Sunday, November 27, 2005

Twenty years ago, the NES changed the face of U.S. gaming. All this week, has a series of features celebrating the anniversary of the Nintendo Entertainment System. From the site: "When the NES launched, America hated videogames. Well, sort of. The Atari 2600 had upset folks by flooding the market with bad software and, at first, retailers were reluctant to sell another system. But the NES was a hit, controlling a healthy 90 percent of the U.S. home videogame industry at the peak of its popularity." 20 Years of NES Log in/Create an Account | Top | 264 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 264 comments 0: 261 comments 1: 220 comments 2: 149 comments 3: 46 comments 4: 26 comments 5: 16 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. where's the article? (Score:4, Insightful) by conJunk (779958) on Wednesday October 26, @05:28PM (#13884328) Is it just me, or was the target of the link devoid of anything except ads?I thought I'd found the path to the rest of the story when I got to this sentance: And take a minute this week to unpack your dusty NES from its storage closet and go for a run-and-jump trip down memory lane. there was link on "memory" (which has since disappeared) that went to's RAM catalog. Ugh. [ Reply to This Re:where's the article? (Score:5, Informative) by op12 (830015) on Wednesday October 26, @05:31PM (#13884357) ( The images below that last line link to the different articles. Try this: [] [ Reply to This | ParentRe:where's the article? by conJunk (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:34PMRe:where's the article? by zootm (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:07PMRe:where's the article? by JeTmAn81 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:37PMRe:where's the article? by AKAImBatman (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:33PMRe:where's the article? by Dachannien (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:47PMArticleS (yes, plural) Here by Spy der Mann (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:38PMRe:ArticleS (yes, plural) Here by nickj6282 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:41PMRe:ArticleS (yes, plural) Here by NattyBucho (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:10PMRe:ArticleS (yes, plural) Here by nickj6282 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:33PMRe:where's the article? by Kevin108 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:40PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Ah, Good Times... (Score:5, Funny) by MudButt (853616) on Wednesday October 26, @05:28PM (#13884329) But the NES was a hit, controlling a healthy 90 percent of the U.S. home videogame industry at the peak of its popularity And I still have the bad report cards to prove it! [ Reply to This Re:Ah, Good Times... (Score:5, Funny) by op12 (830015) on Wednesday October 26, @05:34PM (#13884381) ( But the NES was a hit, controlling a healthy 90 percent... ...which weren't healthy for much longer! [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Ah, Good Times... by deepcameo (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:03PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. THAT'S IT... (Score:5, Funny) by ferrellcat (691126) * on Wednesday October 26, @05:29PM (#13884335) I'm officially OLD! :( [ Reply to ThisRe:THAT'S IT... by Spy der Mann (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:43PM Re:THAT'S IT... (Score:5, Funny) by Guppy06 (410832) <diwancio&earthlink,net> on Wednesday October 26, @05:49PM (#13884502) (Last Journal: Monday October 24, @08:05AM) Oh yeah? When I was your age, we didn't have these new-fangled vee-dee-oh games! For fun, we had real gorillas throwing real barrels at us!(Seriously, though, my first console was ColecoVision, so I've already felt old for a while.) [ Reply to This | ParentRe:THAT'S IT... by Cruciform (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:33PMRe:THAT'S IT... by fishlet (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @08:40PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:THAT'S IT... by BlogPope (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:48PMRe:THAT'S IT... by TClevenger (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:31PMRe:THAT'S IT... by Hangin10 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:38PMRe:THAT'S IT... by DarthTaco (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @08:10PMRe:THAT'S IT... by Hangin10 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @10:41PMRe:THAT'S IT... by Burz (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:49AM NES (Score:4, Interesting) by readin (838620) on Wednesday October 26, @05:29PM (#13884337) I went from Atari 2600 straight to GameCube. Both are (were) great! I'm looking forward to my first experience with Zelda! [ Reply to This Re:NES (Score:5, Funny) by FidelCatsro (861135) * <> on Wednesday October 26, @05:40PM (#13884425) (Last Journal: Wednesday October 26, @09:07AM) How did that happen ?Did you try to complete ET and loose 20 years through a nervous breakdown [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:NES by Jonny_eh (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:45PMRe:NES by Cerdic (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:51PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:NES by Lucractius (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @11:19PM America hated video games... (Score:5, Funny) by Winckle (870180) <> on Wednesday October 26, @05:30PM (#13884342) And we all know why don't we [] [ Reply to ThisWoah... by The MAZZTer (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:59PMWhy does everyone hate E.T. so MUCH? by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @08:24PMRe:Why does everyone hate E.T. so MUCH? by gauauu (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @09:38PMRe:Why does everyone hate E.T. so MUCH? by hal2814 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @10:14PMRe:Why does everyone hate E.T. so MUCH? by ElleyKitten (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @10:37PMRe:Why does everyone hate E.T. so MUCH? by snuf23 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @10:50PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Trip down memory lane (Score:4, Informative) by AKAImBatman (238306) * on Wednesday October 26, @05:30PM (#13884346) ( | Last Journal: Friday September 30, @08:23AM) Ah yes, the good old days of gaming. Back when games had to be fun rather than bloody. I always found it nice that Nintendo took a solid stance about the family playability of games. It meant that the games had to be sold on the basis of something other than blood and gore. While there were quite a few Nintendo games that sold because they were either a) cheap or b) had a movie license (Karate Kid anyone?), a large number of the games for the old system were just good. Nintendo's "Seal of Quality" program came out, it helped keep the overall quality of games high, again because they had to be competitive on something other than shock factor. Not that the graphics of the time allowed much of that anyway...When the SuperNES came out, it wasn't long before the issue of blood and gore came up, especially in the light of the SuperNES's new graphics capabilities. But Nintendo pushed back at game creators and kept that era of gaming fun. Even more so because Nintendo didn't approve games that didn't meet their playtester approval.Then the Playstation came out, and despite its technical superiority, it sucked. But they had the Blood and Gore (and Loading...), and plenty of boring 3D games that only sold due to shock factor. But eventually Sony pushed long enough and hard enough, and now we have the games of today. Even Nintendo gets into the whole "adult" thing with their postively revolting Conq the Squirrel game. Thanks Sony. :-( [ Reply to This Re:Trip down memory lane (Score:5, Insightful) by jandrese (485) * <> on Wednesday October 26, @05:34PM (#13884382) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday October 01, @02:47PM) Uh, the "Seal of Quality" was just a measure to stop pirates, it was by no means an actual indication of a game's quality. There was plenty of crap out there with the Nintendo Seal of Quality on it. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Trip down memory lane by AKAImBatman (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:41PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Chris Burke (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:42PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Tyler Eaves (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:00PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Chris Burke (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:07PM Re:Trip down memory lane (Score:5, Informative) by Guppy06 (410832) <diwancio&earthlink,net> on Wednesday October 26, @05:56PM (#13884555) (Last Journal: Monday October 24, @08:05AM) The seal wasn't used to stop pirates, it was the lock-out chip. Witness Tengen.If you'd read Game Over, you know the seal was part of a program to keep publishers from flooding the market; it wasn't to keep bad games from getting through, it was to to keep a metric fuckload of crap games from getting through (ala 2600). The seal was Nintendo's PR way of telling potential consumers that it wasn't going to be the cause of another Dark Age of Video Games.Nintendo also had a strict policy of limiting the number of titles a publisher could release in a year. They could still get away with crap games, but then they'd have to rely on that crap game for income before they're allowed to have another shot at finding player love. [ Reply to This | ParentUnauthorized Games by OzPhIsH (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:11PMRe:Unauthorized Games by Guppy06 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:15PM Tales from the 8-bit era (Score:5, Interesting) by realityfighter (811522) on Wednesday October 26, @07:27PM (#13885243) Actually, the story is a little funnier than that. Tengen tried to reverse engineer the lockout chip, but they couldn't in time to make their deadline. So they called the USPTO and asked them to send a copy of the chip spec, claiming that they needed the information for an ongoing legal case. The Patent Office gladly passed over the specs, and Tengen started making copies. By the time Nintendo had sued the pants off Tengen, they'd figured out how to disable the lockout by sending a small power surge to knockout the chip inside the system.Another funny story from the NES era is the tale of Wisdom Tree Games, the derivative company created by Color Dreams to sell unauthorized NES cartridges out in the open without fear of retribution from Nintendo. How? The company and the games were biblically themed, and the carts were sold in Christian bookstores. Nintendo didn't dare sue a company making bible games, for fear of massive PR backlash. So Wisdom Tree thrived in its technically-illegal niche. In fact, it's still around today [] and still printing carts for the gameboy color.The 10NES chip certainly made for some interesting stories. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Unauthorized Games by Servants (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @11:51PMRe:Trip down memory lane by gotkube (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:39PM Re:Trip down memory lane (Score:5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 26, @05:40PM (#13884423) The first game I had for Nintendo was two murderous games in one:One where you leave a trail of death behind as you fight to rescue the human oppressor that subjugates the indiginous fungo-sapien population.And the other where you blow the crap out of ducks and, after missing a few times, attempt to blast the smartass dog.I don't even want to think about the mass genocide in Metroid... [ Reply to This | ParentBlasphemy! by ZombieRoboNinja (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @09:26PMRe:Trip down memory lane by DarcSeed (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @10:49PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. "Adult Gamers" (Score:5, Insightful) by kevin_conaway (585204) on Wednesday October 26, @05:41PM (#13884438) ( | Last Journal: Thursday April 28, @02:48PM) I think the influx of high quality sports games attracted a whole new class of people to gaming, the "Adult Gamers." These are the folks that have money to spend but only play games casually with their friends. Whichever system had the best NBA 2K or Madden game won the pack. The others followed suit. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Trip down memory lane by Chris Burke (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:49PMRe:Trip down memory lane by AKAImBatman (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:55PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Chris Burke (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:05PMRe:Trip down memory lane by eamonman (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @09:11PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Blakey Rat (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:29PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Mr2001 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @09:08PMRe:Trip down memory lane by slashdotnickname (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:02PMRe:Trip down memory lane by grungebox (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:02PMRe:Trip down memory lane by hunterx11 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @08:22PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Servants (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:08AMRe:Trip down memory lane by DongleFondle (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:46PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Elite Xizer (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:29PMRe:Trip down memory lane by spectre_240sx (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @08:55PMRe:Trip down memory lane by JeTmAn81 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:40PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Omestes (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @10:09PMRe:Trip down memory lane by Babbster (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:10AMRe:Trip down memory lane by Omestes (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:43AMRe:Trip down memory lane by macshome (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @09:50PMRe:Trip down memory lane by NanoGator (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @09:55PMAhh! NES! by mister_llah (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:30PM Re:Ahh! NES! (Score:4, Funny) by HebrewToYou (644998) <> on Wednesday October 26, @05:36PM (#13884396) How in the world can ExciteBike be left off your list? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Ahh! NES! by KingVance (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:51PMRe:Ahh! NES! by MageWyn (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:39PMRe:Ahh! NES! by bladesjester (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @09:32PMRe:Ahh! NES! by dogmatixpsych (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:40PMUhh...Blaster Master?? by LanMan04 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:45PMRe:Uhh...Blaster Master?? by drinkypoo (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:51PMRe:Uhh...Blaster Master?? by GreyWolf3000 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:43PMRe:Uhh...Blaster Master?? by superpulpsicle (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:17AMRe:Ahh! NES! by calbanese (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:53PMRe:Ahh! NES! by MP3Chuck (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:15PMRe:Ahh! NES! by Black.Shuck (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @08:20PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Still Got Mine! by MageWyn (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:31PMRe:Still Got Mine! by mrbobjoe (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:15PMhas been hooked up ever since by QEDog (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @08:18PMBoo. by Seth Finklestein (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:31PMRe:Boo. by FidelCatsro (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:42PMRe:Boo. by pappy97 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:44PMRe:Boo. by Agilus (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:56PMRe:Boo. by Agilus (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:02PMRe:Boo. by pappy97 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:11PMRe:Boo. by Iron Clad Burrito (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:30PMRe:Boo. by catprog (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:37PMRe:Boo. by FidelCatsro (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @06:00PMRe:Boo. by drinkypoo (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:13PMNot the same by phorm (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:20PMRe:Not the same by drinkypoo (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @07:33PMRe:Boo. by G-funk (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:29PMUser base? by tepples (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:45PM2-player? by tepples (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @08:16PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Boo. by Guppy06 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:01PMRe:Boo. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:27PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Boo. by jdog1016 (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @07:26PMRe:Boo. by hunterx11 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @08:25PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Still Kicking by gotkube (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:33PMRe:Still Kicking by AmberBlackCat (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:01PM Top 15 games as posted by 1up: (Score:4, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 26, @05:34PM (#13884379) Top 15 games as posted by 1up:15. Dragon Warrior14. Duck Hunt13. StarTropics12. Bionic Commando11. Zelda II10. Duck Tales9. Super Mario Bros. 28. Final Fantasy7. Mega Man 26. Contra5. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!4. River City Ransom3. Super Mario Bros.2. The Legend of Zelda1. Super Mario Bros. 3 [ Reply to ThisRe:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by Stargoat (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:46PMRe:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by fishybell (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:51PMRe:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by bladesjester (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @09:38PMRe:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by OzPhIsH (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:00PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by focitrixilous P (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:46PMRe:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by Servants (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:15AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by c_forq (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:56PMRe:Top 15 games as posted by 1up: by RapidEye (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @10:17PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.NES #1? Ignorance. by ziggy the zagnut (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:34PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by ArsonSmith (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:45PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by drinkypoo (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:53PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by prator (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:59AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:NES #1? Ignorance. by mmusson (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:46PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by pappy97 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:47PM Re:NES #1? Ignorance. (Score:5, Insightful) by AKAImBatman (238306) * on Wednesday October 26, @05:48PM (#13884497) ( | Last Journal: Friday September 30, @08:23AM) PacMan was prior to the Video Game Crash. After the Video Game Crash, all the people who'd spent MegaBucks on Atari, Intellivison, and Coleco systems were left out in the cold with highly expensive hardware and no software to buy. A LOT of consumers became rather despondant over this, thus the line "Americans hated video games." It was so bad that Nintendo called the console an "Entertainment System" and marketed a Robot with it to keep people from thinking of it as Another Video Game Console(TM).Originally, Nintendo was also going to market a disk drive (which was available for the Fanicom in Japan) so that people could use it as a home PC. As it turned out, the market accepted the Nintendo well enough that they eventually ditched the whole "home computer" idea. [ Reply to This | ParentNES robot by k98sven (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:04PMRe:NES robot by shadow303 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:28PMRe:NES robot by Chris Burke (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:50PMRe:NES robot by slackmaster2000 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:03PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by suitepotato (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @08:41PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by suitepotato (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @08:44PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:51PMI've got Pac Man Fever! by The MAZZTer (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:02PM Re:NES #1? Ignorance. (Score:5, Informative) by nunchux (869574) on Wednesday October 26, @06:03PM (#13884613) It's foolish, revisionist history to say that Americans hated videogames. Does anyone remember Pac Man fever? The album? It was a phenomenon. There was a veritable ton of Pac Man schwag (cheesy merchandise like bubble gum dispensers, keychains, Rubik's cube knockoffs, etc.) showing strong evidence of video games' pre-Nintendo dominance in American culture.I was 14 or 15 around the time and remember it well. A few years before, everyone loved games. Every family had an Atari. Every mall had an arcade. EVERYONE played games. Even parents. And girls. Then, there was a crash, for whatever reason-- most likely because even the best games were limited and got boring fast. In 1984-5, if you liked video games, you owned a Commodore 64. The days of families-- or really anyone but pasty-faced geeks-- buying consoles and games was very much over. That is, until Nintendo revolutionized the market. Their games were light years beyond previous generation because they weren't just three screens of action that repeated until you died, they were fun and interesting worlds that could be explored. And unlike the typical Atari game that just got faster and faster on the same screen until you inevitably died, Nintendo games could be beaten and won.As for revisionism-- I don't think there's any shortage of Pac Man or Atari nostalgia, especially on the web. 32-in-1 Atari joysticks sell by the millions and I see 20-somethings in vintage game shirts all the time. Are you really trying to suggest that no one remembers that era?I'm very weary of articles, especially on, that pitch Mario Bros. as the original videogame. You all should be making fan art of Yar's Revenge, Pitfall and River Raid.I haven't seen many articles like that, but I'll believe you. But I think this is a key to why Nintendo is so beloved-- you don't give a shit about Yar and why he wants revenge, or what the River Raid plane's mission was. You don't really even care why Pac Man does whatever he does. Nintendo's games and characters-- Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc.-- have a story and a soul. They may look primitive now, but at the time they felt like cartoons brought to life. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by nb caffeine (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @08:36PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by snuf23 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @11:22PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by Guppy06 (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @06:04PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by mcrbids (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:07PMRe:NES #1? Ignorance. by CrazyJim1 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:38PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Tribute by Chaotic Spyder (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:35PM SNES (Score:4, Funny) by killermookie (708026) <matt AT killermookie DOT org> on Wednesday October 26, @05:36PM (#13884400) ( While the article details about NES (which I owned including the Atari 2600), I remember the day I went out and bought the SNES.I faked a sickness and fooled my parents, allowing me to stay home from school. Once they left, it was a quick ride to the local Woolworth store (remember those stores?) and a $200 purchase later I was at home playing Super Mario World.My parents didn't have a clue. [ Reply to ThisRe:SNES by The-Bus (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:21PMRe:SNES by Spytap (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:55PMRe:SNES by killermookie (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @08:05PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:SNES by catprog (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:26PMRe:SNES by Blakey Rat (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:34PMRe:SNES by kb7oeb (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @09:08PMI love the old NES! by GecKo213 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:37PM Super Mario Bros. Super Show (Score:5, Informative) by antdude (79039) on Wednesday October 26, @05:37PM (#13884406) ( | Last Journal: Wednesday July 09, @02:16AM) I noticed the article mentioned the cheesy lame cartoon series, Super Mario Bros. Super Show []. You can watch that online on Yahooligans! TV [] for free. Even The Legend of Zelda [] cartoons are there. [ Reply to ThisRe:Super Mario Bros. Super Show by Saeger (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:08PM Huh? (Score:5, Insightful) by Vellmont (569020) on Wednesday October 26, @05:40PM (#13884430) The Atari 2600 had upset folks by flooding the market with bad softwareWhat? I had an Atari 2600 and I don't remember being "upset at bad software" at all. Was everyone else upset and I just somehow missed it? [ Reply to ThisRe:Huh? by maynard (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:49PM Re:Huh? (Score:4, Informative) by zakezuke (229119) on Wednesday October 26, @06:21PM (#13884749) Rotton 2600 games lived somewhere between ET and Custer's Revenge in the plane between unplayable and outright obnoxiousness. The system just didn't have enough oomph for Pac Man, Defender, or Star Raiders, but the 2600 version of Asteroids rocked.Keep in mind the time period. The 2600 was released in 1977 though the more common version was released in 1982, and games were limited to 4K IIRC and not even 1K of system RAM. The NES was released in 1987 IIRC.What they are describing is the console market crash of 1983. The parent might have not noticed this crash because games for the consoles were still plentyful, just the companies who made them folded and they ended up marked down to 5 bucks at Toys R Us. Remember the Adam, TI, Timex-Sinclair, Intelivision? Poof by 1984. Quite sad as all were pretty good products, well except the Timex. But there was much in the way of crap during that time as you pointed out, but a few gems here and there. For some reason though the atari 5200 and 7800 didn't become very popular, which isn't shocking as Atari's focus by this point was in a computer.Commodore and Atari stuck around for a good long while though... though the Commodore was very much stronger in the game department. [] t_System [] 983 [] [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Huh? by maynard (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:11PMRe:Huh? by ShakaUVM (Score:2) Thursday October 27, @12:04AMRe:Huh? by acvh (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:55PMRe:Huh? by crimson_alligator (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:11PMRe:Huh? by Vellmont (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @07:30PMPosible crash reason by Artemis3 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @11:34PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Tecmo Super Bowl? by elbenito69 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:41PMRe:Tecmo Super Bowl? by MudButt (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:49PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.A+B by Sweep The Leg (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:42PMRe:A+B by deepcameo (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @06:06PMCall me in another year by Bingo Foo (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @05:45PMJaws..... by Sweep The Leg (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @05:47PMRe:Jaws..... by gotkube (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:28PMRe:Jaws..... by Throtex (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:07PMRe:Jaws..... by size1one (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @06:49PMRe:Jaws..... by crimson30 (Score:1) Wednesday October 26, @07:07PMRe:Jaws..... by Castar (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @07:25PMRe:Jaws..... by Radix37 (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:56PMRe:Jaws..... by DrugCheese (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @08:40PMNES inspired music by Neva (Score:3) Wednesday October 26, @05:51PMRe:NES inspired music by David Rolfe (Score:2) Wednesday October 26, @07:41PM No Games?


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