Sunday, November 13, 2005

Trip Ericson writes "Echostar has released its PocketDish, a portable multimedia player that will store audio, video, and images. Coming in up to 40GB flavors, with varying screen sizes up to 7 inches, the real news is that it allows for the transfer of content directly from a Dish DVR onto the player. From the article: "The PocketDish can download content from Dish Network digital video recorders (DVRs), enabling users to watch TV shows on the go. An hour of content can be transferred to the PocketDish's hard drive in about five minutes." Looks like Echostar is trying to beat the long-rumored iPod Video before it even hits the market." Echostar 'PocketDish' to Playback Video from DVR Log in/Create an Account | Top | 106 comments | Search Discussion Display Options Threshold: -1: 106 comments 0: 102 comments 1: 87 comments 2: 61 comments 3: 16 comments 4: 7 comments 5: 5 comments Flat Nested No Comments Threaded Oldest First Newest First Highest Scores First Oldest First (Ignore Threads) Newest First (Ignore Threads) The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. i wonder.. (Score:5, Interesting) by thegoogler (792786) on Wednesday October 12, @08:42AM (#13772353) ( what kind of DRM is involved here? can you copy the video/audio to a laptop instead of this overpriced thing? theres no reason you shouldnt be able to i really wish they had added THAT function [ Reply to ThisRe:i wonder.. by TGK (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @09:47AMOne major problem... by GFLPraxis (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @11:17AMRe:One major problem... by Alyred (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @11:48AMRe:i wonder.. by IAmTheDave (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @02:03PMRe:i wonder.. by _Sharp'r_ (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @02:10PMRe:i wonder.. by Ferrule (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @03:56PMRe:i wonder.. by TGK (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @06:19PMRe:i wonder.. by Mattcelt (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @09:49AMRe:i wonder.. by Ergonomicon (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:41AMRe:i wonder.. by Odocoileus (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @11:28AMRe:i wonder.. by imuffin (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @01:46PM Does anyone actually use these? (Score:5, Insightful) by CyricZ (887944) on Wednesday October 12, @08:43AM (#13772360) While I could see these sort of portable media devices being used in places like Japan or Europe, where they have developed mass transit systems that are widely used, are they used much in the more auto-dependent countries, like the US, Canada and Australia? I mean, chances are that if you're driving, you probably can't watch a movie or a TV show on such a device. Now I'm sure some people will try, but I'd image they'd get thrown through their windshield soon enough. But if you've got a 40 minute train ride to work, then yes, you might get by watching a movie on a device such as this. [ Reply to ThisRe:Does anyone actually use these? by MBCook (Score:3) Wednesday October 12, @08:52AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by garcia (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @09:22AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by enrico_suave (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @09:44AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by garcia (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:00AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by enrico_suave (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:29AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by garcia (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:47AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by turtled (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:49AM Re:Does anyone actually use these? (Score:5, Informative) by hb253 (764272) on Wednesday October 12, @08:57AM (#13772429) Perhaps mass transit isn't used much in Montana or the Nevada desert, but in the NY/NJ/CT metropolitan area hundreds of thousands of people use mass transit on a daily basis. Actually, I'd be interested to find out the ridership figures for the metropolitan region compared to ridership in other major cities.I commute into NY from NJ via commuter rail and then take the PATH subway to my destination. I see a good number of people watching movies on portable devices. The potential customer base is huge. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Does anyone actually use these? by CyricZ (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @09:12AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by hb253 (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @09:23AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Does anyone actually use these? by lucason (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @09:34AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by Soaps (Score:3) Wednesday October 12, @09:37AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by Chuckaluphagus (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:02AMAtlanta not a great market by BraceletWinner (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @10:05AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by SoCalChris (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @12:29PM You must not have children... (Score:4, Informative) by Overzeetop (214511) on Wednesday October 12, @09:00AM (#13772446) (Last Journal: Thursday December 09, @10:25AM) ...or if you do, you don't take them on long road trips. There's nothing like having a stash of Dora the Explorer or a disc full of Charlie and Lola to keep them entertained for boring parts of the trip. (For those who do not have children, and/or have forgotten what its was like to ride for a couple of hours in the car as a child, the "boring parts" would include the time from when the key goes into the ignition until you actually get out of the car at the destination. License plate games, I spy, and all the rest are boring...just not as boring as sitting quietly.)I've captured a bunch of stuff off my DirecTivo (via analog capture) and reauthored it onto disc. It not only helps on long car rides, but also expands the number of shows available when we're at home without filling up the TiVo needlessly. [ Reply to This | ParentChildren do not need TV to be entertained. by CyricZ (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @09:09AMRe:Children do not need TV to be entertained. by msdschris (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @10:09AMRe:Children do not need TV to be entertained. by CyricZ (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @01:46PM TV is not an exclusive entertainment (Score:5, Insightful) by Overzeetop (214511) on Wednesday October 12, @10:14AM (#13772927) (Last Journal: Thursday December 09, @10:25AM) You're confusing "one way to entertain" with "the only way to entertain".On a 6 hour trip, kids will get bored. My 3 year old "reads", colors, and watches TV on long trips, as well as listens to some childrens books on cd/tape. You may also be confusing Rugrats and GTA for more educational TV and games (you're allowed to put Sesame Street on if you feel that learning spanish and memory skills from Dora is too progressive). If you think that TV is not educational, I would say that you're not using it right. I would suggest you need to watch a bit more childrens television to find the programs which are useful. I've found very few "educational" books for my daughter that didn't require active adult participation. No that adult participation is bad, but reading stuff to kids for 6 hours in a car is not my idea of a relaxing trip.I grew up when it was common place for kids to crawl around the back seat and count licence plates, do Mad Libs, color, sing, and ask "are we there yet" every fifteen minutes. I remember being bored out of my mind for most of the time, regarles of the number of games we had. I suspect that an hour or two fo Superfriends would have gon a long way to my childhood trips being more enjoyable. I can only imagine that beingn strapped into a 5-way harness as required by law can only make the process less enjoyable today. [ Reply to This | ParentRe:TV is not an exclusive entertainment by Belial6 (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @12:52PMRe:TV is not an exclusive entertainment by Overzeetop (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @01:29PMRe:You must not have children... by KlausBreuer (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @11:55AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? Yes! by foolish_to_be_here (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @09:21AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by PortHaven (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:08AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by dubiousmike (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @11:41AMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by jookycruise (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @07:09PMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by IronChef (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @01:21PMRe:Does anyone actually use these? by CyricZ (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @09:07AM1 reply beneath your current threshold.1 reply beneath your current threshold. Do you hear that? (Score:3, Funny) by Karl Cocknozzle (514413) <kcocknozzle&hotmail,com> on Wednesday October 12, @08:43AM (#13772363) ( ...its the sound of a lawyer feeding-frenzy getting started... [ Reply to ThisRe:Do you hear that? by mysqlrocks (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @08:46AM 40GB ought to be enough for anybody (Score:3, Insightful) by digitaldc (879047) on Wednesday October 12, @08:47AM (#13772380) How about a 300 GB device? It would also act as a external HDD.Now that would be convenient!Memory is cheap, for $599.00 why not maximize its storage size to make it a worthwhile 21st century product? [ Reply to ThisRe:40GB ought to be enough for anybody by necro81 (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @09:02AMRe:40GB ought to be enough for anybody by bhtooefr (Score:3) Wednesday October 12, @09:06AMRe:40GB ought to be enough for anybody by necro81 (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @09:53AMRe:40GB ought to be enough for anybody by PortHaven (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:16AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. Repackaged Archos? (Score:5, Interesting) by Shillo (64681) on Wednesday October 12, @08:49AM (#13772390) Comparing the device pictures on and they're the same. So are the corresponding brands (Archos AV400, AV500, AV700 vs Pocketdish AV402E, AV500E, AV700E). So is this really a new device? [ Reply to This Re:Repackaged Archos? (Score:4, Informative) by andytuna (860940) on Wednesday October 12, @08:57AM (#13772430) As the summary states the real news is the integration with the PVR, and:"An hour of content can be transferred to the PocketDish's hard drive in about five minutes."This makes it a lot easier for the average consumer to use... [ Reply to This | ParentRe:Repackaged Archos? by Shillo (Score:3) Wednesday October 12, @10:15AMRe:Repackaged Archos? by Phrynosomatidae (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @10:23AMRe:Repackaged Archos? by dave88101 (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @11:40AM DRM - ie Broadcast Flat? (Score:1) by fury88 (905473) on Wednesday October 12, @09:10AM (#13772499) Well Tivo does have the option for Tivo2Go which allows you to hook up your standalone Tivo to your network and transfer via software. Unfortunately you need a Tivo Pro subscription which runs $15 a month and there is that little thing called a Broadcast Flag that has been causing controversy. [ Reply to ThisRe:DRM - ie Broadcast Flat? by Overzeetop (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @10:16AMRe:DRM - ie Broadcast Flat? by fury88 (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @10:22AMRe:DRM - ie Broadcast Flat? by Overzeetop (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @11:09AMRe:DRM - ie Broadcast Flat? by fury88 (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @11:16AMReplayTV - No DRM by meehawl (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @02:42PM1 reply beneath your current threshold. USB ports on DVR (Score:1) by BennyB2k4 (799512) on Wednesday October 12, @09:12AM (#13772505) Now I know what those USB ports are doing on my Bell ExpressVu(BEV) 9200 HD-PVR (equivalent to a Dish 942). They are labled for 'future use' in the manual. I hope BEV does something similar, or at least enables the ports to download content to my computer. [ Reply to This What happened to 1394 connections (Score:2, Interesting) by techno_dan (591398) on Wednesday October 12, @09:18AM (#13772549) They mention connectivity to various devices, but most mini-DV camera's and other digital video devices require firewire connectivity whereas they only support USB. This limits the devices usefulleness and appeal to me. [ Reply to ThisRe:What happened to 1394 connections by Xesdeeni (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @09:37AM USB to my DishDVR (Score:3, Interesting) by jank1887 (815982) on Wednesday October 12, @09:19AM (#13772558) I've got a 522 DishDVR, I noticed the undocumented USB port on it the moment it arrived. So now, here's my first question: If the PocketDish can yank content off the DVR through that port... how long till someone figures out how to hack it for general PC access? That's out of my realm of expertise, but I'll be waiting. It sounds like they're not working too much on DRM, as the article states that the pocketdish basically relies on the fact that there's no video out method.a side note: on the DishNetwork website, under software, there's already a lineitem for the PocketDish software and updates. Apparently you have to hook it up to your 942 receiver, and software updates will process through your 942. Sounds like they may use their some type of authentication at their receiver to lock out other methods of attempted USB access. Dish Network Software [] [ Reply to ThisRe:USB to my DishDVR by SydShamino (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @05:18PM Reserved for future use. (Score:1) by hometoast (114833) on Wednesday October 12, @09:20AM (#13772568) Well this then answers what was meant by my 522 spec sheet:(1) USB 1.0, *for future use ( html [])This states that its USB 1.0 which certainly doesn't have sufficient throughput for transfer of this size of files.I can only imagine (because the spec sheet doesn't SPECifify) that the Dish DVR 921 (HDTV DVR) has a USB 2 port on the front.I wonder if only a software upgrade will be needed for my DVR. [ Reply to This I've seen the demo... (Score:3, Informative) by Faw (33935) on Wednesday October 12, @09:21AM (#13772571) They showed it in one of those chats that Dish Network's CEO gives every once in a while. You can get more info here []. The interesting thing is that the satellite receiver is the one that sends the video, you don't download it. As soon as you connect the cable it will recognize that there is a PocketDish at the other side (at least that's how it looked to me). I'm sure someone will make a PocketDish emulator for PCs soon. :) [ Reply to This FREAKIN FINALLY (Score:1) by cente (785332) on Wednesday October 12, @09:22AM (#13772580) I've been waiting for a year since the dish 512 came out for someone to get into this. I've wanted to take the stuff off this hard drive from day one. It's gotta be encoded in some really simple format. Let me tell you guys (and i dont work for dish, this isn't a shameless plug) but this thing is godly to have around. I come home at the end of the day and have a full list of stuff -i- want to watch. It interfaces perfectly with the guide that's -already there- and there's zero programming to it. Hell my mom can even use it perfectly without hours of training (for once). Now, if only there were a good way to hack into it already.. maybe put a nic on it and transfer stuff directly to my other hds... *dreams*But hey, maybe this little player will open those doors.Oh yah, one more thing. Immune to this DRM and "red flags" crap that tivo seems to be updating to. And if it does, there's a handy "turn off updates" feature!! [ Reply to ThisRe:FREAKIN FINALLY by SydShamino (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @05:28PM Archos is the Manufacturer (Score:2, Informative) by Junior Samples (550792) on Wednesday October 12, @09:22AM (#13772583) This was announced several months ago on Dish Network's Charlie Chat. A representative from Archos was there giving the presentation. This is just a customized and possibly crippled version of Archos's standard product line. I don't think Dish Network will allow transferring the program material to other devices such as a DVD burner. [ Reply to This interesting... (Score:2) by enrico_suave (179651) on Wednesday October 12, @09:41AM (#13772700) ( I know it's not what they intended, but I bet this opens up a creative way to get the content off of dish network dvr's to PC... but like previous posters have wondered aloud, what type of DRM/encryption is involved here. [ Reply to ThisRe:interesting... by Jordan Catalano (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @11:18AM1 reply beneath your current threshold. First things first. I'd like to FTP first. (Score:1) by Fastfwd (44389) on Wednesday October 12, @09:49AM (#13772747) Or any other protocol. As long as I can take a show I recorded on my PVR and send it to the computer to burn it on DVD. I don't want to buy a standalone DVD burner just for the shows I want to keep. [ Reply to This I'm so glad someone understands their customers... (Score:3, Interesting) by uradu (10768) on Wednesday October 12, @10:33AM (#13773144) Because what I really want to do is download my shows off the PVR and watch them on a 7" screen in the broom closet, while my wife commandeers the big screen to watch her Supernanny reruns. Not! Why not develop devices that follow real people's watching habits? Such as cheap media extender boxes that let you watch your PVR content on other TVs in the house, so you don't have to have PVRs scattered all over the place with endlessly duplicated show subscriptions? Yes, there are such systems available (e.g. MCE) if you want to change your back-end and lose the convenience of the cable-provider's tuner(s), which always work more seamlessly than third-party kludges. But since they're developing hardware anyway, why not create something people will actually use, such as $50-$100 media extenders that don't require extra monthly fees (as would be the case with multiple TiVo boxes). [ Reply to ThisRe:I'm so glad someone understands their customers by cloudmaster (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @11:40AMRe:I'm so glad someone understands their customers by uradu (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @11:49AMRe:I'm so glad someone understands their customers by cloudmaster (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @11:08PMRe:I'm so glad someone understands their customers by Tripster (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @12:40PM Nothing New (Score:1) by Jordan Catalano (915885) on Wednesday October 12, @10:56AM (#13773399) You can already rip satellite programming right off the Dish PVR hard drive (7x00 and 5xx series, at least). Why should I buy this instead of any other portable media player? [ Reply to ThisRe:Nothing New by Jordan Catalano (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @11:31AM How does this handle the Broadcast Flag (Score:1) by Snake98 (911863) on Wednesday October 12, @10:58AM (#13773423) I know tivo honors the broadcast flag on HBO and Cinamax, but does Dish? Will it allow you to copy those shows to this device. If they honor it, I think it may be short lived as more station start to use it. If they don't they are one of the few DVR left they don't enforce that yet. [ Reply to This Interesting Approach to "DRM" (Score:2, Interesting) by darrint (265374) on Wednesday October 12, @11:42AM (#13773807) If I read correctly, the "DRM" on this machine is largely that you can put whatever you like in the portable device, but you can't take stuff off, only delete it. Since you always have your dish DVR as your backup, that has a certain simple appeal.Of course you can crack the usb interface all day, blah blah blah, but the "one way" approach is the most sensible thing I've heard of in this space, especially since it is just an extension of a larger backup device.I'd buy this if it was under $200. [ Reply to This Rebadged Archos PVPs - E* Bought 25% of Archos (Score:2) by meehawl (73285) <meehawl.spam@gmail.c3.1415926om minus pi> on Wednesday October 12, @12:35PM (#13774300) ( | Last Journal: Thursday December 04, @07:38PM) These are just rebadged Archos PVPs [] - which is no bad thing with Archos's laissez-faire approach to DRM! Echostar bought 25% of Archos for $10m []. Vive la France. [ Reply to ThisRe:Rebadged Archos PVPs - E* Bought 25% of Archos by TheSync (Score:2) Wednesday October 12, @01:29PMRe:Rebadged Archos PVPs - E* Bought 25% of Archos by paulsully (Score:1) Wednesday October 12, @11:21PM They aren't the only one's doing them... (Score:2) by Goth Biker Babe (311502) on Wednesday October 12, @02:10PM (#13775105) ( | Last Journal: Thursday February 26, @11:59AM) Mobile video devices []. [ Reply to This Re:Hardly anything new (Score:2) by PortHaven (242123) <saj AT easternstorm DOT net> on Wednesday October 12, @10:19AM (#13772983) Depends on quality. My guess is the newer PVRs likely utilize USB 2.0 but some of the compatible models are equipped with 1.xThat's still not too bad as you can simply dock it and start the transfer. [ Reply to This | Parent13 replies beneath your current threshold.


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