Saturday, November 12, 2005

veggie boy writes "A U.S. official strongly objected to any notion of a U.N. body taking control of the domain servers that direct traffic on the Internet." From the article: "'We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet,' said Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department. 'Some countries want that. We think that's unacceptable.' Many countries, particularly developing ones, have become increasingly concerned about the U.S. control, which stems from the country's role in creating the Internet as a Pentagon project and funding much of its early development."Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_prf='page=article';Ads_channels='RON_P6_IMU';Ads_wrd='internet';Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_sec=0; U.S. Insists On Keeping Control Of Internet Log in/Create an Account | Top | 1167 comments (Spill at 50!) | Index Only | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 1167 comments 0: 1139 comments 1: 859 comments 2: 499 comments 3: 98 comments 4: 56 comments 5: 38 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. (1) | 2 It's not broke... (Score:5, Insightful) by FIT_Entry1 (468985) on Friday September 30, @09:46AM (#13683886) don't fix it. [ Reply to ThisRe:It's not broke... by Mac Degger (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:05AM I don't know... (Score:5, Funny) by bullitB (447519) on Friday September 30, @11:15AM (#13684858) I think this US control of the Internet is what's been holding it back. Maybe with international bureaucracy and UN regulation, this "Internet" thing will finally take off... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:I don't know... by chris macura (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:52AMRe:I don't know... by dustinbarbour (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:03PM Re:It's not broke... (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 30, @11:26AM (#13685044) If the UN wants control of name servers, then let them set up the OWN file and have their signatories use it. There is nothing magic about the US-controlled root servers. It's just like Certificate Authorities - it's all a matter of who you trust... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:It's not broke... by notsoanonymouscoward (Score:3)Friday September 30, @12:40PMRe:It's not broke... by Clockwurk (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:11PMRe:It's not broke... by notsoanonymouscoward (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:23PMRe:It's not broke... by ghostfacehallik (Score:1)Friday September 30, @06:05PMRe:It's not broke... by notsoanonymouscoward (Score:2)Friday September 30, @08:26PM Re:It's not broke... (Score:4, Insightful) by notsoanonymouscoward (102492) on Friday September 30, @08:36PM (#13690573) (Last Journal: Tuesday August 19, @08:46PM) ok let me try that again. Heres my problem with the article... it basically said the countries that "got on the internet first" took all the good stuff. Heres the reality. They didn't get on it first. It wasn't like the internet is some vast undiscovered country. They fscking built it! They created it out of nothing with their own ideas and inspirations. They created new technologies, new ways of communicating and doing business with each other. They didn't show up early to the party. They MADE the party.So let me go back to my rich guy, poor guy analogy. I'm about the same as everyone around me. Except say I have a river flowing through my backyard. I build a waterwheel and use it to grind wheat into flour. I provide the service to people who live around me to use my grinder in exchange for some of their wheat. So... I'm richer than my fellow men for an idea I developed, and I "give back" to them by saving them the time it takes to grind the wheat by hand...After a time, those people begin to depend on my grinder and the waterwheel. Does that mean they should own it? Or have a say in what I do with it? Its still mine isn't it?I still don't like it, but perhaps its a closer analogy...? [ Reply to This | ParentRe:It's not broke... by rtb61 (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @02:07AMRe:It's not broke... by mthorman100 (Score:1)Sunday October 02, @03:49PMRe:It's not broke... by DigiShaman (Score:2)Tuesday October 04, @04:14AMRe:It's not broke... by Dysantic (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:51PMRe:It's not broke... by pdgill (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:35AMRe:It's not broke... by TikiTDO (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:35PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Such Short Memories (Score:5, Funny) by Zane Hopkins (894230) on Friday September 30, @12:18PM (#13685717) ( Its not about being broken, its about trust. Do none of you remember back in 95 what happened to NeverNeverLand.The US wanted to invade to close all of the Pirate Training Camps, but the NeverNeverLand government was vocal across the internet in claiming there were no training camps, just theme parks. So what happened, the US kicked NeverNeverLands domain (.nn) out of the root servers. Suddenly no one in NeverNeverLand could email one another, the government collapsed and the country went into chaos.But worse, nobody could access any .nn websites, so nobody knew what was happening, and you couldn't email .nn anymore. It was like NeverNeverLand just dissappeared off the map, and soon people forgot it was there, forgot it ever existed.Now it's just an legend, like atlantis, and all because the US kicked .nn off of the root servers.Remember it's happened once, it can happed again. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Such Short Memories by uncqual (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:10PMRe:Such Short Memories by uberdave (Score:2)Friday September 30, @02:41PMRe:Such Short Memories by rajid (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:56PMRe:Such Short Memories by Zane Hopkins (Score:1)Friday September 30, @06:50PMRe:Such Short Memories by Banner (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @01:48PMRe:It's not broke... YET (n/t) by toby (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:30PMRe:It's not broke... by speardane (Score:1)Saturday October 01, @07:55AMRe:It's not broke... by mwilli (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:54AMRe:It's not broke... by rabeldable (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:01AMRe:It's not broke... by pembo13 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:40AMRe:It's not broke... by Dwonis (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:11PMRe:It's not broke... by rabeldable (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:29PMRe:It's not broke... by Lucractius (Score:1)Friday September 30, @09:39PM Re:It's not broke... (Score:5, Insightful) by fitten (521191) on Friday September 30, @11:02AM (#13684732) Personally I think the internet is broke. back in the day the internet was free. Napster was legal. A dial-up connection got you anywhere. Email was important. I think the US did break it. Though, I believe the UN can do nothing to fix it.The Internet was never "free" in either sense of the word. You may have had an Internet connection but someone paid for it. In my case, the university I attended paid for the connection and we got use of it in exchange for going to school there.Napster was never declared "legal". It simply wasn't noticed and when it was, some people had problems with it. Just like if you steal a candybar from a store and never get caught, does that mean you didn't break the law?A dialup connection can still get you anywhere if you have the right service provider.Email is important, still. Just like anything else, there's always someone out there who will piss in the pool - spammers looking to make a quick buck or virus writers who do it for the hell of it.Do you have any specific examples of where the US broke the Internet?I'm entirely convinced that the UN can't even fix itself, which it needs to do badly before worring about taking on more responsibility (for anything). [ Reply to This | ParentWhy the U.N.? by QuaintRealist (Score:1)Friday September 30, @03:19PMRe:Why the U.N.? by Maclir (Score:3)Friday September 30, @04:09PMUnintended consequences by QuaintRealist (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:20PMRe:Why the U.N.? by blincoln (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:37PMRe:It's not broke... by Holi (Score:2)Friday September 30, @03:24PMRe:It's not broke... by John Courtland (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:49PMRe:It's not broke... by Dahan (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:50PMRe:It's not broke... by ThJ (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:58PMRe:It's not broke... by fitten (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:29PMRe:It's not broke... by Cat_Byte (Score:2)Friday September 30, @02:58PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:It's not broke... by ojustgiveitup (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:45AMRe:It's not broke... by AdderD (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:42PMRe:It's not broke... by mconeone (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:55PMRe:It's not broke... by (A)*(B)!0_- (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:15PMRe:It's not broke... by mconeone (Score:2)Friday September 30, @01:35PMRe:It's not broke... by (A)*(B)!0_- (Score:1)Friday September 30, @02:27PMRe:It's not broke... by mconeone (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:30PM8 replies beneath your current threshold.My turn by AKAImBatman (Score:2)Friday September 30, @09:47AM Re:My turn (Score:5, Insightful) by rovingeyes (575063) <isaditya&yahoo,com> on Friday September 30, @09:55AM (#13683971) What do developing countries have to do with jack? I am assuming you have heard of a country called India, which is a developing nation. If you still don't get it, then get out of your basement and watch the real world. We are not in 70s anymore. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:My turn (Score:4, Funny) by StarvingSE (875139) on Friday September 30, @10:15AM (#13684196) They are a developing country all right.....developing all that outsourced software...Sorry, couldn't resist [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My turn by scottennis (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:22AMRe:My turn by jimbolauski (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:57AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:My turn by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:09AM Re:My turn (Score:5, Informative) by YrWrstNtmr (564987) on Friday September 30, @11:33AM (#13685147) How would we gauge our response to Katrina compared to India's response to the massive tsunami? You [] tell [] me []."Villagers in India's Andamans and Nicobar Islands have denounced 'paltry' tsunami compensation relief they have received from the local government.One woman received a cheque of just two rupees (less than five US cents) for damage to her coconut crops." I also remember reading an article recently about how India's Air Force kicked our ass in joint training exercises While the Indian Air Force did 'win' several (even 'most') of the engagements, to say they 'kicked our ass' is a bit misleading.No AWACS, which the USAF would use if it were realOlder F-15C, lacking the upgraded, longer range radar, against newer IAF Su-30's.No BVR engagementsThe USAF sent 5 jets, and were outnumbered during the A-A portions of the exercise.This was a DACT exercise, not a 'beat the other guy' situation.Having said that... General Hal Hornburg, head of the US Air Combat Command [] said "that we may not be as far ahead of the rest of the world as we once thought we were"From an IAF official []:"We have appreciated the compliments but we are being pragmatic. We have no doubt about the technological superiority of the US Air Force. The exercise in Gwalior was a low-level one and involved conventional fighter tactics."Spin it how you want, but that's not quite "kicking our ass" [ Reply to This | Parent Re:My turn (Score:5, Funny) by stoolpigeon (454276) * on Friday September 30, @11:39AM (#13685241) ( | Last Journal: Saturday October 08, @05:35AM) In fact it would have better been described as "protecting the f-22 budget" rather than getting our ass kicked. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:My turn by stevesliva (Score:2)Friday September 30, @01:17PMParent's not just funny, it's true by Quinn_Inuit (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:21PMMy response to any air force "kicking our ass" by zardo (Score:1)Friday September 30, @02:23PMHundreds of billions? by Martin Blank (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:16PMRe:My response to any air force "kicking our ass" by Macfox (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @12:28AMRe:My turn by Viper Daimao (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:48AMRe:My turn by i41Overlord (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @10:45AMRe:My turn tsarkon reports by caswelmo (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:57AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:My turn by Russ Nelson (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:40AMRe:My turn by mrogers (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:15PMRe:My turn by Russ Nelson (Score:2)Friday September 30, @05:10PMRe:My turn by n3g471v3 z3r0 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:45AMDeveloping Nations? by ElBorba (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:06PMRe:My turn by MMaestro (Score:2)Friday September 30, @01:57PMRe:My turn by MattR83 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:58PMRe:My turn by i41Overlord (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @10:41AMRe:My turn by davez0r (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:52AMRe:India? right.. by robertjw (Score:3)Friday September 30, @10:55AMRe:India? right.. by Mac Degger (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:07AMRe:India? right.. by kisak (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:36AMRe:India? right.. by robertjw (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:41AMRe:My turn by crazyphilman (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:33PMRe:My turn by DavidTC (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:03PMRe:My turn by crazyphilman (Score:3)Friday September 30, @08:55PMAnd another thing! by crazyphilman (Score:2)Friday September 30, @09:48PMRe:My turn by monkeybutter (Score:1)Monday October 03, @01:07PMRe:My turn by crazyphilman (Score:2)Monday October 03, @01:43PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.4 replies beneath your current threshold. Talking to myself (Score:5, Insightful) by AKAImBatman (238306) * on Friday September 30, @09:55AM (#13683975) ( | Last Journal: Friday September 30, @08:23AM) Hmm... I suppose that did come off kind of flame-baity, didn't it?Let me put it this way, I just stayed up most of the night documenting in my blog how the Chinese government abuses its people and ignores the very laws it put in place to protect its people. Now first thing in the morning, I hear that the UN wants to turn over full control of the DNS heirarchy to countries like China. Countries to whom "freedom" is just a word to be filtered. Countries where a constitution is just words on some expensive paper. Countries that care little for anything except maintaining their own power.If we turn even the slightest control over to these people, it's a surefire guarantee that they will abuse it. They would use the technology to further oppress their people (illegally, I might add) and attempt to extend their influence to elsewhere in the world.So I will repeat, the Internet is not broken. Don't fix it. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Talking to myself (Score:5, Insightful) by glesga_kiss (596639) on Friday September 30, @09:59AM (#13684021) Countries to whom "freedom" is just a word to be filtered. Countries where a constitution is just words on some expensive paper. Countries that care little for anything except maintaining their own power.I think the above is pretty much why the rest of us are unconfortable with the current US administration being in control of the internet. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Talking to myself by paranode (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:19AMRe:Talking to myself by afd8856 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:27AMRe:Talking to myself by monkeydo (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:01AMRe:Talking to Eliza by Dick Faze (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:51PMRe:Talking to myself by falxx (Score:1)Friday September 30, @02:37PMRe:Talking to myself by joshuao3 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @03:37PM Re:Talking to myself (Score:5, Insightful) by glesga_kiss (596639) on Friday September 30, @10:35AM (#13684405) What has the US done to hinder your online experience as a non-citizen?Enforse your DMCA laws on us by use of trade blackmail?But it's not the present I'm worried about, more the future. Your current leadership has shown utter disregard for the international community. They cannot be trusted with the internet; I'm talking about people that have mounted a disinformation campaign to get people to back a counter-productive war for the benefit of their benefactors. How long before those benefactors (sorry, "campaign contributers") seek to control the internet for their own profit? Your government puts the needs of the people behind the needs of corporations. That is not how I would like to see the internet run. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Talking to myself by CodeHog (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:01AMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:16AMRe:Talking to myself by gowen (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:19AMRe:Talking to myself by Skye16 (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:19AMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:37AMRe:Talking to myself by Skye16 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:09PMRe:Talking to myself by GoatMonkey2112 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:00PMRe:Talking to myself by CodeHog (Score:2)Friday September 30, @01:40PMRe:Talking to myself by CodeHog (Score:2)Friday September 30, @02:00PMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @03:05PMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @03:20PMRe:Talking to myself by manifoldronin (Score:1)Friday September 30, @03:44PMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @08:10PMRe:Talking to myself by Skye16 (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @10:21AMRe:Talking to myself by Skye16 (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @10:24AMRe:Talking to myself by Idealius (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:15AM Re:Talking to myself (Score:5, Insightful) by glesga_kiss (596639) on Friday September 30, @11:27AM (#13685061) Last night when corresponding with a German friend online I found out she only makes 600 euros a month in an office building.Little did she know that's the type of wages one can get from working at McDonalds over here in the U.S.My old job I made twice as much as her, and my current I'm making four times what she makes.Way to completely ignore basic economic facts. Did you ask her how much rent is in her area? How much a Big Mac is both countries? Did you subtract your medical/dental insurance from your monthly wage, as taxes paid hers? Or your pension vs her state pension, also paid thru tax? Just how much does it cost to live in each country for a month?Only then will you know if you are "better paid". There is more to currency exchange than just the simple exchange rate. Hell, I make more an hour than some people do in a month, but if I were to move to those countries with a year of my pay, I'd never need to work again. [ Reply to This | Parent Re:Talking to myself (Score:5, Informative) by mikkom (714956) on Friday September 30, @11:41AM (#13685266) ( Last night when corresponding with a German friend online I found out she only makes 600 euros a month in an office building.She lied to you. Or she's a janitor and was talking how much money she has after taxes. [] [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Talking to myself by zardo (Score:1)Friday September 30, @02:59PMRe:Talking to myself by oudzeeman (Score:2)Friday September 30, @07:49PMRe:Talking to myself by mikkom (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @03:24AM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Talking to myself by FecesFlingingRhesus (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:16AMRe:Talking to myself by FecesFlingingRhesus (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:57AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.DMCA? by paranode (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:48AMRe:Talking to myself by rabidsquirrelracing (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:56AMRe:Talking to myself by Wyatt Earp (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:44PMRe:Talking to myself by Slime-dogg (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:22PMRe:Talking to myself by zardo (Score:1)Friday September 30, @02:30PMRe:Talking to myself by Apuleius (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:25PMYou don't understand "speech" in the US by Quinn_Inuit (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:29PMRe:Talking to myself by Luscious868 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @01:33PM2 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Talking to myself by Spy der Mann (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:52AMRe:Talking to myself by cow ninja (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:25AMRe:Talking to myself by paranode (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:50AMRe:Talking to myself by SComps (Score:1)Friday September 30, @03:11PMRe:Talking to myself by Xarius (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:59AMRe:Talking to myself by andyt (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:01AM Re:Talking to myself (Score:5, Insightful) by Daytona955i (448665) <flynnguy24&yahoo,com> on Friday September 30, @11:25AM (#13685028) How is eBay banning you from buying "Adults Only" items related in any way to the US hindering your online experience? eBay is not the US government. Complain to eBay, don't whine about the US government not allowing you to buy your porno. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Talking to myself by jrock-jr (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:30AMYou apparently come from a socialist country... by msauve (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:36AMRe:Talking to myself by andyt (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:46AMRe:Talking to myself by gowen (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:51AMOkay, but by paranode (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:54AMRe:Talking to myself by RexRhino (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:09PMRe:Talking to myself by Bobzibub (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:10AMRe:Talking to myself by NeedleSurfer (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:27AMRe:Talking to myself by paranode (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:56AMRe:Talking to myself by n00b_101 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:00PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.The gov't isn't IN control by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:32AMRe:Talking to myself by Gibsnag (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:48AMRe:Talking to myself by Viper Daimao (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:57AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Talking to myself by monkeydo (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:12AMRe:Talking to myself by Gibsnag (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:38AMRe:Talking to myself by monkeydo (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:29PMRe:Talking to myself by Gibsnag (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:43PMUnbelievable! by SPYvSPY (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:59AMRe:Talking to myself by monkeydo (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:37PMRe:Talking to myself by cloudmaster (Score:2)Friday September 30, @01:16PMRe:Talking to myself by GoatMonkey2112 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:56AMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:21AMRe:Talking to myself by GoatMonkey2112 (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:48PMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @03:02PM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Talking to myself by Kwirl (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:48PMRe:Talking to myself by gujo-odori (Score:1)Friday September 30, @02:51PMRe:Talking to myself by Apuleius (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:02PMRe:Talking to myself by Banner (Score:2)Saturday October 01, @01:54PM Re:Talking to myself (Score:5, Insightful) by Anonymous Brave Guy (457657) on Friday September 30, @10:13AM (#13684174) No single country should. That's the point. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Talking to myself by colinleroy (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:34AMRe:Talking to myself by fitten (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:08AMRe:Talking to myself by Yanray (Score:1)Friday September 30, @12:55PMRe:Talking to myself by matfud (Score:1)Friday September 30, @04:42PMRe:Talking to myself by FatherOfONe (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:37AMRe:Talking to myself by jacksonj04 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:51AM Re:Talking to myself (Score:4, Insightful) by networkBoy (774728) on Friday September 30, @11:12AM (#13684819) ( Have you ever heard of the ARPAnet?You are a nitwit. The internet was developed for military communication that would be fault tolerant (as in nuke), it was later that the uni's started using it, finally branching out from universities to the public around the world.The internet was founded and paid for by the US government.Besides, once you go to a country code domain you go to that countries domain servers.-nB [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Talking to myself by Pxtl (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:33AMRe:Talking to myself by EelcoV (Score:1)Friday September 30, @03:07PMRe:Talking to myself by Pxtl (Score:2)Friday September 30, @03:17PMRe:Talking to myself by jacksonj04 (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:49AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:3)Friday September 30, @11:11AMRe:Talking to myself by crotherm (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:29PMRe:Talking to myself by msuarezalvarez (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:33PMRe:Talking to myself by Braino420 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:40PMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @03:16PMRe:Talking to myself by KarmaMB84 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @12:53PMRe:Talking to myself by glesga_kiss (Score:2)Friday September 30, @08:06PMRe:Talking to myself by livewirevoodoo (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:35PMRe:Talking to myself by BlkPanther (Score:1)Friday September 30, @01:58PMRe:Talking to myself by Soporific (Score:2)Friday September 30, @04:02PM Re:Talking to myself (Score:4, Insightful) by Mac Degger (576336) on Friday September 30, @11:18AM (#13684912) (Last Journal: Wednesday March 05, @06:56PM) This comment (especially that 3 point list) shows amazing ignorance for the workings of and the design philosophy behind the internet.The internet is composed of the networks of all countries. The initial internet grew out of a network of networks, of which DARPA's was the first and largest, true, but that part the US pays for is for one run by private companies, not 'the US' (the US doesn't lay those cables). The US part of the internet is not payed for by the's payed for by the people who buy from their ISP's (although it is true that the TLD's in the US are indirectly payed for by the US, as universities do get grants for that kind of thing).Point 3 is just out-and-out wrong. It shows such disregard for how the internet is setup, and the demographics, it's stunning. Korea is the most wired country on earth...other countries like the Netherlands are in top slots also...the US isn't anything special concerning people with net connections. Hell, EU vs US, the EU has many more peopel with net connections.As for that final's .com, so I really doubt China could do anything in regards to registering it if the UN were to have controll of ICANN. [ Reply to This | Parent1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Talking to myself by narsiman (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:01AMRe:Talking to myself by bigpat (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:08AMRe:Talking to myself by Harry Coin (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:35AMRe:Talking to myself by bigpat (Score:2)Friday September 30, @02:32PMRe:Talking to myself by Liam Slider (Score:1)Friday September 30, @11:37AMRe:Talking to myself by w42w42 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @11:48AMRe:Talking to myself by pwnDonkey (Score:1)Friday September 30, @02:20PMRe:Talking to myself by Guppy06 (Score:2)Friday September 30, @06:52PMRe:Talking to myself by Anarcho-Goth (Score:2)Thursday October 06, @02:26AM3 replies beneath your current threshold.3 replies beneath your current threshold.Re:Talking to myself by Fallus Shempus (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:00AMRe:Talking to myself by Anonymous Coward (Score:1)Friday September 30, @10:02AMRe:Talking to myself by rovingeyes (Score:3)Friday September 30, @10:03AMRe:Talking to myself by AKAImBatman (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:07AMRe:Talking to myself by IdleTime (Score:2)Friday September 30, @10:25AM Re:Talking to myself


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