don't read the articles anymore that the submitter must have figured, "Screw it, why post it anyway?" [ Reply to ThisRe:Haha by gstoddart (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @11:29PM Entertainment for the Open Source community? (Score:4, Insightful) by msbsod (574856) on Tuesday October 25, @07:44PM (#13876809) Companies channel their "news". And who else could bring us better entertainment than ABC News, a Disney channel? The whole idea that IBM is pushing Linux is just too funny. IBM has no interest in Linux. IBM wants to sell their stuff. Nothing wrong with that, but why do we need IBM between the Open Source community and customers who already bought their equipment? It is the good old strategy of putting yourself between the brain and the money. All distributors of entertainment industry work that way. So, let's welcome IBM in their new role as entertainer, with Disney as partner. [ Reply to ThisRe:Entertainment for the Open Source community? by Vellmont (Score:3) Tuesday October 25, @08:00PM Of course, IBM wants to sell their stuff.. However (Score:4, Insightful) by valdis (160799) on Tuesday October 25, @08:04PM (#13876945) Something to keep in mind is that one of IBM's *biggest* divisions is now World Services, which is their consulting arm. Now, the consulting services people make the same amount (more or less) no matter if they do the work on Linux or AIX.The difference is that IBM can either have 5,000 people doing AIX support, or it can have 100 or so people doing Linux support and development, and let the open source community provide the other 4,900 people.Which do you think looks better on the balance sheet? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Of course, IBM wants to sell their stuff.. Howe by msbsod (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @08:22PMRe:Of course, IBM wants to sell their stuff.. Howe by Amiga Trombone (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @09:20PMWorld Services? by Apponaug (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @09:01PMRe:Entertainment for the Open Source community? by Jeff DeMaagd (Score:3) Tuesday October 25, @08:44PM alleviating woes? (Score:2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 25, @07:47PM (#13876835) alleviating woes?Yep, some might say IBM has a lot of experience working with Deep Blues. [ Reply to ThisThat's what I got out of the title too... by mtec (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @10:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Meh (Score:4, Insightful) by Jeffrey Baker (6191) on Tuesday October 25, @07:47PM (#13876838) Brought to you by Cisco, Sun, CA, Brocade, NetApp, McData, and Fujitsu. In other words, the same bunch of jerks who got you into this mess in the first place. Great. I'll expect something really useless like Ultra Wide iSCSI or some other bullshit, for only $999 per node, of course. [ Reply to ThisRe:Meh by Vellmont (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @08:02PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. I work for IBM. (Score:2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 25, @07:49PM (#13876851) I work for IBM.So I am really getting a kick out of most of these replies.Some of you guys are very good at making it sound like you know what you are talking about.But trust me.... You don't.I think you just want to make yourself sound smart, when in reality you dontknow what you are talking about.This is how bad info gets passed around.If you dont know about the topic....Don't make yourself sound like you do.Cuz some Slashdotters belive anything they hear. [ Reply to ThisRe:I work for IBM. by DavidHOzAu (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @08:14PMThank you :) by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @08:29PMRe:I work for IBM. by user32.ExitWindowsEx (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @10:07PMRe:I work for IBM. by Dmac1985 (Score:1) Tuesday October 25, @11:22PM3 replies beneath your current threshold. Dear IBM, et al (Score:4, Insightful) by christurkel (520220) on Tuesday October 25, @07:57PM (#13876901) ( | Last Journal: Thursday August 25, @09:45PM) A good idea would be to encourage, nay, preinstall open source software on all computers you sell, including desktops.Yours truly, joe wantsomethingotherthanWindows [ Reply to ThisUmm.. IBM doesn't make desktops anymore... by valdis (Score:2) Tuesday October 25, @08:07PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Google can take care of that for them (Score:2) by billstewart (78916) on Tuesday October 25, @07:59PM (#13876912) ( | Last Journal: Thursday March 03, @12:08AM) Hey, this article was just after Google [] announced that All Your Database Are Belong To Them. [] (Does that make the IBM article a dupe, or have I pushed the Slashdot lame-joke envelope too far to get away with that? :-) [ Reply to This Open Source data archive and retrieval tool (Score:4, Funny) by Gothmolly (148874) on Tuesday October 25, @08:00PM (#13876917) The Tape ARchive tool, reports IBM, will allow users to add and remove files from a data set, called a 'tarfile', via a well-documented API, which IBM wants OSS developers to leverage. This 'tarfile' can be created as a regular Unix or Wintel filesystem file, or directly written to tape or disk. This can be used to create any number of GUI and command line tools to provide low-level access to the data files contained within. A bonus to the extensible format used by IBM is that native Compress, GZ and BZ2 compression libraries can be used, when available on the system. A beta release of the utility set ALSO provides LZIP compression, previously only available as a Sourceforge patch to the existing OSS toolkit. [ Reply to This1 reply beneath your current threshold. Deep (Score:3, Funny) by wombatmobile (623057) on Tuesday October 25, @08:19PM (#13877024) This group will attempt to "push the open source idea deeper into computing"How much deeper [] can they go? [ Reply to This SMI-S (Score:1) by furry_wookie (8361) on Tuesday October 25, @10:58PM (#13877767) We have this's called the SNIA SMI... have you not heard of it? [] thanks IBM. [ Reply to This6 replies beneath your current threshold.


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